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Harem Ship Saga MEGA BUNDLE: Complete 12-Volume Series

Page 6

by S. L. Hadley

  Kitty didn’t have long to savor the sensation, however. The first of Lio’s spines were just beginning to pop free of her defenseless hole when the male let out a snarl and plunged himself back inside her. Her arms shook as she fought to keep from pitching forward. It still felt as though she was being skewered but the burning pain from earlier did not return, despite the way her backside instinctively clamped down. Still, it took her another three or four thrusts before her body accepted the fact that it was not going to experience any more agony from her partner’s enthusiastic mating. And only a few more after that before the pleasure began.

  Kitty bit her lip and mumbled a quiet, breathy groan as Lio bucked his hips. Now that she’d grown more accustomed to having him inside her, it was growing easier by the second to appreciate the way his girthy manhood teased her inner walls. Though the pleasure was dull and unfocused, with each new thrust she felt it more and more. Her pussy began to ache, begging for attention, and soon its demands far outweighed whatever feeble protests her rear could manage.

  Grateful that the pillow was there to hide the lust in her eyes, Kitty reached back with an arm and began to stroke herself. The moment her fingers reached the swollen pearl of her neglected clit, it was as though a bomb had gone off inside her. Pleasure exploded, racing down her legs and up her spine before she could even anticipate it. She moaned loudly, feeling herself tighten around Lio’s unstoppable shaft as her pending climax began to manifest.

  She was close. And, importantly, he was as well. From the sound of the Arsalian’s heavy breathing, punctuated with barely suppressed groans, and the way his fingers dug into her hips, it wouldn’t be long until he reached his limit as well.

  Kitty gasped and trembled as Lio’s rhythmic, sustained thrusts kept her teetering on the brink. As the seconds dragged on, however, the temptation grew too much to bear. She wanted to cum—simple as that—and there was no way she’d risk missing her chance because her lover appreciated her backside too much.

  Plunging two fingers inside herself, Kitty ground furiously at her clit with the flat of her palm. Lio noticed immediately, no doubt thanks to the way his balls swung against the back of her hand. Grunting, he gave a sudden, powerful thrust that practically hilted himself to his absurdly thick base and shoved her firmly over the edge.

  Kitty whimpered, deceptively quiet given the strength of her orgasm. Her ass burned as it clenched and tightened around Lio’s member but she barely felt it in the face of a pleasure that left her dizzy. Her pussy squeezed down around her fingers as well, until they slipped free and flopped wetly to the sheets. Nevertheless, it continued to fill her body with surges of white-hot bliss.

  Lio shifted suddenly, doubling over until he lay nearly flat against Kitty’s back. The fringes of his bony mane tickled her sides as he grunted hoarsely in her ear. Though the better part of her mind was numb with ecstasy, she was vaguely aware of the way his cock pulsed and spasmed as it flooded her rear with seed.

  The first sensation to return as Kitty’s climax faded away into a pleasant afterglow was, unsurprisingly, the soreness. The entire space between her tailbone and her knees hurt as bad as anything she could remember. Lio certainly didn’t help matters much. The Arsalian lay heavily across her, panting and savoring the last few trickles of cum that leaked from his slowly fading erection.

  “Damn,” he groaned, straightening and giving a quiet laugh. “Kitty, that was—”

  “Off!” she snapped, through gritted teeth.

  Lio reacted at once. Easing himself free of her thoroughly stretched rear, he scrambled aside. His face was pale as he silently watched her.

  Groaning, Kitty buried her face in the pillow and waited for the resurgent pain to subside. Though it took only moments, the humiliation of lying there useless while her consort looked on made it feel like an eternity. At last, she climbed up to her knees and let out a shaky breath. Fighting back a blush, she surreptitiously wiped her fingers on the sheets.

  “Down,” she muttered, pointing at a spot beside her.

  Lio obeyed with visible nervousness, stretching out slowly on his side and eyeing her warily. Gingerly, Kitty eased down on her side as well and snuggled close to him. His relief was obvious as she placed her head upon his chest and sighed.

