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Sons of Justice 3: Love Unexpected (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

Page 4

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  She pulled back. “Channing, I’m not in a position right now to entertain some sort of fling.”

  He narrowed his eyes at her and she stepped to the side, making Thor and Channing release their holds on her. But then Philippe pulled her close and wrapped her up in his arms. He slid his hand over her lower back and stared down into her eyes. She gripped his arms, so big and muscular.

  “This is not some fling. We want to get to know you better. Be friends, explore the potential of this attraction.”

  “It’s not really a good time for me. In fact, this is the first night in many that I didn’t have to work. This weekend I want to go hiking and do some relaxing things and think things through. There’s a lot of pressures in my life.”

  Philippe reached up and stroked her cheek.

  “Pressures maybe we can assist with. We know we’re older, more experienced and stuff, but perhaps we can help to ease your burdens? Maybe bouncing ideas off of us could help. We’ve had a lot of experiences,” he said and stared down into her eyes. She held his gaze. Philippe was gorgeous, too. She felt Bubba take her hand and Philippe stepped back, releasing her to Bubba.

  He didn’t hesitate. They all seemed comfortable sharing the space with her, and she understood a bit about ménage relationships. Even though her sister’s was more like some erotic relationship that started out basically all about sex and sexual positions. Once she got pregnant then things changed slightly, but her men didn’t seem too faithful, but she wasn’t certain. That was another fear. If she let go with these men and it failed, then what? No other men would want her. Surely losing her virginity and engaging in a ménage relationship would taint her.

  “Hey,” Bubba said, and pulled her between his legs and into his arms. His one hand went right to her lower back then ass, and the other ran under the back of her head and neck tilting her face up toward him.

  “Don’t look so scared. We’re good men.”

  “You’re big men,” she replied.

  “Capable and ones that won’t ever hurt you.”

  “I don’t know that. I have a lot of fears. Not much experience with men, and definitely not ones your sizes. It’s intimidating, Bubba.”

  She said his name.

  “How did you get that name anyway?” she asked.

  “Something that stuck since I was little.”

  “What’s your real name?” she asked, and he caressed her ass and she tightened up.

  “I don’t share that information with just anyone,” he said, and then leaned closer and went to kiss her lips. She turned and he kissed her cheek and then along her throat. She closed her eyes and leaned back, giving him better access to her neck. When he licked her skin, she was shocked and gripped his shoulder and pulled back. He held her gaze and gave a wink. “You’re more delicious than I imagined, Bo,” he said, and she felt her cheeks flush. She wasn’t used to this. Not even close.

  “You want to know my real name? The one given at birth?” he asked, and she nodded.

  “Kiss me. Right on the cheek and then I’ll tell you.” Her face flushed and she got a little sassy.

  “Oh really? Why should I?” she asked.

  “Because you want to, and I’m giving you an excuse, a challenge to do it to get over your fears despite how powerful this attraction between all of us and you is. Kiss me,” he said in that deep, hard tone of his.

  She swallowed hard and then couldn’t resist. He was giving her the opportunity and it was to find out his name. She moved closer and kissed his cheek. It was hard, muscular, masculine and she wanted to be close to him. She pressed her lips against his skin again and toward his mouth. He closed his eyes and it shocked her. Had she had that power over him, a man so big that her kisses alone affected him so? She closed her eyes and pressed her lips to his lips, and things got hot and heavy quickly.

  It started out as a seductive peck, a show of control and pretend experience on her part, but soon he was plunging his tongue into her mouth, exploring as his hand cupped her ass and rubbed it while his other hand gripped her hair and devoured her moans.

  When the sound of whistles alerted them to the scene they made, she pulled back, gasped for breath, shocked at the sensation.

  He stared into her eyes, so serious and filled with hunger. “Bartholomew Rose,” he said and rubbed his palm up her back, and then hugged her to him.

  She whispered into his ear.

  “Bartholomew Rose? Such a nice name. I like it. A lot,” she said and pressed her lips to his neck because he smelled so good and she just couldn’t resist.

