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A Little White Lie

Page 7

by Mackenzie McKade

  Stella inhaled and then exhaled, easing the air from her lungs. “This too shall pass.” That’s what her mother always said when Stella would approach her with a problem. The ringing of her telephone pulled her away from her thoughts. Slowly she walked toward the obnoxious sound and picked up the receiver.

  “Stella, Mr. Toliver is on line one,” her secretary, Ann, revealed.

  “Toliver?” No. This couldn’t be. What else could ruin her day? She pushed the first button. Maybe she’d just ignore it, but in the end she reached for the receiver. “This is Stella Sinclair.”

  “Miss Sinclair, are you available this evening to go over the particulars of our agreement?”


  “Dinner. Tonight,” he asked.


  “What happened in Montana is forgotten. What matters is that the right person is handling my account. You.”

  My account? She breathed out a sigh of relief. Toliver must have released JD from his promise to take over the business. For the first time since the dreadful confrontation with him, Stella felt her tension ease. A weak smile touched her lips. JD belonged in Montana—not New York or any other large city.

  “Of course. When and where?” she asked.

  “I’ve made arrangements at Ruth’s Chris Steak House in the Theater District for eight. Until then.” The telephone clicked.

  Stella hung up the receiver and walked back to the window to stare blindly at the high-rises. Shouldn’t she feel elated with the outcome? Both she and JD got what they wanted.

  Then why did the win feel so empty?

  When the cab pulled up in front of the glitzy entrance of Ruth’s Chris, a bellman opened her door and Stella got out. In one hand she carried her clutch purse, in the other a leather portfolio. Inside the briefcase were the ideas she had entertained Toliver with in Montana and several more new ones. After she had hung up with the western-wear mogul, she had dug into work, the only way she could keep the memories of JD at a distance. Anytime she let her mind wander, his handsome face would appear and then images of being wrapped in his arms materialized.

  Rolling her neck from side to side, she searched for the professional she knew was inside, but tears misted her eyes. What happened in Montana was lost to her. What Toliver offered her was the beginning of a new career.

  “Get it together,” she whispered beneath her breath as she walked into the lobby. Delicious scents wafted from the kitchen, but they were nothing compared to trout cooking on the grill beneath a vibrant blue sky.

  Dammit. She was doing it again.

  As she approached the maitre d’, he smiled pleasantly. “Can I help you?”

  She glanced around the room, not immediately spying her dinner date. “Toliver party.”

  “You’re the first to arrive. Thomas,” he called to a waiter dressed in a white shirt, red tie, black vest and slacks. “Please show…” He glanced at her.

  “Miss Sinclair,” she offered.

  “Miss Sinclair to table twelve.”

  Thomas was probably a college kid or perhaps a young man in his twenties looking to break into show biz, because his bored expression said he didn’t want to be here. Without comment he led her to her table. She was surprised when he pulled out her chair and seated her.

  He snapped her napkin into the air and laid it gently in her lap. “Would you like a cocktail or some wine? We have a delightful Chardonnay.”

  She set her briefcase on the floor by her leg, her clutch on the table. “A glass of Merlot, chilled, please.”

  When Thomas returned with the dark red wine and handed it to her, she didn’t waste a second taking a sip. The fruitiness and rather light tannin was pleasant against her palate. Now if she could have half a dozen more drinks she just might be ready for this meeting.

  Several minutes passed before Toliver stepped into the restaurant, minus the cowboy hat. Instead he wore a dark blue suit and boots. His gray hair was freshly cut. There was something distinguished about the older gentleman, but cunning all the same. Stella had liked the man when she first met him. Now she felt nothing. He had done what he deemed necessary for the company and his family. She couldn’t fault him for it. Still, she didn’t have to like him.

  Rising from her chair, she forced a smile. “Mr. Toliver.”

  He took her outstretched hand and cradled it between both of his. “Call me Jonathan. Please sit.”

