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Wizard's Blood [Part Two]

Page 48

by Bob Blink

  * * * *

  Cheurt was shocked by what he had been seeing. Jolan had found Ygooro, and Tilano! Was it possible? There was something there about the Nexus he needed to pursue, but he’d been distracted by a vision of something they called a portal. Dragons, that’s how they did it. The things were everywhere. Farsight had shown him a true vision the other night when it seemed to be Jolan outside in the village when he’d been in Cobalo the previous day. He had thought it a false vision. He needed to extract all of information in this one’s brain. This would give him the edge he needed to reclaim the war.

  He was just getting started when suddenly there was a sharp blast near his head and the mind he was probing flashed briefly and was gone. He was totally disoriented. He’d never had something like that happen while he was probing, and his own brain reeled at the sensation. It felt as if he were dying. A small part of his consciousness detected a powerful blast against his shield. Absently he realized they might have been threatening had it not been for the power amulet which gave him the ability to create shields of incredible strength.

  When his sense returned he realized it was the woman who had attacked him. Somehow she had escaped her cage and was now on the loose. That wouldn’t last, and he would soon be probing another brain to see what secrets she had been holding back.

  Chapter 155

  Angry and confused, Jolan tried to figure out who could have stolen his amulet. At first he’d thought he might have been careless and distracted, and simply taken it off and laid it down somewhere while his mind was focused on the events planned for the night. He’d done things like that in the past. But after a careful search of his room, he’d remembered seeing the two coins from Earth in the drawer where he placed the amulet. They’d made him think about the trip to Earth he’d promised Shyar some time ago which he might soon have a chance to make good on. That made him certain he’d placed the device where he always did when he bathed. Someone had known this and taken it. The timing couldn’t have been worse. He would need to pursue it, but it would have to wait. The plans to release Shyar were in motion and he couldn’t afford to change anything now.

  Jolan found it hard to concentrate as he made his way through the myriad hallways and stairs that led to Buris’ lab and the special portal room they were using. It couldn’t be a coincidence that the amulet had been taken today. Somehow, it had to relate to their plans, but who could know? Did that mean their plan had been leaked? If so, the whole rescue could be at risk. He’d have to discuss it with the others.

  Atypically, he was late for the meeting he’d called, and Asari frowned when he saw the look on Jolan’s face.

  “What happened?” he asked.

  “In a minute,” Jolan responded. “Where’s Ronoron?” he asked, noting the man wasn’t present. He was usually early for these sessions.

  No one had seen him since the previous evening. Buris went off to find one of his lab helpers to send for him, while Jolan continued with the meeting. He explained about the missing amulet, which was a matter of some concern. The added edge it would provide in case of an altercation was reassuring. To have it go missing at this time concerned them all, especially the implications that someone knew about their plans. While they were discussing the possible implications, Buris returned.

  “No one has seen him since just after lunch,” he said. “Here’s a bit more of a mystery. I called over to talk with Morin, since I knew Ronoron and Morin have been friends since he helped Morin’s wife. Morin hadn’t seen him either, but about two hours ago someone activated the portal we plan to use in Ale’ald. It was only open briefly, and then it closed again. At the time only three portals showed as open. The main portal in the Council of Mages building, the one here, and the portal in Ale’ald were the only ones.”

  “Neither this one nor the portal in Ale’ald should have been active at that time,” Jolan said.

  Buris nodded. “The only people who should be able to get through the wards on the room without raising an alarm are those of us in this group. That suggests it was done by one of us, and the only person missing is Ronoron.”

  “Why would Ronoron be playing around with the portals?” Luzoke asked, but Jolan raised his hand. A number of past events suddenly fell into place in his mind.

  “Gods,” he said suddenly. “The stupid fool is going after Cheurt.”

  “What?” said Asari. “We agreed this wasn’t the time. I want him more than anyone, and I agreed we’d wait.”

  “Ronoron has a similar complaint to yours against Cheurt,” Jolan said. “He told me the Ale’ald invasion had killed his family. He also has felt left out of things for a long time. I thought his coming along would help that, but what if his insistence of being part of this was simply his way of getting a chance. Some time ago he learned what the amulet would do for him. I saw the craving he had then, and felt bad I’d let him be exposed. For the first time he’d been a powerful mage. What if he thinks he can do this alone, and come back the hero? It would explain the missing amulet as well. No one would think a thing if Ronoron was seen in my quarters.”

  “He’s going to blow the whole mission,” Asari said angrily.

  “He doesn’t realize that it isn’t simply about strength,” Luzoke added. “Even if he has the power of a level seven, he doesn’t have the experience or mindset. Cheurt will take him out without a second thought.”

  “We’ve got to go now,” the head spy-mage said. “It’s a lot more of a risk, but by tonight it could be impossible to proceed. Either that or give it up entirely.”

  Jolan wasn’t about to let this opportunity slip. It was Shyar’s last real chance. But he couldn’t decide for the others. He looked around the room and his heart swelled as he received a number of nods indicating they were ready to go.

  With a slight smile of thanks, Jolan said. “Ten minutes. Let’s get ready.”

