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My Mate's a Dragon Slayer? [A Tail Like No Other: Book One] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

Page 6

by Scarlet Hyacinth

  Therefore, I sat on the edge of the bed and took refuge in the discipline instilled into me throughout my life as an Arthurian. “Tell me, Dini. Tell me what you came here to say.”

  He gazed at me with those purple eyes that shone like the most precious of amethysts. “I don’t even know where to begin, but I’ll try to be brief. As you probably know, dragons are immortal. We can die, but not of old age. Throughout the course of our long lives, we have the chance of finding one perfect companion, our true mate. For some, it’s easy, and they encounter their destined other half in their tribe or other dragon communities. Others, like me, have to go looking. I didn’t find my mate in my tribe, so, as is our way, I left. My parents didn’t want to let me go, as I was too small and they feared for my life. But in spite of their efforts, they couldn’t keep me there.” He shook himself, as if physically trying to dispel a memory. “In any case…I think you’ve started to grasp what I’m getting at.”

  “I’m your mate,” I said, a little dumbfounded. What an idiot I’d been. I’d like to mate didn’t mean I want to fuck, but I want to marry you. Oh, shit.

  “You are,” Dineiro confirmed. “It’s why I was so hurt when I realized you’d come here to hunt my kind.”

  My eyes fell on his shoulder, where the mark of the crossbow wound still remained. I was supposed to be the other half, and upon our first meeting, I’d nearly killed him. No wonder he’d been disappointed.

  “But I realize now that I was wrong to trust that first impression,” he added. “You’re far more than a slayer. You’re a soldier, a brave one, aiming to protect his loved ones. You care.”

  His scrutiny and earnestness made me feel small. “I’m just a man,” I replied. “You’re the special one here.”

  Dineiro shook his head adamantly and, moving faster than I’d expected, jumped on me again. This time, his weight pushed me back onto the bed, and I hit the mattress with an ooph. “I think there’s something between us, Rili,” he whispered, his voice like the trill of a lovely songbird. “Can you see it? Can you feel what I do?”

  I’d never been too fond of people using pet names to address me. I was Prince Kirril, not Kirri, not Rili, nothing like that. And yet, when Dineiro used it, I liked it. In fact, it helped me get a grip of the shapeless emotion just within my reach, one I’d been trying to avoid thinking about.

  When I did so, I couldn’t help a small laugh. I’d always thought tales of love at first sight were just that, fanciful romance stories written for maidens who sat in their chaste chambers and dreamed about their prince charming. Oh, how mistaken I’d been. This feeling, this almost worshipful emotion…I could name it now. It was love.

  Unfortunately, Dineiro interpreted my little chuckle in the wrong way. His face fell, and he started to pull back. I stopped him, grabbing his arm and rolling us around, until he was the one on the bottom. His purple hair fanned around him like a curtain of silk, and I surrendered to the impulse of sweeping my hand through it.

  “Yes, baby. I feel it, too. I was laughing because I’m a huge idiot for not figure it out earlier.”

  I pressed my body close to his, and at that, his amethyst-like eyes started to glaze over, gaining that aroused look again. “I want to claim you,” he gasped out, each word punctuated by a pant. “But if I do it, it’s forever. Our lives will be bound.”

  Forever was a long time, but my concern had nothing to do with that. “Will you be hurt because I’m mortal?” I asked, my earlier fears returning with a vengeance. The last thing I wanted was for his life to be in danger because I would eventually die.

  “No,” he whispered, his voice choked. “It doesn’t work that way. My magic will make you lose your mortality instead. You shouldn’t take this decision lightly.”

  What was there to decide? I understood what he meant. If I became like him, I’d have to watch my family, my friends, perhaps even my country die. I would never be able to return to my homeland, at least not to my previous position. Dragons weren’t welcome in Arthuria, and my place would be with Dineiro. I’d have to stay in Merlinia.

  But the alternative, leaving Dineiro, was too soul crushing to even consider. Perhaps we’d have some time together even if I didn’t accept his gift. But it would never be enough. No, I had to make a choice.