  Nervous didn’t begin to describe how she felt taking her seat. She didn’t speak, waiting for the waiter to take his order—a whiskey sour—before she started to speak. “I think you’ll like my new proposal.” Bending down to retrieve her portfolio that had fallen farther beneath the table, she continued. “I believe there just might be a market amongst the non-western audience.” When she raised her head, her heart leaped into her throat. “JD.”

  The cowboy was gone. Before her stood the effigy of an executive right down to his Armani suit, tie and polished shoes. The light blue shirt he wore set off the color of his eyes, which scanned her bare shoulders with interest. The mid-thigh-length black silk dress she wore always gave her confidence, but as he slowly undressed her with those eyes she felt anything but confident.

  “Stella.” Her name sounded sensual upon his lips.

  She blinked hard, trying to vanquish the naughty thoughts flowing through her mind. Easy, girl, he’s screwing with you. Paybacks were a bitch and she had no doubt in her mind some were coming her way.

  “Well.” JD’s grandfather eased back in his chair. He looked up at the waiter who handed him his drink. “Thank you.” Raising the glass to his lips, he paused and then took a sip. “Seeing that my grandson is taking over, I think I’ll just sit here and enjoy myself.”

  Stella licked her lips, looking as nervous as a mouse in a roomful of cats. She cleared her throat. The little shake in her hands didn’t go unnoticed as she started to open her briefcase.

  “I believe you were telling my grandfather that you have new ideas to show us.” If JD had the opportunity tonight, he would show her exactly what he had in mind and it had nothing to do with what she was about to share with them.

  Did she have silk or lacy panties on beneath that sexy black dress? His cock hardened with the thought of sliding his palms up her legs, hips and waist, easing the gown over her head.

  She looked from JD to his grandfather. “Uh. Yes. I mean I learned a lot this weekend…” she cringed, “…about your clothing and shoe lines.”

  He held back a chuckle.

  “Boots.” The high pitch in her tone caught the attention of the couple at the next table. She lowered her voice to regain her control. “Take boots for example. Most people have no idea how comfortable they are. Jeans, slacks, shorts or skirts, your footwear blends with almost any ensemble.” She held up several impressive sketches.

  As the waiter approached, his grandfather set down his glass. “Let’s table this subject until after we order. Hmmm. We’ll start with the Crabtini, barbecued shrimp and Veal Osso Buco Ravioli. My grandson needs a whiskey sour. What are you drinking, Miss Sinclair?”


  “She’ll take another,” Toliver said.

  After the waiter delivered their drinks, they gave him their orders. JD’s grandsire eased back into his chair. He narrowed his eyes on JD and then turned them to Stella. “This is how I see this arrangement evolving.”

  There appeared to be a change in their plans. JD was to lead the conversation. After dinner his grandfather was supposed to excuse himself, leaving JD alone with Stella.

  Instead the old man continued. “You will return to Montana with us for say about two weeks.”

  “I can’t possibly do that.” Her face grew rosy in color. “My boss—”

  “I’ve already spoken to Mr. Lyons, Stella.” His grandfather took another swig of his whiskey sour. “He has no objections to you visiting each of our stores so that you get the feel of their layout and inventory. JD will assist you.”

ndsided by his grandfather’s new plan, JD chanced a look toward Stella.

  Slack-jawed, she stared at him with something close to fear in her eyes. “I-I can’t—”

  “Yes, dear, you can.” His grandfather leaned back in his chair, relaxed. “I’ve made all the arrangements. Two weeks should give both you and JD enough time to mend what I interrupted. If at the end of those weeks you want to go your separate ways, so be it. This agreement then becomes a business deal both of you will work out. However, should the two of you feel akin to tying the knot, well then…” he paused before continuing, “…I’ve got a plan for that union as well.”

  “Grandfather?” Shock didn’t even begin to describe JD’s reaction. Though the old man’s plan did have an acceptable tune to it.

