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Monroe, Marla - The Edge of Night [The Protectors 3](Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 24

by Marla Monroe

  “Yeah, he was too scared when he left to try anything. Still, we’ll be around for the rest of the week. I figure we’ll all leave Saturday. Sound good to you?” Morgan asked.

  There was silence on the other end of the phone. Then Jethro answered, “Um, yeah, that is as good a day as any.”

  “I’ll talk to you when you get back to the house.” Morgan made sure he didn’t say “home” this time.

  “Later,” Jethro said and hung up.

  Morgan replaced his phone on his belt and pulled back out onto the highway. He needed to unwind before he went back and got into an argument with his friends. He knew they were right. He just didn’t know what the right thing to do was. Maybe there was no right thing. Maybe there was only the best thing. Either way, he knew it was killing him just as surely as it was hurting Amanda.

  * * * *

  Amanda heard them arguing in the other room, but she couldn’t make out what it was all about. Her eyelids threatened to close on her. She needed to think, though. Why did they have to fight over her? She knew it was about her.

  Her stomach cramped, and she moaned holding it. Was she coming down with a stomach virus? She’d just gotten past the morning sickness. Maybe something was wrong. Nothing more happened. She lay there for a few more minutes, then got up and went to the bathroom to be sure she wasn’t spotting. Everything seemed fine.

  She needed to make an appointment with a doctor and start her prenatal care. Resolved to begin taking matters into her own hands, Amanda got up and walked out into the suddenly quiet kitchen and retrieved the phone book, and took it back to the bedroom. She rifled through the Yellow Pages and found the only two ob-gyn specialists in town and dialed a number.

  Fifteen minutes later, she had an appointment for Friday at 2:00 p.m. They were eager to see her since she hadn’t been under a doctor’s care during her first trimester. If she had any further cramping or spotting, she was supposed to call them immediately or go to the emergency room. She felt better for having made a decision on her own and going through with it. After all, she would be doing that from now on.

  She felt better already. Amanda began making a list of things she needed to do over the next few weeks to get ready for both her new job and the baby. Since she started work Monday, she needed to get on the computer and learn everything she could about accounting and CPAs. She needed the job security doing a good job would provide.

  The next thing on her list was to meet the lady across the street who Morgan said might keep her baby for her while she worked. She would ask him for an introduction when he got back. She knew he’d ridden off earlier. There was no mistaking the sound of his bike.

  The fact that he could hardly wait to get back on the road wasn’t lost on her. She knew he cared for her, about her, but it wasn’t enough to stick around. She wasn’t sure what exactly the problem was. She figured it was because she was pregnant, but was it because of the loss of his wife and child, or because she was carrying another man’s baby? Amanda couldn’t decide, and wasn’t it a moot point anyway? He was leaving no matter what.

  She heard the door open in the other room and voices in the kitchen area. She couldn’t hear what they were saying, but could make out Tyler’s and Dodge’s voices along with one of the twins’. She wasn’t hearing Morgan’s, though. She listened for a few more minutes, then stood up and straightened her blouse before opening the bedroom door and walking out into the kitchen.

  “Hey, Amanda. How do you feel?” Tyler asked, pulling out a chair for her at the table.

  “I feel much better, thanks. I’m sorry I did that. I guess I was a little tired and didn’t realize it.”

  “You’ve been under a big strain,” Dodge reminded her.

  “You also need to see about setting up an appointment to see a doctor.” Tyler wouldn’t look at her when he said it.

  “I’ve already done that. I have an appointment Friday,” she said.

  “Oh, well good.” Tyler nodded a little too quickly.

  It was sweet how Tyler was trying to smooth things over and make sure she was okay. He was having a difficult time dealing with it, though. She needed to let him off the hook.

  “Dodge, Jethro, can I talk to Tyler alone for a minute?” she asked.

  The other two men nodded and left the room.

