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The Avenger Claims His Mates [Milson Valley 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)

Page 14

by Jo Penn

Drax quirked a half smile. “I think your mate there would electrocute the entire pack if you tried. No, pup, your gift does not require touching. Like Luka has learnt to do, you can release your gift into the air by thinking about it, projecting it to others.”

  “Huh?” Ran scratched his head. “Like what?”

  When the big Enforcer just stared at him for a few minutes with those trunk like arms crossed, Ran got a little jittery himself and began looking around for answers.

  “Okay, we’ll take it real slow.” Drax smirked and pointed two rows down. “See the little human blonde with the big, white-haired tiger shifter?”


  “Damn, pup, you’re just so relaxed I want to take a nap.” Sebastian sat down on the other side of Ran. “I just got news from Baron. They captured about fifty Renegades and are bringing them in.”

  “Does that mean Vicus is on his way back?” Deakin practically shoved Ran out of the way to get closer to Sebastian Sanchez.

  The big tiger just smiled calmly. “I guess so. He split on Baron, but I haven’t heard anything else.”

  “Split? And went where? Forget it, I’ll call him myself.” Deakin pulled his phone out and glared at it. “I don’t have his number. How do I not have his number?! That’s insane! We’re mated and I don’t have my own mate’s number?!”

  “Instead of staring at your mate, use your gift, pup,” Drax ordered, a little exasperated by the sound of it.

  “Hmm? Okay, but he’s cute when he gets all frantic.” Ran didn’t have to concentrate and reached out.

  “No, without touching.”

  “What?! Of course he’s allowed to touch me! I’m his mate…you smell really good today, honey.” Deak leant closer and nuzzled Ran’s cheek, making him laugh.

  Sebastian chuckled and inched away. “True, he does. You can tell what type of gift someone has by how people react, or what scent the creature gives off, when using it. Ran has a calming gift. How about next time you use a little less projecting of your gift, pup.”

  “Okay. That was easy. Why didn’t you just say calm someone down instead of all that mumbo jumbo projectin’ shit?” Ran really was curious why. It sounded really out there.

  Drax actually laughed before shaking his head. “Fine, we’ll keep things nice and simple. Seems like your old pack didn’t bother teaching about gifts, so that’s another thing we’ll work on.”

  “Is that why we’re here?” Ran asked.

  “Yes. This is where you’ll come for training most of the time. All pack and pride come here for training, more individual, specialized training is one on one with the pack instructors. We also have the wolf trackers who are their own squad. The Sanchezes train soldiers. We train specialty and police.”

  “Cool.” Deak was typing furiously on his iPad mini, apparently the office manager for the Aston’s had given him, and Ran, their own. “Yes, I can see the information here. It’s best I fill Ran in on that, he’ll just have a nap while you’re talking otherwise.”

  “I can see that. I will be working to keep your spirit level up, and then you are going to be doing some intensive training with my cousin, Dominic,” Sebastian said, then quickly placed a hand on Ran’s shoulder. “Easy. Forget about the intensive training. It’s just simple working with your gift once you understand and can control it. Nothing more.”

  “Yeah, okay.” Ugh, sure, probably was some intensive training course that he’d flunk out of.

  Like his brother Mikkos always said, Ran was a useless runt, no good for anything but kicking around and cleaning the pack homes.

  “Concentrate on me, pup.” Drax crouched in front of him. “You’re fine just as you are. If anyone gives you any shit, just let me, Uri, Seb, or Dom know and we’ll deal with the prick. I bought you and Deak out here to see the arena and get a feel for the place as we will come here a few times a week to work together.” Drax gave Ran a gentle arm squeeze, then stood and glanced at the big creature who had come up the stairs with a cute, blonde human male. “Ran, Deakin, this is Crown Prince Drake Sanchez and his mate, Prince-mate Keeley Tate.”

  “Drake is fine.” The gorgeous big tiger had an easy way about him and Ran relaxed, not feeling threatened or expected anything of. “You’ll be bothered by Marco, Laurie, Luka, and probably annoyed by our cloud leopard, Ace, but they’re a good bunch, and Marco already wants to be both your protector.” Drake cuddled his human mate closer and purred. “This is Keeley. He causes chaos wherever he goes and the cubs love him. Feel free to hang out anytime you want.”

