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Love Can Kill You Baby

Page 6

by Gabor Kiraly

"Oh, so George works! Yes?" asked him.

  "No, he does not work either. He mostly drinks beer, and watches sport, or goes out at night."

  "With your mom?"

  "Yeah, sometimes! When he goes out alone then mom always says this was the last time, and get out, then they both start drinking, and George never leaves?My name is Alexa, would you like to come in?

  "Alexa, now that's a pretty name, and yes I would, though I need your mom's permission to come in."

  "No problem, I can wake them up and ask. OK?"

  "Alexa! Its noon and they are still asleep?"

  "Yes. When I woke up at seven, they were still yelling and then they went to bed?"

  "How do you know it was 7 o'clock?"

  "I got an old koo-koo clock and it says: koo-koo, koo-koo, seven o'clock, and koo-koo. That's how."

  "Alexa!!! Is somebody at the door? Who are you talking to?"

  "It's Joe, mom. He wants to talk to you! He says it's important!"

  "Marika, get your butt up and tell the guy to go to hell!"

  "Just a second, I'll be right out!"

  "Alexa dear, go to your room honey!" then "Yes?" to Joe.

  "I'm Joe Bryan, private investigator, and I would like to ask several questions in connection to your late husband's murder. "

  "So that's why the little bitch is here! I understand everything."

  "Mm?Excuse me?"

  "Yeah, miss little black dress is here, what else she wants? She already got the $ 350.000, - , get it mister, three-fifty! What else could she possibly want? "

  "I assume that you're talking about Mr. Mezei's daughter, and she only wants to know who killed her father. That's the "what else" she would like to know. I believe you are interested in the truth too, are you?"

  "The truth? Who knows the truth??" she said when an unshaved, yesterday's beer smelling young man came in to the kitchen, where they were talking. You could see that he was sleeping in his normal daily street clothes. He walked past by Joe not saying a word, and by a pretended accident, kind of push-kicked Joe's leg. Much more needed for Joe to lose his cool, so he calmly asked: "...and you are??"

  "Yes I am! "He said, then "there is no beer left?"

  "George, don't be rude this gentleman here is trying to help to find Rob's murderer."

  "Mr. Bryan, this is my boyfriend, George. George Ferber, they were best friends with my ?husband."

  "George, this is Mr. Bryan an investigator?"

  "What? A cop, and you want me to shake his hand? Hey cop, you see this tattoo, C.K.? You know what is it stands for? Cop Killer! Not bad hm?" he was obviously still drunk.

  "Mr. Ferber would you please wait in the other room??"

  "No I wouldn't?! Cop!"

  "Very well, stay here, and listen!"

  "You won't tell me what to do in this house! I'll be in the other room?! Cop!" and left.

  "If you have questions, ask them before this idiot comes back!"

  "Right ?"said Joe "You were aware that Robert had a girlfriend?"

  "What? "

  "Yes, a girlfriend!"

  "No? No, there was no girlfriend. I never heard about her!"

  "About who?"

  "His girlfriend! You said he had a girlfriend!"

  "Oh. I see. Yes?now, two months before your trip, you obtained a Canadian Passport. Right? Right. Did you use that passport to travel to Europe?"

  "No. I lost it somewhere."

  "I see?When? By the way, did you report that your passport was lost or stolen? "

  "I lost it about a month before my trip, and yes I reported it."

  "So how did you manage to get on an airplane?"

  "I did have my old Hungarian one, and since I got double citizenship, I believe I'm allowed to use either one."

  "I see. When did you met with Mr. Ferber?"

  "I basically knew him since I knew Robert, they were good friends, he lived in Hamilton Ontario, and since we moved up here, we did not see each other too much, until lately?"

  "What was the reason, for you to pick up the friendship with him again?"

  "Well, it's not easy. Everything was planned; the tickets ordered though not paid yet, when we made a final calculation, and recognized that we, Robert and I couldn't afford this trip. It was late fall, when my husband had less and less orders as a house painter, so either we borrowed money, or I couldn't go?so we, borrowed money from George. He helped us out then; but now, that my husband died I could not pay him back in cash, so he moved in to get back the value for his money?if you understand what I mean?"

