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Loved by the Linebacker

Page 10

by Lyssa Layne

  The town car we’re riding in comes to a stop. Blake steps out of the vehicle, shaking hands and guiding guests under the tent that’s set up to block out the Florida sun. Evan is like a statue as he stares at the hearse in front of us and the pallbearers pull out the casket. A fat tear rolls down his cheek and I wipe it away with my thumb.

  “How’re you holding up?” I obviously know the answer to the question but this will at least force him to speak to me.

  “Don’t, Cami, I’m not in the fuckin’ mood,” Evan mutters, not taking his eyes off his mother’s burial box.

  I brush my lips across his shoulder. “Evan, I’m here if you need anything.”

  Evan roughly shrugs me off and I fall back into the space Blake was sitting. “See, Camila, you’re not. You’re not my fuckin’ girlfriend, you’re not my fuckin’ friend, all you are is my fuckin’ agent.”

  I suck in my breath at his words while he leans forward, his elbows on his knees and his hands hiding his face. Taking a chance, I run my hand down the stiff material of his suit coat that we just bought two days prior. Evan wipes his hand across his face, trying to hide the tears coming hard and fast.

  “She’s gone now, Cami, and I have no one. She might not have been the best mom in the world, but she’s the only woman who’s ever loved me.”

  “Evan, you’re not alone. I may not be your girlfriend, but we’re still friends.”

  Evan stares at the floorboard. “I’ve cared about two women in my life, one is dead and the other’s sitting right beside me but couldn’t be further away.” He looks up, staring into my eyes. “You don’t want me, that’s fine, but I’m not going to sit around and watch you and Blake flaunt your relationship. I’ll sign with Chicago.”

  My heart sinks but before I can respond, Evan is out of the car. Desperate times call for desperate measures and I know exactly what I have to do.

  Chapter 16


  “Camila, if you wear a hole in the rug, you know the big boss will make you pay for it.” Kip speaks to me without looking up from his computer.

  I smooth out the cream colored, mid-thigh pencil skirt I’m wearing and glance down at my green heels. “Why did I wear this? This outfit is all wrong,” I announce, turning to go back to my office.

  Kip jumps up, blocking the exit and closing his door. He shakes my shoulders as he speaks to me in that authoritative tone usually reserved for negotiations. “Your outfit is fine, you’ve already changed three times since you got here. Besides, I really don’t think your outfit will be the thing that shocks him, so stop worrying about it.”

  Taking a deep breath, I nod. “But, what if he tears up the contract?”

  “Then he’s an idiot. You got the man a million dollar signing bonus, he should be more than happy with what he’s about to get.”

  I frown, sticking my bottom lip out for emphasis. Kip’s worked with me long enough though and is immune to my pouty face. Laughing, he jostles me again. “Find your confidence, Lemos and get your gameface on.”

  Swallowing the fear that’s creeping over me, I tilt my head up. “You’re right. This is just another business transaction. Why am I so worried?”

  “When was the last time you talked to Evan?”

  My shoulders drop because this is the real reason I’m worried about the contract signing about to take place. “Spoke to him? At his mother’s funeral. Saw him? At Blake’s celebratory dinner after he signed his contract.”

  The Seawolves wouldn’t budge. They only wanted one Purser brother and it wasn’t Evan. Despite my best negotiation skills, which may have resorted to begging in this situation, they wouldn’t offer Evan anymore and Blake signed for much more than any of us could have dreamed. Blake is set to be a Californian for the next five years with no money worries to bother him.

  Evan told me he’d sign with Chicago and no more work was needed on my end. Whatever happened between us is in the past and he’s still a client so I did for him what I’d do for any of my athletes. I managed to get the Lancers to put in writing a deal that included a million dollar signing bonus, five million dollars for five years with the option to extend for another two. Plus, I already have Evan a penthouse apartment on Grand Plaza set up and ready for him to move in. Of course, the stubborn younger Purser hasn’t returned any voicemails and the only confirmation I had that he’ll be here to sign today is a text message that said, “Sure.”