  “Thank you,” I murmured, brushing a kiss against his lips. “Thank you for making things clear for me. You already know my answer, don’t you?”

  “Rili…I…” Tears pooled at the corner of his eyes. “I…don’t want you to hate me.”

  “I’d never hate you,” I replied, licking the salty liquid off his cheeks. “I’m in love with you.”

  And with those words, I pressed my mouth to his, delving my tongue into the wet cavern once more. His cock, which had gone a little soft during our serious conversation, went rock hard again. My body responded, and I ground against him, the delicious, tantalizing friction fueling my lust and my passion.

  All thoughts of reality beyond this moment vanished. I couldn’t even remember what we’d been debating. The only thing I knew was that I wanted Dineiro, and I wanted him forever.

  I only broke our kiss when the need to breathe forced me to. “Will you let me make love to you, Dini?” I murmured in his ear. “I think it’s time for us to mate.”

  * * * *

  There was nothing more beautiful for a dragon than being in his or her other half’s embrace. It could only be compared with flying, but even the absolute freedom I felt when soaring high up into the Merlinian skies paled when faced with Kirril’s touch.

  His whisper, his agreement to what I craved so very much, made me feel like I’d fallen into a dream. He’d understood what I’d told him. I could see it in his eyes. He’d grasped that he’d lose everything that had defined him so far, even his Arthurian identity. I was almost afraid to claim him, because I knew how much he would suffer.

  But at the same time, I realized all too well that refusing him, denying us both, would hurt him, and me, even more. It wouldn’t be easy, but I would love him so much that I’d soothe his soul. It was the only way.

  With that thought came acceptance, and I licked my lips and nodded. “I’m yours,” I replied. “I always have been.”

  He released a growl, almost sounding like one of my kind. When he kissed me again, I forgot all about my earlier misgivings. His lips were so soft, but his blond stubble a little rough, the two different sensations complementing each other perfectly. How could we possibly fight against something that was so true and real?

  His hands traveled all over my body, leaving behind trails of fire. The beast inside me awoke, and I allowed myself to do some exploring of my own. Unlike me, he was wearing clothes, and my whine of discontent was swallowed into his kiss. Why in the world did humans insist on such ridiculous things? Okay, so pixies wore their little suits, too, but they were by far easier to discard than these stubborn, clingy things.

  Frustrated, I didn’t even realize that I’d summoned my claws until his light leather armor ripped under my touch. Whatever tunic he was wearing underneath didn’t have much of a chance, either. It was quite astounding, since I rarely used my claws in human form. He didn’t seem to mind my actions, though, groaning when I touched him for the first time.

  Fortunately, in spite of my eagerness, I managed to retract the sharp tips before I shredded his back like I had his armor. And what a lovely back it was, muscular and strong, clearly revealing his life as a warrior. I wanted to see and feel the rest of him, but the angle made it uncomfortable or even impossible for me to reach most of his clothes.

  He must have guessed my predicament, as he briefly pulled away. In frantic motions, he took off the remnants of his armor and tunic, then progressed toward the boots. Dazed, I watched him strip, for some reason finding the swift efficiency sexy. But then, I found most of the things about my mate sexy. How could I not?

  Soon, he had discarded his clunky footwear and worked on the laces of his pants. As he undid them, my gaze was d
rawn to his more than generous package. Unable to help myself, I reached for him, tentatively tracing the line of his hard dick. His fingers fumbled, tangling in the laces. “Baby, if you’re going to keep doing that, I’ll never get naked,” he said huskily.

  That was quite a threat, except a determined dragon would not allow a little thing like pants to get between him and his mate’s erect penis. Meeting his gaze, I gave him a hand—a claw—and helped him undo the stubborn bindings. Kirril wiggled out of his pants, and at last, he was blissfully naked.

  As soon as he abandoned the last of his Goddess-damned clothing, I struck. Pushing him back against the mattress, I lowered my mouth over his dick and took it all the way into my throat. I’d never done such a thing before, but I’d heard stories from the others in my tribe. I’d also discussed it with my friends, and Larue had been particularly pissed that, due to my reptilian nature, I had no gag reflex. In his opinion, it was an unfair advantage dragons had been given. Either way, right now I was more than happy to use it for my mate’s pleasure.

