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The Avenger Claims His Mates [Milson Valley 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)

Page 18

by Jo Penn

  Deakin just smirked and got on with pulling bowls out.

  Eber looked confused. “I’m missing something.”

  “Punishment soup.” Ran decided there may be another way around the strangle hold Vicus had on him and managed to turn in the Avenger’s arms and hugged his mate.

  After a few minutes of that and not having the result he was after, Vicus purring and petting Ran, he gave up and whined a little.

  Vicus placed a large hand on the back of Ran’s head and gently pulled it back so Ran was looking up at him. The big Avenger looked serious, Ran stilling instantly.

  “Tell me, Ran, how do you think to make your mates happy?”

  As this seemed like a serious question, Ran decided not to go with the usual cheeky grin. He gave it some thought, squirmed a bit and shrugged.

  “I don’t know. Eat the zucchini soup?”

  Looking puzzled, Vicus released Ran and stepped back. “I see. Let us think of this another way. What does your wolf wish to do to make his mates happy?”

  Finally released, Ran gave an all over body shake, a bit like a dog shaking off water or calming itself down. He grabbed a cheesy roll from the counter and munched. After a moment he shrugged.

  “Eat the zucchini soup?” He glanced at Deakin to see his mate shake his head and roll his eyes. “What?”

  “I don’t have a mate yet I know the answer.” Eber murmured. “I’m out of here. Good luck, brother, perhaps have Lacy discuss the finer points of mateship with your wolf.”

  Feeling as though he was completely missing something, and certainly not in a good way, Ran suddenly felt tired and anxious. He’d never been sure about all this mushy shit. Deakin usually just told him what he wanted and expected and Ran did that, now he had a big creature looking at him funny and his stomach turned in knots.

  “You feel eating the soup will make your mates happy?” Vicus asked, his tone very quiet and serious, those golden eyes watchful.

  Something he’d found that usually worked for him was just nodding and agreeing, admitting he was hopeless, giving a smile and going away, quickly. But the idea of his mates not being happy with him churned Ran up. He glanced at Deakin to see his normally happy to tell Ran what he was doing wrong, and how to fix it, mate just frowning and looking between them. There were even little sparks of electricity coming from his fingertips. Which meant Deakin was tense and upset.

  And that pretty much decided it for Ran. He bolted. Fast, changing into his wolf as he did and wiggling out of his clothes.

  * * * *

  “Ran! Stop.”

  “Yeah, that doesn’t work. I told you, you need to bolt the house up. And why are you being all hard on him anyway?” Deakin demanded with attitude. “Either accept him the way he is, or, well putting it frankly, you miss the hell out, buddy.”

  Vicus growled. “I am not your buddy, Deakin. Make your soup. I will be back with our mate in a moment.”

  “You’re not going anywhere if you plan to give Ran a hard time – huh, I’m talking to myself.”

  Deakin sighed and decided there was no point in making the zucchini soup…hmm, except he liked zucchini soup, so perhaps he’d make some for himself and maybe that sprite brother that bounced around the mansion all the time. The kid just couldn’t stop moving!

  First though, he was going to follow both his mates and if Vicus gave their wolf a hard time, Deakin would swat the man with a newspaper!

  The man obviously had a lot to learn yet about their Ran. Beneath the carefree smile, the tranquil nature was a bit of cheekiness mixed with spontaneous and an adorable man who hurt if he thought he was in trouble with his mate or upset someone.

  Rounding a corner, he peered into a large dark room. There were lots of shadows from the moon shining in through a window at the end. That was kind of creepy so Deakin moved on to the next room, then the next and eventually gave up and returned to the kitchen. It wasn’t like he could track anyone so it was best he waited, made the soup and dealt with both his mates after.

  He was only back a few minutes, and okay, he’d only been gone five at the most, when Vicus strode in sniffing the air and eyes narrowing on the humungous walk in fridges and freezers lining up the back of the room. Curious, Deakin stopped grating the zucchini and watched the big man stride over to a fridge door and pull it open. Ran squeaked and tried to scramble away but Vicus snapped him up pretty quickly and deposited their wolf on a high stool on the other side of the counter. He kept a hand on the back of their man’s neck.

