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Kindred (The Watcher Chronicles #2)

Page 2

by S. J. West

  "I've been warned Lilly will want to talk to me about you."

  Michael's gaze drifts to the floor at the mention of his daughter. "Yes, I know."

  "What do you want me to say to her?"

  "I'm not sure yet," he says, looking back up at me. "I guess we'll just have to see what she wants to say to us first."

  "So I guess my next move is to find Chandler's crown, talisman and the next vessel?"

  "And prove to Mason that you're supposed to be together, not apart."

  I shake my head because I have absolutely no idea how I’m going to manage such a feat. "I'm afraid that will be the toughest one to accomplish."

  "I don't think it will be as impossible as you think. You'll prove to him that you belong together. I know you will."

  "Yes," I say, because any other outcome is out of the question, "I’ll find a way. I have to."

  Chapter 2

  When I wake up the next morning, my dad is no where to be seen. I hadn't expected him to be there and a small part of me is thankful he’s giving me time to digest everything he revealed to me the night before. My mind is still reeling from all the information he dumped into it. I lay in bed for a while thinking over everything and eventually allow my thoughts to wander into dangerous territory to think about Mason. Just the thought of him makes my heart ache to a point where I'm not sure it will keep beating on its own.

  My dad's advice was to fight for Mason, but how do you fight for someone who doesn't want you to? Or did he? I simply didn't know, but I did know I had to follow what my heart was telling me to do. I would find a way to prove to him we belonged together even if it killed me. At least death wouldn't hurt this bad.

  My cell phone starts to buzz on my nightstand and I quickly reach for it hoping it's a call from Mason. Unfortunately, it's Isaiah.

  "Hello Isaiah," I say without much enthusiasm when I answer.

  "Good morning, Jess. Are you all right?"

  I hear the concern in Isaiah's voice and can tell without him even having to say it that he knows what happened between Mason and me the night before.

  "Not really," I tell him, not having the will to pretend otherwise. "My father came to see me last night after Mason left."

  There's complete silence on the other end of the line.

  "I'll be right over," Isaiah says.



  "Give me 30 minutes," I tell him, sitting up in bed, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. "I just woke up. At least let me take a shower and get dressed before you come over."

  "Ok. I'll be there in 30 minutes."

  When I get off the phone with Isaiah, I quickly hop in the shower and get ready for my day. I immediately know I want Chandler to hear what I have to say about my dad, plus I want to check on him anyway to make sure he's all right. After being so brutally assaulted by the Watchers the night before, I feel a need to make sure he isn't only physically well but mentally stable. Plus, it would insure I only had to repeat what my dad told me once.

  True to his word, Isaiah knocks on my front door exactly 30 minutes later. Gotta love Watcher punctuality.

  "Would you mind taking me to Chandler?" I ask him, putting on my leather Watcher jacket. I'm wearing my uniform because I have no way of knowing what the day will bring, plus wearing my pistol on my thigh brings me comfort and a sense of security. "I would rather not have to repeat the same story twice."

  "Mason took him back to his penthouse suite in New York this morning," Isaiah informs me.

  I nod. "Good. It’s better than the villa. At least I don’t have to worry about running into Mason yet."


  I look up at Isaiah and see the concern he holds for me in his eyes. "Mason told me what happened last night. Would you mind me asking if you truly do love him?"

  I'm surprised Mason told Isaiah about my declaration of love but see no reason to hide the fact.

  "Yes, I do love him, and I don't intend to let him hide from me, Isaiah, no matter how noble he might think he's being. You can tell him that for me if you want."

  Isaiah smiles. "Good. I was hoping that would be your attitude. Sometimes Mason can't see the bigger picture until someone slams it in his face. It's only because of his feelings for you that makes him want to protect you no matter what the personal cost."

  "I know," I say, resigning myself to the fact that the man I love is indeed a noble idiot. "I just have to prove to him that leaving me doesn't solve anything."

  "If you need my assistance, let me know. I will do whatever I can to aid you in helping him see the error of his ways."