  Indeed, Kirril seemed more than appreciative with regard to my untrained efforts. I’d never been with anyone before, but I followed my instincts and bobbed my head up and down his shaft, sucking for all I was worth. His hands threaded through my hair, guiding me down. At first, he obviously attempted not to push me or force me into anything I couldn’t handle. While I appreciated that, it truly wasn’t necessary. I might have been small, but I wasn’t frail. And Goddess have mercy, his passion enflamed me more than I’d have imagined. The taste of his pre-cum on my tongue drugged me, making me crave more. I loved his gentleness, but I ached for his unleashed lust.

  Fortunately, Kirril had his limits, too. When I squeezed his hip in sign that it was all right to let go, he snapped. He started to fuck my mouth in earnest, shoving his prick all the way into my throat. More than ever thankful for my dragon nature, I accepted it all and demanded more, moaning around his thick cock. My own pleasure seemed to echo his, and just hearing him lost in his desire for me awoke every nerve in my body.

  At last, Kirril surrendered the battle to my enthusiastic ministrations. Thrusting one last time into my mouth, he roared and came. When his ejaculate filled my mouth, a sense of complete ecstasy flowed over me. An unexpected orgasm exploded through my body, more powerful than anything I’d ever experienced before. It was shocking, especially since I hadn’t even touched myself. All right, so I had been grinding against Kirril’s thigh, but that didn’t count.

  I trembled through the waves of my climax, drinking down my mate’s sperm without missing a drop. It was with a great deal of reluctance that I finally released him. He pulled me up with a strength that surprised me. Given how drained I was, I’d have thought him to be in the same situation. When he kissed me, though, I couldn’t bring myself to complain.

  In fact, one touch from him, and my libido reawakened. My beast was more eager than ever to claim him, and nothing would sate me before it happened.

  He didn’t seem grossed out by the fact that he was essentially tasting his own spunk. When we broke apart again, he licked his lips and grinned. “That was nice. Do all dragons give amazing blow jobs, or is it just you?”

  “Most are probably better at it,” I replied. “No gag reflex. I’m glad you liked it.”

  “Mmmm…I did enjoy it tremendously. But I think you wanted more, isn’t that right, baby?”

  I reached for his cock and was surprised to find it hard once again. Magical creatures and shifters were quite legendary for their stamina in the bedroom, but I hadn’t thought the same thing applied for humans.

  “Don’t look so surprised.” Kirril chuckled. “How do you think Arthurians survived without magic?”

  I stared at him. “You copulated your way out of conflicts?”

  He almost looked affronted. “Good genes, baby. Virile men and fertile women. If you don’t believe me, I’ll be happy to prove it.”

  This was the moment when I should have told him dragons were quite fertile, too. The words died in my throat, though, when he rolled us over and covered my body with his smaller one. “What do you say, Dini?” He nibbled on my ear as he spoke. “Would you like that?”

  “Huh?” What had he asked again? I’d completely missed the question, being far too focused on how good it felt to have his weight pressing me into the mattress.

  He chuckled, his breath tickling my skin and making me shudder with desire. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

  It didn’t take a genius to grasp that message, but I didn’t mind him teasing me. I could do some teasing of my own. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I murmured, “One bit of trivia about dragons, love. Did you know we have self-lubricating anuses?”

  He let out a choked noise that sounded like a cross between a moan and a growl. “You drive me crazy, baby.” His hands swept over my sides, slipping all the way down toward my ass, presumably to check.

  Our positions made it hard for him to do so, and I decided to help out. As he pulled away a little, I lifted my legs into the air, practically bending myself into two. Another advantage of being a dragon. High flexibility.

  Kirril held my gaze as his fingers nudged against my opening. One of them sank deep inside my slick channel, and I gasped, both surprised and a little overwhelmed at the sensations.

  I’d told my mate the truth about my physiology. Our nether passages did self-lubricate, as in the long history of our species, we had adapted to different kinds of couplings. For us, gender didn’t matter in mates. Most dragons were naturally bisexual, although more often than not, we had an inclination toward a particular sex.