  Kip lets out a low whistle. “Wow, so he doesn’t know anything? What about Blake?”

  Almost giving myself whiplash, I shake my head quickly. “It’ll be a surprise for both of them.”

  Kip steps aside, giving me access to the door. Looking over his shoulder, we both see Evan Purser standing at the receptionist desk. My heartbeat works triple time as I take him in, he’s wearing a pair of tan cargo shorts, a skin-tight, white V-neck t-shirt and a pair of flip-flops. If any other of my clients showed up to a contract signing wearing that, I would tell them to march back outside and change clothes. As it is, I just want to get this over with before my nerves eat away at my stomach.

  Kip turns back to me. “Last chance. You sure about this?”

  Taking one step past him, I strut out of his office. “I’ve never been more sure about anything in my life.”


  The blonde behind the desk at Netsports is cute, a little flat chested for my liking, but I’m sure she’d be willing to go out and “celebrate” with me after my signing. Not that there’s really anything to celebrate. As always, Blake got exactly what he wanted and gets to stay in San Diego while I’m getting shipped off to Siberia, or so it seems to me.

  Worse than football in snow, Blake got the girl. Not that there was really ever any competition. Camila is a saleswoman and that’s exactly what she was doing to me. She got me to trust and lust after her, but her plan was foiled when I refused to be her puppy on a leash. Except in the end, that’s exactly what I am. Fuck it, I don’t care, I’m going to be two-thousand miles away so I’ll rarely see her. Out of sight, out of mind… or so they say. No matter the amount of distance I’ve put between us since the NFL draft, she’s been front and center in my mind.

  A woman clears her throat behind the blonde receptionist and I look up to see Camila looking sexy as ever. Her short skirt makes her long legs look even longer and the lace of her bra peeks out underneath her white button-up blouse. I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from licking my lips. Thank God I won’t see her too often.

  “Ready, Evan?” she asks. Her self-assured voice pissing me off even more than my body’s reaction to the sight of her.

  I follow her down a hallway, watching her tight ass sway back and forth. The urge to grab her and shove her against the wall is strong. I cram my hands deep in my pockets to keep from doing so. Camila opens a door and stands in front of it. I have to turn sideways to step into the conference room, her breasts brushing against my chest. I fight the groan wanting to escape and take a seat at the table. Geez, I’ve gotten head or been laid almost every other day, so I’m slightly irritated at how much I want her.

  Camila closes the door and steps inside. I look around the room, realizing it’s just the two of us. “Where’s everyone else? I thought the Lancers’ staff would be here?”

  “Oh, is that why you dressed up?” she says boldly, lifting her eyebrow in an accusatory way.

  “Like it fuckin’ matters? The contract’s done so who cares what I wear?”

  Camila moves the empty chair beside me and leans against the table, her legs going on forever and tempting me to run my hands between my thighs. She drops a set of papers in front of me. “Thought you might want to read through it before the Lancers get here, you know, since you haven’t returned any of my phone calls.”

  Yeah, because I’m trying to avoid you, which is really hard when her and Blake are constantly together. Looking away from her, and her legs, I skim the legalese part of the contract, skipping to the monetary agreement. Five million—yeah, I alre
ady knew that. Possible contract extension—ha, like I’ll really want to stay there after five years. One million signing bonus.

  I glance up and see Camila chewing on her bottom lip nervously, something rare for her. “One mil signing bonus? Seriously?”

  She moves her head up and down. “Keep reading,” she mutters, barely audible.

  Definitely wasn’t expecting that, it’s a perk, although I’m not sure what the hell I need all that money for. I’ve never been in this game for greed, only for the sport. I would’ve accepted the Seawolves offer, lowball and all, but I needed away from the constant reminder of Camila.

  I finish reading the contract and start to look up then I notice the signature lines. My jaw drops and I look up at her. “What the hell is this?”

  Camila’s hands grasp the table to hide her shaking, all signs of her poise out the window. “I know you don’t believe me, Evan, but there is nothing going on between Blake and me. When I said that I don’t sleep with my clients, I meant it.”

