Personal Experiences

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Personal Experiences Page 14

by Tracy Lee

  Clearing my throat I politely informed him "Ummm, yes I am meeting my party here."

  "Last name?"


  "Ah, yes you must be Barker-Jackson?"

  That fuck-wad.

  "Ummm, yes that's me."

  "Please I am Ricardo, follow me if you will, your party has reserved the private party room upstairs."

  Hmmmmm, really private party? I hope he doesn't think; well never mind…

  I followed Ricardo through the dining room almost to the kitchen where I saw a small hallway where a tiny stairwell sat nuzzled far in the back.

  "Ummm, are we supposed to be going up here?" I asked feeling like this man was taking me up to the slaughter house to make homemade chili with my body.

  "Oh yes ma'am, we are just taking the back way up, if we were to go in the front way you would have to go to the other entrance on the other side of the hotel."

  "Gotcha; thanks"

  We walked up the cramped set of stairs and he opened the door. This was no private party room, this looked like a bed and breakfast dining room from a Norman Rockwell magazine.

  Small wooden tables set up to seat two, in the middle of the table sat small vases with beautiful pink and white tulips filling them. Formal silverware arrangements and the most superb china collection displayed on each table. Waterford crystal water goblets sat perfectly at one o'clock while champagne flutes sat directly to the right of the wine glass which happened to sit precisely down and to the right of the water goblet. There was a roaring fire in the fire place in the center of the room and it seemed that it was cooler up here so the fire was perfect.

  I couldn't hold my breath anymore for fear of passing out. I took a breath and exhaled.

  "Please…come and sit" I heard from over in the corner. I turned my head to see where it was coming from.

  There he was, oh god. I couldn't help it but I knew he could see the emotion that washed over me, I know it because I could feel it. My legs grew weak and my heart started thumping out of my chest. I didn't need oxygen because he was what kept me alive. I sluggishly walked over to him as he stood. The butterflies in my stomach were flying aimlessly around.


  He held out his hand toward my chair and I sat down. I lifted my napkin and placed it softly in my lap while Ricardo poured water into our glasses.

  Thanking him softly, Ricardo turned to leave.

  TJ caught him before he stepped away from us "Ricardo, please wait ten minutes to send someone up to take our orders please."

  I looked at TJ quizzically wondering what he was up to.

  His face was so much more beautiful than I ever could remember but yet he was so strong-featured. He was tan like he still spends a lot of time outdoors and his eyes stood out like emeralds gleaming in the sunlight. His hair had just a sprinkle of gray in it and being short made his neck more prominent. It looked so smooth but yet so muscular. I was reminded of all the times I had run my tongue up and down it. I writhed apprehensively in my seat at the thought. It literally pained every part of my body to look at him.

  A smile brought me out of my mental strip tease of Trevor McHale.

  Shit, busted!

  "So…Mr. McHale, the contracts?"

  "Ah, yes, we will get to those momentarily. First, we have some catching up to do."

  I straightened up my back and rolled my eyes. "Look, I didn't come here for a high school reunion, Trevor."

  "So now we're back to first names huh? Well, as I recall as of second grade, I asked you not to call me Trevor."

  "Trevor, TJ, Mr. McHale…Look, what does it matter what I call you, this little get-together you thought you'd force me into agreeing to is strictly business, I'm here to pick up contracts and that's it. I'm not really in the mood to reminisce."

  "That's hurts Ms. Barker-Jackson. Here I go out of my way to make you feel comfortable; have a nice meal…nice conversation and yet you blow me off like I'm some stranger off the street."

  "That's another thing, Mister McHale." I enunciate Mister cynically because I know what he's trying to do, he's trying to get under my skin, but I'm going to show him he can't, what I don't have to show is that he's already there. "Why do you feel it necessary to continually call me that? It's very annoying"

  "Well Ms. Barker-Jackson like I said, I want you to feel comfortable, I know that you're a married woman and I don't want to do something…inappropriate."