  “You can call me anything you want, baby, just don’t deny these feelings and push us away. Please,” he said and squeezed her a little snugger, making her gasp and then tap his arms.

  “You’ll crush me,” she said and pulled back to look into his eyes.

  “Never. You’re more protected than ever in these arms and with my team and I as your protectors. So about this hiking thing Sunday? You aren’t planning on going alone, are you?”

  She felt embarrassed. She was planning that. She hadn’t asked her friends because she really did want to have time alone to think and plan her next moves.

  “Well,” she said and looked away and locked gazes with a very serious looking Philippe. “Not happening. Hiking alone could be dangerous.”

  “Well, I hadn’t asked my friends. I wanted to do some thinking.”

  “That’s fine, but not alone. Why don’t we take advantage of the days off for all of us and join you? We can bring along food to eat and make sure you get that alone time but are safe,” Channing stated.

  “I wouldn’t make you do that, and then leave you to be alone.”

  “Well, that’s up to you. Like we said, we’re here to bounce ideas off of,” Thor said to her.

  She looked at each of them and then Bubba took her hand and brought it to his lips. “Think about it. We’ll exchange numbers now and then make plans at the end of the night,” he said and kissed her knuckles.

  She thought about it. It would definitely be a good way to get to know these men, and also keep her safe in the woods. They were soldiers, and resourceful ones at that.

  “Okay. If you’re sure that’s what you want to do on your day off,” she said.

  Channing wrapped his arm around her waist and stepped closer. “Baby, we’re hoping to spend lots of days off getting to know you. This is only the beginning,” he said and kissed her cheek. She turned in his arms and his mouth trailed from her cheek to her lips, and now Channing was kissing her deeply, letting his hand slide blatantly over her ass until the whistles and hollers started. She knew they were staking a claim and letting other men know she was getting involved with them. For some strange reason, she didn’t mind one bit at all. They were that sexy and perfect, and it seemed they wanted little ol’ her. This was crazy.

  A few hours later and it was time to call it a night. She couldn’t help but feel disappointed.

  “We can give you a ride home,” Philippe stated, holding Bo’s hand as her friends started saying goodnight to everyone.

  “I have a ride, Philippe, but thank you. I had a lot of fun tonight,” she said, staring up into his dark brown eyes.

  “We did, too. So much so, that we don’t want it to end. Maybe we can talk more? Maybe drive you home, you can invite us in,” he said and slid his hand up under her hair and pressed closer. She titled her head back and he pressed his lips gently to hers. It was sexy, seductive, and she needed to rein in her desires, remember she was a virgin and not easy. Although their kisses were pretty damn addicting, and it was hard not to want more of them.

  She pulled back.

  “Why, Philippe, what type of girl do you think I am?” she asked and stepped away, smoothing her hands along her hips trying to act sexy and strong, when really her palms were all sweaty and her heart raced with emotions.

  He eyed her over.

  “First of all, you’re no girl. You’re all woman, baby, and you can’t blame me for wa
nting to spend more time with you.”

  “You’ll call us tomorrow and we’ll confirm the plans for hiking?” Thor asked. They were all close to her and now kissing her goodnight and hugging her to them.

  God, it felt so good and so accepting having them caress palms over her ass as they hugged her. It was like they really liked her ass. Well, it did look good in these jeans and she had hoped they were here tonight. What a hell of a series of events.

  “I will call you in the afternoon. I have a busy morning and afternoon out of town.”

  “Doing what?” Channing asked, arms crossed and looking so authoritative and serious.

  “Things, Channing. I’ll call or text when I get back. I can hit the store too, so we have food like you suggested,” she said to him.

