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Scarred Survival (Scarred Series Book 5)

Page 14

by Jackie Williams

  “Why didn’t they just open the restaurant in their hotel? From what I’ve heard the place is well big enough.”

  Gemma blew on the coffee before she answered.

  “After David was injured, Ellen set up the hotel especially so that service veterans could be in a special place that was exactly for them with no one staring or asking stupid questions. They have a couple of balls per year when the whole town is invited, but they really want the place to be as relaxing and as comfortable as possible for the injured men and women. It’s not easy feeling like you are some kind of freak on display all the time. Some people find it hard to just keep their mouths shut and their ideas to themselves. Unless this kind of shit happens to you, they just don’t understand how it feels. It can be hurtful even if their comments are meant to be constructive. You should have seen what happened when some idiot tried to give Joe a twenty thousand pound cheque to pay for cosmetic surgery to his face; like the poor guy hadn’t had umpteen operations to make him look anywhere near normal already.”

  Aaron spluttered on his mouthful of coffee and stifled a gasp of shock.

  “Jesus, they never did! What a Fucker! I would have smashed the guy’s own face in just to see how he liked it!” He was clearly outraged at the insult offered to one of the kindest, bravest men he had ever had the honour to know.

  Gemma gave a grin as she nodded.

  “Yeah, well that’s what everyone else thought he deserved. I so wish I had been here to see it, but I had all the lowdown from David afterwards. The man was one of the corporate guests. A right arrogant bastard who thought he was so fabulous. He was a complete idiot actually and ended up trying to bribe Lucy into a relationship with him, but we managed to sort all that out too. Kicked the bastard’s arse, metaphorically speaking, but that’s another story...Going back to Joe’s cheque, well, no one was going to stand for that kind of behaviour.”

  “I’m almost afraid to ask what happened.” Aaron took another slurp of his coffee as he waited for Gemma to continue the story.

  “Well, it was a lot of money and Joe wasn’t going to hand it back to the arsehole or even tear it up...No, he handed the cheque to David to use for extra facilities at the hotel and then just walked out. He was so hurt and insulted that he couldn’t face anyone, but both David and Patrick reacted as though a bomb had gone off. Even with all their prosthetics they both managed to clear the dining room tables in seconds. They dragged the idiot guy who wrote the cheque, out from behind his screaming secretary moments before Lucy, Joe’s wife now, punched her own boss right on his nose. Poor Ellen thought they were going to literally string him up. She’d only just had Rose a couple of days previously and was almost hysterical. A massive fight broke out and there was bedlam in the ballroom as Patrick and David slung the guy’s arse, and the rest of his staff out of the hotel. Apparently it took two whole days to clear the carnage.”

  Aaron laughed as he imagined the scene.

  “Oh dear! Not that I can blame them, but I can imagine the sort of damage a guy the size of Patrick might do when roused.” He gulped as he remembered the incident in the kitchen. “That boss was lucky he wasn’t killed.” He chuckled again at the thought of a very angry Patrick and then he shuddered as he prayed that he was never on the wrong side of the man again.

  Gemma nodded.

  “David’s not small either and he’s as tough as old boots. He has the best sense of humour, but he never puts up with any shit from anyone. It was just was well that Joe had walked away. I don’t like to think what would have happened if he’d lost control. He’s really quiet normally, but when he goes off, he goes off big time. It would be like a Tsunami had been released. Anyway, you can see what I mean about keeping the place exclusive, though the guests all go into town and have a really great time in the community too. It’s just that the hotel is an escape from all the difficulties of their everyday lives. Ellen has thought of everything from mobility beds to pamper studios. The place is unbelievable. So fabulous I doubt that the Queen has ever seen such luxury. Makes this place look a tad shabby.” She gestured around the fabulous kitchen.

  Aaron looked around the at the polished granite work tops and the solid oak kitchen table.

  “I think I had best book a room. I didn’t think anywhere could be much better than this.”

  Gemma shook her head.