  Oh, definitely he was trying to get under my skin. This was going to come to an end right here and now.

  "Mr. McHale, my personal life is not your concern, nor does it have anything to do with this lunch meeting. I don't feel uncomfortable because I would not allow you to put me in that position. Now, are we going to discuss the contracts or not."

  He grabbed his water and took a sip, sat back in his chair and placed his fingertips together and touched his mouth with them; staring at me. I stared back for a moment because inside, I am about to explode from either anger or yearning, I had no clue but I knew I didn't want to find out.

  "Very well, if that's the way you want to play this game then let's play. Let's get down to business. I have a proposal for you. I have spoken with Loren and did not ask him, I demanded this of him.

  He continued on. "I am moving my main headquarters of Mac-Gentry firm and I have some legal work dealing with accounts and contracts that I need to bring to a close so since the newest partner of Richards, Klein and Daugherty has just been put on retainer by my company I need you to accompany me back to Burlington and help me conclude my business. We have eight days to get all contracts drawn up, presented, signed and filed. Then we have to make sure that they are sorted away and packed up ready to ship down to the new headquarters here in Richland."

  I had to sit there for a minute and replay this whole conversation back in my head. Did he just say that he "demanded" my boss? And that I "will" accompany him? To Vermont?

  Just for shits and giggles I just had to know…

  "How many contracts are we talking about here?"

  "Two hundred and fifty."

  Laughing I had to ask him to repeat himself.

  "I'm sorry, I thought you said two hundred and fifty."

  Smiling that oh so sexy smile he replied "I did."

  My laughed turned into a smile, I politely grabbed the napkin out of my lap and set it on the table and inched my chair back.

  "Mr. McHale, this…well we won't call it a lunch because I never got the chance to order, has been…enlightening. Now since you feel that you have enough money to sit here and waste your time that certainly does not give you the right to waste mine. Please…hand me the contracts."

  As he stands, I can see him fidget a little with his tie. "Ms. Barker-Jack-"

  Having had enough, I leaned over the table and got as close to his face as I could and politely I rasped through clamped teeth "Don't fucking call me that name again." I didn't smile; I didn't move my eyes from his. He knew I was serious.

  He moved his eyes from mine first. "Fine…Elle. Can we please sit down and discuss this…rationally?"

  "There's nothing rational to discuss. There's no way in hell that you are going to pull that off. Besides I can't be away for eight days, that's ridiculous!"

  He was still standing next to the table as I was standing where I stood from the chair. He was breathing had become more rapid and he didn't seem to have that contemptuous smile on his face.

  Softly I heard him speak, the way he used to speak to me after we made love

  "Elleny, can we please sit down and discuss this, I have a plan and it will work but I need your help."

  At that voice he could have told me to blow him and I would've consented. I slowly took my seat again and removed the napkin off the plate and placed it back in my lap.

  "Let me finish the proposal I have for you."

  Sitting back in my seat I heard my phone chirp in my purse, I had a text message.

  "Excuse me one minute I need to check

  Turning to the side to check for my purse I noticed it wasn't there so I turned to the other side and reached down inside to pick it up when I came back up I saw TJ shudder. I didn't think anything of it and looked down at my phone and noticed it was from Luc.

  "Evan no drive 2 day so catch'n ride w/Charlie."

  "B home 4 Har have fun luv u"

  I replied

  "TY 4 txt ok call me win nside w/her"

  "Wont b late luv u 2"

  I set the phone down beside me and smiled at TJ. "So sorry about that; kids."

  He stretched his eyebrows up and smiled while he took a sip of his water.

  I sat back and allowed him to continue on "I leave tomorrow evening so you will fly back on my company jet, I will set you up in a five star hotel which happens to be in walking distance of downtown Burlington and a car will be sent for you every morning. You will have nothing to worry about financially. Mac-Gentry will give you an allowance for 3 meals a day and if you'd like you can have a company car at your disposal for the evenings. Plus I'm willing to pay an ungodly amount of money that will be deposited in your personal account on completion of the project."