  "Yes I do." Said Joe." One more question, your husband was killed Friday night, and you came back on Wednesday. Why does it take so long?"

  "Now that's easy to answer: In order to be here on Wednesday morning, you have to leave Tuesday early morning. To leave Tuesday early morning you have to finish up your ongoing stuff, and pack your baggage. I did this, because they told me the news Sunday evening, which is pretty good, considering that Robert was found Saturday morning. The Canadian authorities notified the Hungarian embassy who notified the Hungarian police who couldn't find me. I was sleeping off my hangover all day Sunday in a motel and only called home that evening, when I learned what happened. Plus in the meantime I had to find an airline which would accept my ticket for a day to weeks prior when it was dated for. So, I wouldn't say it take too long, I would say I was pretty fast?so, was it an easy answer?"

  Joe almost couldn't keep it up with his notebook. The number of notes has steadily grown lately?

  "Wow, and wow again! I never thought that it could be this difficult?thanks, and I hope I don't have to disturb you too much anymore. By the way, are you planning to leave the town, just in case I would have more questions?"

  "Actually, yes. We are going to see friends in Hamilton, this weekend."

  "I see? Well, have a great trip!"

  "Hamilton?hm, could that be the key?we'll see, we'll see." He thought, and marked down couple of words in his notebook?

  Back at Joe's apartment, Katlin was already waiting for him.

  "How was it Joe?"

  "Awful. I have to take a shower after this people! I feel filthy."

  "Joe?I don't know yet what's on that recorder, though I can tell you this: You are a great person, their filth cannot touch you ever?" as she said she seemed older and tired."OK, let's hear it!"

  She listened closely to every word. She seemed happy and emotional, when heard her little sister's voice. Then from there on there was a look on her face, which so far, was not known by Joe. Deep, hard hatred. Hatred against a certain style of life, disgust against a certain type of people. When it was over, she said:

  "I need fresh air, or I'm gonna be sick?"

  They went out to the balcony, Joe wrapped up Katlin nice and warm in a thick old blanket, and they just sat there for hours, smoking and looking at the stars. None of them spoke. When Joe heard Katlin's first little, weak snores she whispered into her ears:

  "Let's go inside dear, you will catch a cold?come on?lean on me. There, there. Now rest."

  "Joe, would you stay with me until I fall asleep? Just sit there?would you please hold my hand, just until I fall asleep?"

  "Yes dear?I'm here?" and Katlin already started her weak, ever so cute snores. Joe moving very slowly, let her hand go, and quietly left the room.


  "Shh-shh. I'm here"

  "You are a good man?"

  Chapter 19.

  Friday morning they were again sitting by Joe's work desk, sank deep into their thoughts sipping coffee.

  "Yes." Joe said "I think I see some light at the end of the tunnel!"

  "Hm? What? Are we taking a train today?"


  "Wow! Did you get enough sleep last night? Who is Gero Mimeo? You're not telling me something?"

  "Never mind ?Would you like to go to Hamilton today? Nice day trip and if we are lucky, and we're done in time, I will show you something, plus I will take you to the best restau
rant in Toronto! Well? the best for my taste!"

  "What? Are you rich, or what? The best restaurants don't come cheap?"

  "Just since you asked, yes I am rich. However I have a moneybag client from Europe and I will send her the bill as expenses?Hm? Can we go?"

  "The last part did not really sound good, but yes I'm ready .Let's go!"

  "Then you better get dressed and I have some stuff to take care of also, before we leave."

  He called Frank at the police station, and told him:" Frank! Find the company who did the digging at that service garage, and get them to dig a nice hole right there where they did two years ago, ask them to dig carefully. You will find a gun, casings and a suppressor. Probably in a plastic bag.

  If you're lucky maybe there is some fingerprints, or even some residual DNA. In a plastic bag? You never know! Please just listen. Don't make it look like it's a police investigation, I don't want to scare away my little birds. So, plain clothes, no cruiser.