  She was sore, exhausted, and had to flex her abdomen to keep from leaking Lio’s cum all over the sheets but, at the moment, the chance to be close to him outweighed the rest of Kitty’s less pleasant circumstances.

  “You feeling better?” Lio asked, cautiously wrapping an arm around her.

  Kitty rolled her eyes, smiling lazily.

  “Well, my ass kills and I’m holding in about a liter of jizz,” she grumbled into his chest. “But, otherwise? Yeah—loads better.”

  Her satisfaction at that fact was spoiled a second later when Lio erupted with laughter. She glared up at him as he peered back and raised an eyebrow.

  “Loads better?” he repeated, grinning. “Really?”

  Kitty pinched him hard in the side and her stern look softened as her lover yelped and squirmed out of reach.

  “That’s enough from you,” she said.

  Lio chuckled under his breath and leaned in to kiss her cheek.

  “Want me to go?” he asked. “Maybe give you a chance to rest?”

  Kitty considered the question for a moment. While a part of her wanted nothing more than to curl up in Lio’s arms and nap the lingering pain of her penance away, there was too much to be done. She needed to look in on Nita and try to repair things, again.

  Plus, she really, really needed the bathroom.

  “Yeah,” she said, a bit mournfully. “I’ll see you at dinner, okay?”

  Lio’s answer came in the form of a smile and a nod as he dressed and headed for the door. Even after the door shut and Kitty found herself alone in the cabin, she didn’t rise. Instead, she lay there for a bit, cautiously testing the still bright-red skin of her ass with a finger. It stung, but nothing a bit of medi-gel wouldn’t fix. And, given the sheer quantity of the stuff in the Feronia’s main hold, she didn’t need to be conservative with its application, either.

  Sometimes, being a bad girl had its perks.

  A Team Effort

  Harem Ship Saga

  Volume Three

  By S. L. Hadley

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  When Captain Kitty Black finally emerged from her cabin, wearing an extra-loose pair of uniform trousers, the first place she looked was the bridge. Finding it empty was disconcerting, though not unexpected by any means. Nevertheless, it meant she had to walk past Nita’s private cabin a second time as she made a show of searching the entirety of the ship. It was empty as well, her consorts still confined to their shared quarters by her word, if not the locks.

  Only once she’d satisfied herself that Nita hadn’t wandered off to some forgotten corner of the ship did Kitty head for her new pilot’s cabin. She found it locked and though she could have easily overridden it with her administrator access, elected not to. Instead, she knocked.

  “Nita?” she called, just loud enough to make herself heard through the door. When no reply came, she repeated the name slightly louder. “Nita?”

  “What do you want?”

  The girl’s reply was barely audible, but there was no missing the coldness in her voice. Swallowing hard, Kitty slouched as she leaned against the bulkhead.

  “I was hoping we could talk,” she said.

  For a long time, the only answer was renewed silence. In fact, she was just about to turn and go when Nita finally spoke.


  Kitty was caught so off guard that she actually mistyped her override command the first time. By the time she entered it correctly, Nita had risen and apparently intended to open the door herself. She jumped a bit as the door slid open and found the two of them face to face.

  Glancing carefully down the exposed hall outside her door
, Nita grimaced and returned to her bed. She stretched out atop the blankets, folded her arms behind her head and fixed her eyes on a portion of the ceiling directly above the crate where she’d been imprisoned before being brought aboard.

  Kitty spotted it and instantly cursed herself inwardly.

  “Sorry,” she muttered, entering the cabin and closing the door behind her. “I forgot that was here. I’ll find you some better decorations.”

  “It’s fine,” Nita said. She shook her head, still not looking in Kitty’s direction. “Probably a good reminder, after all.”

  “That’s not… I wanted to help you build a new life.”

  “You have,” Nita said. Rolling onto her side, she smiled at Kitty. “I’m sorry, too. I never thanked you for saving me. It’s possible I might have overreacted a bit. About, you know….”