  “This is strictly functional. Well, functional according to Ellen’s standards. I’ve no idea where she gets her interior design flair from. She’s not posh or anything. She and David are so ordinary it makes my mind boggle. Makes me worry a bit. The men who come here are unlikely to find anything this fabulous at home.”

  “They sound like good people. I never heard of anyone doing anything like this before. Patrick was saying that David and Ellen fund the whole thing with an inheritance they had. There are not many people who would give up their own money for the care of others and ask nothing in return. It’s just amazing.”

  Gemma had to agree.

  “They are more than generous. I never saw two people care so much and their other halves are the same too. Patrick is like a big cuddly bear. He was here before Ellen bought this place and had a hard time accepting her idea, and her to begin. He’d come here to escape people and thought she was here to set up some fancy boutique hotel that would make his life a misery. It took him a few months to realize that she wasn’t as shallow as he imagined. Geraldine was employed as a nurse for the facility but she was a complete pushover. She just couldn’t resist David’s wicked sense of humour. I don’t think that she expected anyone with his difficulties to be quite so cheerful. It’s a most attractive trait and she was as captivated by him as he was mesmerized by her. You should have seen him after the week he first met her...from tough guy to tortured teenager in five days. Hilarious.”

  Aaron’s eyes sparkled.

  “Sounds like it was a ball. You obviously all knew each other from way back. You’ve never wanted to be here before now? I mean, none of the guys ever tempted you to come over before, so why now?”

  Gemma looked at him from over her mug.

  “I didn’t want to give up my job for a start. I loved being in the army. When I finished my ten years and decided to give something else a try I didn’t expect the difficulties I encountered. Disability is a weird thing. I don’t really consider that I have one, not when I am using my prosthetic at any rate, but others always assume the worst. My job prospects were looking grim. Shelf stacking and the like. While that’s perfectly acceptable for some people, I need something a little more challenging than that. When Paul asked me to join him in this venture, co-ordinating activities with Joe, I jumped at the chance. I keep having short bouts of self doubt, but I’m hoping that’ll change as I get to grips with it all. I confess I am surprised at how stoic and determined the guys are. They never fail to amaze me.”

  Aaron took his empty mug to the sink and rinsed it. He stared at Gemma’s reflection in the window as she finished her coffee and came towards him. He turned as she reached the sink and his arm brushed against hers.

  He took her mug from her fingers and lay it in the sink before he looked back at her again. Gemma glanced at him for a second and then leaned over to rinse the mug. Aaron didn’t move out of her way and she stilled as his arms came about her waist.

  “You never fail to amaze me either. We made a good team tonight.” His voice was husky.

  She swallowed nervously.

  “Yes, we did. I enjoyed cooking with you.” She wasn’t sure that her own voice sounded normal.

  “We should do it again sometime.” He pulled her a little closer and Gemma chanced a glance into his eyes as she raised her hand to his chest. The intensity of his gaze seared her to the bone.

  “Aaron, we shouldn’t.” Her voice was a whisper as she pressed her palm against him. She could feel his heart pounding hard beneath his pectoral.

  He breathed in deeply.

  “I know. I shouldn’t be anywhere near you now this is
over, but I can’t seem to help myself. Gemma, I...God, I want to kiss you.” The words tumbled from his lips.

  She could feel the tension in his body as he waited for her response. She lifted her chin and looked up at him, seeing her own desperation reflected in his expression. She hesitated a second longer and then breathed out her words.

  “Please don’t, Aaron, I won’t be able to stop if you do.”

  “Good, I won’t want you to.” He gave a soft smile and gathered her closer. She drifted into his embrace and closed her eyes as he dipped his head towards her.

  The door banged open and Gemma tore herself out of his arms. Aaron froze as Paul marched in, his white cane sweeping across the floor.

  “Beetroot! It’s the middle of the blasted night and she wants pickled beetroot!” He mumbled as he walked towards the fridge.