  * * * *

  They emerged from the portal in the late afternoon, hours before the concealing dark they had initially planned on. Fortunately, the portal was well hidden and no one seemed particularly interested in the lonely stretch of riverfront where it was located. No soldiers or wizards waited to ambush them either.

  They were dressed as they had been before. Jolan looked like one of the local wizards. He still carried the Staff of War, and under his shoulder, hidden by his vest, he carried the small Kimber, although few would recognize the small pistol for the weapon it was. Even so he felt almost naked. He’d come to rely on the reassurance offered by the amulet.

  The others were dressed as they had been the previous night. Asari had planned on carrying his bow, assuming it would not be very noticeable at night and the silent arrows might come in handy. In the full daylight it would be an anomaly to anyone who saw them, and he had left it behind. He carried the Wilson .45 hidden under his shirt, and felt he was inadequately armed for the undertaking they were attempting. There was no way he’d be left behind however. He fully intended to wring Ronoron’s neck when they caught up with him.

  Jolan took a minute to drop his shields before they set off. He knew the action would let Shyar know he was close. She’d be confused and a bit alarmed by their early appearance, and they might have to wait until she was able to find an opportunity to get out. If she didn’t make it in a reasonable time, he fully intended to go in after her. One way or another, this matter ended today.

  They left the small stand of trees that partially hid the portal and made their way together toward the village and the bridge. They moved quickly, making no attempt to hide. They were going to be seen at some point, and it would be foolish to look as if they were trying to avoid it. Once they approached the village they separated into two groups. Jolan, Luzoke and the single spy-mage dressed as a wizard stayed together, the rest forming a second group. They had decided based on their observations the other night that a large group of wizards and military would be an unusual sight to see together. The two groups were never more than a hundred yards apart, but the
y acted as if they didn’t know each other.

  The streets were far busier than they had been the previous night, and they couldn’t help but be noticed. They passed a couple of wizards, one who looked at them as if trying to place them, but no one stopped them for any reason. Before long they were headed north on the road that led toward the castle. All seemed quiet for the moment, so perhaps Ronoron hadn’t done as Jolan feared.

  They were halfway to the castle when Jolan realized something was very wrong. It wasn’t obvious at first, but there were men moving between the buildings and along the river in their direction. After a moment it was very clear they were searching for something.

  Asari and the two spy-mages were walking ahead, and two of the officers directing the search called out to them. Someone must have panicked, as a bolt shot out from one of the mages, striking the Ale’ald officer and killing him. Almost immediately, a return bolt came from the trees and struck the mage. Asari and the surviving mage ran for the cover of a large boulder close to the river. Asari must have seen the wizard who had taken out their companion, as he suddenly raised his automatic and fired two quick rounds. There was no answering burst of magic. They waited a moment, and then started to withdraw back towards Jolan. Suddenly the second of the spy mages was wrapped in a band of fire the intensity of which Jolan had never seen before. Asari was able to make it back unharmed before the group slipped behind one of the buildings. Luzoke indicated he was going to the far side to get a different angle. Whoever was out there was extremely powerful. The remaining spy-mage indicated he was heading off in a third direction. Being spread out could increase their chances of getting a shot at their enemies. While survival was the primary objective all of a sudden, Jolan realized the surprise escape of Shyar was no longer possible. They’d be lucky to pull back without more losses, let alone be able to get to where Shyar should be hiding. He felt his heart sink. He’d blown it.

  Jolan was able to get a quick look in the direction the powerful bolt had come from when Luzoke fired and drew a return blast that took away part of the building where he was hiding. It didn’t take more than a look. The wizard firing the energy blasts was none other than Cheurt. He stood in the open as if he couldn’t be harmed, and fired in the direction the spy-mage had gone. Jolan was pretty certain he’d connected. There was no return fire in any event.

  So far Cheurt hadn’t located the new position that Jolan and Asari had moved to, but he’d find them as soon as Jolan attempted anything. Cheurt held a staff with a blue jewel in the handle in his right hand while his left was wrapped around something that was strung around his neck. Jolan suddenly knew what it had to be. No wonder Cheurt felt indestructible. Somehow he’d managed to get the amulet and figure out what it could do. That foretold of bad things for Ronoron, and even worse for their side. At a minimum it meant that Ronoron was probably dead. Jolan wondered how much Cheurt had learned from him before he died. Ronoron knew far too much, and if Cheurt had had time to drain his mind, many of their most important secrets were forfeit. Cheurt had been powerful enough before and if he held the amulet and knew everything Ronoron had known then he would be all but unstoppable. They had each sworn to use the mind erasing spell if they were captured, but he doubted that Ronoron had been thinking along those lines when Cheurt must have grabbed him. Cheurt’s only weakness now would be a properly placed copper bullet.

  As Jolan continued to watch his adversary, Luzoke fired yet another of the incredibly powerful beams at Cheurt. The air crackled as the bluish white light flashed across the hundred yards that separated the two men. A tree that the beam passed near burst into flame partway up the trunk, and moments later the top half separated and tumbled to the ground. Like a previous blast, it had little effect on the wizard. Cheurt’s shield barely reacted, showing the faintest of pink color around a small area where the magic energies struck. It had to be because of the power amplifier boosting the strength of his shield.