  Kitty’s legs nearly gave out with relief and she had to moderate her smile as she gave a dismissive wave of her hand.

  “Don’t apologize!” she said. “You were right to be upset. It was all just a dumb misunderstanding.”

  Drawing her legs up to clear a space, Nita gestured at the foot of the bed.

  “Want to sit?” she asked.

  The mere suggestion was enough to send a throb of pain through Kitty’s backside and she shook her head a bit too quickly. Even with an ample coating of medi-gel, it would take a day or two for the last of her bruises to fade. In the meantime, just pulling on her panties had left her nearly in tears.

  “Thanks, but no,” she said. “I don’t think I’ll be sitting for quite a while.”

  Nita’s look of confusion sent an instinctive jolt of panic through Kitty’s chest. She held up her hands disarmingly and did her best not to look defensive.

  “It’s a little embarrassing,” she admitted. “And, I don’t want to cause another misunderstanding.”

  “What happened?” Nita demanded.

  Sighing, Kitty closed her eyes and stared up at the ceiling.

  “Promise you’ll hear me out?” she said. When no reply was forthcoming, she peeked at Nita’s expressionless face and groaned softly under her breath. “Promise?”


  “I… uh…” Kitty blushed, unaccustomed to being so off-balance. “Well, I felt so bad about everything that happened. The misunderstanding, you know? So I had one of my consorts give me… um… a spanking?”

  “What?” Nita’s eyes were wide in bewilderment. “You—?”

  “I know it was stupid,” Kitty said quickly. “I just felt like I needed to do something.”

  “You idiot!” Nita snapped. She rose from the bed, brow furrowing with concern. “Was it that one I saw? Did he hurt you? Should we—?”

  “No, no!” Kitty laughed, waving her back down. “It was just Lio. Relax!”

  Nita slowly dropped back to sit on the edge of her bed. Her electrified expression didn’t slacken, however, and from the way she held herself it was obvious she was all but ready to charge into battle.


  “He’s an Arsalian,” Kitty explained. “I bought him ages ago. Don’t worry, he’d never hurt me.”


  “It’s not Lio’s fault,” Kitty insisted. “I asked him to do this! And he protested so much I had to order him. Really, it’s not a big deal!”

  Grumbling, Nita folded her arm and reclined a bit woodenly. As she stared at Kitty, her jaw clenched and unclenched endlessly.

  “I make a deal with them,” Kitty said, leaning against the wall. She tucked her balled fists against the small of her back to keep the pressure off her sore backside. “When they first come aboard. If they’ll work and obey my commands for two years, they’re free to go. It’s a far better fate than they’d have under any other master.”

  Realistically, she hadn’t needed to point out that fact. Nita knew it all too well. But the girl didn’t give any indication of being offended or troubled by it. In fact, her expression softened a bit, if only a little.

  “I’m not a slaver,” Kitty continued. “I don’t hold a laspistol to anyone’s head. If anything, I’m the one getting ripped off. But the way I see it, everyone deserves a second chance.”

  “That still doesn’t explain why you trust Lio,” Nita said. “What if he’d actually hurt you?”

  In a flash of insight, Kitty understood. Nita wasn’t just worried about her wellbeing—though that was obviously a part of it—she was also worried about what might happen to herself if something went wrong. Which, if Kitty was being honest, was an entirely reasonable concern for an outnumbered woman to have.

  That didn’t stop the revelation from stinging a bit, though.

  “Lio’s been with me for five years,” she said. “That’s why. He could have left at any time, but he stays…”

  Because he loves me.

  “…he stays anyway,” Kitty said. “And don’t worry. I have an obedience chip placed in each of their heads. If something happened to me, they’d all be knocked out.”

  Nita’s eyes widened and she reached up involuntarily to her own temple. She caught herself a second later and disguised the gesture by brushing a strand of hair out of her eyes.

  “Not you,” Kitty assured her. “Only the men. Someone’s got to fly the Feronia, after all.”