  “We’ll take care of all of that. You just be sure to pack warm clothes. Sometimes, this time of year gets damn cold by the lake and in the woods along the trails. Boots, too,” Channing stated in what seemed like an order. That was a little difficult to get used to. The way their words sounded like orders. She knew they were some sort of trainers for soldiers. Like maybe conditioning or something, she didn’t know, but she would find out. She was going to do this. She liked them. A lot, and perhaps part of making changes was getting away from Percy’s and looking to do things that made her happy, made her feel right and safe, instead of on guard and unsure.

  She kissed Channing goodnight and then her friends called to her a third time that they were leaving. She pulled her hand from Channing’s reluctantly, and she gave a sad expression.

  “I had fun, see you Sunday,” she said, and they watched her go and she couldn’t believe it. Four gorgeous, sexy soldiers wanted to be with her, date her, maybe be her guardians like they did here in Repose? Holy God, she was thrilled and couldn’t stop smiling as she got into Sam’s jeep and off they went.

  “Hot damn, woman! You had a great night, huh?” Laci asked. The others hollered and hooted.

  “I sure did. Oh my God, it was crazy,” she replied.

  “They like you a lot, and they were making word spread that you belong to them. I’m thrilled for you, Bo. I can tell you like them a bunch,” Kendra stated.

  “I do like them a lot. I mean, they intimidate me, and they’re so big.”

  “They sure are. They could crush you with one arm,” Sam said and then stepped on the gas and took the hill faster so the jeep would bounce. They laughed and cheered, and then she slowed down to the speed limit again.

  “Did you make plans with them?” Sam asked.

  “I sort of did for Sunday. I mean, I was planning on going hiking, and just getting some thinking done, but then I mentioned that and they kind of reprimanded me for thinking of going hiking alone. Kind of got me all worried.”

  “Smart move on their part. You shouldn’t have planned to go alone,” Laci stated.

  That nervous sensation hit her gut. Lately she was trying to be so independent and strong willed. She hated being referred to as shy. In fact, she felt she was pretty damn strong considering she got out of an abusive household and didn’t let her father completely rule her life. Leaving for college saved her, and she hadn’t done anything at all to make him angry with her. He was pleased as punch to have his other daughter marry into the Percy family. That didn’t mean she needed to, as well.

  She looked out the window into the darkness of the night as they pulled up to Laci’s place first.

  “I just needed some time to think and have peace and quiet,” she said to them.

  “You can do that in a spa,” Kendra said, and they chuckled.

  “Screw peace and quiet, you allowed those men to show possession of you tonight. They’ll make guardianship official in no time,” Laci said and climbed out of the jeep.

  “I haven’t accepted anything,” Bo said to her.

  “Honey, it’s okay. We all saw the look in your eyes and in theirs. It’s amazing to see and to decipher something so strong and real as that connection you all share. Don’t fight it. Embrace it. You deserve love and protection. Men that will cater to you and make sure you smile most of the time. We kind of like it better when you’re smiling,” Laci said, and then waved goodnight and headed to her front door.

  Bo thought about that statement. She had been sort of miserable lately. “I really don’t smile that much?” she asked Kendra and Sam.

  “Honey, you’ve been sort of miserable,” Kendra stated.

  Sam chuckled.

  “That’s going to change, especially if she lets those big bad ass sexy soldiers pop her cherry.”


  Sam laughed and then they pulled up to Bo’s place.

  “Sweet dreams about your soldiers,” Sam teased, and she stuck her tongue out and they laughed. She headed to her front door, waving good night, and then unlocked her door and went inside. She locked up and turned on the light and headed to her bedroom.

  It was dark and quiet and she felt lonely, and a little scared. She didn’t know why, nor did she expect to think of Thor, Bubba, Philippe, and Channing, or how it felt to be in their arms, never mind with their hands on her. Holy shit, she let them hold her by her ass. She covered her face and felt the heat and then shook her head. She was so into them. She fell to her back onto the bed and ran her hands along her belly. Eyes closed, she thought about each of them. About how large they were.

  Chapter Two

  The baby was crying and Sally Ann didn’t move off the couch. Corey stopped talking.

