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Yes Sir

Page 5

by Cassandra Bloom

“Yes, sir.”

  “Did you ever go out with him? Did you ever fool around with him?”

  “No, sir, and no, sir.”

  “Do you have a sweetheart back home in Fresno? Is that what you’re going home for?”

  “No, sir, I don’t have a sweetheart back in Fresno.”

  “Did you have a boyfriend there before you came to work on the Diamantina ?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “What was his name?”

  “Roy, sir.”

  “And what did you do with Roy?”

  “I went out with him for three years in high school.”


  “Yes, sir.”

  “Did you fuck him?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Tell me about it.”

  “What would Your Majesty like to know?”

  “I would like to know everything you did with him. Did you suck his cock?”

  “Yes, sir, every Saturday night when we went to the movies.”

  “Describe it for me.”

  “He would pick me up at my parents’ house and we would drive halfway to the movies. Then he would feel me up and finger bang me in the car. Sometimes he ate me out to make me cum. Then we would drive to the movies, and we would sit in the back row. I would bend over his seat and suck him during the movie.”

  “Did he cum in your mouth?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Did you enjoy that?”

  “Not as much as sucking Your Majesty’s cock.”

  “What else did you do with Roy?”

  “On the way home, we would climb into the back seat of the car and he would fuck me.”

  “Did you cum when he fucked you?”

  “If I sat on top, but most of the time, he liked to get me on my knees.”

  “Did he ever fuck your ass?”

  “No, sir.”

  “Has anyone every fucked your ass before me?”

  “No, sir. You’re the first.”

  He let his hand fall down on his crotch and rubbed his hard shaft through his pants. “You’re getting me hard, Veronica.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Are you wet right now?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Would you like to sit on my lap right now? Would you like to screw my hard cock with your wet pussy?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Let me hear you beg for it.”

  She closed her eyes. She couldn’t look at him while she degraded herself this way. “Please fuck me, Your Majesty. Please let me sit on your hard cock. I need it bad. I’ll be a good girl. I’ll do anything.”

  “Come over here.”

  She took a few steps around the desk and stood next to his chair. He gazed up at her with his most innocent expression while he slid his hand up between her thighs to the damp garden inside. His fingers delved into her panties and stirred her fragrant concoction. “Mmm, yes, that’s nice. I like a nice, wet pussy.”

  She panted through parted lips, and her knees rocked under her. Just a few more seconds of this, and she would sit down on that thick stick. She would grind her pussy to pieces on it and scream so the whole ship heard her.

  To her surprise, he pulled his hand out of her panties and stood up. He sucked the cream off his fingers. “That’s good, Veronica. You’re nice and wet, just the way I want you. You can go back to work now.”

  Chapter 7

  The rest of the day was a torture. She struggled to concentrate. More than once, she made up her mind to go back to her quarters and finish herself off. In the end, his orders bound her in chains. She could do nothing but drip — drip and wait.

  Toward the end of the day, Tim came into her office. “Are you feeling better today, Ronnie?”

  “I’m okay, Tim. Thanks for asking.”

  “That’s good. We all missed you in the lounge last night. It’s not the same without you.”

  “You might have to do without me tonight, too, I’m afraid.”

  His eyes popped. “What? Why?”

  “I’ve got too much to do to get ready for this party. Prince Said has some additional work for me tonight.” That wasn’t exactly a lie.

  “I’m sorry to hear that. We all want to spend time with you before you disembark.”

  “Thanks, Tim. I trust you’ll pass on my apologies to the rest of the staff.”


  After an eternity of small talk, he finally left her in peace. Disembarking sounded like a wonderful idea right about now. Tim wouldn’t look forward to spending time with her after he saw her in that dress tomorrow night. His whole idea of her would change.

  When she finally got back to her quarters, she just sat down on her bunk with a shattered sigh when her phone chirped. Prince Said requests your presence in the forward cabin.