  I grin at Isaiah as I realize I have my first official ally in my quest to get Mason back.

  "Thanks. I might just take you up on the offer as soon as I figure out what to do next."

  "I feel I should warn you though. Mason is very stubborn. Once he gets an idea in his head, it's hard to change his mind."

  "You know who you're talking to right?" I ask slightly amused by Isaiah's warning. "There's no way he's more hard headed than I am. I pretty much own the monopoly on being stubborn."

  "I can't argue about that," Isaiah agrees, smiling. "You are the most stubborn human I know."

  I smile back. "I will take that as a compliment. Now, take me to Chandler so I can tell you both what my father told me."

  Isaiah phases us and I find myself standing outside Chandler's penthouse bedroom door. Isaiah knocks on the door and I hear Chandler call for us to come in.

  When Isaiah swings the door open, I see Chandler sitting up in his bed with pillows propping his back up against the wall behind him. He's bare-chested and the white down comforter on his bed is covering him from the waist down. He immediately smiles when he sees me, and I instantly feel our close connection kick in, bringing me some much needed comfort after the night I just had.

  "How are you feeling this morning?" I ask him, preceding Isaiah into the room and walking over to sit on the side of Chandler's bed.

  A large white bandage covers the side of his neck where the Watcher bit him the night before. I grimace a little inside but try to hide my sympathetic pain from him.

  Chandler takes one of my hands into his and squeezes it. "Better now that you're here. And don’t worry. It looks worse than it feels."

  If people didn't know about the special bond between Chandler and me, they would probably think we are lovers the way we act when we're together. But our relationship is more like that of a brother and sister, no romance, just a deep inseparable bond.

  "So Mr. Moody didn't seem in a very good mood this morning," Chandler tells me, cocking his head to the side. "What happened when you left me last night?"

  I tell Chandler what Mason did the night before.

  "If I know you," Chandler says, "you're not going to let him get away that."

  "No, I'm not," I say. "Did he say anything about me to you this morning?"

  "When I asked where you were, he said he didn't know but presumed you would be at home. He didn't seem in a very talkative mood so I didn't push it."

  "Well, that's not the only thing that happened last night." I take a deep breath. "After Mason left, my dad came to see me."

  Chandler's eyes open so wide at this news I almost laugh.

  "My god Jess, what happened?"

  I go on to fill Isaiah and Chandler in on my dad's revelations from the night before.

  "As far as I know," Isaiah says, "a Guardian of the Guf has never been allowed to father a child."

  "I'm not sure what he did would qualify as fathering," I say.

  "That's exactly what he did," Isaiah retorts, like I should know better. "He may not have created the body you have, but he gave you something far more valuable. The Guardians are chosen because of their wisdom, strength and willingness to protect at any cost. He shared with you the most important part of himself, Jess. If that's not being a father, then I don't know what is."

  I sit there silently considering what Isaiah has just said. I realiz
e he's right. My dad did give me the best parts of himself. He made my soul, the part of me that's always pushed me to do better, be stronger. If not for that very important piece, I wouldn't be the person I am.

  "Either way," Chandler says, "you finally got him back."

  I nod. "Yeah, I did."

  "Did he say why he was allowed to come back now?"

  "He said God told him it was time for him to re-enter my life. I was so upset when Mason left I guess He thought I needed someone to help me through it and realize what my next steps should be."

  "Did he say anything about your mother?" Isaiah asks.

  I look at Isaiah. "Only that he didn't know where she was."

  Isaiah nods like he expected my answer. "Joshua is still searching for her. It's only a matter of time before we locate her for you."

  Silently, I debate with myself on whether or not I actually want her found. Knowing that she gave me up, even if it was so I could have a better life, doesn't make me want to find her anytime soon. I have spent most of my life looking for a way to be reunited with my parents. Now, I have my father back, but did I really want a mother who could so readily hand me over to a complete stranger? Would a woman like that even want to see her daughter again? My grand fantasy of having a joyous family reunion crumbled the moment my dad told me why she left the night the Tear opened. I’m not even sure I want to find her anymore.