  “Tyler, I’m okay. I know Morgan isn’t going to stay. He’s trying to give me room to get back into self-relying mode. I was taking care of myself before Morgan, and I can take care of myself once he’s gone. Don’t worry about me, Tyler. I’m a big girl. I made a mistake, and I’m living with it. I’m not going to make the same mistake twice.”

  “I think he’s an ass.” Tyler jammed his hands into his pockets. “He loves you, damn it.”

  “No, he doesn’t, Tyler. He cares for me very deeply, but he doesn’t love me. I know that, and he knows that. Leave it alone, Tyler. Don’t let this screw up your relationship with him. He needs you.”

  “I think the others are all planning to leave Saturday. I’ll stick around and help you get settled for a few more days,” Tyler began.

  Amanda shook her head. “No, you leave with them. I appreciate your wanting to help me—really, I do—but I can handle it better on my own.”

  “You’re sure?” Tyler asked.

  “I’m sure.”

  Tyler nodded and pressed his lips together. “Guess I’ll go see what’s on TV. Morgan should be back soon. How about we order in pizza?”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  “I know, no olives,” Tyler teased.

  “You’ve got it.”

  Tyler stared at her for a few more seconds, then turned and walked into the living room, where Amanda could hear the sound of the TV. They would fuss over there being nothing worth watching, then fight over the remote. She was going to miss having them all there. It would take a little while to get used to the quiet.

  About that time she heard Morgan’s bike pull back into the drive. She remained where she was instead of retreating to the bedroom to hide. She needed to prove to herself that she could handle it.

  He walked into the kitchen with his helmet under his arm. He stopped when he saw her sitting at the table.

  “You feeling okay now?” he asked, setting his helmet on the bar.

  “Yeah, I just needed to lie down for a little while. Too much excitement for one day.”

  “Amanda, we need to talk.”

  “I know, Morgan, but let’s make it tomorrow. We’re ordering pizza in tonight. Hope you don’t mind. I told them no olives on my half.” She smiled and stood up. “What do you want to bet they’re in there arguing over movie stations?”

  Morgan seemed confused by her attitude, but went along with her into the living room. She was sure he didn’t know what to make of her. She’d reverted back to when he’d first met her. It was how she truly thought of herself. She just had to keep it in the front of her mind and live by it. She was tough. Being pregnant didn’t change that.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Amanda woke to the feel of a calloused hand rubbing up and down her side and the outside of her breast. She smiled and hummed in delight. Without opening her eyes, she turned farther over to her back and presented Morgan with better access to her body. She had dreamed about him making love to her on a grassy hill under the stars. It had seemed so real, complete with the feel of the grass against her bare skin.

  “Morning, baby. How are you feeling?”

  “Ummm, better all the time,” she said as he circled her nipple with one finger.

  “Open those beautiful blue eyes for me. I want to look in them when you come for me.”

  She opened her eyes already heavy from sleep and now heavy with passion. He loomed over her with one elbow on the bed. His eyes glittered with mischief as he bent down and licked around her nipples, then blew on them. The slight chill had them spiking.

  “That’s what I like to see. You have the most amazing nipples, long and dusky rose. I love sucking on th
em.” He demonstrated, sending her into loud moans.

  He pulled one into his mouth and sucked while plucking on the other one. Then he changed sides and repeated the action. She felt her insides begin to tighten. When he nipped at one of them, she groaned and arched her back to push the offending nipple deeper into his mouth. He soothed the small sting by licking it. When he teased the other one with teeth and tongue, she thought she would explode, but something kept her from climaxing. He rolled over her, planting one knee between her legs until he was touching her naked mound. He pressed forward with it, and she knew what had been missing.

  “I want to watch your eyes grow dark when you come, Amanda. I want to listen to you scream my name.” Morgan mounded her breasts with his hands while applying pressure to her clit with his knee in a slow rhythm.

  “God, Morgan. Please, please…” she moaned.

  “What, baby? What do you need?”