  After a second of silence, Nita nodded and let out a deep sigh. Her smile returned, albeit a bit crooked at first.

  “That’s some heavy stuff there, Skipper.”

  Kitty couldn’t think of anything to say, so she settled for a subdued nod. After a few seconds of comfortable quiet, Nita laughed softly.

  “A spanking, though?” she muttered. “Seriously?”

  Kitty laughed as well, blushing.

  “I started crying and everything,” she admitted. “Forgot how much they hurt.”

  “There’s something wrong with you,” Nita said, chuckling. After a moment, she added softly, “My parents were always against that sort of thing. They just made me do extra chores.”

  “Wish I could say the same,” Kitty said. “My old man used to love the belt. Still, I’m grateful for it now. Toughened me up.”

  Frowning, Nita opened her mouth and looked as though she was about to argue. Apparently, she thought better of it and remained silent. After a moment, she subtly cleared her throat.

  “So, what did you want to talk about?”

  “Mostly covered it,” Kitty said, shrugging. “And, also to check if you’d like to see them. I know you said that you needed some time, but—”

  “Okay,” Nita cut her off. “As long as it’s safe.”

  This time, Kitty’s attempts to conceal the fullness of her smile failed miserably. She beamed as she straightened up and adjusted her collar.

  “Oh, it’s safe,” she promised. “Now, let’s find you a uniform.”


  “I feel ridiculous.”

  “You look fine,” Kitty assured her.

  It was true. Though no doubt thanks to her military experience, Nita wore the makeshift uniform far better than Kitty herself. The collar was sharp and the creases hugged her body in ways that made them look crisp and deliberate instead of unkempt. Even the chest looked perfect, though it had taken them the better part of an hour to take in the leather corset to accommodate Nita’s smaller bust.

  And, in spite of her pilot’s protests, Kitty knew that Nita appreciated the new outfit. She held herself erect, every movement controlled and deliberate in a way that hadn’t been there while dressed in her old, ragged clothes.

  Sounding the buzzer at the door to the consort quarters, Kitty flashed a smile at her new companion.

  “Are they coming out?” Nita whispered.

  Kitty shook her head.

  “No, this just gives them a chance to dress. I used to just walk in, but… you know how men are.”

  Nita grimaced, a hint of crimson coloring her cheeks as she shifted her weight from one booted foot to the other. After doing so a few times, she inhaled deeply and g
rew still.

  Kitty palmed open the door and stepped through, Nita right on her heels.

  The five males were waiting for her inside, most standing respectfully while more or less dressed. Lio was there at the center, wearing a slightly strained smile. Only Ammon still sat, clad in only his underwear. His expression hardened as Kitty entered, though his eyes were glued to Nita, unblinking. The girl, however, didn’t even seem to notice him as she studied the alien menagerie.

  “Boys,” Kitty said, meeting each pair of eyes in turn. “I want you to meet Nita, our new pilot.”

  Around the room, heads dipped in deferential nods. Again, Ammon was the only exception.

  “I know you’re not used to having another female presence on board, so I wanted to establish some ground rules. First, I expect you to show Nita the same level of respect you give to me. If I hear one word to the contrary, there will be consequences. Understood?”

  A murmur of assent answered her.

  “Second, you will make yourselves equally accessible to her. If she tells you to scrub the floor, you do it. If she tells you to undress, you do it.”

  Again, the replies came. This time, however, there was a tad more enthusiasm behind them. From the corner of her eye, Kitty saw Nita glance sharply in her direction. She met her gaze, grinned, and then shrugged.

  “Up to you,” she muttered softly. “What’s mine is yours, remember?”

  Turning back to face the males, Kitty ground her teeth and allowed a hint of anger to creep into her voice.

  “And, third, Ammon,” she said, glaring. “In the future, I expect you to stand when Nita or I enter the room.”

  At the mention of his name, Ammon finally climbed to his feet. His posture and expression, on the other hand, were far from compliant. Kitty was half-surprised he didn’t spit on the floor as he finally looked her way.


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