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We Were Us

Page 11

by Heather Diemer

  I drove down to the Riley’s house instead of walk. My rationale behind that was I’d stay cool in my car and not be in the heat for long. Good thoughts, except my car was boiling hot and didn’t cool off before I got to their house despite having the air conditioning on full blast. I was sweating buckets before I reached their door. We needed some rain to get rid of this humidity.

  Mrs. Riley answered the door with a smile.

  “Jenna, what are you doing here?”

  “I don’t want to be at my house right now.”

  “Is everything okay?”

  “I’m not sure.”

  “Come in,” she said.

  She moved aside so I could enter. Her house smelled amazing. Either she was burning a very convincing candle or she was baking. I guessed the latter when she walked passed me into the kitchen.

  “What are you making?” I asked. I followed her into the kitchen and taken a seat at the table facing her while she moved around the kitchen.

  “Apple pie,” she responded.

  “Smells good Mrs. Riley”

  “It’s Josh’s favorite.”

  “I remember.”

  “Do you?”

  “Yeah. You used to make apple pie every Sunday. He’d always invite me over for dinner because he said you made the best apple pie in the state, possibly the country.”

  “He said that?”


  She gathered more apples and brought them to the table. She handed me a knife and a few apples as she sat down and we sliced them together.

  “Why didn’t you ever come for dinner?” she asked.

  “Um.” I wasn’t sure how to answer this. I knew my mother had slept with her husband and I knew that she knew it too. “I don’t know. I just never got around to it.”

  “You and Josh have been friends for a long time.”

  “Yes. Since like second grade I think.”

  “I’m sorry I wasn’t more welcoming to you.” Her face was set in a slight frown. Not a mad frown, a sad one.

  “It’s okay. I knew why.”

  “Did you?”

  Mrs. Riley had stopped slicing apples and was staring intently at me, the knife still in her hand. I stared back at her until her face softened. She wasn’t angry just hurt but not by me.

  “I’m sorry,” I said finally.

  “Oh honey. Don’t say that. I should be the one who is sorry.” She stood up and walked around the table to me. I stood up too.


  “Jenna,” she started and put her hands on my shoulders. “I let what happened between my husband and your mother determine how I felt about you. I didn’t want Josh around you because he was all I had left after his father left.”

  I had no idea how to take this. Mrs. Riley was never directly rude to me, but I always got the feeling that she didn’t want me around. Now I knew why Josh had broken up with me. I always kind of assumed that was the reason, just another way my mom ruined my life here.

  “It’s okay.”

  “No honey, it’s not okay. The way I treated you is something that I have regretted for a long time. I knew Josh had strong feelings for you, but like I just said, I was afraid he’d leave me after he graduated from high school and I was jealous of what you two had. And to be honest, I was afraid you’d end up like your mom. I didn’t want that for Josh.”

  Tears brimmed in her eyes. Her candid admission made me feel closer to her now for some reason.

  “Mrs. Riley, I know what this town thought of me and my mother, I’m not like her in any capacity.”

  “I know, but you didn’t deserve that life and you didn’t deserve the way I treated you.” Her tears had fallen now and she wiped them away with the heel of her hand.

  She pulled me into a hug. I was ready for it but it still felt strange. My mom never hugged me affectionately; the only people who had were Michelle, Andrew, and Josh and none of them were parental figures. I hugged her back.

  “What’s going on?”

  Mrs. Riley and I ended our hug and looked over to Josh. He had walked in without us knowing and caught us in our strange embrace.

  “Jenna and I were just having a heart to heart that’s all,” Mrs. Riley said and wiped away the rest of her tears.

  “About what we talked about earlier?” Josh said and looked at me.

  “No. I haven’t said anything about that.”

  “About what?” Mrs. Riley asked.

  “Jenna thinks the man who attacked her was sent by her mother.”

  “I know he was sent by her. But I think she’s working through Mayor Banks,” I said completing Josh’s statement.

