Loving a Little Heart

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Loving a Little Heart Page 7

by Breanna Hayse

  She quickly chewed it and popped a bubble, grinning broadly. "The gum started the whole bossy thing with them, so it's only fair for it to come full circle, right?"

  "My point exactly! And let's not forget your bouquet."

  "Oh, Matt! This is too freaking precious!" she exclaimed. The 'bouquet' was comprised of white chocolate roses, pink lollipops, round balls of gold bubble gum, and bunches of baby's breath, all tied together with pink and black ribbon.

  "I wanted your Little to have something to enjoy today, too. Let's do this thing." He smiled, holding out his hand to her.

  They walked each other down the staircase that had been decorated with pale pink roses and black ribbons with gold trim. The large room was packed with their friends and neighbors, all who stood up as the two approached their partners, linked arm in arm. Jake was standing between Hayden and Terry as their best man, and his eyes already showed the beginning of happy tears.

  "You owe me twenty bucks," Matt whispered.

  "We should have put thirty on Bob," Baylor whispered back.

  "Are you chewing gum?" her future father-in-law asked, wiping his hand across his misting eyes. He held out his palm and snapped his fingers. "Spit it out."

  Baylor offered a cheesy grin, popped another bubble, and obeyed—after elbowing Matt mischievously. The older man shook his head, tucked the gum in his handkerchief, and then began the service. The ceremony was interrupted by frequent nose blowing and choked words.

  Bob cleared his throat to finish. "I know that this marriage is not considered the norm, nor is this wedding one of convention, but I wanted to say I have never seen anything more beautiful than the love these five people share with one another. Jake and I were blessed when Hayden came into our lives, and became my son and his brother. The three of us were doubly blessed when Matt became one of the family, as well. My boys have made me a very proud man. And now they have brought me another son, a daughter, and pretty soon, two grandchildren."

  He paused to blow his nose and dab his wet eyes. "I give you all my blessings and my love," he said to the five people standing in front of him. "And I now pronounce you all a family—husbands to wife, wife to husbands, and husband to husband. Thank you for giving me this honor, and allowing me to be such a special part of this day and the commitment you share with one another."

  Applause and cheers were raised as kisses were exchanged and everyone offered their congratulations.

  The backyard had been especially decorated for the reception, where everyone milled together, ate, drank, and shared in the occasion.

  Before they knew it, it was time to leave to catch their flight to Miami, where they would all be boarding the ship for a seven day cruise to the Cayman Islands—compliments of Bob.

  "What an incredible day," Baylor said tiredly as she sank down in the seat between her new husbands after the plane had taken off.

  "I've never seen you looking so beautiful," Jake said, kissing her hand. "I wish we could have kept you in that dress a little longer."

  "Me too," Hayden added. "It would have been fun to unwrap the bride from her wedding gown."

  "I brought it with me, just in case." She giggled.

  "That's our girl," Hayden praised.

  "How are you two doing?" She leaned forward to look across the aisle at the other couple.

  "Overwhelmed and deliriously happy," Matt said, squeezing Terry's hand. "When Bob acknowledged me as his son, I lost it."

  "I think the only one who hasn't cried today is Baylor," Terry said. "I can't get over how beautiful you looked, babygirl."

  "Someone had to be in control around here. Besides, I've done enough crying these last few weeks that there isn't anything wet left in me." She sighed.

  "I bet we can find a wet spot," both Hayden and Jake said in unison.

  "Shh!" Baylor blushed, gesturing toward the people in the seat in front of them after noticing that the gray-haired woman had turned her head. "You're embarrassing me."

  "I wouldn't mind 'bare-assing' you right now," Hayden said with a chuckle.

  "Me, neither," Jake added.

  "Will you please stop it? I'm sorry," Baylor leaned forward to speak to the woman. "We just got married, and both of my husbands have forgotten their manners."

  "You married two men?" the woman turned around in astonishment.

  "I know. I wonder about my sanity, as well." Baylor chuckled.

  "How do you manage? I just have the one—and it is work." The woman gestured to her sleeping husband.