  She really was starting to dread those words. The ship ’ s computer sent her the same automated message in response to the Prince pushing his service button. Did he have any idea what those words meant to her? Maybe he didn’t know there were any words connected to his call. To him, it was just a button. To him, a light turned on and she appeared in his cabin.

  She took one last look at the dress. She hung it up on the hook and smoothed the creases after it fell on the floor. It really was a stunning dress. How much did it cost him? She dared not think. With his budget, it could be more than her whole annual salary and probably quite a bit more.

  She made her way back forward, but with a greater sense of calm than the last few times she made that trip. She no longer tiptoed past the galley or the salon. Let them see her. After tomorrow night, everyone would know the truth, anyway. They could say whatever they wanted. They might as well say it now as tomorrow.

  The bodyguard didn’t blink when she appeared outside the cabin. He stood as still as stone. She knocked at the door and entered when the Prince called, “Come in.”

  She stopped in the darkened room. She was here, at his disposal, but she jumped when his voice rumbled out of the dark behind her. “Take off your clothes.”

  She complied with no hesitation. Her body belonged to him. She tossed her clothes in a heap on the floor, but she didn’t turn around to face him. The dark caressed her with its velvet warmth. The tropical air infused her flesh with its softness. Her muscles relaxed into the inevitable. He walked around her the way he usually did. His profile outlined against the dark radiated its overpowering dominance.

  He was the predator, and she was his prey. He caught her in his snare, and now he could consume her with devastating slashes of his jaws. Her heart fluttered, but she didn’t cringe away. Her pussy lips unfurled in luscious dewy petals. Now, at long last, he would fulfill her pent-up desire. She didn’t have to wait any longer.

  He murmured in her ear. “Did you play with yourself today?”

  “No, sir.”

  “Are you lying to me? You know what will happen if you lie to me.”

  “No, sir. I didn’t play with myself. I swear it.”

  “Get down on your knees.”

  She went down on both knees and sat back on her heels.

  “Look at me.”

  She gazed up at the outline of his head against the black hatches.

  “Say it now.”

  “I swear, Your Majesty, I didn’t play with myself. I serve you. I obey your orders. I belong only to you.”

  He touched her cheek with a gentle touch. “Good girl. Who’s your king? Who’s your prince?”

  “You are, Your Majesty.”

  He croaked deep in his throat. “Say it.”

  “Your Majesty.”

  “Are you wet, baby?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Open your mouth.”

  She opened her mouth, and something rubbery touched her lips.

  “Suck it.”

  She took the thing in her mouth, but not until she got it on her tongue did she realize it wasn’t any part of a human body. It was soft silicone, and it stopped there, behind her teeth. She bit down on i

  In a twinkling, he strapped it to her face and cinched it tight behind her head. She chok ed and gasped, but the deed was done. She was gagged.

  “Now look up at me.”

  She looked up. Her breath grated through her nose in panted gasps. Her heart fought to beat in her chest. Her whole body screamed against this outrage, but already the gag worked its magic on her soul. She was nothing but a slave — his slave. Her cries for mercy, her begging and sobbing, meant nothing to him. He wanted her body, and she no longer possessed the will to fight back.

  He petted her cheeks and pushed the hair out of her face. “That’s my good girl. You know your place, don’t you? That’s right. Suck it, baby. Suck that cock in your pretty little mouth.”

  He walked around behind her.

  “Now get up on your hands and knees. Let me see your ass in the air.”

  She planted her hands and tilted forward. He touched her ass and ran his finger through her crack to her throbbing pussy. He spread her juice up to her asshole.

  She waited for the plug again, but nothing came. She braced herself for some blow, but he only fiddled with her from behind. He didn’t even stick his fingers inside her.

  Out of nowhere, he grabbed a fistful of her hair and yanked her back up on her knees. She cried out as well as she could with that ball in her mouth, but he wrenched her head back and growled in her ear.

