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Page 13

by Sam Crescent

  Rose licked her lips, and glanced down, looking at his chest.

  “She could give you everything.”

  “She wasn’t you. I don’t give a fuck what she could give me, Rose. I only ever loved you. When it happened, and I was doing what I did, I was screaming at myself to stop.” Hardy gritted his teeth as a sudden wave of sadness gripped him. “I didn’t know what I was doing or even thinking. It was all a blur, and even as I was messing up, all I could think about was your face. We’d been coming apart, and I remember you kept asking for shit, and not even stuff like a new kitchen. You were asking for dates, for time, for everything, and I was so used to bitches just being there without any of that shit that I knew I was failing you.” He chuckled.

  “Failing me?”

  “You weren’t just happy with me putting my ring on your finger, and taking my cock. For a long time all I’d ever had to do was crook my finger and women did as they were told, and I loved it. You, I loved more than anything. I loved you with all my heart, and my head was screwing with me. I panicked because you were asking for stuff I didn’t even know if I could give you. Suddenly, I wasn’t this big badass biker who could do what he wanted, and my woman would just fall in line. I was someone else, someone who couldn’t give you everything, and make sure you were smiling. I was this asshole biker, who’d seen you at a party and snapped you up. There were men out there that would take you away from me, give you the dinners, the dates, and the life that you’ve been craving, because I didn’t have it in me to give it to you.”

  “What changed?”

  “I suddenly realized I don’t have to wait for the moment for you to leave me for better. You’d already left me, and I was the same guy who was just broken inside. My woman didn’t want me, but the club still had me. There were still bitches there, and none of them were you.” Hardy stroked his thumb over her cheek, going down to run the tip against her lips. “Then it was like a message or something to me, and I watched the brothers with their women, and I knew that the only person stopping me from giving you exactly what you wanted, was me. I’m the one who could give you whatever the hell you want, no one else.”

  “This is why you took me to a fancy place instead of burgers.”

  “Yes. I have to concede defeat. The food was pretty awesome, deliciously so.”

  She giggled and pressed a kiss to his lips. “Does this mean I’ve got a lot more to look forward to?”

  “You’re going to be in for a couple of surprises along the way. Think of everything you’ve ever wanted, and just wait for me to get to it. I’ve got a lot of ground to cover, and that’s exactly what I’m going to do.” He pressed his nose against hers, and smiled. “We’ve never done this before. We need to do this more often.”

  “Make love?”

  “Talk. I love your voice, and I want to hear it more often.”

  “It will be up to you as to whether I can get a word in,” she said, laughing.

  “After that you’re going to be so fed up of talking you’ll be begging for me to talk.”

  He pulled out of her pussy, and gathered her up in his arms.

  “Hardy, what are you doing?”

  “We’re going to have a wash. It has been a long day, and I know how much you hate sleeping after we’ve been out without a wash.” He carried her through to their bathroom, and with her in his arms, Hardy knew he could face anything, and not crumble.

  The only woman who he had ever loved was in his arms, and he was more determined than ever to make sure she was going to stay.

  Chapter Ten

  “Are you sure she’s ready?” Hardy asked, checking out the last of the decorations. The clubhouse had been opened up, and Millie was helping Angel as they placed up the last of the pink banner. Angel was dressed in a beautiful blue prom dress that really contrasted with her hair, highlighting the blonde tresses. Hardy saw Lash was close watching his woman, and beside him was their son, Anthony. The kid was nearly in school, and Hardy couldn’t believe how much time had passed. It didn’t seem that long ago when Angel was giving birth, and Anthony was coming home to a family that loved him.

  The club had couples, and all the kids were also dressed for the prom, and it was just a cute-fest.

  “Hey, man,” Gash said, coming to slap him on the back. He turned to see his friend was also dressed in a tux for the event.

  “You’re still here. Whizz told me he gave you what he needed.”