  “Huh. Was that best hiding place you could find?” Deakin went back to grating.

  “I was hungry,” Ran mumbled and tried to shake off Vicus’s hand.

  “Have another bread roll. Macario made them, they’re pretty good.” Deakin narrowed his eyes on Vicus. “So.”

  Vicus removed his hand from the back of Ran’s neck and handed their mate a bread roll. “I am not angry or upset with you, Ran. I am simply trying to understand this tendency you have to not like being touched, and running off when you should not.”

  “He does like to be touched. He’s incredibly affectionate.” Deakin placed the ingredients in a large pot. “Ran just doesn’t like cuddling for more than twelve seconds. I timed him. But if you do it while you’re lying down, he usually just goes to sleep.”

  Vicus, the gorgeous big creature, swept a hand over Ran’s tussled hair. Deakin was pleased to see that Ran had managed to put on his jeans again after shifting, he didn’t like others to see his mate running around naked.

  “I see. I am discovering I enjoy cuddling and hugging and am disappointed not to be able to enjoy this with you, kjærlighet. I will do as Deakin suggests and restrict to twelve seconds and in bed. But I am curious.” He gave a small smile when Ran looked at him, curious now. “How do you show affection, my mate?”

  Deakin smiled and fussed with the pot. He put it on the stove, measured out stock, some other fresh herbs and water and added it all then set it to boil.


  Turning back, he saw Vicus was frowning. He shook his head.

  “I am unsure if you are asking me, Ran.”

  “Geez, okay, lets open the communication lines here, otherwise we’ll never get any sleep. Vicus.” Deakin pointed to Ran who was sniffing at another bread roll. “Find his shirt and put it on before he catches a chill or someone walks in.” Vicus walked over to the pile of discarded clothes on the floor and with quick efficient moves, put the shirt on Ran. Deakin smiled and nodded. “Exactly that. How many wolves do you think would allow someone to just put clothes on them? Would any of your brothers let you do that, despite you guys being all weirdly close?”

  Vicus gave a smile and sat beside Ran. “I see. And easily maneuvering our wolf about and him following us.”

  “Yeah, and he follows real close unless he gets distracted or feels constricted in some way and bolts. He’ll let you have all the food, use all the soap, tell him what to do and when to do it, unless he’s cranky or really wants something, and he’ll sit through movies he doesn’t like. Hell, he even picks flowers from neighbors’ gardens for me.”

  “I paid for those flowers!” Ran exclaimed.

  “Huh, must have been rejects. Anyway, you see what I’m saying, hon?”

  “Yes, my mate. It is about compromise and being ourselves.”

  “Exactly—wait!” Deakin waved a hand around. “Let’s be clear here about compromising and being ourselves. We don’t go overboard—”

  Vicus raised a hand, silencing Deak. “I understand. The soup smells pleasant but will take a bit longer to be ready and our wolf requires nourishment.”

  Deak made himself a delicious peppermint tea and sipped it slowly while Vicus fussed with some of the premade meals in the large fridges. Ran demolished it and gave their mate big puppy dog sapphire blue eyes so Vic got another meal and watched in fascination as Ran gobbled it up. Apparently rebuilding his wolf spirit was hungry work.

  Finally, they were able to return to be
d. After Deak made both mates have a small bowl of soup, Ran gagging the entire time, Vicus stoically eating without a word.

  Chapter Eight

  Vicus just had a few loose ends to tie up. He wasn’t avoiding his mates, but he had slipped out while Ran was having his morning nap and Deakin was at work.

  “How do you wish to precede, Vicus?”

  “I want charges laid against him. His ill-gotten title stripped. Severely punished.” Vicus’s top lip curled.

  He would have liked to slaughter Mikkos Milton but Ran had objected, firmly. Though the wolf wanted nothing to do with his brother, Ran had a good, sweet heart and didn’t like the thought of Mikkos being killed, and by Vicus.

  Xavier Dalton, a lord in the vampire realm and mated to Prince Drake Sanchez, was the maker and breaker of kingdoms. With a word, an action, he toppled or set up. Every injustice was found and dealt with, nothing escaped Xavier and the vampire had been working hard to discover everything that McCracknel and now Mikkos Milton had been involved in, and who they had harmed. Apparently it was a long list.

