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Stormy Relationship

Page 2

by Margaret Mayo

  The instant Hannah arrived the following day Jordan called her into his office and bade her sit down. He walked around his desk and leaned back against the edge of it, his eyes slowly appraising her slender figure in her tailored grey suit. It was her one and only suit and was almost her office uniform. She rang the changes each day with a different blouse.

  It was as though he was seeing her, really seeing her, for the first time, and she felt slightly uncomfortable, even though there was nothing in his expression to show that he was interested in her in any other way than as a competent secretary. Yet even so …

  When he spoke he startled her. ‘Well, Mrs Carpenter, what is your decision?’

  Hannah had thought long and hard last night about his proposal. Yvonne Howard in the flat below had offered some time ago to look after Daniel if she ever needed anyone, and Hannah had gone down to see her when Daniel was asleep. Mrs Howard had said straight away that she would be delighted and that Hannah would be a fool to turn down such ‘a generous offer. The only thing was that from five to seven each day she did some voluntary work for the Samaritans, and could Hannah be home by a quarter to five?

  Yvonne was much older than Hannah, a widow too, but with no children. She had been pregnant when her husband had died, and the shock of it had caused her to lose the baby. This was why she took so much interest in Daniel. Her son would have been roughly the same age.

  Still Hannah hesitated to accept. It was a big step. She had never left Daniel in anyone’s care, except her own parents, of course, but they now lived in Scotland and she only saw them when she took Daniel up during the school holidays. They had wanted her to move up there when Roger died, but she had thought it would be too much of an upheaval for Daniel.

  ‘I can’t see what your problem is.’ The irritation of yesterday was back in Jordan Quest’s voice.

  ‘It’s not an easy decision,’ she said. ‘I’ve never left Daniel with anyone before. He might not be happy. I—’

  ‘OK, OK, name your hours.’ Harsh impatience came out on a sigh.

  She thought swiftly. ‘I’ll work from half-past nine till half-past four.’ That way she could still take Daniel to school. It wouldn’t be so much of an inconvenience for Mrs Howard.

  ‘And during school holidays?’

  ‘The same,’ she acknowledged, and thought she saw relief in his eyes. ‘But if Daniel’s ill then I shall want to be at home with him.’

  He nodded. ‘Of course.’

  His easy acceptance amazed her, made her realise how desperate he was for her services: But goodness, how useful the extra money would be! It would mean the difference between living on the breadline and living in relative comfort. She had never been so short of money in her life. Sometimes she lay awake worrying that she would not have enough to pay the bills. And Daniel couldn’t understand why he never had expensive toys the same as his friends. A sense of relief came over her.

  Jordan moved briskly back behind his desk. ‘Now that’s settled I’d like some coffee before I go to my meeting. Oh, and Mrs Carpenter, I’d like you to come too and take some notes.’

  It was the first time he had asked her to do anything like this, but she supposed that now she was his official secretary she would be required to do all sorts of things that he had not entrusted her with before.

  The morning fled, and because Hannah had not fixed up anything definite with Yvonne she went home at lunchtime to ask her if she would fetch Daniel from school. The older woman was delighted Hannah had taken the job and told her not to worry about a thing.

  At half-past four Jordan came into Hannah’s office. ‘I’d like this typed out immediately and faxed through to Temple Products.’ He did not seem to notice that her desk was cleared and her bag in her hand.

  ‘I’m sorry, Mr. Quest, but I’m leaving now,’ she said firmly.

  He frowned harshly and shot back his cuff to look at his gold Rolex watch, then swore beneath his breath. ‘This won’t take a minute, and it is important.’

  ‘I’m sorry,’ she said again more firmly. ‘But my son is also important. You agreed I could leave at half-past four, and it’s―’

  ‘Mrs Carpenter,’ he butted in peremptorily, ‘I wouldn’t ask if it weren’t urgent.’