  Then: Would you please go to CIBC, and get information about credit card or debit card usage in a three months period, before Robert was killed. I would like to see a purchase of an airfare. Just get the information, and I will tell you why, later? And: Please call somebody at the Hamilton police who can help me with one guy, they probably know him. Wright it down: George Ferber, Hungarian origin, roma nationality. I would like to know everything there is to know about this guy. No, they can't arrest him. He is here in Parry Sound, lives with Marika Mezei. I would like to ask you to keep him here, for couple of more days. How? Here are some pointers?its weekend, and I believe that he has to get drunk with the punctuality of a VIA train. He will be drunk, around 10-11 tonight for sure.

  You send out a cruiser, with someone from Child Protection. I guarantee you that there will be no fit parents around. You can, and by the way should take the kid away. That will keep the mother here, plus, again I guarantee you that my friend Mr. Ferber will give you enough trouble to keep him locked down for two days.

  Maybe, and I wouldn't be surprised, you can find something to keep him longer?deal? Yes, yes please! The phone records are a great idea? Yea?the two months before the murder.

  Thanks Frank! Oh and one more thing: whatever you find keep it to yourself, no report to the boss, no newscast, no journalists. I'll be back soon, and I will explain everything. Thanks Frank!"

  Then he made another phone call, this time to Gabor, and gave him details about a favor he was asking him to do?"

  Then went to Katlin's bedroom door knocking:"OK, let's go!"

  "Somebody was busy working?"

  "No, but busy thinking!"

  'When you work, you work hard! Always?"

  "Never! My Mom told me: don't work hard, work smart?"

  "Aaaaha? So you think this Ferber character is our guy?"

  "You never know? You just never know."

  Chapter 20.

  "Gentlemen! Is there any coffee left?" asked Frank when he got back to the police station. He was lucky there was a fresh pot. Coffee in one hand, Friday's Beacon Star, the local newspaper in the other, he backed into his office. As the door closed, the phone started ringing. It was his friend, Joe Bryan with a lengthy "honey-do" list. They agreed, and he turned his attention to the list.

  He half opened the door, and yelled out:"Hey lucky one, whoever it is, you can go home, I'm staying on duty all night tonight"

  "Yaaaaaay!" came the happy answer.

  Frank did have plans for Friday night, though after his conversation with Joe, his sense of duty, mixed with the instincts of a bloodhound told him to stay on tonight. Whatever Joe asked him to do; he did not want to give it out to someone, just to mess it up even accidently. He knew Joe, and trusted his judgement enough to do what he asked.

  The first on the list was "diggin' for gun", but he started with the second of the requests, "call CIBC find ticket purchase". It took several minutes to explain what he wants. He hung up with a promise from the bank that they will fax over the findings, right away, as they got them.

  The following item on his list "call Bell, phone records, all three" this time it take a little longer, though finally they understood each other. Bell couldn't promise results earlier than Sunday evening, maybe late afternoon.

  He made another phone call to the town office asking after the company, which did the work at the service-garage, then called them, asking for a crew and machinery right away for a short job. They agreed that they would wait for him at the site if he's late.

  Another phone call to Child Protection Services. They had a good work-relationship, and what Frank was asking for, was not out of ordinary, it happened often. Taking away children from unfit parents was never easy, though necessary.

  He had to make one more call, this time to Hamilton, about George Ferber. His call was switched to a Sgt Vargas, who was professional, understanding the request right away.

  He sat there couple of more minutes, thinking over every detail again, then he felt satisfied. "Let's do this" he said aloud, and left the office.

  He drove home, and changed his uniform to plain civilian clothes, then went to see the construction crew at the site. Of course, they were not there? "I will give those people 10?no, 5?no, 10 minutes and I'll call." He thought, and to spend the time wisely, he went to talk to the garage's manager. The 10 minutes were almost up, when the crew showed up. A supervisor, a machine operator (with his mini-excavator on their truck's trailer), and two helper. He finished his conversation at the garage: "Thanks Chris! "

  "No problem Frank, any time!"

  He went to discuss the details with the diggers.

  "How are you today guys?" he recognised two of them as frequent visitors at the station, usually for being drunk in the public, though he did not want to embarrass them. "Here is what I ask you for. I want you to dig up this hole, first with the machine for speed, and a foot before you reach the original depth; I want you guys to dig with your shovel, or even with your hands. If it takes too long of course your overtime will be paid, plus!"