  “I need you. I want you inside of me.”

  “Soon. First I want you to come for me.” He twisted her nipples at the same time and ground his knee against her clit.

  Amanda went up in flames. She’d never climaxed without some form of penetration before. She screamed his name as her eyes rolled back in her head. Even before she was finished, Morgan was at her pussy entrance, pushing his way inside of her, having little resistance with all the cream she had produced with her climax. He breached her, and kept going until he was settled snug against the entrance to her womb. He stilled.

  “God, you are so beautiful when you come, baby. The ecstasy on your face drives me wild with need for you.”

  Morgan pulled out, then slowly worked his way back into her hot pussy. Over and over he moved within her without speeding up or changing his rhythm.

  “I don’t want this to end,” he said in a strained voice.

  “I know, Morgan. I know.”

  He leaned over and kissed her, took her mouth in a searing attack that bruised her lips even as it satisfied her need for him. His tongue plundered her mouth, licking along the roof and dueling with her tongue, and all the while, he continued his slow, steady rhythm taking her cunt.

  “Please, Morgan. I need more,” she whispered, pulling from his kiss.

  He grunted and began to lengthen his plunges and add power to them. She wrapped her legs around his waist and tried to strengthen his pushes. He wouldn’t let her take away control, though, and popped her on the thigh.

  “My way, Amanda.”

  He lifted her legs over his shoulders and pressed down into her body, finally tunneling in and out of her at a faster pace. His cock squeezed between her folds, dividing her pussy with each plunge. Finally, his rhythm began to falter, and he lost control to his need as she squeezed her cunt, sucking at his dick until he had to struggle to pull out each time.

  Faster and faster he pounded into her, and she felt her climax rush down her spine to spread out into her womb. She called out his name in a strangled voice as he pounded into her over and over. With a hoarse cry, he came, filling her body with his hot cum. He stilled above her, his face a portrait of lust and need all at one time.

  “I…I…” he began, then collapsed next to her. “I’m done for,” he finally finished.

  Then he rolled over onto his back and looked up at the ceiling with a strange expression on his face. “I promised I wasn’t going to do that.”

  “Do what? Have sex with me? Why?” she asked, shocked.

  “Because I’m leaving soon, and it’s not fair to use you like this. You’re more important than somewhere to put my dick when I’m horny.”

  “Morgan, I know better. While you’re here, I want you in my bed—in my body—as often as you want to be there. I know you’re leaving. I’ve always known you would leave. It doesn’t stop how I feel about you or the need I have for you,” she said.

  Amanda fought to keep the tears from her voice. It would only make matters worse for both of them. She could do this. She was strong enough to handle this conversation. There was nothing to say that once he was gone she couldn’t break down and have a pity party, but for right now, she needed to be strong.

  “You deserve so much more than you’ve gotten so far in life. You certainly deserve someone better than Guy or me,” he said.

  She rolled over to lay her head on his shoulder and placed her hand on his chest above his heart. Its thump, thump reassured her that he felt as deeply as she did. She felt him swallow, and finally an arm wound around her to rest across her back, his hand holding her waist. Slowly, it made its way over to her abdomen and cupped the slightly rounded, firm area of her stomach where the baby rested.

  “We need to find you a doctor and set you up with an appointment. You’ve lost weight, and you need to get started with your visits,” he said.

  “I’ve already made an appointment for Friday afternoon.”

  He was silent for a while as if trying to decide what to say. Finally he cleared his throat. “I don’t know if you’re having a girl or a boy, but there are plenty of clothes and blankets and all that stuff in the nursery next door. I haven’t been in there since…since the accident. I know she had everything she wanted. You’re welcome to all of it. Otherwise, it’s going to rot in there. I’m sure it needs airing out and all, but maybe you could wait until, um, I’m gone,” he managed to get out.

  “Thank you, Morgan. You have no idea how much I appreciate that. I know it has to be hard for you. I’ll wait before I go in there.” Amanda swallowed hard at the thought of what that had to have cost him to do.