  “You’re mine, baby. You’re all mine, and I’m gonna fuck you six ways from Sunday. No one will hear you scream tonight, my pretty. I’ll tie you to the bedpost and ravage your choice little body. Would you like that? Would you like my cock in all your holes?”

  She sobbed in anguish, but her body betrayed her once again. She couldn’t stop herself bending her ass back in a desperate bid to rub against his cock. He dodged out of the way and gave her a wicked smack across the ass.

  “Bad girl! Don’t you dare! I’ll smack your horny ass if you do that again.”

  The blow came as a relief to her tortured flesh. She longed for it. If only he would touch her, she would burst into flames and dissolve in an orgasmic puddle. He jerked her head back with another awful yank on her hair. She screamed, but the gag muffled it.

  Did the bodyguard hear her? The awful truth dawned on her at last. That bodyguard wasn’t there to protect her from the Prince’s abuse. He was there to stop anyone interfering with the Prince’s sexual escapades. The more the Prince hurt her, the louder she screamed and cried and shrieked, the more secure the bodyguard would hold that room. No one would save her.

  With startling speed, the Prince bumped up against her from behind. He pulled her head back against his shoulder and dug his bulging crotch into her ass. He slipped his free hand around and down her belly to her nest of desire. He plowed her furrow on either side of her clitoris with two fingers.

  “I’m gonna fuck you, baby. I’m gonna fuck your hot little ass. You’re gonna beg me for it. You’re gonna love it when I split you in half. Do you want that? Do you want to scream for my cock? Do you want me to destroy your ass so you can’t sit down for a week? Huh? Do you want everyone at that party to see what a hot little pussy you have?”

  He didn’t wait for an answer. He flung her forward so she had no choice but to break her fall with her hands. She wound up on all fours in front of him.

  Before she knew what happened, he was on his feet. He paced around the room. She groaned around her gag. Whatever he had planned, it was only a matter of time. He did something out of sight. He hadn’t turned on a light since she entered the cabin.

  He came back around in front of her and pulled her back onto her heels. He knelt down in front of her. Her eyes hunted in the dark for any snatch of a glimpse of his face. If only she could see his eyes, she would know whether he was a man or a monster, but she could see nothing.

  He put something around her neck and buckled it into place. It hugged her neck with a fuzzy comforting tightness, but it didn’t choke her. He clipped something to it and gave it a tug. “Come here.”

  She got to her feet, and he towed her across the cabin to the conservatory. The Milky way covered the sky with stars beyond the overhead hatches. He parked her in front of a big stuffed couch and guided her forward so she straddled the arm on one end. “Sit down.”

  She didn’t understand what he meant until he pushed her down on something stiff and hard between her legs. It nosed into her waiting slit , and her tight muscles closed around it.

  She moaned and rocked against it. Her pussy buzzed with mounting desire. She worked herself up to a crashing orgasm until he tugged at her collar again. He didn’t reprimand her, but folded her forward on the couch. His cock touched her back door, and she went very still and tense.

  He swirled the head of his cock in a drizzle of cold lube. She howled in rabid madness. She didn’t know whether to break free and escape or impale herself on that sharp spike.

  It raided her flesh with ever increasing strength. He popped it into her tight hole, and the hard shaft in her pussy swallowed the pain in a massive injection of passionate fury. No matter how hard he shoved it in, she buried it under mounting surges from her box.

  He wrapped the leash around one hand. With the other, he pressed down the small of her back so her pussy enfolded the hard tool to its limit. Then he pumped his cock down its long length into her sensitive opening.

  She arched her head back and howled. Every stroke of his piston drove her forward on her seat and brought her to new heights of passion. When he withdrew, he left a vacuum in her soul only he could fill.

  He escalated his invasion, but she welcomed him with open arms and open legs . She beat faster on her perch. The pain and discomfort increased, but they only brought her to fresh peaks of excitement and passion. Let him raid her. Let him destroy her. As long as he desired it, she gave herself over to it with a joyful song in her heart.

