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Stormy Relationship

Page 10

by Margaret Mayo

  When the doorbell rang on Monday evening the last person she expected to see was Jordan.

  ‘Aren’t you going to ask me in?’ he asked with a quirk to his lips.

  ‘I’m sorry, you surprised me.’ More than surprised her, in fact. She could not think what he was doing here.

  ‘I’ve come to see how the invalid is.’ He followed her into the tiny livingroom, and at once she felt his presence filling it. He was wearing white drill trousers and a yellow half-sleeved shirt and looked totally different from the hard-faced man who had ignored her for most of the week. Her heart began to beat abnormally fast and she found it difficult to take her eyes off him. It was crazy, the effect he was beginning to have on her.

  ‘Who’s that?’ Daniel’s voice came from out of his bedroom.

  ‘You’d better go in,’ said Hannah. ‘He’ll be delighted to see you, he’s done nothing but talk about you since last weekend. You’ve made quite an impression.’

  ‘I wish I’d made the same impression on his mother.’ Jordan’s tone was low and sensual, his eyes on hers, and Hannah felt a sudden warmth rush through her.

  ‘Mummy, is that Mr Quest?’

  The spell was broken, thank goodness, and Jordan turned away, but not before he had touched his fingers to her cheek. It probably meant nothing to him, it was merely a way of saying that he had got over his anger and was prepared to be friends again. But to what extent? What did he expect of her? She was still not ready to give her all to him, even though he was beginning to mean more to her than any other man since Roger.

  She followed him to Daniel’s room, watching from the doorway as he handed her son a flat parcel. Danny’s fingers trembled in his eagerness to open it.

  It was a book. Jordan could not have bought him anything better; Daniel loved reading. A book about wild animals, their habitat, their eating habits, how they brought up their young, written in a language simple enough for him to understand and beautifully illustrated.

  ‘Thank you, Mr Quest, thank you!’ breathed Daniel. ‘Look, Mummy, isn’t it lovely?’

  Moving over to the bed, standing so close to Jordan that she could feel the warmth of him and smell the faint tang of his aftershave, Hannah looked down at the open page and smiled and nodded. ‘It’s very nice, Danny.’ But she was more aware of the man at her side than the pictures in the book.

  ‘I love animals,’ went on Daniel enthusiastically. ‘I used to help my daddy around the farm. We had a dog then, and a cat, but Mummy says I can’t have one now because we have no garden.’

  Jordan nodded gravely. ‘Your mummy’s right, Danny―pets need lots of exercise. It wouldn’t be fair to keep them shut up indoors all the time.’

  ‘I wish I lived in your house with your big garden,’ added Daniel. ‘There’d be lots of room then.’

  ‘Danny!’ choked Hannah, mortified by his frankness, but terrified too that he might say something even more embarrassing.

  ‘It’s all right,’ smiled Jordan.

  ‘No, it’s not all right,’ she said sharply. ‘He never speaks like this to anyone else.’

  ‘I guess Danny and I understand each other.’

  ‘I think you encourage him to be rude,’ she snapped.

  ‘Not intentionally, Hannah. I would never do that. I respect your authority and compliment you on a very well-mannered little boy. He’s done nothing wrong.’

  ‘He’s spoken out of turn.’

  ‘If you repress him he’ll be an introvert. There’s nothing wrong in stating his opinion.’

  Daniel was watching them both with interest, not altogether sure what was going on, but intrigued to see his mother arguing with Mr Quest.

  ‘Look at your book for a few minutes, Danny,’

  Hannah said, kissing his brow, ‘and then go to sleep.’

  She walked out of the room, hoping Jordan would take the hint and follow. He stayed a moment longer; she heard the low murmur of their voices and envied how easily Danny got on with Jordan. He had no hang-ups about letting anyone else into his life. How she wished she could accept this man so freely!

  When Jordan joined her she was standing at the window looking down into the street, He came into the room so quietly that she was not aware of him until he spoke her name softly over her shoulder.

  She turned and looked at him without a trace of a smile, although inside she felt the full power of his magnetism. He was like’ a magnet, she thought, pulling her inexorably towards him even though she did her best to resist. Her chin lifted. ‘I’d appreciate it if you didn’t tell me how to bring up my child,’ she said, ‘It was very kind of you to bring that book, but now Daniel needs his rest, so if you wouldn’t mind…’ She walked over to the door and opened it.

  Jordan followed. He took the door out of her hand and closed it again. ‘You don’t get rid of me that easily,’ he told her,

  Hannah felt a quick spurt of annoyance. ‘I thought you came to see Daniel?’

  ‘That was my excuse.’

  Meaning he wanted to see her! Hannah controlled a sigh and, turning back into the room, she sat down. Jordan took the other easy chair, his long legs stretched out in front. He looked relaxed and perfectly at home, even though the room had none of the comforts he was used to.

  ‘Are you worried because I’m not able to do your work?’ she asked pertly.

  A smile curved his lips. ‘Not at all. I have an entirely different proposition to put to you.’

  Hannah sat up and looked at him suspiciously.