  “Sally, the baby,” he reprimanded, but Sally rolled her eyes and caressed her belly. She was due in a few months.

  Jake walked over and picked the baby up, but instead of taking care of the baby girl he placed her onto Sally’s lap.

  “She needs changing and a bottle. Get to it,” Jake said.

  Bo watched from the doorway to the kitchen, her mom asking her to bring things to the table. Sally was being a spoiled brat as always, and her men were getting pissed, Bo could tell.

  As Bo set the large platter of fruit in the middle of the table, Sally called to her.

  “Bo, could you change the baby, please? I’m so tired,” she said, and Bo looked at the expressions on Corey and Jake’s faces and she knew something was up with them. Were they getting tired of the woman they created over the last two years? It was their own fault for spoiling Sally and putting her up on a pedestal. Bo was starting to think that these Percy men intended for Bo to completely take over Sally’s position at the dance hall and remain there for life. They had another thing coming.

  Bo was a sucker for babies, and especially for Lilly who always seemed melancholy. More than likely Sally didn’t pay much attention to the baby or even hold her much. How much worse was it going to be for baby number two?

  “Sure,” Bo said, and started walking over when her father intervened.

  “No, Bo. You remain here. I have something to talk to you about. Sally, get your ass up off the couch and take care of your baby. You need to get your shit together. You have another one on the way. Now move it. You mother will help,” he commanded, and his wife immediately moved from what she was doing in the kitchen to hurry to Sally and Lilly’s side. Bo felt the annoyance pool in her belly. All she kept saying to herself was that she would not turn into those women. She would not be controlled, or ordered around, and she would have her life, her dreams and goals achieved. She was not her mother or her sister.

  Bo felt the hand go to her shoulder.

  It was Jake, and he gave her a smile and looked over her body, which totally annoyed her. “You’ve been doing great at the dance hall, Bo. Our dad is impressed with your professionalism and hard work. You’ve completely organized the place.”

  Her dad squinted at her, half sort of smiling.

  “Thank you, Jake. Hopefully Sally will be able to take over once the baby comes,” she added. She wanted to set the groundwork for her looking for another job. That way they wouldn’t be too shocked when she handed in her resignation.
  “Not sure that’s going to happen,” Corey said to her, coming closer. She was surrounded by her father, Corey, and Jake.

  “What do you mean?” she asked, squinting at Corey.

  “Well, our dad has gone over some new changes with us, and part of the process is London, changing positions a bit. Our dad needs his assistance for some other business that’s handled upstairs by us. Some of our investments and things. Therefore, we need someone to take over the manager position by the bar,” Corey told her. She shook her head and lowered her eyes.

  “No, I’m not interested in that.”

  Both men looked at one another then at her father, who had a scowl on his face.

  “Don’t be silly, Bo, this is a great opportunity. Burt Percy adores you, so do Lance and Travis, and they wouldn’t want anyone else in the position.”

  She stared at her father, felt the intimidation and the warning in his tone. This was one of those times where she had a decision to make. Piss him off and decline this offer and cause shit, or be the obedient submissive daughter like Sally was. Would it make him love her more? Act more like a father to her? She doubted it. He wanted money. To make money and to be a boss. He was Mr. Percy’s bitch.

  “Plus, they want to keep an eye on you and protect you, Bo. You’re young, very attractive, and men have been asking questions and hitting on you a lot at the bar,” Corey said, and she felt uneasy to say the least. It seemed they all were assuming she was going to wind up with Lance and Travis.

  “Even more of a reason for me not to be the manager of the bar and the dance hall. I prefer the office, and to be a hundred percent honest, I’m looking for other work and plan on giving in my resignation soon.”

  “What?” her father yelled out, making her not only cringe but take a retreating step back. Corey and Jake looked shocked, but she held her ground. She needed to. Whatever the consequences were, she was willing to accept. After all, she was following her gut instincts. Lance and Travis would take no for only so long, and they seemed like the kind of men who could force themselves into her life and between her legs. She’d seen it enough times.


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