  “Mayor Banks? Why do you think that?” she asked

  “Because he the Mayor and a jackass.”

  Josh snorted out a laugh at that.

  “I don’t think that will convince the police,” Mrs. Riley said.

  “It won’t. I sat for an hour on the couch trying to figure something out, but I haven’t thought of anything. Did I tell you I ran into him on the second day I was here? He was at Miller’s Market. He cornered me in the soap aisle and ranted about how awful of a person I was and how I ruined his family and that he hopes I leave soon. Oh, and to never try to contact his family. I hadn’t even said anything to him at all. He just went off on me.”

  Josh and his mom exchanged knowing glances.

  “Is there something going on that I should know about?” These glances that Josh keeps exchanging with people, namely Lauren and his mom, were annoying me. Was he keeping a secret from me? Was it about Mayor Banks and his family? Did it involve my mom, because if it did I should know?

  They looked at each other again.

  “No honey. Nothing you need to concern yourself with right now.”

  I wasn’t satisfied with her answer, but I had more pressing matters to attend to than potential secrets. I’d grill Josh later when we were alone.

  “We’ll figure this out,” Josh said.

  Just then the over timer went off. Josh looked at me and smiled.

  “Mom, I don’t want Jenna to go home tonight. Especially after the phone call with her mom. What if she’s called the mayor again?”

  Mrs. Riley removed the pie from the oven and set it on a cooling rack. She pressed a knife to the top and steam billowed out.

  “I think Jenna could stay here for a night,” she said then sprinkled sugar on top of the pie.

  “Really?” Josh and I said in unison.

  “Yes. I’m worried about her too. I want you to be safe. And now that we know your mother is still able to contact the people she’s done business with, who knows who else could show up.”

  I knew Mrs. Riley was feeling guilty about how she’d treated me in the past. I wondered if I could sneak downstairs to be with Josh. I quickly dismissed that thought. How disrespectful would that be? She was opening her house to me a second time. She felt bad for me and my situation and she just wanted me to be safe. Now that we knew who was behind the attack and that he would doing anything he could to cover it up, my safety really could be at risk. Who knew what the mayor would do to me and even worse, what he’d do to cover it up.

  “Don’t get all gooey eyed over there. Jenna sleeps on the pull out bed in the living room. Upstairs. You.” She pointed at Josh with the knife she was holding, “Stay in the basement.” She was smiling as she said this, but I knew she was serious. Josh was just flat out laughing.

  “Okay mom,” he said and rolled his eyes. He then turned to me and said, “Let’s go get your things.”

  “I’ll have dinner ready when you return.”

  With that, Josh and I left. I wasn’t sure how to feel about this whole situation. I was scared again obviously. I was scared before too, but now that it was not some arbitrary person who attacked me, but the Mayor sending out people for my mom, I felt like it had just gotten way more complicated. Then there was the fact that we had no proof about any of it. I knew in my heart that the Mayor was working with my mom an
d was behind all of this, but I had nothing to go on but a gut feeling.

  We took his truck up to my house. I packed quickly while Josh waited on the couch. I packed an old duffle bag with a couple pairs of shorts, a few tops and underwear and flip-flops. I also grabbed a black bra and matching boy short style panties. If tonight was going to be like last time I wanted to be prepared.

  “Ready,” I said when I had finished packing and walked back out into the living room.

  “Great. It’s your turn to pick the movie by the way.”

  “Oh geez. Really? I have clue what to watch.”

  “Well I could choose something,” he said and pulled me into a hug.

  I wrapped my arms around him and inhaled. His woody scent was a comfort to me now. I felt safe in his arms. Our time together was growing more serious. We watched movies, but there was a mutual tension between us. We both wanted to take things to the next level, but I could feel his hesitation even in something as innocent as a hug.

  “Come on, I’m hungry,” I said breaking our connection.

  I started to walk towards the door, but Josh grabbed my hand and pulled me back to him. He wrapped my arm around his waist and placed his hand on the side of my face. He looked at me then like he never had before. His expression was a mix of desire, hope and a little bit of sadness. It was dangerous.