  ‘And how often are you going to have something urgent when it’s time for me to go home?’ Hannah countered, looking up at him from her five feet four. Everything was urgent as far as he was concerned. ‘This job isn’t going to work, I can see that now. I was a fool to think I could manage the extra hours. You’d better find yourself someone else with no commitments, someone who can work all the hours God made just to suit you.’

  Jordan snorted his impatience. ‘I don’t want anyone else, you’re the best secretary I’ve ever had.’

  ‘Then if you don’t want to lose me you’ll have to let me go now. A neighbour is looking after Daniel, but she goes out at a quarter to five. I must be there by then.’

  His nostrils dilated as he looked at her. He seemed in the most towering rage, but she was not frightened of him. All he could do was tell her the job was no longer hers. And then to her amazement he smiled. ‘No one else defies me the way you do, Mrs Carpenter-Hannah, isn’t it? You’re a gutsy lady, and I admire you for that. We’ll reach a compromise. You do my letter and I’ll drive you home.’

  Opening her mouth to reject his suggestion, Hannah caught the look in his eyes and changed her mind. Despite the fact that his mouth smiled, his eyes were hard. He intended getting that letter done at whatever cost, and all she was doing was wasting precious time arguing.

  But in his Ferrari, the letter safely faxed to the customer, his mood changed. He glanced at her often, an altogether different expression on his face from the one she saw at the office. It was as if, for once, he had pushed work behind him and was concentrating on her alone, showing some interest in her other than as a human machine.

  Maybe it was all in her mind, but she had not forgotten the way he looked at her this morning, and her skin prickled with an unaccustomed warmth: Nothing like this had happened when he thought she was a respectable married lady, it was only since he had learned that she was a widow that he had looked at her with even a degree of humanity. And she could not help thinking of his reputation as a womaniser. Did he think she might be easy game? A lot of men assumed that widows missed having a man in their bed. Was this what Jordan Quest thought? She would certainly never stand any nonsense in that direction. If he tried anything she would nip it swiftly ‘in the bud, let him know without any doubt that she was not interested. She was interested in no other man, she still loved Roger. And yet―his raw sexuality was something that could not be ignored. It was impossible to draw breath without swallowing him in. It had been very unwise to accept this lift.

  She had not realised her mouth had tightened until he said, ‘You’re not happy with the situation?’

  ‘What situation?’ she frowned, feeling faint colour in her cheeks. Surely he hadn’t read her thoughts?

  ‘Working longer hours? It worries you leaving your son?’

  Relief flooded through her. ‘Yes, it worries me,’ she admitted. ‘I think it would worry any caring mother. But I’ve every confidence in Mrs Howard, even though she’s never looked after Daniel before.’ Thank goodness Jordan had not guessed that her thoughts were of a much more personal nature!

  The journey was short, and Mrs Howard was with Daniel on the front step looking out for her. She looked surprised to see Hannah arriving in an expensive red sports car, but Daniel recognised it and ran forward eagerly.

  ‘I’m sorry, Yvonne,’ said Hannah, scrambling out and grimacing ruefully. ‘Mr. Quest had an urgent letter. I hope I haven’t made you late?’ ‘

  Jordan Quest unfolded himself from the car too and smiled warmly at the older woman. ‘It was entirely my fault-I take all the blame. Perhaps I can give you a lift?’

  Yvonne Howard’s cheeks grew rosy under the warmth of his smile, and Hannah could see that here w
as another woman falling prey to his charm. Her lips tugged down in disapproval and she turned away-in time to see Daniel crawling into Jordan’s car. ‘Danny, come out of there at once!’ she scolded, embarrassed that he was being so naughty.

  Jordan glanced around. ‘Leave the boy, he’s enjoying himself.’ And then he turned his attention back to Yvonne. They continued to talk quietly for a few minutes before Yvonne said she really must go. ‘I’ll pick Daniel up from school tomorrow, Hannah,’ she said. ‘Don’t worry about him.’