  “Oh, err, thanks.” Deak jumped up and went to shake hands, then frowned and jittered a bit, his hair moving towards bizarre as it shifted around with all that electricity jittering inside him. “Is it customary to bow? Or do we shake hands? Do we even address either of you and—”

  “Ah, yes, the part sprite.” Drake grinned. “Relax, we’re informal with friends and family, and I don’t want to get shocked. Come on, Keels, we need to track down our mate.”

  “Yeah, he said he’d be back two hours ago.” The human began fretting a bit and seemed a bit shy and lost, clinging to the big tiger, then withdrawing.

  Ran didn’t like others to be uncomfortable. It always made his head hurt and his heart ache, so he did what he always did and thought of the creature being relaxed and not worrying.

  The tiger sniffed, head snapping to him while the human sighed and gave a dreamy smile, threading his fingers through his mate’s and settling a bit.

  Drax gave a nod. “Well done, pup.”

  Flushing, Ran shrugged. “It wasn’t anything.”

  “It was. I see what you mean now, Seb. Dominic will be ecstatic to get his hands on the pup—”

  Ran bolted.

  * * * *

  “Damn, he ran again.”

  Urian grinned as he watched the little, calming wolf bolt over a few seats and out of the arena. Drax just looked perplexed, then rolled his eyes and pointed a finger at Deakin, who was muttering under his breath and glaring after his mate.

  “He always just leaves me behind!”

  “You stay and watch him, Seb. I’ll get the pup settled down and meet you at my car.”

  Urian joined them. “Before you go, I heard from Myles. Renegade Titus McCracknel has been—”

  “Keep it clean and short, Uri.” Drake covered Keeley’s ears.

  “Fine. Eliminated. Is that clean and short enough?”

  “Not particularly. Dead is clean and short.” Drake snorted. “So, what’d I do to scare off the pup?”

  “You said Dom would be ecstatic to get his hands on him.” Keeley tugged Drake’s hands away from his ears. “That’d freak me out too, even though I know Dom.”

  “Ah, I see, he’s a bit like you, doesn’t like the pressures and expectations. I’ll alert the guards never to touch him, best Drax, Dom, me, or Seb reassure him. Better yet, Ma or Xavier. Come on, mate, we have a few things to do before hunting down our other mate.”

  Uri’s brows shot up. Is that why the pup always bolted? He didn’t like pressures and expectations placed on him? Huh, could be part of it. From what Uri had learnt from some old members of the Milton pack, the previous Alpha and inner circle hadn’t been much on caring for others, improving gifts, or training, and if you didn’t do what you were told immediately, you’d suffer some barbaric punishment or other.

  Xavier Dalton, Drake and Keeley’s mate, had been investigating deeply and had bought quite a few current, old, and new members of the Milton pack up on chargers, and the new Alpha, Ran’s brother, certainly wasn’t going to go unpunished either. Though Mikkos may have stepped up and fought Titus, he’d still known what was going on in that basement and did nothing about it, nor stepped in when anyone was punished for whatever bizarre reason Titus made up. As Mikkos had been one of the inner circle, he may end up losing his Alpha position over this.

  Which, considering the bastard was here in Milson Valley upon special request, might be due in part to shut Ran up.

/>   After all, Mikkos had never thought much of his brother before, and though he said he wanted his brother back to protect him, Urian wasn’t going to just trust the bastard near the pup whom he’d grown a bit attached to. Ran was theirs, a member of his pack, and part of the Milson Valley family.

  “Last I saw Xavier, he was with Valiant boarding the private jet to the High Council. That was an hour ago.” Urian bit the inside of his mouth to stop from grinning.

  Drake growled, clamped a paw on Keeley, and stormed off. Yeah, ever elegant, razor sharp vampire Xavier was going to get his ass handed to him when Drake caught up to his mate.

  Uri scowled. Just like his own mate was going to once he figured out what his seer was up to.

  * * * *

  Vicus walked slowly behind his mates along the quiet halls. Deakin was sulky because apparently Ran had taken off at the Sanchez Compound and left him behind, and Vicus had gone on assignment and worried him. So, presently, Deakin was walking ahead of Ran and Vicus, scarf tightly wrapped around his neck and scowling.