  "Leave tomorrow…evening?" I stated like he needed it repeated back.


  "How much are we talking about here" I asked as I took a sip of water.

  Where the hell was this fucking waiter I needed something stronger then water.

  "I will triple your yearly salary."

  I almost spit out my water on him. Triple my salary? Holy shit, not only would that be enough for me to put away for the kid's college fund but then I could put a nice retainer down and file for divorce and possibly hire my kids bodyguards. My foot began to bounce underneath the table.

  I needed to play this smooth. "Mr.McHale-" I got raised eyebrows at that "Trevor, do you know how much I make a year? You couldn't afford to triple my salary, besides, you know money is not something that is a necessity for me."

  Not only had I not spent any of the money that my mother had left me but when my father died he left me a substantial amount as well.

  Looking down at his water glass and not making eye contact at all he uttered "I know it's not, but I think that this is an opportunity that if you turn it down, will be the second biggest mistake of your life."

  Oh my god!!! Did he really just say that? I have to get away from this man or my head is going to explode.

  "Look, go home, talk with Bear about it. I will be at Richland Manufacturing at 6pm if you want to take advantage of what I am offering you meet me there, if you don't, well, I don't know what else to offer you to make you say yes."

  It was quiet for several minutes. I looked at him, his eyes never meeting mine he just stared at his hand twisting his water glass around as though he was shy and was afraid for me to see him blush. I eventually broke the silence.

  "Can we order not only am I starving but I need a drink…something strong."

  He laughed a bit and looked up at me, his smile seemed to beam and there was a spark in his eyes.

  "Sure" beside him next to his menu was a small box that looked like a garage door opener, he pushed it not even a minute later Rosanna came and took our order.

  I got my drink, two of them; a wonderful full bodied white wine and I got my food; an amazing vinegar braised chicken with leeks and peas. I ate like I hadn't eaten in months.

  "So, tell me about your children."

  Oh fuck, what do I say? Stay calm Elle…

  "Well, I have a set of twins, JoJo and Luc and then I have a fourteen year old Harlee."

  "That's wonderful Elle, I'm so happy for you and Bear, speaking of Bear, how is he?"

  I really didn't want to talk about that shithead, but if I didn't lie and tell him he was the perfect husband he would know something was wrong and I didn't want him knowing shit about me. So I ignored the question.

  "Enough talk about me, tell me about you."

  As Rosanna set a dessert coffee down in front of me I thanked her and focused back on TJ, I couldn't hear a word he was saying, something about a farm and some horses but I just couldn't stop staring at his mouth.

  That mouth had touched places that no other mouth had ever touched. I knew what that tongue could do when it wasn't being used for speaking, how it felt like satin against my inner thigh, how he could relax the muscles in it and lap up every drop of wetness he made me produce. How he could contract it, take the tip and tickle my inner core.

  He's still talking something about the pool in his backyard. I'm still thinking about those lips. His lips were tender yet wild. They could suck on any part of my body and they have and bring me to an orgasm. His lower lip was plump and was a perfect fit between mine. Oh yeah, I had kissed those sweet lips, sucked on them and licked them a time or two.

  "So, what do you think?"

  Shit…busted again.

  "Sounds wonderful."

  "Yeah it is, but it's time to move on."

  "Speaking of moving on, I really have to go. Trevor, it's been a pleasure. Thank you for lunch and I will make sure I think about that proposition that you have offered to me. Now, if you wouldn't mind I need those contracts."

  "Wait, let's have another coffee, I could call Ros-"

  "I couldn't, but thank you. I have another appointment to attend to so I really must go."

  "Cancel it."

  I laughed inside. The nerve of him, who does he think he is? Telling me to cancel my appointment.

  "I'm sorry, but that's not an option for me."

  "Fine, I will call Loren and have him cancel it."