  By this time Daniel was sitting behind the steering-wheel pretending to drive, and Hannah felt sure that Jordan would tell him off. To her surprise all he did was smile and lift Daniel out. ‘One day, young man, I’ll take you out in it, if you’re very good,’ he said.

  ‘Really?’ Daniel’s blue eyes shone. ‘Did you hear that, Mummy? Mr. Quest’s going to-take me out in his car!’

  ‘And your mother too.’ Jordan’s eyes locked into Hannah’s, and this time there was a definite warmth in them that could not be ignored.


  WHEN Hannah went to the office the next morning she was consoled by the fact that Jordan Quest had reverted to the businesslike image she was used to and knew how to handle. Apart from a brief appraisal of her soft, feminine body in a blue cotton dress, he barked out his orders in a no-nonsense voice, and she might have imagined the deepening of his tone when he had intimated that he would like to take her out.

  She had lain awake for a good part of the night thinking about him, about the way his attitude towards her seemed to be changing, about the way she responded to him against her will, and the fact that she wasn’t the only girl to feel this way. The only difference between herself and other girls was that she intended to fight her feelings. She would not let him see how she felt―she had no intention of becoming another statistic, another in a long line of conquests! In any case, he wasn’t her type. If, and it was a very big if, she ever got involved with a man again he would need to be someone like Roger, someone gentle and kind, someone who never raised their voice or tried to put her down.

  She was more than a little surprised when Jordan came into her office at half-past four and offered to take her home again. ‘That isn’t necessary, Mr. Quest, I have plenty of time today, and I’m sure you’re far too busy,’ she said.

  He looked at her with that expression in his eyes that she had seen much too frequently lately, an interest in her other than professional. ‘I think it’s time you called me Jordan.’ Again that low sensual timbre to his voice.

  Hannah’s chin tilted. ‘I don’t mean to be rude, Mr. Quest, but I’d prefer to keep our relationship on a strictly business level.’

  A flash of annoyance crossed his face, gone so swiftly she might have imagined it. A faint frown drew the thick brows together. ‘As you wish―Hannah―but I’d still like to give you a lift.’

  He said her name as no one else ever had, stretching the last syllable, giving it an almost foreign inflexion. She tried not to admit that she liked it. ‘No, thank you it’s a nice day, I prefer to walk.’ He had never before left the office this early unless he had business to attend to, and she knew it was his new-found interest in her that was the cause of it, but she was determined not to start something she might later regret.

  ‘You intrigue me, do you know that, Hannah? You’re so damned independent. Have you let no other man into your life since your husband died?’

  ‘No,’ she told him frankly. ‘Nor do I intend to.’

  ‘You’re still in love with your husband, is that it?’ He sounded as though he found this impossible to accept. ‘You’re not yet ready to start another relationship?’

  ‘No, I’m not,’ she admitted, her tone quietly steady. ‘As a matter of fact I have no intention of ever getting married again.’ No one could compare with Roger. When he’d died she had been completely devastated and had wanted to kill herself too. Daniel had kept her sane. She had forced herself to be cheerful in front of him, only crying her tears of grief when alone in bed at night. Now she had come to terms with it, but she wanted no one else. She had made her own little world and was happy. Happy enough. She would like a house with a garden, but that was all, and maybe even that would be possible now she was earning a good salary.

  Jordan’s rugged brows rose. ‘That’s a mistake, and a great pity as far as your son is concerned. Don’t you think he could do with some male company, a father figure to guide him?’

  Hannah shrugged. ‘We have no problems in that respect.’

  He looked at her steadily. ‘I think you have a problem, one we should discuss some time.’

  She let her breath out on a hiss of impatience. ‘If I did have a problem, which I haven’t, I assure you, you’re the last person I’d talk it over with. We have nothing in common, Mr Quest, we know nothing at all about each other. What gives you the right to think you can help me?’

