Loving a Little Heart

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Loving a Little Heart Page 6

by Breanna Hayse

  "That almost sounds like you're feeling guilty. Is there something you're hiding that it needs to tell us?" Jake asked.

  She wrinkled her nose. "No. I've been as good as gold. Oh! I have something to show you." She lifted her shirt to expose her belly. "I can't button any of my pants anymore."

  "Is that a little bump we are seeing?" Hayden asked, immediately kneeling on the floor next to his brother. They both placed their warms hands on her tummy.

  "I think so. Uncle Terry really noticed it during my bath last night. I thought it was because I've been eating so much chocolate, but he says it's all baby," she said proudly.

  "Yep, she's definitely getting a little pudgy in the tummy and the backside, so I'm thrilled to bits," Terry said proudly. "There have not been any episodes of morning sickness and she is eating well, although she is telling me that things taste funny. Her blood sugars and blood pressure are perfect and, except for the sore breasts, she's doing well."

  "Thanks for the report, Doc." Hayden laughed. "So you are feeling all right? How about the emotions?"

  "I'm nuttier that a fruit cake, but that's normal for me. Oh, and I go into an occasional session of uncontrolled weeping during a dumb Hallmark commercial or if I see a puppy," Baylor admitted.

  "In other words, there is nothing different. Can I get you guys something to eat?" Matt asked. "It's past dinner time and you guys must be starving."

  "We ate before we flew out. I'll take something light, though. Thanks." Hayden smiled.

  "Jakers? Do you want anything?"

  "No thanks, I'm good for now. Just really tired," Jake said. He pressed his lips to Baylor's stomach. "This is really happening, isn't it?"

  "It is. I missed you." She waited until Terry had followed Matt into the kitchen. "Something is going on with them and Matt won't tell me what," she whispered. "Terry has been so quiet and really grumpy lately. I'm worried."

  "If it is something we need to know then he will tell us."

  "You don't think they're getting cold feet, do you? The wedding is in two weeks. Do you think they are going to back out?" she asked.

  "No, baby. Guys handle stress differently to girls. Try not to worry and remember that you are hypersensitive because of hormones."

  "Matt keeps saying the same thing. What are you doing?" She stroked Hayden's hair as he whispered into her belly button.

  "Telling the babies how much I love their mama. I can't believe how firm this is," he said, feeling her little bulge.

  "Let me take a picture of the bump," Jake said. "Did you get any Little girl time?"

  "Almost the whole time you were gone. We baked cupcakes and cookies, watched movies, went star gazing, and they took me to Sea World."

  "Did you have fun?" Hayden asked.

  "I did. I almost didn't want it to end."

  "Did you take your naps?"

  "Yes, Daddy. I was actually pretty tired. I didn't want to tell Uncle Terry though, because then he would say 'told you so.'"

  "Your little body is working hard to grow this little bump and you need to take care of it," Hayden said. "How about you give Daddy Jake and me a few minutes to clean up and then we can resume some of that Little girl time?"



  "If it's okay with you, I need to take a raincheck," Jake said with a yawn. "I'm beat, and have a bit of a headache."

  "No worries, Daddy. I understand. I should warn you that I've been sleeping in your bed, though." Baylor bit her lower lip.

  "It is filled with stuffed animals?"

  "Yes, sir."

  "That's okay. I'll live, as long as one of them doesn't bite me. I love you, babygirl. Let me get some shuteye and then we will spend time together."

  She kissed him and watched as he went up to his room, then she turned to Hayden. "How about you go take a shower and then meet me next door?"

  "Food?" he asked.

  "I'll take care of it," she said and smiled seductively. "I might even have a little surprise for you. Oh, Hayden? Bring your cane."

  The expression of shock on his face almost made her laugh.

  After putting together a platter of cheese, crackers, and sliced apples with caramel drizzled over them, Baylor returned to her house and entered her bedroom. Placing the tray on the nightstand along with several bottles of cold water, she switched on a black light that gave just the right amount of ambience for a romantic evening. She quickly dressed in black lacy boy shorts with a pink bow, black thigh-high socks, and a sheer black tank top that hugged the curves of her growing breasts and clung lightly to her hips. Her tummy poked out ever so slightly between the band on her shorts and the edge of the shirt. A glance in the mirror made her smile—the tiny bulge was rather cute.