  That song found its way out of her mouth. Nothing could hold it back. It sparked from every tiny hair on her body, from her lips and her eyelashes. She was all of it, and it encompassed her whole being.

  Before she could stop it, the crest of the wave caught her and swept her out to sea. He filled every space inside her. His cock rubbed against that wicked tool embedded in her flesh and stimulated every nerve ending to quicken with the flooding tide. She beat her bones down on the arm of the couch, and he stroked in time to her rhythm.

  “Yeah, baby, yeah. So good. Oh, yeah. Oh, fuck.”

  The words rushed from her with every sucking breath. “Fuck me. Take me. Oh, God. Fuck me. Yes!”

  He took firm hold of her and knuckled down to his work, but he couldn’t keep it up for long. He tensed in every sinew to the rising climax. He whined through clenched jaws. His hair swung in time with his thrusts.

  Then she knew nothing more than the bright stars exploding before her eyes. Her mind eddied in torrents of rainbow colors. Her fingers dug into the couch and she shoved herself back on his penetrating thrusts. Her orgasm blasted her apart. She no longer existed except in some fantasyland of dreams and swirling emotions. His seed filled her chasm with a hot mixture of their bodily essenses, and she soaked him into her being through her very cells.

  Chapter 8

  Every light twinkled on the Diamantina from stem to stern. The chef flew from one end of the galley to the other at a fevered p ace . Tim hurried back and forth with trays of refreshments and drinks. After he served them to the arriving guests, he went back for more.

  Unlike every other event on the D ia mantina , Veronica wasn’t there to help him. She followed Prince Said from one end of the boat to the other in her sweeping gown. She couldn’t leave his elbow.

  He greeted everyone as their private choppers dropped them off and then left to make room for the next arrival. The first guests to arrive were Senator Martin and his wife. They entered the aft veranda, where Prince Said awaited them. He shook hands with the Senator. “How are you, old man? Long time, no see. What are you doing, hiding out in Southeast Asia,
when you should be attending the opening sessions in the Senate?”

  The Senator waved his comments a side , but his beaming face gave him away. “I never attend the opening sessions. They’re worse than a hen’s party. Southeast Asia is so much more interesting, and I can tell everyone I was doing research for the Foreign Relations Committee.”

  “But you’re not on the Foreign Relations Committee.”

  The Senator slapped the Prince on the arm. “Not so loud, you clod! You’ll blow my whole cover.”

  The two men laughed, and Prince Said turned to the Senator’s wife. “And who is this ravishing creature? On what Southeast Asian island did you pick her up?” He kissed her on both cheeks.

  The Senator’s wife blushed from ear to ear and patted his hands. “Stop it, Said. You’ll give me a bad reputation.”

  They all laughed together at their own cleverness. Then the Senator noticed Veronica. “And who is this ravishing creature. Said, you didn’t tell me you had a sweetheart.”

  “I don’t. This is Veronica Mellon. She’s maitre d’ on board the D ia mantina . In fact, she planned this whole party for me.”

  The Senator looked Veronica up and down. Her gown hid nothing from his appraising eye. “Is she really? Then I’ll have to book the Diamantina myself sometime.”

  His wife gave him a swat. “Archie!”

  “Well, I will. Look at this place. No one could have done better.”

  Prince Said conduct ed them into the salon. “Come inside and get something to drink. There’s food circulating, and Harvey can set you up with anything you like. This ship has everything you could possibly imagine .”

  They hurried into the salon, and Prince Said turned back to the veranda. The thump of another chopper approached from the west. He caught Veronica studying him. “You look stunning, Miss Mellon. I knew you would.”

  She didn’t answer.

  “Is anything bothering you, Veronica? I just complimented your appearance this evening, and you didn’t even say, ‘yes, sir,’ the way you’re supposed to. Don’t tell me you want another spanking.”

  “Why did you tell them about me?”

  “What was I supposed to do — pretend they never mentioned you?”


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