  "You said plus, chief?"


  "What should we do, until the machine is on??"

  "You can lean on your shovel, and smoke. I want this to look like a real construction site. Now, when you hit anything hard with your shovel, come and get me, I'll be right here at Hamilton's."

  He sat down, close to the window, planning how the evening should work out. He heard when the excavator stopped. His coffee was already cold, when the supervisor came to see him.

  "I think we found something?"

  "Let's see!"

  They were waiting for him, one of the helpers still standing in the hole. Frank squatted down: "Let me see. Yes. Would you shake the sand off ever so gently, please" then "Good, nice job. Now please hand it to me? the whole bag, gently. OK, put the whole thing in this bag here", and he extended his arm with an evidence bag. "Great! Done! Thank you gentlemen!" and he called the supervisor aside:" What's your name sir?"

  "John. John McEwen!"

  "John! Here is fifty bucks, would you make sure please, that the guys get their "plus" I was talking about??"

  "Yes, of course! Thanks!"

  Frank hurried back to the station, hugging the gun in the bag, like it was made out of gold? he caught the first officer in his way, and gave him the bag.

  "Fly to Orillia, and give this evidence to the crime-lab, try to get it to Sgt Hofstadter, he is the best, or give it to anyone if he's not there. I would like them ?mm no! I will call and talk to them by the time you get there. Git! Siren and lights allowed!"

  In that instant, he sat down and called Orillia, introduced himself and asked:

  "May I talk to Sgt Hofstadter?" and they transferred his call thru.

  "Sgt Hofstadter!"

  Frank told him what he would like done with the gun and silencer.


  "What do you think, why did I asked for you? It's already late. I would like it done last night?"

sp; "That's what I was afraid of?Look I can promise you the fingerprints, if there is any, done within hours. The DNA is a different game. I can nicely ask them, though their processes are time consuming. If you get the fingerprint you are hoping for, then you will need the DNA only for the trial, if at all. And the ballistics, it's not a question of time. If that gun was buried for two years, even in a plastic bag, there is no guarantee that it will ever work again. I'll do what I can."

  "Thanks man, I owe you one?" and hanged up, thinking "God still loves me! ", and "where was I?"

  He had several hours left for tonight's action. He checked the fax again, but there was nothing from the bank, or the phone company. He got back to his daily routine.

  Chapter 21.

  Friday afternoon, around 5 o'clock, George asked Marika:

  "Do you have any money on you?"

  "What for?"

  "I would go up to the Brunswick, I got to talk to some people, and then walk over to the Liquor Store and get some stuff for tonight?While I'm away you can run over to the Beer Store, and get a two-four."

  "So, that means like: 50 bucks at the Brunny, another 80 or a hundred at the Liquor Store, and 40 at the Beer Store? You know that I need that money next week to pay?"

  "Yes! Yes. Quit your whining! You know that this weekend, like tomorrow, we're going down to Hamilton, and we well stock up, and I will sell all that stuff in one day. In this town? Within two hours?and you can have back your damn money?So where is it?"

  He left, and Marika with Alexa's little fingers in one hand, and the "Radio Flyer" cart in the other walked to get beer.

  He came home around 7-ish, holding a bagful of hard liquors. He was already half drunk on the right track, to be totally wasted.

  "Here. You can have one for me! Bring in the vodka, and a beer! What is this little worm doing here? Isn't it bed time yet? Get out of my sight!" said to Alexa, who was scared enough, even without him yelling at her.

  "Leave her alone! There is no school tomorrow, she can be up 'til nine! It is Friday night! I said leave her alone!" when George grabbed her at her little upper arm, and shoved her towards her bedroom.

  "Or what?"

  Alexa disappeared in her room.

  "Or what you stupid bitch? Oh, here you are!" And had several gulps of vodka. "Yes it's Friday, yes it is, yesitis itiz-itiz. Ok, don't be so mad, come here and have a drink with me?"

  Marika was almost on the same level already as him, for he took little swigs of gin in the kitchen, it was easier to take George in a warm, dizzy fog.


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