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Soul of Flame (Imdalind Series #4)

Page 29

by Rebecca Ethington

  Ilyan rushed through the remaining army as I did, his movements quick as he took to the air, flying toward the tent in a streak of gold. I wasted no time and ran into the fray, my magic pulsing as two Trpaslíks found their feet, their faces hard as they rushed me, their magic sparking in preparation to kill.

  I smiled at them, my hand pressing away from my chest as I pushed with an aggressive wall of magic that picked them up and sent them high above the trees. Their flight was illuminated by the lightning that littered the sky.

  I had no time to watch them or to bask in any success before my magic flared in alarm and I spun on the spot, a swipe of my hand sending a flame of red through the air, the act removing the hand of the Trpaslík who had stood behind me, his hand placed for a final blow. He screamed in agony as he dropped to his knees, the fire of my attack sealing the flesh of his now dismembered arm.

  I left him screaming as I took two steps back, a stream of black soaring through the air I had just vacated. I turned toward the attacker and pressed my hands against him, the pressure of the air working against me as if it was a brick wall. I pushed against the pressure, my magic exploding as it worked past it, sending the tiny man away from me and into a tree that stood twenty feet away.

  I turned and ran as the loud crack of breaking wood filled the clearing, my feet skidding against dead leaves as I worked to make it toward Ilyan. My feet pumped forward as I jumped over the lifeless bodies that surrounded me, only to be stopped by a pulse as strong as a jackhammer against my spine.

  I screamed at the impact, my spine contorting into a weird angle as I fell to the ground, my muscles seizing and flaring as I pushed myself onto my back, desperate to find a way to escape the pain, to fight the Trpaslík with the blood-stained eyes who looked down on me.


  I howled in agony as I fought the pain, the warmth of Ilyan’s magic flooded me as I silently pleaded with him not to come to my aide, even though I could hear the desperate need in his mind.

  I looked into the blood tinged teeth of my attacker as he laughed above me, and I screamed louder. The pain in my back fell away until all I felt was Ilyan’s warmth, but I didn’t stop screaming. I let my throat crack and bleed in my supposed pain, my magic prickling with awareness as more and more Trpaslíks surrounded me.

  My heart broke as I continued to feel Ilyan’s unfounded worry, his agony so broken that I almost lost hold of my erroneous scream, of my plan. I held on, though, my determination surging as my scream did.

  More Trpaslíks looked down at me as they sneered and laughed at their supposed success. Their magic flared in victory, mine growing along with it.

  I stopped screaming.

  Silence rent the air as I smiled at them, their confusion plastered on their faces before I pressed my hand against the dirt I lay against. My magic flooded the earth in a violent pulse, the power causing a rumble that shook the world. The ground shifted beneath me as the earth groaned and broke apart; dirt, rocks, and burning logs exploded into the air in a wide circle of destruction. Fire and rubble lifted from the ground in a spectacular blast that spread away from me like the ripples of a pond, the ground opening up as it prepared to swallow everyone in its path.

  I watched the men’s faces change from curiosity to fear as the stable ground they had stood on disappeared into a wide cavern that was ready to swallow them whole. The ground shifted beneath me and I rolled onto my hands and knees before I took off running, my muscles pumping fast in an attempt to escape the chaos I had just created.

  I jumped and dodged the shifting ground as the dirt continued to explode around me, little pops of my magic acting like grenades against the forest floor. Each explosion showered me in dirt before I jumped into the air, the wind catching me when it took me away from the fray, past the screams and the open maw of earth that would swallow them all. The wind caught my hood as I flew, ripping it from my head as my braid fell free from its confines.

  I had just cleared the line of dirt when the sky opened up in a pillar of fire, the blaze of power exploding from the tent of Vilỳs as Ilyan’s magic ignited it in an explosion so powerful the trees that surrounded me swayed and shimmied in the wake. The sky glowed red as the eruption grew, the screams of the Trpaslíks below me faded out, replaced by the high pitched screams of the Vilỳs as they burned from within Ilyan’s blaze.

