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Zed Days [Book 2]

Page 11

by Nick Harland

  ‘We have no particular rules but this is a safe place and a sanctuary. Whether it’s a Zombie or a survivor anything that threatens that safety isn’t welcome here and that’s too important for second chances. Right now we have a lot of work to do. We’re glad you’re all here but it stretches our resources and that’s fine. It just means we need a plan. We can discuss it of course and we want suggestions, but I’ll let Brad kick off.’

  Chapter Thirteen – The Plan.

  I had been expecting to have to say something so I wasn’t completely unprepared when Eve handed the speeches over to me. I said, ‘Like Eve said, we’ve got a lot to do. Of all the things that threaten us, starvation is the least of our problems. From a supplies perspective water is by far our biggest issue and that will always be the case. It won’t be long before we have to start taking water from the river a couple of miles away at the far end of this estate and boiling it to make it safe. We certainly don’t have enough for washing ourselves or our clothes. We’re used to it and we’ve all been there, more than once, but it has to be said… lot stink.’

  There was the odd giggle and I was glad they weren’t beyond that. I carried on, ‘Cleanliness is also important from a health and infection perspective so today, in shifts, everyone is going to have to go to the river and wash themselves and their clothes. We have a decent store of spare clothes so find some that at least vaguely fit and take them with you. I looked around at the children’s faces, some smiled, but some of the ones old enough to know what was going on, but not old enough to be mad about it, were shrouded in fear. I added, ‘I’m afraid we don’t have children’s clothes so that’s going to be a priority too.’

  ‘Obviously we can have all the stock piles we like but it’s all pointless if the Zed’s get us. Security and the ability to scavenge without dying is always the number one priority. We’ve made a few enemies today and I have to be honest, they aren’t the only ones. I won’t go into details, the others can tell you if they haven’t already. As the river isn’t as close as we’d like and it’s our most essential resource, we need the route and buildings between here and there clear. There may also be stuff we can use in some of the buildings. Not everyone has to come on scavenging runs, though we really need the help, but everyone has to be ready to fight. We’ve all been through it, the fear of the first fight for your life. Ask anyone who’s been there though, it’s better afterwards and you’ll never be as scared again.’

  ‘Over the next few days we need to start clearing the buildings along the route to the river and every time we clear one, anyone who hasn’t had the chance to kill one of them yet needs to take the opportunity to do so. Even those who have killed one or two should practice under less stressful circumstances. Those who can fight will make it so there are only one or two left and then those who need the practice can have a go with back-up in case it goes wrong. There is nothing we can do to completely guarantee your safety, even behind these fences.’

  ‘If you don’t take the chance to face your fear now, when you can do so on your terms and with backup, we can’t guarantee you won’t have to when you’re outnumbered and there is no one around who can help you. Not everyone can fight and it’s your choice, but you should think about it. Esme will be holding martial arts classes every evening and everyone should come, if only to keep you healthy.’

  ‘It’s important you all know that the Zeds are changing and developing every day and we don’t know what they might do next. We know there are some smart ones that can direct others and from what I understand you know how dangerous this can be, even if you haven’t seen it. Right now, they tend to hide in houses or where ever, and if they see someone they all charge at once to try and overwhelm them. They stay hidden if they see cars but we lost two yesterday because one of them got out of his car when he shouldn’t have and there were too many. There was nothing we could do to help them. We’ll lead the first few scavenging runs but we can’t do it all and eventually others will have start going out in teams without us.’

  One of the men in the crowd put his hand up and spoke, ‘But you have guns and we don’t, can we have guns?’

  Eve stepped in, ‘Yes we have guns, and yes we would probably be dead without them, but ammo is really limited now and we’re barely using them. Unless you’ve had a lot of practice having a gun isn’t likely to help you. They only die with headshots and they are getting faster by the day. In the early days it was easier. If you miss one running at you you’re probably dead before you can get your weapon ready and hitting a running target in the head with a handgun, or rifle, takes a lot of practice. I’m the only one here that can do it reliably. Guns won’t save you, they are much more likely to get you killed. Planning, running away, and knowing how to fight hand to hand will be what keeps you all alive.’