  "They are incredible. Both have changed my life and taught me about love, patience and acceptance. I am the luckiest woman in the world and I will never forget it," Baylor said, looking back and forth at the men on either side of her.

  "I wish you the best of luck then, my dear. With two strapping young men, you're going to need it," the woman said.

  "She said 'strapping,'" Hayden whispered in one ear.

  "We can't do that in the hotel, it's too loud," Jake whispered in her other ear.

  Baylor rolled her eyes. "Okay, boys, listen up. Minds out of the gutter for the rest of this flight. I'm exhausted. I've been up since the crack of dawn and we have to be on the loading dock at nine in the morning. That is six a.m. by my clock. So, the only thing that is happening after we land and get to the hotel is sleep. At least for me. I don't want to know what the two of you want to do with each other, but leave me out of it tonight."

  "Damn, Bay. Are you already cutting us off?" Hayden teased, maneuvering his hand to slide between her legs.

  She smacked it and then moved it to rest on top of the lap blanket. "I am, tonight. Now quiet down and keep your hands to yourself."

  "You're no fun," Hayden muttered.

  "You'll get over it. Jake? Control your brother."

  "Yes, ma'am. Hayden? We'll get her later when she's less bossy."

  "With the strap?"


  Baylor merely rolled her eyes.


  The ship launched on time the following morning. The air was damp and cold, and the marine layer hid most of the shore as it disappeared behind them. The five huddled together, sharing warmth and watching the shore fade under the muted sunlight.

  "How did it go last night?" Baylor whispered in Matt's ear as they wandered off for some hot chocolate.

  "It was wonderful. You were right," Matt whispered back. "Didn't you see the smile on Terry's face?"

  "I did. I also see yours. I gather that he was gentle?"

  "I could not have asked for a better first experience. And you? Did you have fun, Mrs. Paterson?"

  "Pft, I passed out. It's not like we haven't consummated our relationship before." She patted her tummy. "I'm starving, though." She projected her voice in the direction of her husbands and Terry.

  "Did you guys hear? The little mama is starving," Matt announced. "I could grab a bite, too."

  "The dining room is opening for brunch pretty soon. Let's get over there," Jake said excitedly.

  "Men!" Baylor chuckled, watching the four guys perk up like meerkats at the mention of food. "Hey! Wait for me!"

  She chuckled at the 'feeding frenzy' of her four favorite people as they whooped like little boys over the mounds of pastries, breads, fruit, and different types of tea and coffee available at the welcoming brunch. After making a small plate for herself, she wandered to a quiet area away from the crowd, and sat down to watch the ocean and take in the cool breeze.

  "There you are," she heard Jake proclaim after about thirty minutes. "We've been looking all over the boat for you. Are you okay?"

  "It's just a little too much for me to take in right now. I needed some quiet." She smiled, closing her eyes as he kissed her forehead.

  "I never thought that you would feel overwhelmed after being around the chaos at our house. Is the belly okay?" Jake asked.

  "The belly is perfect. This type of activity is a lot different. At home, I know everybody, and I have a place to escape to if it's too much. I
don't have that option here. Don't worry, I'll be fine."

  "Do you want to go back to the cabin for a bit? Hayden discovered the bowling alley, so we might not see him for the rest of the trip."

  "I bet he'll say the same about you when they hook up the skeet shooting," Baylor said, accepting his hand and letting him pull her to her feet.

  "If they do that, you might as well forget about seeing any of us. The same goes for spear fishing. We'll send you for a massage when those events happen."

  "Unless they have a hole for the belly on the table, I don't think I'll be lying on my stomach. It's really starting to get uncomfortable. I can't believe how fast the bump is growing. It feels like it's getting larger every day."

  "I haven't seen the bump up close and personal in a while, so I couldn't confirm that observation," Jake hinted. "You've been keeping it under wraps."

  "I'm feeling self-conscious. I've never been pudgy, so this is really weird for me to adjust to."

  "You aren't pudgy, you are pregnant. You're also glowing."