  “He did, and now I can wait a few days. I’ve got to see this prom through, meet Sally, and then I’m gone. I’m not going to be around for your kid coming into the world.” Gash thrust his hands into his pockets. “I’ve got what I need, and I’ll be gone after today.”

  “What’s the plan? Stalk the woman in the hope of her leading her to where you want to go?” Hardy asked.

  “Pretty much. I want to know if Charlotte knows where she is.”

  “Who is this woman?”


  “Her, and the other woman. You’ve never said her name, and it’s so fucking long ago, I can’t remember her name.” Hardy turned in time to see Gash clench his teeth. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bring up bad memories.”

  “It’s okay. The memories are always there. They’re never going to disappear. The woman’s name who sent me down, accusing me of rape and murder, is Rebecca Charleston.” Gash tightened his hand around the glass bottle he was drinking from. “She’s the bitch who sent me down, along with the cop she was fucking.”

  Hardy didn’t need to ask about the cop. He remembered him. “Who is Charlotte?”

  “She was Rebecca’s roommate. A cute, chubby little thing. She reminded me a little of a mouse, and I used to call her that, mouse.” Gash smiled. “I thought she would come to the trial telling what had happened, save me. She never did. I didn’t even get a fucking visit from her.”

  “What if there was a problem?”

  “Charlotte knew the score between Rebecca and me. She watched the bitch beg me to make love to her. Rebecca had a thing about being watched. The guy they accused me of killing I’d never even met.”

  “I’m sorry, man.”

  “Don’t worry. They’re all going to know what it’s like to be fucked with. I’ve got every intention of fucking with them.”

  Hardy nodded. “Do me a favor, Gash, be careful.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “It means that I know you, and I know this path you’re heading down. You need your revenge, and the only way for you to get that is to hurt a woman. Hurting women is not what you’re about.” Hardy went to run fingers through his hair, and stopped when he remembered his hair was in fact done for the prom. “When you hurt a woman, it takes you to a new level.”

  “You’ve never killed a woman.”

  “I’ve hurt the woman I love. I’ve hurt Rose at every angle there is. I’m a mean motherfucker for what I’ve done to her, and I hate myself for it. There’s nothing I can do to change that. I really wish there was, but there’s not. I’m changing. I’m becoming the man for her.”

  “You can’t change the fact you’re a biker.”

  “I know, but I can change the kind of man she has. She changed for me. Rose gave me a shot in the beginning, and it’s time I gave her back what she gave me. I love her. She’s my heart and soul.”

  “What are you getting at?” Gash asked.

  “If you go down this path of murder with Charlotte, and even with Rebecca, it could finally take you away from what you know. It’ll stop you from ever experiencing love.”

  Gash chuckled. “I’ve experienced love, but it was a fucking fantasy.”

  “What?” Hardy asked.

  “I can’t believe I’m about to tell you this. I had a dream, or at least I think it was a dream. I was completely fucked out of my mind. I can’t even remember what I was dreaming about or the kind of shit that was going on around me. I met a woman, and she had hair that smelled like warm vanilla. The length was so long that I wrappe
d it around my fist, pulling on it as I made love to her. Her moans were the sweetest I’ve ever heard.” Gash looked lost in his fantasy. “I felt with her what I imagined you felt with Rose. She was home. She was perfection.”

  “What happened?”

  “The following morning I woke up, and she was gone. There was no memory of her name, or anything else than what I’ve described to you. I can’t remember her.”


  “Nothing. She had to have been a dream.”

  Hardy chuckled. “What if it had been Charlotte, or Rebecca?”

  “It couldn’t have been Rebecca. She was out that night. It wasn’t Charlotte.”

  “How do you know?”

  “Charlotte is not my kind. She’s lovely, don’t get me wrong, but she’s too damn sweet. I like my women on the naughty side.”

  Hardy shrugged, looking down at his watch. “It’s time to go and bring my woman to the prom.”

  “You’re really going for this?”