  The shock was clear on Luzoke’s face. He’d never seen anything stand up to his power since he’d grown to the latest level and acquired the ring. He was preparing to fire yet another burst. Jolan readied himself. Perhaps if they attacked together? He actually doubted it would matter, and it would give away his current hiding place, but without his help he feared that Luzoke might be lost. He had one ace in the hole, but using it would weaken him for anything that came afterwards, but he couldn’t pick up and run. If he thought he’d have a chance, he’d have told Asari to try and get back and warn Vaen.

  Jolan exceuted the spell he’d learned from Utar that allowed him a temporary boost of a couple of levels. As Luzoke let loose, Jolan did the same with his strongest Firewrap, amplified by all the power of the Staff of War and his own fire ring in addition to the boost he’d just given himself. The combined blast clearly shook Cheurt, his shield glowing a bright red, but it didn’t look like it would be enough. As the flames from the spell swirled away, his fears were confirmed. Cheurt seemed unharmed, although his gaze turned momentarily toward the hidden location where Asari and Jolan crouched. He now knew where they were.

  Cheurt smiled to himself. Now he had it all. He stood strong in the middle of the confrontation, his jeweled staff held in his right hand as he considered his next move. The man he’d sought for so long was less than fifty yards from him. He also had the incredible amulet that had boosted the man’s power and caused him so much grief. What a change of events. Suddenly he was far more powerful than he’d ever been, and soon the man would pay with his life. First, however, something had to be done with the other one. The power of his attack beams was disconcerting and, without the added capability from the strange amulet, he’d have been in serious trouble. As it was, he didn’t want to continue being exposed to such power. After a time, the blast would wear down the extra protection he carried.

  Normal magic probably wouldn’t be able to penetrate the shields of the man. That mattered little. Knowing the man was the stronger of his other current adversaries, Cheurt unleashed the power of the ring against him. He could handle Randy, or Jolan as he seemed to prefer now, without its power. A narrow beam of vivid green, sparkling with odd lights, flashed across the short distance that separated the two men. The shields that could withstand almost anything gave way easily to the strange green beam. It seemed like a hole appeared in the center of the attacking green energies, and the beam passed through and struck the man inside. Immediately the energy flared and spread, covering Luzoke in a transparent green mist from head to toe. Luzoke’s head was thrown back in a silent scream, his entire body in intense pain as every muscle was frozen and the nerves excited to yield their most intense pain. The mist flashed, and Luzoke seemed to dissolve, his form becoming transparent, and then almost invisible, and then nothing. After he faded from sight, the energies flashed once again, and then died. There was nothing left, not even ash to mark where Luzoke had stood moments before.

  Cheurt nodded to himself. The ring never failed him. This had been its greatest challenge, but once again nothing seemed capable of resisting its power. The green ring had other capabilities, and in fact the only other holder of such a ring hadn’t even known about this feature, using it only for its other power. Cheurt had been tempted to kill the man for the ring just to see what owning two of them might allow him to do. He’d restrained himself, however. The wizard had been important, and his death or disappearance would have caused problems Cheurt couldn’t afford at the time. Now the man had been lost in the wars, and the ring lost as well. It was unfortunate, but irrelevant. Now however, it was time to deal with Jolan. The ring would be of no help, since it took several days for it to recharge and regain the ability he’d just exercised. No matter. He could handle him without it. As Cheurt turned toward them, something struck him a glancing blow in the back, painful but it did no significant damage. He grinned. Fools!

  Jolan was in shock. Luzoke was gone. Cheurt had unleashed some power he’d never encountered before, and it had gone through Luzoke’s incredi
bly powerful shields as if they hadn’t existed. His own shields, spread to cover both himself and Asari would be no match for such magic. They were lost. There was no time to try and seek cover, as Cheurt was already turning their way. He would be releasing his attack in a matter of seconds. Knowing his own weapons would be inadequate to the task, Jolan decided he would take a desperate chance. He prepared to cast the Reflection spell. He’d had mixed success with it before, and to hope it could turn such power was a desperate chance, especially after he’d weakened himself with the previous set of spells, but he could think of nothing else. If he’d still had the amplifier things might be different. Dragons damn Ronoron! He’d probably killed them all.

  Suddenly Jolan realized Asari was shooting at Cheurt. Asari hanging in there to the end. The range was long, but given the pistol he carried, the training Jolan had passed to him, and the hours of practice Asari had put in nothing he shouldn’t be able to handle. The two closely spaced shots seemed to go where Asari had willed. Jolan could see two strikes in Cheurt’s back, just below his left shoulder blade. Impossibly, the bullets that had seemed to penetrate the shield around the man, appeared to have little effect. Cheurt seemed unfazed, and only glanced briefly in the direction where the bullets had hit him. It couldn’t be. Had Cheurt also discovered a means of defeating the copper?


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