  “Believe me, Milton will face the High Council. Drake lay in wait after your mate’s meeting yesterday and easily captured the wolf and his inner circle. They are being held here at the compound and will be transported to the High Council in half an hour for judgement and sentencing. I was informed Ran Markson did not wish you to deal with his brother.”

  Vicus merely shook his head. “Any other loose ends need eliminating?”

  “Not at this stage. I will certainly let you know if they are. Justin has arrived and is being debriefed at the Starters pack. If there is more, I will inform you.”

  Vicus inclined his head to the stunning vampire, one he admired for his tenacity and morals. “Good. I will fill you in on the assignment you forwarded to me yesterday.”

  “When you can, Avenger. That one is not urgent and is more an information gathering task I would not normally deem worthy of you, but…” Xavier looked troubled. “Nothing in the situation matches up. As such, I cannot entrust it to one of my investigators as they may pay with their lives if I am mistaken.”

  “You are wise to give it to me. When dealing with gangs, and because of who this may affect, it is best dealt with silently.”

  Vicus left the vampire’s office which was situated in the large mini palace where Xavier, Drake and their mate Keeley resided. As it was in the Sanchez Compound and tucked away behind the real palace, privacy and seclusion was a given. Striding back toward the main Sanchez palace, as he had to see Baron regarding soldier movements for the next few weeks, he heard the crack of a rifle. Ordinarily he would not think much of it here at the Compound as the training grounds were less than a mile away.

  In this case the rifle shot had come from outside the Compound and directed towards something inside. Immediately Vicus sunk into the shadows of the trees in the garden and used his senses. Heightened hearing let him focus in on movements around while heightened eyesight let him see far distances.

  What he saw reassured him that his wolf mate would be safe when at the Compound without Vicus’s protection.

  It had been a training drill, obviously one not known by the soldiers and recruits but they reacted fast and were up the tree and ‘captured’ the assailant. Those felines sure could climb fast.

  When they caught sight of him coming out of the trees there were a few bursts of fear in the air, some awe and even lust. Vicus ignored it all and sought out Baron who was in his ‘operation room,’ which was a large room filled with lots of screens and weapons. At present, Baron was arguing with his littermate, Trent, a Commander in the Alliance stationed in Europe. Vicus watched a moment, Baron was aware of him though as Trent’s view was hampered by the Skype screen he didn’t know Vicus was there.

  “Pull the soldiers out, Baron,” Trent snapped. “Until I know the exact set up its too dangerous.”

  “For fucks sake, Trent! We’re soldiers, we go into the unknown all the time—”

  “And that’s how we end up dead. Just wait another twenty-four hours and you’ll have the details.”

  Baron growled. “I’m not waiting. Renegades are moving, innocents are in the line of fire. We’ll take precautions and go ahead. Bro, you need to get your head in the game and stop pussy footing around all the time. Now, you’re due back here in three days, make sure you don’t miss the flight this time or I’ll be ordering you.”

  Trent did a one finger salute and broke the connection. Trent had always been a bit of an enigma to most in the Valley even though he’d grown up here, mingled and got along with most well. He was suave, charming and fucking stunning. Everyone wanted Trent Sanchez, no one got him until the Croggen triplets appeared in Milson Valley, now Trent was mated to Tredd Croggen but there were rumors that wasn’t going very well, and golden boy Trent was the cause. Baron swore and slammed a hand down on the console before turning his angry gaze on Vicus.

  “What do you want? I don’t have time to deal with anymore problems and no, the soldiers I assigned to the Aston Estate remain permanently. I also heard the gargoyles are sending a few of theirs over for added protection so lump it, Vic.”

  Vicus moved so fast he was unseen. Once he was up close to Baron he hissed in the tiger’s face before taking a step back and calming down.

  Baron growled back and took a calming breath himself.

  “Soldier movements for the month.”