  "That's the hot flashes, honey. My hormones are taking over."

  "I can't wait until your bump turns into a beach ball. I've always thought pregnant women to be super sexy," Jake said.

  "Really? I never knew that."

  "Yeah, it's a huge turn on for me," he confessed.

  "Are you saying that you would like to see the bump up close and personal?"

  "I thought you would never ask. After you, my dear," he said, holding the door open for her to enter the cabin. "Go jump in the shower and then put on the clothes I laid out for you."

  "What are you planning?" Baylor asked suspiciously.

  "Go on," he said, without answering her question. "I'll be right back."

  Baylor accepted his kiss, waited until he'd left the suite, and immersed herself under the warm shower. The French milled lavender soap cleared her mind and helped her relax as she ran the suds over her smooth body. Her hands ran gingerly over her breasts, weighing them in her palms. They were still very tender to the touch, and she hoped Jake would remember that fact in whatever he was planning. Upon exiting the bathroom, she found a simple white tank top and a short, red elastic banded skirt with no panties. With a shrug, she slipped the clothes on and brushed her hair, waiting for his return.

  The door opened and Jake entered with a bag in his hand and a smile on his handsome face. "You look lovely," he said, placing the item on the bed next to her. "Let's get this hair out of the way. Sit between my knees."

  She purred as he began to brush, taking his time to smooth out the raven black tresses before he secured them in a high, single ponytail. He kissed the side of her neck and hugged her warmly. "I love you, Mrs. Paterson. Turn around."

  He gently placed his finger under her chin and lifted her head to look at him. His eyes were filled with passion and love. "You belong to me. Right now, at this moment, I am sharing you with no one. It is just us, understand?"

  Baylor nodded her head. He beckoned to her after taking a seat in the chair by the small table on the far side of the room, and positioned her so she was standing before him with her back against the table's edge.

  "Are you comfortable?" he asked gently. She nodded, suddenly glad of the clothing as she felt a surge of self-consciousness trickle over her body. "Turn around for me. All the way."

  Swallowing nervously, she followed his directions and turned until she once again faced him. She could feel her face heat up as he looked closely at her.

  "Can we dim the lights some?" she asked.

  "No. I want to see every beautiful inch of your body. Pregnancy looks good on you, my love. The changes that come with it will only make you more appealing and beautiful to me. Keep those words tucked in your head, okay?"


  "Is that how you answer?"

  She shivered with excitement. He was entering 'the zone'. "Yes, sir."

  "Good girl. Open your mouth." He laid a piece of chocolate on her tongue and then kissed her.

  "Oh, that is good stuff," she whispered as it melted in her mouth.

  "Only the best for you. Take off your top."

  His hands found her breasts and cupped them gently. "They are growing. Soon they will be used to feed our babies but right now, they are for me."

  "They will always be for you," Baylor said softly, stroking his hair as he placed his mouth around her nipple. He was gentle, his lips caressing her in adoration.

  "Never deny me this pleasure," he said.

  "I won't, I promise."

  "That's my girl." He placed another piece of chocolate in her mouth and then gently pulled the skirt down until the waistband was resting on her hips to expose her belly. "You're right. The bump is getting bigger." He put his hands on either side of her little protruding abdomen and cradled it. "What does it feel like?"

  "Nothing yet. My clothes are too tight and I have to pee more, but nothing else."

  "Does it seem strange that you have two living humans inside here?"

  "I don't think it has really dawned on me yet. Give me a few more months, when I'm so big that I need to wear a striped shirt so you can tell whether I'm walking or rolling, and then ask me that question," she said with a grin.

  "You are so sexy like this. I might have to keep you pregnant all the time."

  "I think two will be enough to keep you busy."

  "I doubt it. Like Hayden says, we are manly men and can handle a dozen sets of twins and play ping pong at the same time."

  "Like I said to Hayden, I will remind you of those words one day." She laughed, watching him kiss her tummy.

  "Ah, no hands," Jake said as he slid the skirt down her legs. "Keep them by your sides and don't try to cover yourself. Now, turn around until your back is towards me. What's this?"