  Ran walked between Vicus and Deak, hands in baggy jeans and looking a little dejected. It wasn’t a good look on either of his mates, but for now Vicus would leave it alone. He’d deal with both when they got home.

  A door opened to the large conference room in the mayor’s offices. Drax closed it behind him, eyes fixed on Ran.

  “He’s here, isn’t he?” Ran said quietly.

  “Your brother is here. I have spoken to him, as have Uri and Drake Sanchez. We’re gonna leave it up to you whether you wish to see him or not.” Drax’s features softened. “You are part of our pack, our family, Ran.”

  Ran’s head tilted to the side and he sniffed deeply, holding a hand up to Deakin, sort of like Deakin did when he pulled the traffic cop hand routine. Deakin fretted and hugged himself.

  After a few minutes Ran nodded. “You mean it.”

  Drax drew Ran close and hugged the other wolf. As Drax wasn’t affectionate, it was a telling moment. How Ran responded, resting his forehead on Drax’s big chest, had Vicus reminding himself that this was good, that Ran forming relationships, attachments to others, meant he was recovering, growing, and his wolf spirit needed this.

  It was fucking hard though to see another touching what was his, and after a few seconds, Vicus gave a warning lion snarl, fangs descending and eyes shifting to his cat. Ran took another sniff of the big Enforcer, was patted on the shoulder, and stepped back. He cast a quick glance at Vicus, sapphire eyes showing his confusion and uncertainty. Shit, he didn’t want Ran to feel he couldn’t bond with others.

  “Little brother.” Drax eased with a touch on Ran’s shoulder. “I know you have difficulty understanding this side of others, but just know Vicus is not angry with you. He wants you to be happy with others. But he’s a paranormal and you’re his mate.”

  “So don’t hug!” Deakin squealed shrilly, reaching out to snatch Ran to him.

  Ran swiftly side stepped and shook his head. “I’m ready to see Mikkos.”

  Vicus studied his mates. Deakin looked stunned and ready to snatch and rant, while Ran kept his face averted. Well, hell, his little wolf was showing a bit of emotion. Not jealousy, Vicus couldn’t detect any, the wolf just didn’t seem to get jealous, and was not really angry, but he was upset and confused.

  “We will discuss what concerns you, Ran, but later. If you wish to see Mikkos Milton, then we shall—”

  “No.” Ran met Vicus’s eyes for a second before turning away, and placing Drax between them. “I’m going to see him, not you and Deak.”

  Deakin exploded. “No! Okay, I’m sorry. I’ve been pushy and demanding while getting all the attention from Vicus, I know. I’m sorry! Gods, mate, I’m scared of losing you and not just from the wolf spirit problem, but…” Deakin dropped his eyes. “Please, Ran, I love you.”

  Ran hunched, sapphire eyes troubled. But he didn’t move, didn’t offer anything to either mate. Vicus drew Deakin into his arms and comforted his sprite mate while watching his wolf.

  “I’ll keep him safe in there, Vicus,” Drax assured.

  Vicus seriously considered halting both and taking over, going in with his mate regardless of what Ran said. In the end, he watched Drax and Ran go into the conference room wondering what was bothering his gorgeous mate.

  Deakin became frantic, raving that Ran shouldn’t be near the one who had hurt him, and when nothing Vicus did could calm his mate down, he gave a warning growl that had Deakin shutting the fuck up, eyes wide and slender body trembling.

  Crouching, Vicus met his mate’s eyes squarely. “Enough, Deakin. Ran is ours, no matter what. But he is allowed to have others, such as your family, mine, and the Charmers also. They love him as though he were theirs. We must give that to our mate, show he is worthy of admiration and love, that he can be whom he wishes and always have us.”

  Tears slid down Deakin’s cheeks but he jerked a nod. “Okay, okay, yes, I want him to have all that, but without him letting us go. I’m needy and demanding, I know—”

  “You are you, Deakin, and we both love you just as you are, as do your family, and mine adore you already. The Charmers have taken you into their care and hearts also. Right now our mate needs to face his past fears and if he needs to do this without us, we will abide his wishes.”

  Though Vicus would be ensuring that never occurred again. They were together. A mateship needed, relied, and were part of one another. His wolf had a bit to learn and understand that they were stronger together and nothing, nothing, could change how Deakin and Vicus felt about him.

  “I can be strong.”