  My eyes go back to the document. Beside my name is a line for my agent to sign. The agent listed is Kip Deevers. A mixture of anger and relief flood my body. Anger that she didn’t clue me in on any of this, anger that I didn’t believe her, that I wasted time. And relief because—

  “So, what’s this mean, Camila?” I ask, not ready to drop my guard just yet.

  Her slender fingers cup my cheek and for once, she towers over me. “It means, you’re not my client anymore. It means we can pick up where you ran off.”

  I laugh, grabbing her hips and sliding her between my legs. “I ran off, huh? Gonna blame that on me?”

  She narrows her eyes, giving me her “no bullshit” look, all of her confidence back. My hands move up and down the back of her thighs, venturing beneath the hem of her skirt. “Alright, I was the one that ran.”

  “Are you going to do it again?” she asks, her eyes serious with a hint of apprehension.

  I pull her to my lap, my fingers running through her hair. “Not unless you ask me to.”

  Her long, soft hair tickles my arm as she shakes her head. “As long as you believe and trust me, I won’t ask you to go anywhere.”

  I hang my head in shame for being such an ass. “God, Cami, I’m sorry. It’s just you and Blake—”

  “Stop, I don’t want to ever hear you say me and Blake like that again. We’re friends, we’re great friends, we understand the industry, we protect our privacy, and we sacrifice for each other, but the only Purser brother I want in my bed is you.” Camila says this with a seductive grin and I lean forward, crushing my lips against her sweet, delicious mouth that I’ve missed.

  My hand parts her legs, wandering beneath that restrictive skirt of hers. Damn, I love to see the material hug her body but in this moment, I want to rip it off her. Helping me out, she spreads her legs and my fingers find her thong. My index finger traces the thin material and her moan vibrates in my mouth.

  “So, you want me in your bed? What about the conference room table?”

  She giggles, leaning her head forward against mine and rubbing our noses together. “Tempting and maybe another time, but the Lancers crew is due here any minute.”

  I sigh and kiss her softly. She’s mine. Camila Lemos is mine. Finally, I got the better deal.

  Chapter 17


  Camila’s sweet laughter fills my ears as I nibble on her neck. My hands roam up and down her legs while she sits on her counter, a glass of red wine in one hand and a Twinkie in the other.

  “Why were you so nervous?” I ask, kissing her collarbone now exposed after I unbuttoned her blouse, leaving her in the white camisole underneath and that damn skirt still on like a chastity belt.

  “Hmm, well, other than to tell me how much of a tease I am, you haven’t talked to me since the draft. I was taking a risk that you were still even interested,” she says, ending with a bite of the cream-filled pastry.

  “I told you that I cared about you. Cami, you’re the only woman I’ve ever felt anything for.” Telling anyone else that, I would have felt pathetic, but with Camila, I know I can be brutally honest.

  She shrugs and kisses me softly. “Truthfully, I didn’t think you’d ever get past Blake and my relationship.”

  “Thought we weren’t talking about that,” I tease, giving her a wink.

  She sets down the wine glass and Twinkie, moving her hands to my shaved scalp and looking deep into my eyes. “Fine, we won’t, but nothing will change between Blake and me so you’re going to have to accept it.”

  My hands stop on her thighs and I nod. “As long as you’re in my bed at the end of the night, I’ll deal with it.”

  A mischievous grin spreads over her lips as she moves her head in agreeance. “Speaking of bed…”

  “Yes?” I ask, trying to sound innocent while my hands spread her legs. I hear the seams of her skirt rip and a grin spreads across my face. “So, tell me the truth. The blindfold and handcuffs in the guest room… are they yours?”

  Camila’s cheeks turn red and she giggles, embarrassed as she hides her face in my chest. Ah, so the good girl image she puts on is just a front. I like it. Drawing her earlobe into my mouth, I suck on it and whisper, “Good, I can’t wait to try it out.”

  Camila shoots up, looking at me with a shocked expression, her eyes wide. “Try them out? You’ve never used those before?”