  However, in all my years, I’d never actually had a lover touching me there. It was very different from my own touches, and when Kirril’s fingertip brushed over my prostate, I thought I might come again, just like that.

  My reaction apparently encouraged him, snapping him from the lust-induced trance I’d managed to create. Slowly, he added another finger, scissoring the two inside me and rubbing my special spot with almost vicious determination.

  “Rili,” I begged, “oh, please, Rili. Inside me.”

  He didn’t reply, not in words, at least. His blue gaze remained trained on my face, keeping track of my reactions, probably trying to make sure I didn’t feel any discomfort. He needn’t have worried. The only pain I experienced was the one caused by the near mind-numbing desire to at last unite with my mate. His fingers teased me, dangling what I craved in front of me without truly granting it. Much to my dismay, I found my claws emerging, threatening to dig into his flesh.

  His gaze darkened with an almost impossible desire as my beast roared to the surface. I’d never had my human form and my dragon one combining like this. It was a little frightening, but also freeing. Had I been afraid of it all this time?

  “That’s it, baby,” he murmured. “Open up to me. Gods above, you’re so beautiful.”

  I was thrilled that my mate found me esthetically pleasing, but words were no longer enough. I needed more, and I needed it now. “Please!” I shouted, my voice so desperate I almost didn’t recognize it as my own.

  Thankfully, my mate took pity on me. He removed his fingers from my ass and used the remaining slickness on his cock. Supporting my legs on his powerful shoulders, he positioned his dick at my opening. Slowly, ever so slowly, he slid inside.

  My people’s tales about Arthurians described them as brutes, cruel and unfeeling. But my mate was nothing like that. He was gentle with me, mindful of my inexperience, and at the same time, not seeming to mind at all that my shifter nature had started to show. His invasion burned a little, but my body accepted his cock greedily, needing to feel every inch of him. Finally, his massive shaft fully impaled me, filling me to the brink.

  For a few moments, Kirril remained like that, not moving, but continuing to watch me carefully. “Okay?” he asked, his voice husky and strained.

  I nodded, unable to speak due to the sensations burning inside me. He pulled out of me and
thrust back inside, at first softly, careful not to jar me too much. I released a gasp of pleasure and finally managed to force two words out. “Harder…Rili…”

  At last, Kirril complied. His hips snapped forward in an almost violent thrust that took me completely by surprise. Sparks of pleasure exploded through me as he struck my prostate, and I clung to him, trying to wordlessly convey my desperate desire.

  We fell into a rhythm that was as natural as the turn of the sun and moon. Now seeming as frantic as me, Kirril increased the pace more and more, his gentleness melting into pure, inescapable lust. I writhed under him, every nerve ending in my body sizzling with pleasure and something else, something I couldn’t quite identify, or didn’t dare to.

  With every brush of his cock against my special spot, I was propelled into a world where only Kirril and I existed. We moved together like longtime lovers, the awkwardness of a first encounter disappearing in the heat of our bond. His scent, his arousal, his touch, they engulfed me in a cocoon of passion, making my dragon emerge out of me more and more.

  Under the circumstances, it came as no surprise that soon, I couldn’t hold my instinct back anymore. Releasing a small growl of my own, I followed my dragon’s lead and changed our positions once more, pushing Kirril back on the bed. His cock briefly slid out of my ass as I did so, but I didn’t let that deter me. Unlike before, I had more important things in mind than mere fellatio.

  Before my mate could even figure out what I planned, I lowered myself on his dick again and started to furiously ride him. He accepted my little show of domination eagerly, thrusting up into my eager channel. In spite of my shifter speed and strength, we were completely in synch, completing each other perfectly.

  Finally, just as the ecstasy was starting to reach its peak, my fangs dropped. I gazed into Kirril’s eyes and saw only eagerness and acceptance. Even through the haze of lust, he understood me. Smiling, he nodded, and my hesitation vanished. Lowering my mouth over his throat, I bit down, claiming him by the way of my people.


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