  ‘But first let me tell you about the estate my aunt left Drew.’ He sat forward, his elbows resting on his thighs, his hands outstretched ready to add emphasis to his words. ‘As I said, my brother’s far too irresponsible to run it himself. In fact, if it weren’t for my aunt stipulating that it must be kept in the family, he’d sell tomorrow. The estate has actually been in the Quest family for over three hundred years. It would be criminal to let it go―perhaps to someone who would want to develop in a way that would be completely out of character.’

  ‘But what’s it got to do with me?’ asked Hannah, still feeling totally confused.

  ‘I’m coming to that,’ he assured her. ‘Drew, as you might expect, is not at all pleased that I’ve been made his trustee. We’ve had some very sharp words about it. He seems to think that even though he can’t sell the estate he can live in the Hall, collect the rents, and provide himself with a comfortable income. It wouldn’t work out like that.’

  Hannah remained silent. She still could not see what part she had to play in any of this.

  ‘You see, my aunt hasn’t been well these last few years, and in consequence the estate has been badly neglected―rents not rising in line with inflation, rents not even collected, maintenance work on the cottages not done. The whole community is really in a very sad state.’

  ‘So who’s going to look after it? Who’s going to see that all this work is done?’ asked Hannah. He was right, it wasn’t the sort of thing Drew would be capable of handling. Drew didn’t like anything that resembled hard work.

  ‘I am,’ said Jordan, much to her surprise. ‘Obviously I shall make Drew a reasonable allowance just as soon as it begins to get back on its feet. And if and when he ever shows signs of maturity then he can take over.’

  ‘But you’re already very busy running your own company.’

  He dismissed her protest airily. ‘My company will run itself for the time being. I have very efficient managers, as you know. And I shall keep in regular touch. I don’t foresee any problems.’

  ‘Where is this estate?’ she asked.

  ‘In Derbyshire, not far from where my parents live. Right out in the countryside. It will suit you and Danny perfectly.’

  Her frown reappeared. ‘Me and Danny? What are you talking about?’

  ‘I want you there with me, Hannah. I want you to marry me and live there as my wife.’


  HANNAH did not realise that she had stopped breathing until
her head began to spin. She gulped air into her tortured lungs and stared at Jordan as though he were a ghost. ‘You can’t be serious?’

  ‘I assure you I am.’

  ‘But―but you don’t love me,’ she stammered. And hadn’t Drew said he was going to marry Riva?

  ‘Neither do you love me, but we’re both in need of a partner, and I can think of no better excuse.’

  Hannah continued to look at him in wide-eyed disbelief. ‘How can you say that?’ she whispered huskily, her mouth so dry she felt as if she had been in the desert for days without water.

  ‘It’s simple. Let me list all the “for”s. Number one, I find you very, very attractive and far less irritating than most women I know.’

  Did that include Riva? she wondered.

  ‘Secondly, Daniel and I get on well together―it’s a mutual admiration in that respect. He’s a fine boy. Thirdly, although you need a man in your life you’re not prepared to love again, which suits me fine because I don’t believe in love either. Call it a business arrangement if you like, because I’ll need you to help me run the estate. Or a marriage of convenience. Whatever, it’s one that will suit us both admirably.’

  Hannah felt as though she was going to pass out. It was a wildly fanciful suggestion. How could he even think it would work? She closed her eyes and tried to regulate her breathing, and the next thing she knew Jordan was touching her shoulder.

  ‘Hannah, look at me. Are you all right?’

  She dragged open her eyes and took a grateful sip of the water he offered.

  ‘I didn’t realise it would be quite such a shock,’ he murmured.

  ‘What did you think,’ she scorned, ‘that I’d jump for joy and accept straightaway?’ She took the glass from him and gulped down the rest of the contents. ‘It’s ludicrous! I can’t possibly consider it. And besides, I’m not sure that I entirely agree with your taking the estate away from Drew so completely. It seems most unfair.’

  ‘It’s the only logical solution,’ he said. ‘I daren’t let Drew loose there, it would sink even deeper into the quagmire. And as far as you and I are concerned it’s a very practical arrangement,’ he told her firmly. ‘Think of the advantages. You’d have no more money worries, for a start, you’d be living back out in the country, which can only be good for Daniel, and you’d also be giving the boy the father he desperately needs. To say nothing of your own needs. It’s a perfect solution.’

  ‘And what would you get out of it?’ she asked, wondering what he thought her needs were.

  ‘A ready-made family, although I’m not saying I wouldn’t like children of my own one day. A beautiful, charming wife, an efficient secretary. The estate manager who looked after things for my aunt hasn’t kept the books properly for years. There’s so much work to be done.’

  ‘I could work for you without marrying you,’ she pointed out.

  ‘Agreed, but it’s too far to travel, you’d still need to live at the Hall. And you’re such a sensitive little person,’ Jordan added caustically, ‘that you’d be sure to worry what people might say.’

  ‘And you think I’d marry you for that reason’!’ Her chin was high now, her blue eyes coldly defensive.

  ‘I know you wouldn’t do that, Hannah, but I know you’re not entirely immune to me either, I know it’s only your misguided sense of loyalty that makes you hold back.’