  “We’re all planning to leave Saturday after lunch. I programmed my phone number in your phone. I have yours. If you need anything or if something happens with Guy, you call me. I mean it, Amanda.”

  She nodded her head on his chest, scared to say anything in case she started crying. He seemed to realize her problem because he kissed her forehead.

  “We’ll go see Mrs. Pullum this afternoon so you can meet her. She’s a really nice lady. Her husband died about four or five years ago from a heart attack. She’s in her fifties. I’ve already talked with her, and she’s excited about helping out.”

  “Thank you, Morgan. Thank you for everything.” She squeezed him tightly to her and kissed his chest. “I think we need to get up and see about food. I’m getting hungry.”

  With that, her stomach growled, sending her into a fit of giggles.

  “Man, that little tiger in there is hungry. I thought he was going to eat my hand.” Morgan hugged her, then rolled out of bed.

  Amanda watched him disappear into the bathroom. She drew in a deep breath and steeled herself to weather the next few days. She could feel him pull away from her little by little. Soon he would leave, and she would be on her own again. She rubbed her belly. Not on her own, she had her baby. She’d never be alone again.

  * * * *

  Friday afternoon, Amanda sat in the waiting room of the doctor’s office waiting her turn. She couldn’t help the nervous jumping in her leg as she waited. Tyler and Dodge had each offered to come with her, but she had turned them both down. She wouldn’t have turned Morgan down if he’d asked, but she had known he wouldn’t.

  When they called her name, she jumped. She got to her feet and followed the nurse to the back. She’d spent the first fifteen minutes there filling out paperwork, part of which she couldn’t answer since it referred to the father of the baby. There was nothing she could do about it. She just hoped it wouldn’t turn out to be important to her baby’s health.

  The nurse took her vital signs and let her listen to the baby’s heartbeat. Her eyes filled with tears on hearing the tiny little beat that sounded much like a runaway train. The nurse assured her it was supposed to be that fast. She asked her some more questions about her appetite and if she were taking vitamins. Amanda answered all her questions, then waited in a room with a gown and a drape for the doctor to come in.

  After what seemed like forever, he arrived with the nurse in tow. He introduced himself and began to
examine her, asking her questions all the time.

  “So, I understand the baby’s father isn’t going to be a part of this. Is that right?” he asked.

  “No, he doesn’t want anything to do with the baby. That’s fine, though. I can take care of him by myself,” she told him.

  “Everyone needs help, even when there are two parents.”

  “Oh, I’ll have help. The lady across the street from me is going to help me,” she assured him.

  He nodded and continued his exam. She hated feeling so vulnerable. The nurse held her hand and reassured her. Then when the worst was over, he had the nurse ready her for an ultrasound.

  “You’ll get to see what your little baby looks like,” the nurse told her.

  Amanda smiled. She couldn’t wait. When he started running the wand around on her belly, she could see the images on the screen.

  “There we go,” he said, pointing at the screen. “There’s your baby.”

  “Can you tell if it is a girl or a boy?” she asked.

  “Hmm, let me see. He moved the wand around all over, but shook his head.

  “Nope, the little tyke is turned the wrong way. Maybe on your next sonogram visit we can tell,” he said.

  “That’s okay.” She was disappointed, but all that really mattered was that her baby was healthy.

  “Okay, let’s get a good picture of your baby to take home with you.”

  She would have it to compare to the one she had gotten before.

  “There we go. It will print out in a few minutes. In the meantime, you can get dressed,” the doctor said. “I’ll talk to you in my office once you have.”

  As soon as she was dressed and had her sonogram picture firmly in her hand, the nurse carried her to the doctor’s office, where he was waiting behind his desk.

  “I just want to go over a few things with you. The vitamins you’re taking are perfectly good ones, so you can continue with them or I can write you a prescription for some.”


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