  Baylor giggled, looking over her shoulder and down towards her ass. "Matt has been covering me with temporary tattoos lately. What is it? He wouldn't let me see."

  "A pink Angry Bird." He chuckled. "Get up on the table." His large hands wrapped around her hips and helped her up until she was on her hands and knees, with him standing directly behind her. "Stay right there."

  He removed something from the bag and then placed his warm hand on the small of her back. A trickle of fluid dripped from the tiny indentation above her tailbone and down between her buttocks. Another purring sound left her as he began to massage the oil into her skin and kneaded the muscles of her bottom and thighs with calm, soothing strokes.

  "Sit down and face me," he suddenly ordered. Baylor pouted, disappointed that the massage was over already. He gave a crooked smile and kissed her lips, biting the bottom one affectionately.

  "You are so adorable when you pout. Now lie back and keep your feet flat on the table. That's right; bend your knees."

  "I feel like I'm at the doctor's office," she groaned, automatically reaching down to cover her pussy.

  He firmly placed her hands at her sides. "No hands, remember?" He then slid her bottom to the edge and pulled the chair up close. "I knew I was missing something at brunch, but couldn't quite figure out was I was craving. And then I saw this." He lifted a purple orchid that he had taken from the brunch centerpiece and traced it along her quivering pussy. "It reminded me of you, and this precious thing. It is mine, and don't you ever forget it. Say it to me."

  "I'm yours."

  "This pussy is mine."

  "My pussy belongs to you," she whispered, intrigued by his possessive stance.

  He laid the orchid across her chest. "I want you to close your eyes and enjoy. Do not move, do you understand?"

  "Yes, sir," she murmured. She felt his face slide between her legs and then his mouth grazing, kissing, licking and tenderly biting the soft flesh of her inner thighs, the sensitive crease of her groin and her clean-shaven mound. His hands pressed her ankles, forcing her to spread wider to receive his attention. The build-up was slow, unhurried, and left an ache deep within her body that desired only one thing. His cock.

bsp; "Please…" she begged.

  "Hush, no talking. In fact, no seeing either." He placed the ascot he had worn at their wedding over her eyes and then went to work, massaging the lavender oil over her breasts, belly and pelvis, flicking her clit every now and then to remind her that he was aware of her growing need.

  "Slide off the table. Easy now, it's slippery," he coaxed, guiding her in her blindfolded state. He kissed her mouth, allowing her to taste her own juices on his lips. They were surprisingly sweet, and smelled of a warm musk mixed with lavender. "Face down on the table. Here's a pillow for you," came his next set of instructions as he turned her back towards him and pressed her shoulders forward.

  He spread her legs gently using his feet and then returned to massaging the oil into her back and shoulders using long, firm strokes.

  Baylor reached her arms in front of her and held onto the edge, and allowed her body to relax delightedly against the cool pillow that cushioned her breasts. His fingers traced every curve as though memorizing her form, and then slipped between the fleshy mounds. A digit slipped easily into her bottom, causing her to tense momentarily.

  "This belongs to me, as well. Say it."

  "My ass belongs to you."

  "Good girl. Now you stay still while I take what is mine," he ordered, pulling his finger out and slowly replacing it with a soft tiered plug.

  Baylor squeaked at the unexpected intrusion as he worked each bulb into her until the curved flange was seated comfortably between her cheeks. A hard warmth pressed against her oil and juice drenched slit, then he slowly slid inside her. His movements were deliberate, stroking back and forth and holding her hips in place as the lunges grew more demanding. She released a moan as his ridged head rubbed her inner pleasure zone.

  "That's my girl. Does this feel good?"

  "Mmm, yes, sir." She gripped the table tightly, her knuckles whitening under the hold. This climax was going to be intense!

  He moved faster and dug his fingers deeper into her flesh. "Tell me when you want me," he panted.

  "Now! Come in me, now!" she yelled, pressing her pelvis against him as the orgasm shattered her body. His hot fluids splashed into her, bathing her insides with heat and bringing her to another height of satisfaction.


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