  His grandfather held up a hand. “Hear me out. An attraction like the two of you have comes once in a lifetime. Your grandmother and I had such a relationship that drew us like magnets.” The old man’s eyes misted. The only other time JD had seen his grandfather weepy was when they buried Grandma three years ago. “She was quite a lady.” His throat croaked with emotion. Briefly he closed his eyes, pinched the bridge of his nose and took a moment to compose himself. “Boy, I just want to see you happy.” The indifferent exterior his grandfather usually wore dissolved and JD saw love glistening in his weathered eyes. “You love the ranch. Stella has a head for business.” He paused for only a moment, and then he raised a single brow, a sly smile tugging the corners of his mouth. Uh-oh. JD knew exactly what that expression meant. His grandfather was up to something. “You’re a match made in heaven.”

  He pushed his chair back and stood, looking older then JD had ever seen him. “The two of you have some talking to do, and this old man is tired. I’ll ask the waiter to pack my dinner to go.” Making his way around the table, his grandfather kissed Stella softly on the cheek. “Please accept my apology for placing you in such an awkward situation. I meant well.”

  She offered him a weak smile and nodded before he turned and walked away.

  A pregnant moment passed and neither of them spoke.

  What was she thinking? Her forehead was furrowed, her eyes moist as she looked at him. Damn. Tears he couldn’t deal with. When JD opened his mouth to speak, the waiter was beside him delivering their appetizers.

  Stella slipped her presentation back into her portfolio and placed it on the floor. “JD. I—”

  JD reached across the table and placed his palm on her trembling hand. “No explanations are necessary.” A grin pulled at his mouth. “Actually I like my grandfather’s suggestion. Darlin’, if you’re willing, let’s see where this relationship takes us.”

  A single tear rolled down her cheek. “Really?”

  He stood, moving quickly around the table. With a finger beneath her chin he guided her to a standing position. “Yes. Really.” His lips touched hers. “Should we have our food packaged too?”

  “Mmmm.” She leaned into him fully, evidently not caring whose attention they caught. Through heavy eyelids she looked up at him. “My place.”

  Chapter Eight

  Stella’s soft, muted cries echoed throughout her bedroom, filling the hush as JD’s fingers sketched her flesh like a painter’s brush on a blank canvas. Naked, sprawled across the bed, she watched him beneath shuttered eyelids as he explored her body. Every stroke was meant to drive her completely out of her mind—and it was working.

  Cupping a breast, he tweaked her nipple before leaning over her and laving it with his wet tongue. “You’re so beautiful.” His deep voice was smooth as silk, his breath hot against her skin. Scraping his teeth over the swollen tip sent a shiver up her spine. Another lick and then he closed around the sensitive bud, pulling and tugging, as the suction of his mouth intensified. When he groaned, the pleasure of the sound reverberated through her.

  Fingers clenching in the pillow where she laid her head, she arched into his touch, wanting and needing more. She had no idea how much of his teasing she could take. “Please.” A whimper churned in her throat as he released his hold.

  “Please what?”

  “Make love to me.” His cock was hard against her hip. More than anything she wanted him to part her thighs and give her what she needed.

  “Soon.” He issued the wicked promise while blowing warmth across her dampness. Her bud drew taut. Rays of sensation shattered through her globe, heading south, forcing a moan from her parted lips. He pulled his mouth back from her breast and planted a tiny kiss on her shoulder. “I have plans to love you all night long.”

  That sounded so wonderful.

  Even in the dimly lit room, she saw the faintest hint of amusement in his eyes. She could so easily fall in love with this man. Reaching for him, she locked her arms around his neck and pulled his mouth to hers. She continued to kiss him, loving his taste, the feel of his tongue against hers. As his hand slipped between her thighs and he plunged two fingers deep within her, she gasped against his lips.

  Her heart pounded. “Feels. So. Good.” He captured her mouth once more. His tongue pushed between her lips and he devoured her.

  When the kiss ended he was breathless. “You’re so wet. So fucking hot.” He nudged her nose with his. “Darlin’, do you have any idea what you do to me?” He circled her clit with his thumb, rubbing the sensitive organ as he worked his fingers in and out of her sex, driving her need higher and higher.

  Heat flared across her skin. “JD.” His name came out a plea.

  He increased the pace, thumb pushing against her clit. She squirmed beneath his assault, trying to find the right place that would make her body explode with pleasure.