  She kept her hair in the two high ponytails, lined her eyes with jet black liner, and dabbed some pink lip gloss on her mouth. Knowing that Hayden would take a while, she sat on her bed and stuck a chocolate tootsie pop in her mouth. With her glow-in-the-dark markers, she began to color a picture in the new Zentangle book that Terry had bought her to help her 'Big girl' relax and refocus.

  Her breath caught in her throat as she heard the opening and closing of the front door and the sound of heavy footsteps in her direction. No sooner did the bedroom door open than she jumped up and rushed to Hayden, flinging her arms around his neck and covering his face with happy kisses. He lifted her so she could wrap her legs around his waist, and joined her in a deep, passionate embrace.

  "Did you miss us?" he asked, closing the door behind him and kneading the flesh of her bottom with his large, strong hands.

  "So badly. Are you hungry?"

  "Just for you, Ladybug."

  "Follow me. I have something special to show you. Sit down on the bed."

  "No use of the word 'please'? You've gotten awfully bossy since we left, haven't you?" Hayden asked, sitting on the edge, at looking at her with curiosity.

  "A little bit. But there is a reason." Slowly, she began to remove her clothes, everything except for the socks. She stood before him and grinned, showing the temporary glow-in-the dark heart tattoos that she had positioned strategically over her body. She had used two hollow hearts to frame each nipple, a large one right over her pelvis, a small one on the insides of both of her wrists and, by turning and bending over, she showed him two more located on each fleshy cheek of her bottom.

  Hayden reached for her hips and pulled her close to him so he could bury his face between her rounded buttocks. After kissing and biting her backside, he started to pull her onto his lap.

  "Not yet. I have one more thing to show you. I thought that maybe you would like to have a pet to play with tonight." She produced a hot pink collar trimmed with black lace. It had a pink heart tag that read 'Spank Me' and she knelt on the floor at his feet, holding it out to him.

  "Are you actually asking for a session?" Hayden asked with excitement in his eyes as he turned the collar over in his hands.

  "Yes, sir. I want you to hurt me, and let you know that I'm ready to take whatever you want to give to me."

  "The babies—"

  "I won't be able to play like this for long. Please give this to me tonight. I need it."

  He kissed her neck and buckled the collar around it. "This is for your pleasure. Do you remember your safeword? Say it."


  He nodded with approval, lustily meeting her gaze. Then he grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled her to her feet, biting her neck before raking his eyes down the length of her body. With a quick jerk, he turned her around and pushed her onto the bed.

  "Stay on your knees. If anything feels wrong, tell me."

  "Just spank me. Hard. You aren't going to hurt the babies, only my ass." She wiggled her bottom and waited.

  "Do you really want the cane?" he asked.

  "I do. Don't hold back, either. I need to feel it tonight."

  The first stroke was intense and painful, sending a burning sensation across the span of her backside.
He pressed his left hand to the back of her neck and pushed her chest down on the mattress, forcing her bottom high into the air. "Spread your legs and let your tummy dangle between them," he ordered.

  "Ow!" Baylor whimpered as another stroke landed harshly across her sit-spots.

  He massaged her neck with his left hand while still holding her steady, and continued to slowly cane her with a decisive and precise pattern. Tears began to leak from her eyes, leaving behind black trails of make-up running down her face. She did not know whether it was her mental state or the way in which her pregnant body was interpreting the sensation, but the pain was magnificent. He paused to rub his palm roughly over her hot, tender bottom as she tensed and groaned.

  "Are you okay, Ladybug?" he asked, his hand still resting gently on her neck, his tone filled with concern. "Did I hit you too hard?"

  She nodded, sniffing. "It's incredible. We need this, Hayden. I need to cry and be cleansed. It's been a long time since I've been spanked hard enough to bring me to that place, and I know that you won't hold back on me."