  “Shit, right, okay.” Baron walked over to a board, picked up a small USB and tossed it to Vicus. “There could be changes but that is the most up to date—”


  Little Ace, a cousin to Baron, tore into the room, his claws out. “That ugly dude locked in the cells just got his throat sliced by one of his inner circles! The healer tried to save him but there was blood and guts and claws and fangs and he’s all ripped up!”

  Ace was a bit of a loose cannon, one the Sanchezes kept a tight rein of. Baron looked like he was about to pop a blood vessel while Vicus turned to the little cloud leopard.

  “Are you referring to Alpha Mikkos Milton?”

  Ace didn’t seem to have any fear of those bigger, meaner and stronger than him. It was a peculiar condition that often got the little leopard into a hell of a lot of trouble. Now he hissed at Vicus and sniffed.

  “You smell funky. What’d you do? Roll in wolf and something else?”

  Baron grabbed the cub by the back of his neck and shook him gently, which still had Ace’s teeth rattling.

  “Manners, cub. And use some Gods damn sense. Don’t speak to Avengers like that…you can smell him?”

  “Sure. Usually smells clean and fresh and mix of Aston, falcon, lion, and wizard, now he’s changed and there’s more. Weird.”

  That had Vicus attention. “I am scent blocked, young one. Yet you can scent me? You have previously?”

  “Well duh, I just said—ouch!”

  Baron gave a hard shake. “Watch your mouth. Now, you always scent Vicus?”


  “Right. Is it Alpha Mikkos who is dead?”

  “Yeah, the ugly wolf. He smelt bad from the start, now he smells like death.”

  How interesting. Vicus really didn’t’ give a shit Mikkos Milton had perished at the hands of one of his inner circle, obviously they felt he deserved it for his crimes. Sometimes justice came from the ones you least expected. What was interesting was the little leopard with the amazing sense of smell.

  “Right, I will clean up the mess in the cells. I want you to sit there and don’t touch anything, just keep an eye on the monitors.” Baron drew Vicus aside. “I’ll deal with interviewing the inner circle. There was no indication the inner circle had a grudge, so I would say after Xavier gave a run down on the crimes, the killer decided a bit of pack justice was in order. I will evaluate Ace as to his scenting gift.”

  “Do. It is a rare few who can scent others when blocks are on. Keep it quiet, the Renegades and others would wish to use your little cousin to ha
ve an advantage over others.”

  Vicus verified that Mikkos had died. He spoke briefly to the guards who informed him it was over in seconds, before they could intervene. He did a quick scan of each mind there and concluded justice was done. The remaining inner circle would be seen by the High Council.

  Leaving the Sanchez Compound, Vicus returned to the Aston Estate. He thought on the way of what to tell Ran and how the news would affect his mate. He knew not to tell the gruesome details to his mate, but it was Ran’s right to know. Entering the estate he saw Zander seated in the garage with the demon Vicus and Lacy had adopted as their brother. Vinncent had returned home from a trip overseas, one he did for Vicus. Often Vinn bought Zander out to the garages to tinker with the cars.

  Vicus crouched beside his brother and found himself pinned by golden, lucid eyes. “Hello, brother.”

  “Hello, Vicus. Ran has been restless but Jayce and Blazh kept him busy.”

  “I will thank them. Are you fixing the cars with Vinn?”

  Zander gazed at the car. “Not really. I’ve forgotten how to.”

  “You’re remembering as we go,” Vinn murmured, voice deep and rough.

  “Too much hair has grown,” Zander whispered.

  Vicus ached and drew his brother into his arms, hugging briefly, giving comfort. “Not as much as you think, Zand.”

  Zander measured how long it was between lucid times by how much of his hair had grown. The first day of being lucid he measured his hair then got it cut back.

  Vicus knew Ran was hovering nearby and let Zander go. He held a hand out to his wolf and was pleased that Ran came straight to him and though he didn’t hug or even take Vicus hand, he was close, body a mere inch apart. They spent an hour in the garage with Zander and Vinncent, Ran trying to help but made more mess than was helpful while Vicus handed tools and kept Zander focused. Sebastian Sanchez turned up and quickly snatched Zander up.

  “How long has Zander been lucid?” Vicus asked Vinncent as they washed oil and grease off, Vicus having to hold Ran’s hands under the tap as the mate kept getting distracted.


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