  Goodbye, my friends. I felt Ilyan’s regret flood me as I landed beside him, my feet stumbling as the strong wind that had supported me attempted to blow me over.

  The powerful wind picked up the endings of the long, golden ribbons that bound our hair, the long strands tangling together as they hovered in the wind that surrounded us. I watched the blaze as my ribbon danced alongside Ilyan’s, the long strands winding around each other as the red light reflected off the glittering surface.

  Magic I had never wanted to feel again rocked through me, the waves of hatred and despair rising so quickly I couldn’t stop the anxiety, no matter how hard Ilyan’s magic worked to counteract it. I clung to Ilyan as the magic infiltrated me. The earth shook under the horrifying weight of the oppressive magic, and the red flames of the explosion turned the long, slender trunks of the trees into streaks of blood. I clung to Ilyan as the fear filled me, my legs unable to support my weight.

  “Cail,” I gasped the name, knowing it was wrong, knowing it couldn’t be true.

  Cail was dead. I had killed him. Besides, this magic was so much more than what had filled Cail’s mind, more than the guards that had come before. This magic was the source, the pure hatred that had fueled Cail, that had fueled my fear and my tortures. I was feeling it in its unfiltered form, and the sensation was crippling.

  It wasn’t Cail I should be afraid of; it never had been because it had never been Cail who had held the cards, never Cail who had trapped me.

  It was Edmund.

  Edmund who had captured me. Edmund who had controlled Cail. Edmund who would kill us all.

  I fought the scream as the realization hit me and my body fought a fight I wasn’t sure I could win.

  Edmund is here, I sent the words to Ilyan, knowing I couldn’t possibly grasp enough oxygen to speak.

  Ilyan’s magic sparked violently as my words filled his mind, the anxiety growing as I clawed at the warm threads of Ilyan’s power and weaved it with mine. I felt my magic peak at the added warmth, my Drak blood flaring as it pulled my mind through the fire-licked forest. Ilyan’s mind moved right alongside me until Edmund’s face came into view, the red tinge of the burning fire lighting his eyes.

  I gasped as I realized how close he was, my breath coming in heavy spurts as my lungs fought what they so desperately needed.

  I pulled my magic back as the vision faded from me, Ilyan’s hand wrapping around my waist as he took off into the air away from Edmund. I felt the strong grip of Ilyan’s arm as well as the wind that bellowed through my hair, but I couldn’t focus beyond the panic that seeing his face, that feeling his magic, had given me.

  “Fight it, my love,” Ilyan whispered as the ash-tinged air flew over us. “Focus on my heartbeat. On our heartbeats. You are stronger than it.”

  I gasped for air as he held me to him, trying to focus on the steady thrum as our hearts beat in time, allowing the sound to calm me. It just wasn’t working, the power of Edmund’s magic seemed to be following us, to be growing.

  I opened my mouth to scream, to warn Ilyan that Edmund was here just as our bodies crumpled against a stone barrier we could not see. Ilyan’s magic left the air, the wind that had supported us falling from the sky, sending us tumbling to the ground.

  We dropped like rocks through the air, Ilyan’s arms leaving mine as we fell into a large branch, the bark scraping against my skin as I slid against it.

  My fingers clawed at the smooth texture of the bark, trying to grab on, but my body continued to fall. Just like before, when I had been thrown from the window. I screamed at the memory; at the impact I knew was coming. My agonized voice ran throu
gh the forest as I fell into yet another branch, my back impacting into the solid surface before I slid away and fell to the ground in a painful jolt.

  A loud grunt escaped me as a wave of pain moved through my bones. I froze in fear and pain as I tried to figure out what had happened, and if I could even move.

  I wasn’t sure I could. The pain was everywhere. Even without the pain, Edmund’s magic continued to cripple me, my body winding itself in knots as I tried to move past it, to stay stronger than it.

  My hearing peaked, waiting for another soft thud, but none came. I was the only one who had landed.

  Ilyan? I asked, my voice panicked as I felt his mind rush, his magic surge.