  Vicus smiled and traced his mate’s soft cheek. “Deakin, my livlig, you are much stronger than you realize. You have kept Ran happy, protected, and cherished for ten years. You have stood on your own two feet and explored the world, found what makes you happy and achieved this. Right now Ran struggles, but he needs you and me. Together we will move forward.” Vicus wiped a tear away. “Ran wishes to save you and me, Deakin. He worries his brother will do something to harm us, whether words, lies, or actions. Sometimes, even the most non-aggressive of us takes the protective role.”

  Deakin blinked soft blue eyes. “He’s protecting us?”

  Vicus nodded. “I saw in his mind. He pushes us away so we do not have to be exposed to the ugliness of his past, which includes his brother. He does not want it to taint you in any way. You are goodness to him, pure, a wonder. Allow him to protect you as you have done for him.”

  Nibbling his bottom lip, Deakin nodded. “But you’re going to snuff the brother, right?”

  Vicus stared at his mate in shock. “What do you mean, Deakin?”

  “Well.” Deakin cocked a hip and waved a hand about. “Those cuts you’ve seen on his back?”

  Most paranormals scared rarely, unless the wounds were not treated accordingly at the time with medicines, or for shifters, if they didn’t, or were too young to shift and received a serious injury. The scars on Ran’s lower back were very faint, as though they had healed well and been given medical treatment, but he had been too young to shift and remove them completely, and perhaps he had not received adequate rest and nutrition to make the scars vanish completely.

  “Yes, I thought they were from the ex-Alpha.”

  “A few. Some are from Mikkos. I know because Ran sleep talks and I asked him. The bastard held him down for the Alpha to whip Ran, then they reversed positions so Mikkos gave Ran a few lashes also. And you know why? Because he’s a runt and he has the calming gift. The Alpha was putting the fear into all the runts apparently. He was going to use them as his very own little thieving army. He killed his own son as an example when the kid disobeyed him. But Ran would calm the guards down and the Alpha until he caught Ran doing it, then they whipped him and said they were going to kill another runt to teach him a lesson.”

  Vicus’s nodded slowly. “I read most of McCracknel’s mind, his thoughts and actions. Some of this was there, not all. The reading of m
inds, even for an Avenger, is a delicate task that does not receive every memory and thought.”

  “Oh, so you know most of it. I get it. Anyway, I read up on the condition. It’s like PTS syndrome. Parts of his mind have blocked it out. But I know Ran and the others escaped and scattered. So, though Mikkos might have challenged the old Alpha, and maybe he felt bad for what he did to Ran and tried to save him in the end, he’s got an agenda, probably to protect himself.”

  “Deakin, if you knew all this, why didn’t you tell me immediately?”

  Deak winced. “Well, I didn’t know you properly and I only know that much. Ran’s blanked it and I don’t know what happened to the others, except that Johnny. And if I ever mentioned it to Ran, he withdrew and disappeared on me for hours.”

  Vicus kept his growl to himself and hugged Deakin. “You two need to speak to me.”

  “Okay. You’re going to snuff him out, right?”

  Vicus smiled.

  * * * *

  Alpha Mikkos Milton gave a big grin. “Azrael! Azzi, I’ve been so worried about you.”

  Ran stayed partially behind Drax to keep Mikkos from enveloping him in a hug.

  “Hello, Mikkos.”

  “That’s Alpha Mikkos, kid,” Mikkos said jovially. “You’re looking okay, pup, still haven’t grown much—”

  Drax growled low and mean. “Watch yourself, Mikkos.”

  “Alpha.” Mikkos’ eyes locked on Drax. “Enforcer Drax, I’ve been told you’re my brother’s guardian. We need to discuss that. Azrael and this mate, a human with some sprite in him, right? Well, they’ll be coming back home with me. I’ll take care of them—”

  “Not going anywhere with you.” Ran used his own gift on himself.

  While the adrenaline rushed through his body and he wanted to run, hide, and think, he didn’t. He needed to do this for himself and his mates or he’d never be good enough for them, always traumatized. He was learning that what happened, happened. It wasn’t his fault, none of it. He was small, sure, but he shouldn’t be kicked around and abused for it. None of them should have been, and if those who were meant to protect them didn’t, then they were the ones at fault and needed to be punished.


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