  “I need you inside me.” Her inner muscles clenched. “Oh God. Now.”

  The heady growl that thrilled her so much met her demand. Crawling between her thighs, he spread them wide and hooked his arms beneath the bend of her knees. He looked down at her exposed center and she began to tremble. The anticipation was killing her.

  “Please, JD.”

  “I want to taste you,” he moaned. His eyes were dark with desire.

  The image of him feasting on her flesh sent shivers up her back. He raised one of her legs and pressed a tender kiss along her calf. His delicate torture continued up her leg to her thigh. As he dragged his tongue steadily over her skin, goose bumps prickled and her pussy contracted. She could feel his breath against her pulsating flesh.

  “Is this what you want?” He flicked his tongue lightly, caressing her clit. Electricity shot up her pussy and she nearly came off the bed.

  “Yes,” she hissed. She made a feeble attempt to drag air into her lungs, but it was useless. Her pulse sped and her heart beat like warring drums.

  “Mmmm, you smell good,” his low voice rumbled, humming against her sensitive skin. “Taste…” he moved his tongue back and forth in her moist crease, lapping gently, “…even better.”

  “Stop playing with me,” she whimpered. “I’m dying here.” Every muscle in her body was strung tight. Her breasts were heavy, swollen, and damned if she wasn’t wetter than she had ever been. She ached to hold him in her arms, skin to skin, making love to him.

  When his mouth closed around her clit and he began sucking, his tongue danced across the bundle of nerves. Her body quaked. She rocked up against his mouth and white-hot pleasure burst through her in shockwaves. The scream that rushed from her lungs was pure ecstasy. Stabbing her fingers through his hair, she mindlessly held him close. Her inner muscles flexed, pulling him farther inside. She wanted all of him.

  Gravelly sounds of pleasure escaped his throat, vibrating her clit to set off another string of spasms that shook her violently. He dug his fingers into her hips, keeping her from escaping his hold, and drank deeply.

  When he raised his head and their gazes met, Stella shivered. Slowly he guided her legs onto the mattress. Without speaking he draped his large body over hers and lowered his hips against her cradle. His hard cock nudged her slit, sending rays of excitement through her. The juices o
f her sex allowed him to glide inside with little resistance. He stretched and consumed every part of her.

  He fit perfectly.

  There was no way JD would hold out for much longer. Already he could feel the tingles drawing on his cock. Over and over he thrust, moving slowly in and out of her hot core. She was so tight—so wet.

  Heat rolled off their bodies, producing the musky scent of sex. He inhaled the fragrance and savored the feel of her pulsing around him. Leaning into her, he sucked her full lower lip between his teeth and nipped it before stroking its softness with his tongue.

  Man. He loved kissing her almost as much as making love with her.

  Her eyes were closed, her fingers like silk sliding up and down his back. The tiny part of his brain not completely wrapped up in the feel of her fingers felt her legs lock around him. The action spread her wider, allowing him to push deeper. Any rational thoughts were instantaneously destroyed. Blood filled his balls to a pulsing ache. He ground his teeth to keep his orgasm at bay.

  Desperate to tell her how he felt before completing the moment, he clasped her hands over her head. “Look at me.” Her heavy eyelids rose. Her full breasts tempted him to taste. “Jesus save me. I think—” A shiver raced through him. He bowed his head, holding on by a thread. When he had a grip on his control, he raised his gaze to meet hers again. “I’m falling in love with you.”

  JD should have waited for a response, but heat flooded him as her body clamped down on him, so tight, so hot. Helplessly—he lost it.

  The tempo of his thrusts increased. He pounded into her furiously, needing to claim her. Sharp fingernails scraped down his back, over his ass. The bittersweet sensation only enflamed his desire. Deep inside his throat a sandpapery growl vibrated. When she cupped his cheeks and drove their hips together, his balls drew taut. He shuddered and exploded. The burning surge down his shaft was heightened by Stella screaming his name. His cock jerked several times, each twitch felt clear to his toes. He couldn’t remember when he’d felt so sated, so happy.


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