  "Speaking of Joshua," I say, "has he located Chandler's crown?"

  "Yes," Isaiah tells us. "We're simply waiting for Chandler to recover enough to go get it."

  "Where is it?" Chandler asks.

  "It appears to be inside a tree on your parent's old property in Georgia."

  Chandler looks confused for a second but then he smiles. "I bet I know which tree." He looks at me. "I used to have this massively cool tree house when I was a kid."

  "Why am I not surprised?" I say with a roll of my eyes, just further proof of Chandler's charmed, over-privileged life.

  "I played in that thing all the time when I was a kid."

  "Chandler, do you remember anyone special in your life when you were younger? Someone who was only around until you were seven years old."

  "Nanny Simone," Chandler answers without hesitation. "God she was gorgeous. I remember just staring at her when I was a kid thinking she must be an angel."

  I smile. "Well, you were right."

  "Really?" Chandler says, sitting up straighter, completely excited by this news.

  "My dad said we were all allowed to have the Guardian who made us for the first seven years of our lives."

  Chandler's forehead crinkles as he thinks about what I've said. "You know she did seem to just up and disappear right after my seventh birthday party. I remember being upset about her leaving, but I don't remember being told why she left. I'm not sure my parents knew the reason either. It was like she was there one day and gone the next."

  "Our Guardians didn't have a choice about leaving from what my dad said. They had to go back to the Guf."

  "Do you think I'll be able to see her again? I swear she ruined me for life. I can't even look at women without comparing them to Simone. Maybe that's why I've never been able to fall in love."

  "Trust me," I say, "falling in love isn't all chocolates and roses. Maybe you should be happy you haven't yet."

  Chandler squeezes my hand. "Don't say that, Jess. I would give anything to feel the way you do about Mason."

  "Even if it makes you feel like your heart is a lump of hot twisted metal burning a hole inside your chest?"

  "Even then," he smiles sadly. "If I could have that sort of connection with someone, it would be worth the heartache to me.”

  Chandler looks like he wants to say more but hesitates.

  “Go on,” I urge him, “say it.”

  “It always seem like things happen for a reason,” he says. “Do you think maybe you’re supposed to be with someone besides Mason? That maybe this has happened to free you to fall in love with someone else?”

  “No,” I answer bluntly. “I don’t. Why would you even ask such a question? Can’t you use your power to see how much I love him?”

  “Yes,” Chandler says, squeezing the hand he still holds. “I know.”

  My phone begins to vibrate in my jacket pocket, and I quickly pull it out to see who’s calling. It's Mama Lynn.

  "Hey Mama Lynn," I say when I answer.

  I hear Mama Lynn sniff on the other end. "Jess, can you come home?"

  She breaks down into sobs and I know what's happened.

  "Has Uncle Dan died?" I ask.

  Mama Lynn's sobs grow louder but she finally gets out a, "Yes."

  "I'll be right there."

  I hold the phone in my hand and just stare at it. I knew this day would come and all I can think about is Uncle Dan's soul. What torturous things were Lucifer and those under his command doing to Uncle Dan in Hell? In my mind, I can still see Uncle Dan's skeletal face twisted into a mask of fear after Lucifer told him he would suffer a million fold for what he did to me as a child. I just can't quite decided if I feel sorry for what he's going through now or happy that he's finally getting what he deserves. I decide not to think about it because the torture of his soul isn't something I can control. Whatever Lucifer does to Uncle Dan is too far out of my reach to have any influence over. The monster of my childhood is finally out of my life for good, and I can't help but feel relieved by that fact.

  I stand up but Chandler keeps a hold of my hand not letting me go yet.

  "Let me come with you," he says.

  I shake my head. "No, you stay here and rest. I can handle this."

  "Then at least let me know when the funeral is," Chandler begs. "I want to be there for you, Jess."