  “Yes. I love my woman, and she didn’t have a prom of her own.” Hardy slapped him on the back, and moved out to his car. Baker was with Rose, but he was riding to meet Millie. From what he’d learned from Baker, he was dating Millie without her actually knowing she was being dated. It was bizarre to Hardy, but he wasn’t going to upset the brother in any way.

  He made his way out to the car, climbing inside. Hardy had already left the dress on her bed for her to find. Baker had called him to let him know that she’d found the dress for herself, and was already putting it on.

  The drive didn’t take very long, and some of the locals were also invited along for the event. Hardy didn’t mind sharing this with everyone. The only person he had eyes on was his woman, Rose.

  Pulling up outside of the house, he knocked on the door.

  Baker opened the door first, shook his hand, and slapped him on the back. “Is Millie at the prom?”

  “She’s there.”

  “Phew, I thought I’d have to go and find her.”

  “She’s there helping out Angel. Where’s my woman?”

  “In the kitchen, nervous as hell.”

  Entering the house, he made his way to the kitchen, and paused when Rose called out to him.

  “Stay where you are. I’m going to come out, and you’re going to tell me what the hell is going on,” she said.

  “I’m right here, and I’m ready.”

  He smoothed out his jacket, and then he just fell in love with his woman all over again. The dress was stunning and showcased her body to perfection. She’d curled her red hair, and his heart raced.

  “Well, what do you think?” she asked, running her hands down her dress.

  “You’re the most beautiful woman in the world.”

  Rose blushed. “You don’t have to say stuff like that.”

  “I have to. You’re beautiful.”

  “You’re dressed in a tux, and so was Baker. I’m kind of nervous right now,” she said, looking at her own dress then over to him. “What’s going on?”

  “All will be explained the moment we go to the club.”

  “Is this one of the reasons why I can’t go to the clubhouse?”

  Hardy pulled out a corsage. “I got you this.”

  “This is feeling a lot like a prom to me, Hardy. What’s going on?” she asked.

  “I’ll tell you everything you need to know when the time is right.”

  “I’m getting excited now, Hardy. You’ve never done anything like this before.”

  “Maybe I should wait, and let you get a little more excited.”

  “Don’t you dare! I can’t handle waiting around another moment.” She rubbed her hands together, and Hardy was charmed by her excitement.

  He took the ride back to the clubhouse slow, and with each second that passed, Rose got more anxious. Finally, he put her out of her misery, and took them to the clubhouse, parking inside the parking lot.

  “Oh my God,” she said. The outside of the clubhouse as well as the inside had been decorated to that of a prom.

  “Welcome to the prom, my love.” He parked the car, turning off the engine. Rounding the car, he opened her door, and offered her his arm. “I believe one lady didn’t get a chance to go to the prom, and it’s time to rectify that memory.”

  She clung to his arm, holding him close. “You did all of this?”

  “Yes. I did all of this. Well, I begged a little, and Nash helped out.”

  “I’m glad you’re giving credit where it’s due,” Nash said.

  They turned around in time to see Sophia on Nash’s arm with their daughter in front of them. The small family looked so beautiful and charming.

  “You look beautiful, Rose,” Sophia said.

  “Thank you. You don’t think it’s too much?” Rose touched her hair, and then the dress. “Hardy picked the dress.”

  “It’s all beautiful.”

  “This was all Hardy’s idea,” Nash said. “He wanted you to have the prom you missed out on.”

  “I love it,” Rose said.

  “We’re not even inside yet.” Taking her hand, Hardy led the way, hoping she loved every second of it.


  Hardy thought of everything. Rose had her picture taken, and there was a glittery ball that glinted down on the floor. The main doors to the back of the clubhouse had been opened up, and the whole place looked like a high school. Well, a high school for adults. They grabbed a plastic cup of punch, and Hardy took her outside. She recognized Angel and Lash who were dancing close together on the dance-floor. They looked beautiful, charming, and utterly adorable. Anthony was standing with him, dancing with Tabitha and Miles. Eva and Tiny were close to them.