  “Want me to find it for you?” Gemma spoke up quickly and Paul dropped his cane as he jumped about a foot in the air.

  “Holy shit, Gemma!” He yelled. “You scared the crap out of me. I thought everyone had gone to bed.” He breathed hard as he gathered himself again.

  “We were just clearing the last of the dinner things. Didn’t want to leave it messy for breakfast.” Aaron added, making sure that Paul knew he was in the room too. He bent to pick up the dropped cane and passed it back to Paul.

  Paul tilted his head towards Aaron’s voice. He hesitated for a second before he nodded.

  “Smells like you made coffee too. Is there any left in the pot? If Amy is going to be stuffing her face with beetroot, I might as well take a cup up for myself.”

  Gemma laughed as she poked about in the fridge and found the jar of pickled vegetables. She took it out and placed it in Paul’s hand. She watched as Aaron took another mug from the cupboard and poured the coffee.

  “Is Amy okay? Is there anything else I can get her?” Gemma asked him as she rolled her eyes towards Aaron.

  Paul shook his head.

  “She’s fine, not really even hungry after all that dinner. She keeps getting these strange fancies though. I don’t expect that she’s even going to eat more than a slice. I’m going to take the whole jar. I might as well just take a fork with me too. At least if she doesn’t want the lot I can do it up and put it in the bathroom rather than coming back downstairs again.” He walked back towards the door, but turned around again before he walked through. “Have you two finished down here now? If you could bring my coffee, I’ll turn the lights out and walk with you if you’re done.” He waited while the pair of them hesitated for a moment before they both walked towards him.

  “Yes, of course.” Aaron spoke before he glanced at Gemma. She slid past both of the men and walked quickly into the corridor beyond. She rushed up the stairs and along towards her bedroom door as they followed her more slowly. Calling a quiet goodnight behind her, she escaped into her room and pressed her hand over her chest as she tried to deaden her heart’s wild thumping.

  Aaron had been about to kiss her. He wouldn’t have stopped and neither would she. If Paul hadn’t come in when he did she suspected that they would be a sweaty mess on the kitchen floor by now.

  Heat pooled in her stomach at the thought and she almost groaned aloud at her own imagination. Visions raced through her mind of what they might have done if they hadn’t been interrupted.

  She listened at the door as footsteps neared and breathed quietly while the two men chatted as they walked along.

  “I can manage now.” Paul’s voice was relaxed as they stopped outside Aaron’s door.

  “Really? Going to be a bit difficult holding a cup of coffee, a cane and a jar of pickles. I’ll walk with you to your room.”

  There was a sliding sound as Paul retracted his came.

  “There, I’ll tuck it under my arm. I don’t really need it in the corridors as no one ever leaves odds and ends lying about. I don’t my need cane for the most part. I only brought it along tonight because I didn’t know if you two had left the kitchen tidy. It’s stuff like chairs left out from the table that trip me up. I’m fine as soon as I have the layout of a place generally though I wasn’t expecting you both to still be in there. Maybe it was lucky that Amy wanted the beetroot after all.”

  Aaron looked thoughtfully at the other man and then decided to ask a direct question.

  “Are you trying to keep Gemma away from me?” His tone was quiet, but serious.

  Paul considered his answer for a few moments before replying.

  “It’s not entirely that. I want you to make sure that she knows what she’s getting into first. I’m giving you the opportunity to tell her anything she should know before you both get into this...Whatever this is.” He emphasised his words.

  Aaron stood with his back to his door for a moment.

  “And what is it that you think I need to tell her? There’s clearly something on your mind or you wouldn’t be suggesting it.”

  Paul shook his head.

  “Nothing concrete, if that’s what you mean, but I just know that something is off here; I can feel it. This isn’t right. You being here, I mean. You’re obviously not a risk or you would be locked up, but something is going on, that’s for sure.”

  Aaron reached behind him and turned his door handle. He opened his door and took a step inside.