  I know I should tell him not to come but a part of me desperately wants him there. If I can't have Mason by my side for comfort, Chandler is the next best thing.

  "Ok," I agree. "I'll call you later and let you know the details about the funeral. I need to head back now though and take care of Mama Lynn. I'm sure she's not in any condition to make the funeral arrangements."

  "I'll be waiting for your call."

  I have Isaiah take me home. Once he leaves to tell Mason what I learned from my father, I head over to Mama Lynn's house bracing myself to deal with her grief.

  Chapter 3

  As I sit between Mama Lynn and Faison by the grave site, I feel one of Chandler's hands gently squeeze my right shoulder, letting me know he's there if I need him.

  We decided to only have a grave side service for Uncle Dan. Mama Lynn said her brother didn't have many friends and she was right. There are only a handful of people from Cypress Hollow present plus us, his only family.

  I reach up and place my left hand over Chandler's which remains steadfast on my shoulder. The feel of his hand under mine helps bring comfort to my soul as Pastor Cary drones on about how Uncle Dan will be missed by his family and friends and what his legacy on Earth is. I tune him out because I don't need to hear the perfunctory speech, which is meant to bring comfort to those like Mama Lynn who might actually feel like his death is a loss to the world.

  My eyes are drawn past the glossy wood casket to my first waking vision of Michael. He's standing two rows down from Uncle Dan's plot in the old church yard. I see him pointedly look to his left and I instinctively follow his gaze.

  I feel my heart begin to beat like a thundering herd of elephants has invaded it when I see Mason standing at the far corner of the graveyard; half hidden by a tall tombstone with an angel of mercy crouched on top of it. His eyes are narrowed on me. He doesn't look away when our eyes meet and all I want to do is jump up from my seat and run to him. I feel his worry over me like a physical presence between the two of us. His eyes hold a longing to bring me comfort and all I want to do is go to him and accept it. Our eyes never waver as the funeral service continues and comes to a close.

  Our neighbors form a line in front of us to bestow their condolences. I briefly lo
se sight of Mason when Sadie bends down to give me a kiss on the cheek, telling me how sorry she is for my loss. By the time I'm finally free to stand, I look over at the spot where Mason was and see that he's already phased away.

  "Was I imagining things or was Mason standing over there during the funeral?"

  I turn to Chandler who is still standing behind my chair.

  "You weren't imagining things," I say, my heart feeling heavier now with Mason's sudden departure. Why did it seem like he was always leaving me?

  "Jess," Mama Lynn says standing from her seat beside me, "the ladies of the church prepared a lunch for us. Do you have time to stay and eat or do you need to get back to work right away?"

  I put an arm around her shoulders. "Of course I have time. Come on. I know Ms. Margaret probably made us her famous fried chicken."

  "Well you better come on too, Chandler," Mama Lynn says, trying her best to still be the epitome of Southern hospitality even while she’s grieving. "I can't let you go without at least having lunch with us."

  I was surprised by Mama Lynn and Faison's reaction to Chandler's presence. When I told them he was coming to the funeral, Mama Lynn said she was happy I would have a friend there to comfort me, and Faison didn't hound me too much for information about the extent of my relationship with the most sought after bachelor rock star in America, if not the world.

  I desperately wanted to tell them about my reunion with my father but knew I couldn't. I couldn't tell them anything, which made me realize I was being forced to lead a double life now. Since becoming a Watcher agent, they had become accustomed to my silence about work. But now, that part of my life was leaking into my personal life, and it was becoming almost impossible to keep the two separate.

  After lunch, I tell Mama Lynn I need to get back to work. She isn’t too surprised and just seems thankful I took off so much time to be with her and to handle the funeral arrangements. She tells me to be careful and to call her later. Faison takes me off to the side while her fiancé, John Austin, attempts to have a conversation with Chandler, but I can tell he is completely star struck by my new friend. What normal person wouldn't be? It’s not like Chandler even looks remotely like he belongs in Cypress Hollow. With his designer suit and rock star looks, he doesn’t exactly blend in well with the general population.


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