  The whole club was a family. She even noticed that Daisy, Tabitha’s friend, was also there by her side. Rose doubted the family was even there. Daisy’s family was known as drunks, and didn’t really care about their daughter. Eva and Angel took care of Daisy more than her own parents did.

  “What do you think?” Hardy asked.

  “I can’t believe you did this.”

  “Are you happy that I kept you away for it to be a surprise?”

  “Yes, I’m so happy about it.” She leaned her head on his shoulder. “This is the best prom ever.”

  “The high school is going to be so pissed with me. I’ve set the bar this year.”

  She giggled and closed her eyes. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders, and she knew everything was going to be more than okay.

  “That punch doesn’t have alcohol. With the kids, and the pregnant women, I voted against spiking the punch,” Hardy said.

  “You’ve thought of everything.”

  “You bet I have. I wanted tonight to be perfect for you.”

  “It is.” She released a little sigh, finished off her fruit drink, and took his hands. “Will you dance with me?”

  “Yes. Be warned, I’m not a very good dancer.”

  “I don’t care.” The song turned to a slow number, and Rose believed it was bliss just by being in his arms. “You can dance slowly. This we can handle.”

  “Yes, I can handle this.”

  “I can’t believe you did all of this for me.”

  “I made a mistake. I’ve made a lot of mistakes. I’m not going to continue making them.”

  “You’re making a woman feeling loved.” Rose knew she should be pissed that Hardy read her diaries, but she wasn’t. Those dairies were where she’d bared her soul. He’d not cared enough to ask her how she was, or to even talk. They’d talked a hell of a lot more in the last three weeks than they had in ten years of marriage. After all this time she couldn’t even begin to tell him the kinds of things she had to the open pages. No one cared about what was written on those pages. She didn’t have to worry about hurting a person’s feelings, or that her words were unkind. The pages gave her an outlet to bare her soul.

  “You are loved.”

  The song continued to play, and Rose rested her head on his shoulde
r. “What’s your favorite color?”


  She smiled.


  “I love green.”

  “That color contrasts with your hair.”

  “I know. I think it’s why I like it. Chicken or steak?”

  “Damn, that one is a hard one. I think steak wins. You can do so much with it, and you can grind it up for meatballs.”

  “You can do the same with chicken.”

  “It’s not the same. It’s nowhere near the same, and you can have a lot more flavor with steak.”

  “Okay, fine. Mashed potatoes or roast?” she asked.

  “Both. Why have one when you can have two?”

  “You’re being greedy.”

  “Maybe just a little.”

  She leaned back and smiled at him. “I like this. We should do this more often.”

  “I don’t know. Lash is probably going to be so pissed at me after all the mess is cleared up.”

  “I don’t mind helping. What’s happening tonight?” she asked.

  “Well, it’s prom, and so it’s a rite of passage for my woman to have sex.”

  “With you?”

  “There’s no one else you’re going to be with. This is all about giving you what you missed out on.”

  Closing her eyes, she rested her head on his shoulder. It really was perfect.

  They danced together for three more songs, and then Hardy had to disappear to the bathroom. She moved to stand beside the women of the club. Angel was standing in Lash’s arms, and the kids had taken up the dance-floor with some children’s songs while the grownups took a breather.

  “You look happy,” Angel said.

  “I am happy.”

  “You better be. Hardy made sure all of this was for you,” Lash said, pointing around the room. “We’ve got pink streamers coming down from the roof. I tell you, any passing MCs are going to think we’re fucking pussies.”

  “We’ll take them,” Tiny, Nash, and Zero all said.

  Rose chuckled.

  “Yeah, baby, you’d be at an advantage,” Angel said.

  “How is that?”

  “They’ll think you’re a bunch of girls, and then real men will come out. They’ll probably soil themselves.” Angel leaned back, kissing his cheek.


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