  Now it’s my turn for my cheeks to go red. “I’ve told you before, Cami, I may be a man whore, but I’m a wham-bam-thank you ma’am kind of guy. You know, a quickie in the bathroom, a blowjob under the table. I’ve never been with a girl long enough to indulge in their fantasies.”

  Camila smirks at me. “Good, then I can train you how I like it.”

  A deep, hearty chuckle comes out from down in my belly and I shake my head. “Don’t think you have all the power in the bedroom, sweetheart.”

  Her fingers walk along the waistband of my shorts then underneath my shirt until her palms are flat against my abs. Slowly, taking her time and thoroughly teasing me as her fingertips graze my nipples, she pulls my shirt over my head.

  “We’ll argue over that later, but tonight, we’re going to make love.”

  Scooping her off the counter into my arms, she yelps at my quick motion and I carry my woman to the bedroom. Making love to her has been on my mind since Super Bowl weekend and nothing will stop me now.


  We both hastily undressed each other and now we are lying in my bed, suddenly unsure what to do next. The sheet covers our bodies, not allowing either of us to fully see the other’s naked body. Evan’s hand rests on my stomach which is in knots. I don’t even realize I’m holding my breath until Evan whispers for me to relax. Letting out the air in my lungs, he pushes the cover down, exposing my bare chest.

  “Let me see you, Camila,” he orders and I sit up immediately. Evan pulls me on top of his thighs and he lets out a wolf whistle. His hands cup my breasts and immediately my nipples peak at his touch as shots of electricity explode at every one of my nerve endings. “Wow, you’re fuckin’ amazing.”

  I laugh both out of nerves and humor. Biting my lip, I glance down when I feel his fully hard erection pressing against my thigh. I swallow at the sight of it—long, thick, and as round as a can of shaving cream. I work with professional athletes, I’ve been in locker rooms many a time, and I’ve seen penises of all shapes and sizes, but suddenly, I feel intimidated by Evan’s.

  His fingers find my chin and lift up my head so I’m looking at him. He must see the fear in my eyes. His face softens and his hands drop to my hips. “I’ll be gentle, Cam. Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you.”

  I shrug, trying to play it off like no big deal to which Evan laughs and pulls me down, on top of him. Our lips press together and it’s like we’re teenagers for the first time as our hands grope each other greedily. Both our chests heaving for air, Evan flips me to my back and hovers above me on all fours.

  “Close your eyes, Ca
mi and let me take care of you.”

  Obeying his instructions, I shut my eyes as he spreads my legs wide. His left hand slips under my thigh and he links our fingers, squeezing my hand. I want to open my eyes, to watch his movements, but I trust him so I return the embrace and wait with bated breath. Evan parts my lips between my legs then a few seconds pass without any movement.


  “Ssh,” he whispers. “Let me enjoy this view.”

  I smile, letting him take his time and relaxing as I wait. Then, his thick tongue moves from the top of my lips to the bottom. He repeats this motion a few times and my heart picks up the pace. He moans when he can see the effects he’s having on me and then begins to dart his tongue in and out. I gasp as he does, my free hand rubbing over his bald head, trying to give him a loving caress, but at the same time, holding him in place, not wanting him to stop.

  He pulls his head back and I look down into his eyes. “You like that?”

  “Love it,” I whisper, barely able to speak between my gasps for air.

  One finger slips inside me while his mouth sucks hard on my sensitive spot between my legs. Crying out in pleasure, my body jumps with each bolt of bliss he sends through me. It doesn’t take long for me to reach my orgasm and Evan moves up my body. Our lips touch, letting me taste myself on his mouth and I’m immediately ready for him again.

  “I want you,” I beg, my hands clutching his backside and pulling his erection harder against me.

  “Are you sure, Cam? We don’t have to do that tonight, not until you’re ready. I know I’m big—”

  “Shut up, Evan and get inside me,” I order, taking control.

  A sneer on his face, he climbs out of bed, retrieving the box of condoms he bought at the drugstore on the way home. Evan takes his time tearing open the gold wrapper of the Magnum extra-large condom and I let out an exasperated sigh.


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