  “I want to be close to you tonight,” he whispered before he kissed me.

  It wasn’t a soft kiss either. His mouth crashed on to mine. His hand gripped my neck as his tongue forced its way into my mouth. I parted my lips for him and met his tongue with mine. I took a step closer to him.

  “I want to be close to you too,” I said between kisses.

  Josh let go of my mouth and pressed his forehead to mine. He had left me breathless. Not fair. He looked into my eyes and smiled.

  “What are you doing to me Jenna?” he asked out of nowhere.

  “Probably the same thing you’re doing to me. I can’t seem to get enough of you. I think about you all the time. Us together.” I was embarrassed by my admission, but I didn’t care. I was too out of breath from his kiss.

  “I can’t keep my hands off you. I just want to touch you all the time. Your mouth is intoxicating. I need it.”

  Oh. My. God. How was I supposed to respond to that? I mean, I felt the same way, but I couldn’t let him know that. Not really. I was leaving at the end of the summer and I couldn’t let myself get too close to him. We’d both end up hurt in the end.

  “Me too,” I said despite my internal conflict.

  Josh smiled again and kissed me. I let him. I needed him too. He was all I had right now. I thought of Andrew and Stefani back in Brookhaven. I’d all but ignored them for the past month.

  “Let’s get back for real now. I really am hungry,” I said.

  “Okay,” he said.

  He picked up my bag and walked out of the house. I followed and locked the door on my way out.

  I stopped in the middle of the sidewalk and gazed up at the sky. The sun was setting now casting a red glow across the sky. It made me think of the old saying “red sky at night, shepherd’s delight, red sky in the morning shepherd’s take warning. I guess we weren’t getting storms any time soon. The air was thick with humidity. It really needed to rain. I was over this sticky sweaty feeling.

  I hopped up into Josh’s truck and turned the keys he’d left in the ignition. Cool air blasted against my hot skin. Thank God. The short walk from the house almost had me soaked through my thin shirt. Josh climbed into the driver’s seat and threw the gears into drive and took off down the street back to his house.


  Dinner was a delicious mix of spaghetti squash baked with garlic and olive oil and a fresh garden salad with mandarin oranges and strawberries. It was the perfect summer meal. I ate quickly then had to wait patiently for Josh to finish so we could eat the apple pie. I swear he took his sweet time just to make me wait. Even Mrs. Riley hurried him along. Finally he finished and the pie was served a la mode. Josh was right in his distinction. His mother’s pie was the best in the state. It was surely the best I’d ever tasted.

  “This pie is amazing,” I said after my last bite.

  “Thank you dear,” she beamed.

  I got up to help clear the plates but Josh beat me too it.

  “Mom, I’ll finish the dishes; Jenna, go pick out a movie.”

  “Don’t stay up all night Josh. You have to work tomorrow.”

  “I know mom!” He sounded embarrassed. I laughed awkwardly.

  I was suddenly jealous of the way Josh and his mom interacted. She loved him and always felt the need to protect him from even the smallest acts. All I’d ever wanted was for my own mother to care for me and tell me that she loved him.

  “I’ll pull the couch out and get the bedding.” She smiled at me as she left the kitchen. I forced a smile back. Not because I didn’t want to, but because I was trying not to let my emotions get the better of me.

  “Where are the movies?” I asked Josh mentally changing the subject.

  “Down in my room,” he said as filled the sink with soapy water.

  “In your bedroom?” I said. I stood as close to him as I could without touching him.

  Josh’s hands gripped the sink so I knew my proximity was getting to him.

  “Yes, in my room,” he said.

  “Okay then.”

  I turned and headed to the stairs that led to the basement. It was extra dark down here today. The dark blue plaid curtains covered the small daylight windows that matched the comforter and pillow shams on his queen sized bed. A dresser stood neatly in the corner and a small desk that held his laptop and printer was next to it.