  I could sense Ilyan’s magic rush through me, feel the pull of his heart. I fought my demons as I sought him out, my mind knowing where he was without so much as trying. I could feel him, surrounded by a circle of Trpaslíks just on the other side of the thick line of trees that surrounded me.

  Joclyn! Ilyan yelled to me, his mind panicked for me while I felt the surge of excitement as he prepared to face battle. I needed to get to him, to help him.

  I shifted my weight as I tried to stand, my body aching as I attempted to move fast, my broken ribs protesting against the movement as my magic frantically moved to heal them.

  I looked through the trees as his battle cry rent the air, my magic pulsing with such a maniacal energy that I wasn’t quite sure whether it belonged to me or him.

  I prepared to take off into the air, knowing my aching body would take too long to run, when the reason for our fall suddenly became clear. A magical pulse I hadn’t felt in months swelled behind me just as the sound of crunching leaves met my ears. I cringed as I felt her, cursing myself for not paying better attention to my surroundings. For being so focused on the fear of Edmund’s magic and my need to get to Ilyan. It had been a mistake I wouldn’t repeat twice. I turned toward her, my eyes narrowing as her magic solidified.

  “Well, well, well,” Ovailia said, her voice hard and sweet as she made her way into the small clearing. “What a pleasant surprise. I had expected to capture my brother, but you as well? It must be my lucky day.”

  I said nothing as she moved closer to me, even though I could feel the anxiety slip away, the fear replaced by an angry pulse that sped through me. I just looked at her and let the emotions run over me, but the prickle of my animosity wasn’t what I was focused on.

  I narrowed my eyes at her as my magic surged through Ilyan, my power moving through his blood stream as I felt him fight, his heartbeat erratic as he realized who I was facing. My magic pulsed through his heart as mine sped up, his beating in time with mine.

  Focus, my love. Ilyan’s voice came strong as his magic pulsed in an attack, his mind moving as he sped to his next opponent.

  I said nothing in reply; I didn’t dare. I just stayed still, not daring to let my eyes leave Ovailia’s, to give her the upper hand that I could tell she had been hoping to obtain.

  Ovailia inched her way closer, her icy eyes digging into mine. This wasn’t like with Cail, when I had feigned strength to give myself the upper hand. I had strength now, and I wanted her to know it. I wanted her to fear it. I narrowed my eyes as my fingertips sparked, her lips peaking in excitement.

  She walked steadily with her long, blonde hair looking strangely out of place against the elegant black outfit she wore. She looked like she was dressed for a club, not a fight, right down to her cherry red stilettos. I wanted to smile at the image, yet kept it inside, knowing exactly what Ovailia had planned. She wasn’t here to fight me; she was here to break me.

  I was already cracked; they had seen to that. What they didn’t know was that my crack was healing, and I was going to fight against it.

  “What? Not going to say hello?”

  “Hello.” I let the darkness that was in my heart seep into that one word, hatred and malice fueling the heavy tone as I smiled. The wicked line of my grin spread over my face and she flinched ever so slightly, her feet stopping her in place as her eyes trailed over my small frame. Her eyes widened at the long, golden ribbon that trailed over my shoulder.

  “You little bitch,” she snapped, “cheating on Ryland like that. Just wait until he finds out, he’s going to track you down, hunt you. He will kill you.”

  I flinched at her words, my heart rate increasing so fast I could barely control it, but I could. I would.

  I grit my teeth and snapped my fingers as I brought my magic to me, a wall of power soaring away from me and right into Ovailia, sending her tumbling away.

  She screamed as she slammed into a large tree, her face shocked as the attack she hadn’t been expecting carried her away.

  Her head snapped up to me as her magic surged, her eyes blazing in an angry heat of malice. The emotion was stronger than I had ever seen from her.

  I knew the look was meant as a threat; I could see the warning behind her eyes, however, it didn’t faze me. I just matched it, my eyes narrowing as I waited. Waited for her to fight back, knowing that if she didn’t, I would finish her anyway.

  She jumped to a standing position as my eyes met hers, the scorn on her face making it clear she wouldn’t hold back.

  That was good because neither would I.