  Another hand went up from the crowd, a young man with brown hair, badly cut like the rest of them. He was average in many ways but looked in ok shape, ‘I can do it. I can probably manage a moving headshot, and I know where there should be more guns and some ammo.’

  Eve’s eyes lit up, ‘Tell us your name, what you did before this, how come you can shoot a gun, and where the other guns are….sorry, if you don’t mind.’

  The man smiled, ‘It’s ok, I’m Chris. I was a sports massage therapist before this and I worked in America for a few years and went to gun ranges a lot. I loved it and although I wouldn’t say I was a natural, I put the hours in and got good enough to compete locally. It’s much more expensive here so I’m a bit rusty, but when I could afford it I’d go to a range in Castlegate, it’s about half an hour south of the airport we flew into. It’s possible other survivors might have got their first but it has a range of rifles and handguns and used to sell ammo as well. What we really need though are shotguns, because anyone can hit anything with a shotgun. They had a couple of good ones at the range for when people occasionally wanted to dick around and shred some targets outside, but I’m not sure how many shells they stocked, it was considered unprofessional to mess with shotguns.’

  Eve said, ‘Right, fantastic. Who ever said about having guns, there you go, we’ll be going to get some imminently and if we can find enough ammo we can train two or three people up a bit, but it will only be the ones who show the most aptitude straight out of the gate as we’ll never have enough ammo.’

  Eve looked at me and I nodded, ‘Ok that’s good. I don’t want to go on too much but there is one more thing we need to decide as a group. Edward may have mentioned it but we planned to split us up into two groups, between two bases. Eve and I know all too well how easy it is to get overrun and to have to abandon your base, it almost happened to us. If we have two bases working separately but supporting each other and swapping supplies or people, or whatever is needed whenever it’s needed, if one gets into trouble they have another place they can run to. Jim, stick your hand up Jim.’

  ‘Jim was a manager in a factory on the huge heavy industry estate across town and knows the estate and every inch of his factory well. It’s ugly there but there is no doubt it could be made more secure than this place. Lots of the buildings are like fortresses in the first place and already have high walls or fences with barbed wire. The industrial estate is very close to a large shopping estate with lots of huge furniture and DIY shops. There is also a big camping, outdoor leisure supply shop and a huge supermarket. There must be twenty to thirty other big stores overall.’

  ‘The factories have loads of different types of HGV’s that could be used to help ram-raid some of the shops if we need to. It will take some work, but with a little time, the factory could be better than this place. You guys know each other and you’re already a team and we wondered if, with our help of course, you wanted to set up at the factory. Some could stay here if they wanted and a few of us might chose to go there, like Jim, but we could work out the details later.’

  Ben stepped forwards, ‘Edward mentioned it, and a few of us have discussed it a little. We agree that having two bases
is safer for everyone. I can drive any HGV you put me in and I can teach others to drive them as well. With the kind of industrial rigs that will be on the estate, and a little additional armour, we could be virtually invulnerable inside one, and yes, ram -raiding wouldn’t be a problem if one or two were armoured up right.’

  I said, ‘Ok, we have a plan, but right now we need to get clean. Eve, Esme and I will lead one group through the estate and we’ll try and clear one building close to the river on the way. If it’s ok with them, Mike who is a good fighter can lead a group with Chris, who we’ll give a gun to, and one other fighter from your lot. If we lead two groups each today, taking at least six with us each time, most people will have a chance to wash and clean their clothes. Obviously, someone will have to stay with any kids in the cars while the others clear a building, and men and women will have to take turns in the river and respect each other’s privacy.’

  ‘Each group will take two vehicles and if there are any more Zeds than the group thinks it can handle its very simple, you just run back to the cars and either come back here or try and use the cars to kill them until you can go hand to hand. We will need more helmets soon but everyone wears a helmet, no exceptions. Any questions?’