  Soft music was playing from somewhere. I recognized it, but it was too quiet for me to place it. I wandered over to the desk with the laptop and brushed my fingers of the touchpad. The screen lit up and showed that iTunes was open and running. I scanned the list of songs, mostly classic rock until I came to the one with the tiny speaker icon beside it. It was Kansas, Carry on My Wayward Son. One of my favorites. One year at the River Festival in the city, a Kansas tribute band played and a bunch of us made the trip out there to see them. I clicked the volume button until I could hear it and restarted the song.

  I looked around, but didn’t immediately see a rack of DVD’s. Josh was a relatively clean person, but I bet Mrs. Riley whipped through while we were gone at my house. I looked again and finally found a low shelf against the wall next to his bed. I walked around the end of his bed and sat on it and leaned low to read the titles he had. More car and action movies. I guess anything would be okay at this point. I’m not sure I’d be able to concentrate on the movie anyway. I’d be too busy keeping myself from making out with him and worrying about his mom interrupting us.

  I heard a motorcycle revving and realized it was the beginning of a Meatloaf song. Soon the piano started. I smiled. This song reminded me of my dad. When I was like twelve I spent a couple weeks with him during the summer while Linda and their kids visited relatives. We didn’t do anything the entire time I was there. He basically used the time away from Linda as bachelor time. He drank beer and listened to his stereo loudly all day and night.

  I concentrated again on the movies. None of them sounded interesting. Before I knew it my mind was wandering again. I felt the bed dip next to me. I looked over to see Josh sitting next to me. I smiled at him. He smiled back. He’d caught me day dreaming and he knew it. He laughed at me after a short smiling contest.

  “Did you decide on something?” he asked.

  “No. I’m not really into compelling action movies, especially right before bed. I tend to not sleep well.”

  “I see.”

  He got up off the bed and shut the computer. “I didn’t realize I’d left the music going.”

  “I liked it. Kansas was playing when I came down.”

  “Ah, Kansas.” I guessed that he was remembering the River Festival.

p; I got up off the bed and walked over to him.

  “I don’t really want to watch a movie,” I admitted.

  “I don’t either,” he said in a low voice. He turned to face me and placed his hand at his favorite spot on my body, the side of my face.

  He ran his thumb over my cheek under my eye.

  “What do you want to do then?” I asked breathlessly. I could feel the heat rolling off his body. It was hotter in here than it was outside. My skin was sensitive to the touch and everywhere Josh touched me sent electric pulses pinging through every fiber of my being. Josh shifted us so that his bed was behind me. He walked me backwards until the back of my knees hit the mattress.

  “This,” he whispered.

  His low husky voice shivered through my body. I was barely aware of the fact that he was pushing me down onto the bed. When my head hit Josh ran his fingers through my hair and placed his hands on either side of my head. He hovered over me, straddling me. I had one knee up between his legs. I knocked it against his behind so that he fell onto me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled his mouth to mine. I wanted this too. So, unbelievably bad. Our weeks of making out on my ugly couch had left me wanting to do more with him than I had with anyone else.

  His hands were in my hair again. I grabbed his shirt in my hands and pulled it over his head. His tanned chest now bare above me. I pulled my hands from his back and pressed them into his chest then ran them over his broad shoulders. I felt one of his hands at my hip. He reached up under my shirt and skimmed over my stomach. I sucked in and inhaled all at the same time. My skin was on fire now, his touch igniting it. I slipped my hands down to his belt. I fiddled with it but he stopped me.

  “My mom is still awake,” he said.

  I dropped my head and hands to the bed. Cold water had been poured over me at the mention of Mrs. Riley. I felt guilty. She’d opened up to me today and allowed me to stay in her home because she cared about my safety and here I was violating her trust. I sat up and pushed Josh off of me.

  “I’m sorry,” he said.

  “Don’t be. It’s customary now for you to get me all hot and bothered then stop and leave me wanting you.”

  “Hey, that’s not fair,” he said while putting his shirt back on.


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