  ‘Would you―would you―expect me to sleep with you?’ she asked faintly, her face colouring as she posed the question, but it was something that needed to be said if she was to consider his suggestion, and she had to admit that it made a lot of sense.

  ‘Naturally.’ His lips quirked as he saw the colour deepen in her cheeks. ‘But I wouldn’t rush you. On the other hand, I wouldn’t be prepared to wait for ever,’ he added pointedly. ‘Think about my proposal, Hannah. I’ll call in again tomorrow evening. Perhaps by then Daniel will be feeling better and you’ll be able to see what he thinks about it.’

  ‘No!’ said Hannah at once, hotly and loudly, ‘I won’t have Danny involved―that’s blackmail. He already thinks the world of you, and―’

  ‘There you are, then,’ he broke in with a smile, ‘that’s half the battle over.’

  Hannah realised she had let her tongue run away with her and cursed beneath her breath. ‘I’ll give you your answer tomorrow, Mr Quest. Please go now.’

  ‘Mr Quest?’ A frown deepened the creases in his brow and his voice hardened. ‘What is this? Have you already made up your mind?’ He rose to his feet and towered over her. ‘If so, tell me now, I have no wish to lie awake half the night hoping in vain.’

  ‘It’s all a game to you, isn’t it’?’ she snapped, springing up as well. ‘You want a wife in name only, an image of respectability, while you carryon and bed Riva March and any other female who takes your fancy!’

  Jordan’s eyes narrowed as he hissed chillingly, ‘Is that honestly what you think I’d do?’

  ‘I’m sure of it,’ she spat.

  ‘Then let me spell it out to you, Miss Suspicious Mind. Once we were married I would be completely faithful. The only person I’d sleep with would be you. As I said before, I’d give you time, but if I thought it was too long in coming—’ his eyes roved purposefully over her quivering body ‘―then I might not be quite so patient.’

  It shamed Hannah that her pulses leapt in response, that her body betrayed her when-she wanted nothing to do with him-and her heightened colour unfortunately gave her away.

  ‘But I have no doubt that you wouldn’t keep me waiting very long,’ he taunted. Without warning he reached out and pulled her against him, his mouth capturing hers before she could even think about pulling free.

  It was no punishing kiss this time―it was designed to arouse her senses and persuade her in no small way that she found him far more attractive than she was admitting.

  His mouth moved with calculated expertise over hers, nibbling gently the soft fullness of her lower lip, his tongue probing and exciting, his hands a burning caress.

  Hannah knew she was lost the moment he touched her. Her senses spun until she was no longer capable of coherent thought. She clung urgently to Jordan, feeling the strength of silken muscle beneath her fingertips, the pulsating hardness of his body against hers, having no idea how long the kiss lasted, coming to her senses only when Daniel’s voice broke into her tormented mind.

  ‘Mummy, has Mr Quest gone’?’

  She tried to wrench herself free, horrified that she had responded so freely and easily. ‘Not yet, darling.’ Even her voice was shaky and weak.

  Jordan smiled tenderly and stroked a warm finger down her trembling cheek. ‘Tell him you’re going to marry me.’

  ‘I can’t,’ she whispered chokingly.

  ‘Can’t tell him, or can’t marry me’?’ he wondered, still teasing her with fingers that were altogether too sensual.

  Hannah closed her eyes and let her thoughts run free. Accepting Jordan’s proposal actually made a lot of sense. Daniel was desperately in need of a father figure, there was no doubt about it, and as he loved Jordan already she knew he wouldn’t object. It was in fact his dearest wish. If he had any idea what Jordan was saying to her now he would be out of bed like a shot, adding his persuasion to Jordan’s.

  She knew she would never love another man as she had loved Roger, nevertheless she did feel a certain kind of love for Jordan, even though she had not admitted it even to herself up until this moment! It was a heart-stopping discovery. She had fought strongly against developing any kind of feelings, but they had crept up on her unwittingly, and now she was powerless to do anything about it.

  ‘I’m still waiting, Hannah.’ Jordan’s lips brushed hers again, sending a fresh shiver of emotions through her already nerveless limbs.

  She swallowed hard and licked suddenly dry lips. ‘I―think my answer is―yes. I will―marry you, Jordan.’

  It should have been a joyous moment, but instead tears welled and trickled down her cheeks.
r />   There was a moment’s tension in him before he smiled and brushed away her tears with gentle thumbs. ‘Hannah, it isn’t anything to cry about. You won’t regret this, I promise you. Let’s go and tell Daniel.’

  The days that followed were not easy ones. Under normal circumstances they should have been some of the happiest in Hannah’s life, but the circumstances were anything but normal, and apart from Daniel, who was delirious with excitement, and her parents who had been highly delighted when she phoned and gave them her news, no one else seemed to think that she was doing the right thing.

  The first person to warn her off Jordan was Drew. He came to see her at the flat the very next day, his face mottled red with anger and disbelief. ‘Tell me it’s not true that you’re going to marry my brother?’ he demanded.


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