  He leaned over to kiss her. "Thank you for your trust. Once more, tell me your safeword. This is not punishment, so use it."

  "My safe word is 'serious'. Give me more and then fuck me in the ass," she begged. "There's a condom and lube on the stand."

  If Hayden was surprised, he did not show it. "What's this?" he asked, sniffing the salve. "Ginger root?"

  She wiggled her bottom again. "I found it at an Asian grocery store."

  "You really do want pain, don't you?"


  "Is there a reason? Like something we need to talk about?" he asked.

  "No. I just have a lot of stress and anxiety and this helps me relieve it. Please. I need to feel you inside my ass."

  The cane fell six more times, biting into her body and sending rays of delicious agony down the backs of her legs. It also ignited the fire inside of her and she begged him to take her.

  No second invitation was required, and he pressed her head back down to the mattress and positioned himself behind her, gripping and spreading her sore cheeks after dipping the tip of his protected rod in the ointment. He rubbed it against her tiny pucker, aimed the head of his cock to his target, and inched carefully inside her. The ointment was rubbed into her scorched flesh as she accommodated the intrusion, and she gasped as the heat began to rise around her sensitive ring and radiate across to her backside and pussy.

  "Oh shit," she gasped. "It burns!"

  He began to pound his long member into her, his hips crashing against her aching red flesh, his fingers digging into her muscles. He leaned over her and bit the top of her right shoulder, making her yelp. "Play with yourself," he growled. "I don't want this stuff on my hands touching your pussy."

  Baylor obeyed, grateful that he had considered how the ointment would have been unbearable if it touched the delicate tissue of her womanhood. Inching her hand underneath her body, she found her needy clit and circled the swollen nub with her fingers, rubbing and pressing until her body started to tense.

  Hayden growled into her back and bit down on her other shoulder with a command to come as he released himself. A breath later, she joined him, arching her spine to take everything he had to offer while she screamed out her joy.

  Gently, he slipped from her body and gently turned her onto her side. Her eyes were heavy and she was only half aware of the cool wet cloth that was being dabbed between her tender globes, and the warm hand that rested on her throbbing bottom. She was floating in pain and pleasure, caught in that special world of bliss. Time had no meaning as she stayed suspended in a pool of endorphins.

  "Open," he whispered in her ear. A piece of caramel covered apple was slipped into her mouth and she chewed absently; barely aware of the flavor. The crisp sweetness eventually awakened her taste buds and she hummed happily, opening her mouth for more. He fed her a second piece and then lifted a bottle of water to her lips. "Good girl. Drink. Slowly…"

  "Tastes good," she whispered, pressing her back into his body. "Cold."

  Hayden covered her with a blanket and tucked it snugly around her shivering form. "Is that better?"

  "Yeah. That was amazing," she murmured.

  "You hate the cane. Can you tell me why you asked for it?"

  "I wish I could. Maybe it was a moment of pregnancy insanity. Was it wrong that I asked?"

  "Not at all. Are you kidding me? We have wanted you to come to us and ask for a spanking for a long time. We love that, even if you did have to use a prop." He chuckled.

  "You do?"

  "That kind of submission is very arousing to both of us. It means that you trust us with your needs, even if they are uncomfortable. The bonus of your demanding that I fuck you in the ass was beyond exciting. Did you like it?"

  "I did. So why am I feeling totally embarrassed now?" She hid her face in the pillow.

  Hayden yanked it away and straddled her. Grabbing her wrists in one hand, he held them above her head and poked her gently in the side, making her squeal. "Because you're being silly."

  "No tickling!" Baylor ordered with a laugh.

  "How about a kiss instead?" he asked, leaning into her.

  "Now that sounds divine."

  Chapter Six

  "Are you nervous?" Baylor asked, finishing her make-up and looking at Matt's reflection in the mirror.

  "Hell, yeah. I've never done this before," Matt muttered.

  "Well, you look mighty handsome, and I'll bet you ten bucks that Terry will break out in tears." She stood up and adjusted the black and white striped ascot around his neck and then straightened the pale pink brocade vest. "I love this vest, by the way. It's very steam punky."