  "Are you fucking serious? Do you really think that you can just show up here and start ordering people around? Because I've got news for you, it's not happening."

  I watch him pick up his phone and press a number.

  "Hang up the phone, Trevor."

  "No, this meeting is not finished and you're going to sit here until it's done and since I'm paying…by the hour I might add, what I say goes."

  Glaring at him I muttered "Shit…fine, whatever, just hang up the fucking phone."

  Watching the smile reappear on his lips I knew I was in for it.

  "Tsk, tsk Ellie-bean, no need for language."

  Feeling trapped and not in control of this situation I leaned in close to him and enlightened him "You're not making a very good case for yourself when it comes to me making a decision to go with you tomorrow evening. Now, I don't know who the fuck you think you are, cuz you sure don't look like my daddy or my husband, so if you even want me to pass a second glance at your proposition, I think that you need to tone down the alpha because it doesn't make my panties wet, it just pisses me the fuck off."

  I leaned back in my chair and pushed my bangs out of my face, when I did this I noticed the arm of my jacket rose up so I nonchalantly pulled it back down.

  When I looked at TJ, I noticed his brows were low like he was disturbed by something.

  Rolling my eyes I asked "Oh Jesus, did I hurt your feelings?"

  Acting like he couldn't think or talk he stuttered "Ah… no, it's fine."

  "What do you want to talk with me about?"

  "Let's talk about your husband."

  Quickly I responded to that question.

  "Ah, let's not."

  I didn't want anything about that man to leave my mouth. I was doing what my daddy had taught me to do; if I didn't have anything nice to say I wasn't going to say anything.

  "Why, I'm curious to know how he's doing."

  "Well, you can stay curious. I thought we had discussed this already. I don't talk about my personal life. Telling you that I had children was as far as that was going."

  "Ok then, how's your daddy?"

  "Dead, next question?"

  "Christ Elleny, I'm sorry."

  "Me too, next question."

  "What happened to you?"

  Shocked, that question threw me off. I wasn't expecting that. I had two options: Option one: break down and
tell him that my husband beats me and sleeps with every piece of trash around town and the only way that he will sleep with me is by raping me when he's so drunk I'm stunned he can even get it up. He works when he feels like it and what he does make, he puts in the string of some herpes infested whore down at the local strip club and the only reason why I married him was so that I didn't have to tell you I was pregnant. He's threatened to kidnap my kids if I decide to leave him; oh not only kidnap my kids but your kids as well since you have a set of twins…SURPRISE!!

  Option two: LIE!!!!

  "Life happened to me Trevor, just like it happened to you, except it seemed to like you a whole hell of a lot better than it liked me. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go use the powder room" Standing up and pushing in my chair I grabbed my purse and went to go but turned around and noticed he was watching me so I asked "Ummm, do you need to call my boss and make sure it's ok if I go to the powder room?"

  He just continued staring at me with a smirk on his face and dammit if that wasn't cute too. I turned back around and headed to the ladies room.

  I went in there and leaned against the sink and just stared at myself. Thinking to myself I made a mental note to call the Trust Advisor at the bank and find out what my maximum amount of money I could withdraw from my account could be, pack up my kids, change our names and fly to a deserted island. Just blue lagoon it, hey wait…don't they have sex? Ok, cross that off, just Gilligan's Island it until we are old and gray.

  I had to regroup and find my equanimity because I felt like I was one bird away from flying over the coo-coo's nest. I took some breaths. Inhale…exhale…inhale…exhale. I went to grab my phone to call Rachel and cancel our shopping expedition.

  My phone…my phone where's my-"Fuck, shit, goddammit! Can't anything go my way?"

  I remembered, I left my phone on the table. I ended up taking three more calming breaths I really needed to add a yoga class to my nighttime routine I washed my hands and headed out of the powder room. As I was coming back to the table TJ stood again, like a gentleman, and sat after I was seated, there was my phone sitting in the same spot I left it in.

  "Would you mind giving me one more moment I need to postpone my next appointment."


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