  One of the women raised her hand and spoke, ‘I’m Patricia and I was in telesales, but I’m a pretty good gardener and can help out that way. I’m looking after one of the children whose…You three seem to be the most experienced at surviving and fighting, why don’t you split up and help others lead different groups?’

  Esme hadn’t spoken yet, but she answered the question. She said, ‘We’ve been together in this for a while now and we know how to work together. Although that’s important and it makes us more effective when we’re together, we’ve also made promises to each other. Either we all get through something or none of us do. That’s just the way it is and it’s not up for discussion. We’ll only split up under exceptional circumstances. That’s just how it is.’

  There was an uncomfortable silence that Ben broke, ‘Like the man said, we all stink, and personally I can’t wait to get clean. Let’s eat, find some clothes, and gear up. The light won’t last forever.’

  We followed the others back inside but Esme walked slowly and played with her hands. Then she stopped, looked at her feet and said, ‘I hope you don’t mind…’

  Eve grabbed her in a hug, ‘Of course not silly. It’s a promise Brad and I made to each other before finding you, and you’re with us now. I’m sorry we didn’t say so ourselves sooner, we should have.’

  Eve let Esme go and I gave her a hug too, whispering in her each, ‘All for one.’

  We went back to the van to get ready and Esme threw herself backwards onto the bed and lifted her t-shirt and bra up revealing her delicious breasts. She said, ‘I know we only have a minute but feeling close to you after our little chat has made me horny as hell. I suppose a little nibble is out of the question?’

  We didn’t need any more of an invitation than that and Eve and I both knelt over her and had a lovely minute licking, squeezing, and sucking her soft, warm, breasts while she writhed underneath us. She moaned, obviously trying to keep it quiet, and reached to undo Eve’s bra, pulling the straps down each off her arms until it was free. Then she threw it to the side and said in a sexy voice, still moaning, ‘This is lovely but I shouldn’t be selfish, your turn.’

  Eve took her t-shirt off and collapsed onto her back on the bed next to Esme, squeezing her breasts in preparation, ‘Why Esme you’re too kind. I don’t mind if I do.’

  Eve’s breasts were definitely larger than Esme’s and spread out into beautiful circles on her chest when she laid down. Although Esme’s pertness was great, and it had grown me, deep down I still loved large and wobbly. I loved the way they moved when she moved and that they could be pushed together to create enough cleavage to disappear in. I loved that when she pushed my head into them I could feel her soft skin over my whole face and I couldn’t breathe.

  As I was sucking one of Eve’s nipples, rapidly flicking my tongue over it like I knew she liked, I felt her undoing my trousers. She pulled my boxers down enough to be able to hold me and moved her thumb over the top of me like she knew I liked. Then she said, moaning a little mid-sentence, ‘I wonder what Esme and I get to lick and suck when it’s your turn?’

  Esme and Eve brought me close, then Esme jumped on top of me to finish the job. Not wanting to be left out Eve straddled my head. Holding Esme’s shapely bum with one hand as she rocked on top of me, and digging my fingers into Eve’s awesome bum with my other hand, pushing her towards me so I could bury my face between her legs more easily, was too much. We were in a hurry so it was good but not great, but I made a mental note to make sure we did that again, but much more slowly.

  Being with Eve and Esme was fantastic and made surviving worthwhile. As I got dressed it made me wonder what motivated the others to survive, or if they had just been lucky. It made me wonder if they didn’t have that special thing to survive for, to fight for with their last breath, how much longer they would last. I tried to direct my mind to the task at hand but it was difficult when I was still tingling from the recent experience.

  Before leaving the van Eve said, ‘You loved that didn’t you. Even though we’d been kissing you beforehand I’ve barely seen you so quick. You owe us both a happy ending now and I liked it too, I could feel you really liked it from how enthusiastic you were when I was on top of you.’