  "That's the theme. As for the bet, raise it to twenty that Jake will lose it first, and you've got yourself a wager."

  "Deal!" She giggled. "I can't believe this is really happening to us. You and Terry, and me with the boys."

  "It feels a little surreal, doesn't it?"

  "Totally. What's that?" she asked.

  "A temporary tattoo. Bend over." He applied it to her right butt cheek and then smacked her ass fondly. "Adorable. Are you ready for your dress?"

  "Yes! You've been hiding it from me forever. You know it's not nice to stress an expectant bride."

  "It wasn't going to kill you to wait to see what I had planned for you." He patted her little baby bump, which was framed by a lacy black garter belt and little boy shorts that failed to cover her bottom. Pink thigh high hose, a plunging black bra, and a pair of pink button boots completed her ensemble. "Damn, girl, you are gorgeous just like this. Let's just put your hairpiece in and shock the boys."

  "I'm not getting married in my underwear."

  "Well, it's a good thing that your dress won't cover all of these lacy things. They are much too pretty."

  "What is going to be showing?" She eyed him suspiciously. "You didn't go to a costume shop, did you? Slutty bride is not on my wedding agenda. At least, not until the honeymoon."

  "No costume shop," he said, quickly putting her hair into a loose up-do, and securing it in place with pins. "I had it made."

  "You did?" she asked incredulously.

  "I designed it myself and had a friend of ours put it together. Close your eyes and don't open them until I am ready for you."

  Baylor bit her lip in excitement as he slipped the material over her head. Her only condition had been that it would not be the traditional white Cinderella-type wedding gown—like the one she had been forced to wear for her first ceremony. The top was then cinched snugly, and the rustling of the fabric continued until he was satisfied.

  "Stunning. It is exactly how I imagined it. Open your eyes," Matt said.

  "Oh, my God…" Baylor gazed at herself in the mirror. The corset portion of the dress was comprised of vertical black and pale pink stripes that melded into a panel of pale pink satin. The matching pink tulle skirt was fashioned to be short in the front, showing off her slender legs, with a bustle
in the back sporting a giant black and pink striped bow. "It's so…"

  "Pink?" Matt asked worriedly.

  "Beautiful. I'm speechless."

  "You like it, then? Terry was afraid you would have a fit because of the color."

  "I wanted non-traditional and different. As for the color, I've grown used to having pink in my life, thanks to you guys. If it's not the environment, it's the color of my butt." She giggled.

  "This is true." He pinned the mini pink satin hat covered with black lace in her hair, pushing back the veil from her face. "I wanted to tell you something before we go out."

  "Is it going to make me cry? I'm not sure how good this waterproof make-up is."

  "You know you're the first girl I've ever touched in an intimate way," Matt pressed on.

  "Yeah, for science." Baylor smiled, fondly remembering the gay man's nervous exploration of her body many months before.

  "Did that bother you?"

  "No. I was actually honored that you trusted me enough to ask," she said.

  "I haven't had a lot of experience with intimacy. I mean, well…"

  "Oh, shit." It dawned on her. "You're a virgin, aren't you? Does Terry know?"

  "He's never asked. I'm really nervous," Matt admitted.

  "Tell him. It's scary the first time, but Terry loves you. He isn't going to do anything to hurt you."

  "What if it doesn't please him? I mean, I'm great with my mouth, but—"

  "Matt, look at me." Baylor held his neatly groomed bearded face in her hands and kissed his lips gently. "You are his world. You have made his life complete. You are also Jake's oldest friend. He wouldn't have you in his life if you weren't something special." She lifted his left hand and kissed his knuckles. "There is one thing that all of you have taught me since I arrived on your doorstep: to trust the strength of true and unconditional love that our family represents. With it, and each other, we don't have to be afraid."

  "Thanks. I do love you, Bay."

  "I love you, too, Matt."

  "Two more things. Open…" He popped a wad of bubblegum in her mouth. "There are some things I can't resist. We must show a little bit of defiance on our wedding day, right?"


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