  Ovailia rushed me as she screamed, her hair a streak of white light behind her as her magic pushed her forward.

  I took one look at the anger in her eyes and exploded into the air, knowing I couldn’t face her head on. I soared through the smoky air until I was high above her, my magic changing directions as I slammed myself down on top of her. I landed in a rush of wind and magic, pushing her into the hard ground as a bolt of lightning struck only feet from where we had collided.

  The earth vibrated with the power, the air prickling with the electricity that lingered in the air. I felt the heat of it against my skin, almost like it was trying to find a way inside of me.

  My teeth grit in anger as I pressed my hand against Ovailia’s neck, my palm heating and pulsing as my bones tensed, my pressure against her wind pipe increasing. She began to choke and laugh underneath my hold, her snide glare boring into me and I hesitated, giving her just enough time to slam her hands into my chest with a hot wall of force.

  I called out as the pulse of her attack rippled through me, the violent magic sending me hurdling through the air away from her. The slow burn of her magic flooded through me only to be extinguished by my power as I fell.

  Air and ash swirled around me, the long, golden ribbon whipping about before I brought a strong gust of air against me, the strength of my magic aligning my flailing body before I even hit the ground. I glowered into the stoic blonde before me as I dug my heels into the dirt. The grind of dirt and rocks rumbled through the small clearing as I skidded to a stop, the sky opened up in a deafening groan.

  A sharp crack of lightning erupted behind me, the clearing illuminating with a blinding light. I didn’t dare take my eyes off Ovailia from where she stood before me, my heart thudding in my chest as I looked into the icy blue that was so different from her brothers.

  The golden ribbon that was bound in my hair glowed as the long end trailed softly to the ground in front of me. I watched the delicate ribbon glide toward the ground while my eyes remained trained on Ovailia as she stood, her hands balled into fists. The ribbon landed against the dirt between us and I jumped into action, my feet pounding as I rushed her, my fist a hard rock as it intercepted with her stomach.

  She yelled at the impact before shoving me away, the powerful jolt of her magic increasing the force, but not as much as she would have liked. I let my determination rip from my throat in a yell as I rushed back at her, my magic speeding behind my fist as I punched her hard in the jaw, sending her and her ridiculous stilettos skidding through the dead leaves of the forest floor.

  “I don’t know why you are even trying to fight me,” she taunted as she wiped the blood from her lip, her voice the same acidic tone I had always heard fro
m her. “There is no way you can defeat me.”

  I said nothing, I only glared into her, a small smile playing on my lips as I panted, waiting for my fear and anger to settle into something I hoped I could manage.

  Ovailia’s hands fanned out, her fingers stretching as sparks of fire spread between them, the rainbow of colors flashing violently. Her eyes flared with a wicked gleam before she brought her hands together, the colors and magic colliding in a bang that echoed through the forest.

  I cringed at the sound, my anxiety sparking as a wall of fire and smoke erupted from her hands. It stretched across the entire length of the clearing, the height of it kissing the top of the lightning strewn sky. My teeth clenched as I watched it grow, watched the flames flow and swim through the barrier that was now sneaking toward me.

  The fire Ovailia had sent at me deepened to a blood red as the earth rumbled and lightning sliced through the air on either side of me, the two giant forks framing me as I faced Ovailia, who stood hidden behind the attack that would devour me.

  The jolt of electricity sped through the earth, and pressed against my body, seeping into me as it electrified the frantic energy that pulsed through me. I felt my magic bubble in reaction; I felt it crush against me as it tried to race out of me. I pressed my hands forward, letting the earth’s magic swell through me and out of my fingers. The stream of crackling power collided with Ovailia’s wall in an explosion of air and fire before it melted to the ground, leaving her hard, hatred-lined face glaring into me.

  I dropped my hands as the last of the liquid fire seeped into the ground around me, the useless attack turning to little more that ash. I was unable to stop the fiendish smile that spread over my face, the gleam now a stark contrast to the fear that was seeping through Ovailia’s eyes. I said nothing as I stared into her, knowing full well that she had just sent her best weapon my way, and I had demolished it.


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