  Esme butted in, ‘Wow, and I thought I was getting a good deal. I want to feel that too. I guess the only question is, can he last while we both get off on him like that. Fuck, I want to do it right now, this whole apocalypse thing is such a drag.’

  I was feeling a little left out of the conversation, and slightly embarrassed. Turning to kiss me and hold my crotch as we got out of the van Eve said, ‘I think he can do it but whoever’s behind will have to be slow and gentle.’ Leaning in and whispering in a husky voice she added, ‘What do you think, could you manage to resist one of us slow and gently on top of you, making the most of every single inch of you again and again while you pleasure the other one of us? But I know you, it’s not just that is it? You like the curves don’t you? Without the feel of them while we do whatever we do it’s not the same is it. It was having your hands on both of our lovely bums and feeling the curves to our waists while we were on top of you that did it isn’t it? Esme delicious pertness and my softness that you can sink your fingers into and even wobble if you want to. It’s that isn’t it….’

  Esme was breathing heavily next to me, ‘Fuck she’s good, I’d calmed down but now I’m all excited again, just as well we’re washing today.’

  Eve stepped away from the van leaving Esme and I in a world of our own. Then she broke the spell and said in a smiley voice, ‘Come along darlings, the sooner we get going the sooner we get back.’

  We both hurried after her.

  Chapter Fourteen – The Bad People

  We got our stuff together and went out to meet our group. Ben and his wife Izzy were there and the only other person I recognised was Tony, the older, over weight, wheezing, mechanic guy. Then there was a woman who had two children with her, one boy toddler and one girl who looked about six or seven. She introduced herself when we walked up, ‘Hi, I’m Michelle, and this is Jeremy and Jo. I was a classroom assistant… before all this, and I’ve been looking after these two since….since there was no one else to. I don’t’ know how much I can help out, outside, but I can look after the kids and help with teaching, I’d like to do that.’

  Esme knelt down in front of the kids and offered her hand to the girl, ‘Hi, I’m Esme, are you coming for a swim with us. Don’t worry, I’ll keep you safe, I promise, but you have to do what Michelle tells you to ok, can you do that?’

  The girl took her hand and Esme shook it once. The girl said, ‘I will. Are you going to kill the bad people?’

  Esme replied, ‘Yes, we’re all going to kill the bad people to keep you safe,
I promise.’ Doing the sign she added, ‘Cross my heart.’

  The girl looked up at her, ‘And hope to die?’

  Esme grinned, ‘No way, not while I’ve got people like you to protect.’

  The girl smiled.

  Michelle eye’s started to glaze over and well with tears and Eve repeated in a firm tone, ‘Yes, we’re all going to kill the bad people to keep you safe, isn’t that right Michelle?’

  Michelle shook herself and stood taller, roughly wiping her arm across her eyes, ‘Yes, that’s right.’

  Esme got up but ruffled the toddlers hair before smiling and walking back towards us. I suppose if someone had asked me the question I would have guessed, but now I didn’t need to, Esme loved kids. I exchanged glances with Eve who grinned and rolled her eyes, there was no need to guess there either.

  We took Mary and the other 4X4 that had window protection. Tony came with us and the others went in the other car. We both had a radio. We drove out of the gates and someone closed them quickly behind us. Eve drove slowly towards the river and we all kept an eye out for activity on the way. A couple of minutes before the river I spotted a lone Zed stood in a yard behind a building that was marked, “Endesly Engineering”. I nodded at Eve who pulled to a stop.

  I radioed the other car, ‘There appears to be a single Zed and that’s as good as it gets as far as opportunities to practice’, I thought of the kids in the car but there was no sheltering them, ‘killing them. Although we can’t see any others, for all we know there are ten more in that building ready to charge when they see us pass the windows down the side of the building. This is how it is and we stay alive by assuming the worst, and running like hell if it happens. Does anyone want to come with us to give this a try?’


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