  “There’s nothing I can tell you, but believe me, I haven’t done anything wrong. I swear that I’m telling you the truth. My flight was brought down by a missile. I didn’t land badly. I never have, whatever you think you may have found out or ever do find out. My word is all I can give you at this stage, but as soon as I get some concrete evidence that I can share, you and the rest of your team will be the first to know.”

  Paul stood by the door for a few seconds more before he breathed out and nodded once.

  “Okay. I believe you. You seem like a good guy; don’t prove my instincts wrong,” he warned.

  Aaron closed his door quietly as Paul walked off along the corridor.

  Gemma stood listening, making sure that Paul really had returned to his rooms before she looked back out into the hall. She was about to step outside and go to Aaron’s door when she noticed shadows moving just inside William’s open doorway. The young man was obviously still awake and while his eyesight was severely impaired Gemma knew that there was absolutely nothing wrong with his hearing. She ducked back into her doorway and shed her clothes. She would have to speak to Aaron another time. Another time, soon. The heat that burned through her skin where he had touched her was about to burst into flames and she didn’t think that she would be able to douse them without investigating the possibilities of what it might mean.

  Chapter Nine

  The whole group made the journey to David and Ellen’s château only a few days later. Paul unrolled the plans for the proposed new restaurant while Amy presented a whole folder of their recipes. Gemma and Aaron carried in some samples of the dishes they had all made. Amy particularly wanted Patrick to taste them and to agree that they were completely delicious.

  Though the rehab centre was a superb facility it was also extremely functional and the men from the centre were almost overwhelmed with the beauty and magnificence of the hotel château and the estate that surrounded it. The forest lured them and Joe insisted on giving them on a short tour of the grounds while Ellen later promised that they could all return one day to stay there.

  Sat together around the huge kitchen table, they discussed ideas for the future.

  “You know it would be a great idea if we could do a sampling day to see what the general public thought of all these.” Patrick offered as he spooned up a second helping of the ‘Snowball pudding’.

  David scraped his finger around the inside of the dish that had contained the chocolate mousse.

  “Well, I’m not sure about any of them to be honest.” He grinned as startled eyes lanced him from every direction. “I’m going to need at least another couple of tasting sessions before I can give you my expert opinion on any of them.” His
wife went to take his plate and he protested that there was still a small amount gathered in the bottom while Geraldine rolled her eyes at him and took the dish away.

  “There will be a ‘ole in this dish if you scrape it any longer. I ‘ave no idea ‘ow you stay so slim. You ‘ave a tooth sweeter than ‘oney.”

  David grinned and slapped his flat stomach.

  “I have to stay sweet for you, my darling. You know how much you love my sugared kisses.” He puckered his lips at Geraldine as he ignored the pretend gagging noises that came from nearly all sides of the table.

  Ellen smiled at her amorous brother as she gathered up the papers and called order.

  “Put your wife down for ten minutes, David. We have things to discuss. I think we can agree that all of these dishes are excellent, so now all we need to do is settle on a sampling day for the general public.” She ran her finger down the diary. “If we do it when we are full here then we can maybe promote the products to our own guests as well as others.”

  Gemma snorted as she looked at the gathered men.

  “I can’t see that being difficult. Anything to do with this lot and food is bound to go down well.” There were some laughs from around the table. “How about doing the tasting session when you do the hair waxing charity day. Aaron said you were going to the mayor to see if you can make it a whole town event. If everyone came then spreading the word is really easy.”

  Ellen flicked over her diary page to the following week.

  “We’ve already agreed the charity day and I know that the mayor will love the idea of extra attractions to the town. Having a tasting session while doing the charity event is an excellent idea. How do you lot feel about recreating these desserts on a bigger scale? Say at least five of each of them.” She looked around the table, delighted that all of the men were nodding in agreement. “We could set up a cider tent too. We’ve bottled everything from last year’s crop of apples and have wanted to launch our own brand, but we were having difficulty trying to find a suitable event. It would make sense to have it here at the same time before we offer it direct to the public.”


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