  A muscle flicked in his jaw, showing that her outburst had displeased him, but his tone was perfectly even when he spoke. ‘I’d like to think we could become friends.’

  Her chin lifted. ‘I don’t think so. I know the type of friendship you’re thinking of. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I really must go.’

  Her insinuation caused a -further flash of anger, but to her surprise he crossed the room and opened the door. He was not letting her get away that easily, though. As she walked past him his hand caught her elbow. ‘Don’t freeze me out altogether, Hannah.’ His voice was a low soft growl in her ear. ‘It doesn’t suit you, being an icemaiden. You’re far too beautiful and sensuous.’

  Hannah felt her heart give an unsteady bump. It was the first time anyone had told her that. Even Roger, for all that he had loved her dearly, had never paid her compliments of that sort. Her cheeks felt warm as she left the building and hurried home.

  Yvonne saw her coming and her door stood open. ‘No lift from your handsome boss today?’ She looked disappointed, and Hannah wondered if she ought to warn her that Jordan was a womaniser and not to be trusted.

  Instead she gave a weak smile. ‘He didn’t have anything urgent to make me late. Has Danny been a good boy?’

  ‘Of course I’ve been good,’ said Daniel scornfully, appearing at Yvonne Howard’s side. ‘Where’s Mr. Quest? He promised me a ride in his car.’

  ‘Mr. Quest is a very busy man,’ said Hannah. Her boss had certainly made a big impact on them! ‘And I don’t think you should rely on him keeping his word.’

  ‘Why did he say it if he didn’t mean it?’ frowned her son. ‘That’s not right. You always tell me that—’

  ‘That will do, Danny,’ she cut in firmly. ‘Let’s go home now so that Mrs Howard can go to work.’

  All evening Daniel kept talking about Jordan Quest and his car and the fact that he had promised him a ride, until Hannah felt like screaming and was glad when her son was in bed. What was it about the man that had created such an impression? On her too, if the truth were known, though she was less kindly disposed towards him than either Daniel or Yvonne. She knew him too well to be deceived by his surface charm.

  An important board meeting the next day meant that Hannah was kept busy taking notes which Jordan then expected her to type out before she went home, as well as all the other letters and instructions he had dictated on to tape before she arrived. When four o’clock approached and she was nowhere near the end she knew it was an impossible task, and decided to tell Jordan Quest now rather than wait until it was time for her to go home.

  But before she reached his office her own door opened to admit the heavily perfumed Riva March. The blonde beauty threw a malevolent glance at Hannah. ‘Just a minute, I want a word with you.’

  Hannah showed her surprise, wondering what she had done to cause the girl to look at her like that. Riva was dressed in a scarlet figure-hugging dress, her fingertips dripping the same colour. She no doubt thought that she oozed sexuality, but as far as Hannah was concerned she made her feel Sick. And she could not imag
ine for one minute what Jordan saw in her.

  ‘I understand Jordan has given you the job of his permanent secretary?’ Green eyes glittered hostilely. ‘What did you do to bring off that little coup?’

  ‘I don’t know what you mean?’ frowned Hannah.

  ‘Come off it!’ snapped Riva. ‘I’m not that naive. Every single secretary Jordan’s had so far has wormed her way into his bed―don’t tell me that’s not what you’ve got in mind?’

  Before Hannah could answer Riva went on, ‘Things have changed now, Jordan belongs to me, so be warned, keep your scheming hands off him!’

  About to tell her that she was welcome to him, Hannah was forestalled by Jordan himself coming into her office. ‘Ah, I thought I heard voices. What are you doing here, Riva, at this time of day?’

  Immediately the blonde was all smiles and sweetness. ‘I was at a loose end, I thought you might take pity on me and finish early?’ She swayed across the room and rested a hand proprietorially on his arm, lifting her face to press the pouting redness of her lips to his cheek. ‘If I ring up you always say you’re too busy, so I thought I’d come in person.’ She lifted a finger to rub delicately at the lipsticked outline her lips had left.


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