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How to Catch a Prince

Page 12

by Leanne Banks

  Sophie nodded. “That is good news. You’ve done an amazing job in such a short time.”

  Bridget shrugged. “It’s what I do. That said, Pippa has pulled off a major coup.”

  Pippa rocked her baby’s infant seat on the table. “I’m sure it was a collaborative effort.”

  “She’s being too humble,” Bridget said. “Pippa has accomplished an amazing feat. She has persuaded The Royal Society for a Better World to meet in Chantaine next year with an option to continue to meet here for an additional two years.”

  Sophie blinked. “Sorry. I’m not familiar with that Society. Is it a fraternity?”

  “The Royal Society is centuries old. Royals meet at the conference to find ways to make the world a better place,” Pippa said. She smiled sheepishly. “What can I say? They want to come to our beaches.”

  “It’s more than that,” Bridget said. “They were influenced by you, Pippa.”

  “You’re embarrassing me,” Pippa shyly said and took a sip of her water.

  “You deserve the credit,” Bridget insisted.

  “Can we change the subject please?” Pippa asked.

  Bridget shrugged. “I suppose.” She frowned and turned in Sophie’s direction. “What’s going on with David?”

  Sophie tensed, but decided she should keep Bridget straight. “I just want to be friends with David. I told him this week. He’s a wonderful man, but I just want to be friends with him.”

  “Well, darn,” she said. “I was so sure about him. He’s both Italian and German. Charming and practical. As perfect as it gets.”

  Sophie nodded. “Yes, but you can’t plan chemistry.”

  “Bet he had plenty for you,” Bridget grumbled. “Oh, well, I may find another.”

  “Please don’t,” Sophie said. “I’m happy the way I am.”

  Bridget smiled. “We can always be happier.”

  Heaven help her, Sophie thought. Pippa exchanged a knowing glance with her.

  After lunch with the Devereauxes, she returned to her apartment and wasn’t sure what to do with herself. She considered going out, but decided to wait. Soon enough, a knock sounded on her door.

  She opened it and Max stood there wearing a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt. “Put on your swimsuit, girl.”

  “It’s going to be cold,” she said.

  “I’ll keep you warm,” he promised.

  “I’m going to freeze,” she said because she knew it was true. If it had been cold in the early afternoon the other day, then it would feel like ice cubes at the late time of day.

  “I promise you that you won’t stay cold very long,” he said.

  “If I die in that ocean, it’s your fault.”

  “What are you bellyachin’ about? You’ve got plenty of life insurance,” he said.

  Sophie rolled her eyes and went to her bedroom to put on her bathing suit and a pair of jeans and a sweater. She grabbed her towel, stepped into a pair of flip-flops and braced herself. “Ready for action,” she said as she entered the den.

  “You make me want to forget the whole plan and just take you to bed,” he said.

  “Well, darn, you’ve already dared me,” she said.

  “Then we’re going to a secret place,” he said and grabbed her hand. He led her down the stairway to his car, ushered her inside and drove away from town.

  “Which beach are we visiting?” she asked.

  “I didn’t say we were going to a beach,” he said. “We’re going to a place that will accommodate us,” he said in a mysterious voice that worried her a little. Was he talking about a nude beach?

  “Excuse me?”

  “We’re going to a place that will accommodate us,” he repeated.

  “What does that mean?”

  “It’s a surprise. I’ve told you all I’m going to tell you. You’ll just have to wait and see,” he said and turned his car stereo system to jazz music.

  Both eager and nervous to see what he had planned, she kept waiting for him to turn toward the beach. Instead he headed up the winding road of a mountain. “Where on earth—” she muttered as he pulled onto yet another road.

  One more turn and they were on a dirt road that led to a small chalet in a clearing. “Well, this is interesting. Who lives here?” she asked.

  “One of the local construction company owners I’ve met. Turns out, he has a child who is handicapped, so he’s excited about our project. He owns several homes on the island. This is one of the most unique because of its location, the view and the springs behind it.” He got out of the car and jogged to her side to help her out of her seat.

  “Springs? Is that why I need my bathing suit?” she asked, growing more curious with each step they took. The moonlight shone over the house, but the area just beyond was covered with trees.

  The walkway behind the home was lit with in-ground lighting. She followed Max down the hill and heard the sound of running water. “Bet it’s freezing.”

  “But look at the view,” he said.

  She couldn’t deny how beautiful it was. With the stars overhead and the ocean below, the setting was almost mystical. “You go first.”

  “Okay, but you have to promise to come in right after I go,” he said.

  “I promise,” she said.

  Max stripped down to his bathing suit and put his foot in the water. He gave an audible gasp.

  Great. It was worse than she’d thought.

  He stepped down the stone steps into the spring, swearing and making terrifying noises. He turned to face her, huddling his arms around his chest, his teeth chattering. “Your turn,” he said.

  Sophie considered running in the opposite direction, but a deal was a deal. Plus, he would never let her live it down if she didn’t follow through.

  “What’s taking so long?” he asked.

  “Okay, okay,” she said. “I’m coming.” Stripping off the clothes that covered her bathing suit, she placed her towel close to the edge of the springs. Bracing herself, took her first step.

  The water was warm, almost hot. She gaped at Max in surprise. “You liar,” she said. “This isn’t at all cold. Shame on you for teasing me.”

  He gave a belly laugh. “I couldn’t resist. Doesn’t it feel great?”

  She stepped the rest of the way into the bubbling pool, her body relaxing under the warm water. “Wonderful,” she said. “How did you find out about this?”

  “I was shooting the breeze with the construction owner and he mentioned it. This place is usually rented, but not this weekend, so he told me I could enjoy it for the evening. And you were expecting a nude beach,” he said. “Admit it.”

  “Well,” she said. “Do you blame me?”

  “I’m more creative than that. You can’t get much better than this. Nature’s Jacuzzi,” he said and pulled her against him. “You like it?”

  Enjoying the sensation of his arms around her and his strong body against hers, she nodded. “How could I not like it?”

  “Good,” he said. “I might be able to outdo Stefan’s Mr. Perfect economic advisor.”

  “I didn’t know there was a competition,” she said.

  “You’re right. There wasn’t.” He slid his mouth over her neck and ripples of pleasure washed over her, but his reference to David niggled at her.

  She turned to look at him. “Is that the only reason you suddenly decided you wanted me? Because of David?”

  Max shook his head. “No.”

  “Well it sure seems like it. I get attention from one guy, then all of a sudden you see me as more than a handy assistant.”

  Max sighed. “What got to me was how happy you looked. I wanted to be the one to make you happy.”

  Her heart melted. She lifted her hand to his hard jaw in wonder. �
�Wow,” she said and smiled.

  “Wow is what I say about you,” he said and picked her up and twirled her around in the water. He took her mouth in a delicious kiss that sent her mind and body spinning. The kiss turned more passionate when he pulled her against him where he was hard and wanting her.

  “I want you,” he said and she felt him untie the top of her bathing suit and push it to her waist.

  Forbidden desire rushed through her. She was topless in the warm, rippling spring with Max. Why didn’t she feel more self-conscious?

  His chest strong and hard against hers, she felt herself sinking under his spell. He pushed her bathing suit all the way down her legs and she reveled in the sensation of her bare skin against his. He caressed and played with her in all the right places, making her want more.

  Finally, he propped against the stone wall of the spring and pulled her down over him. He thrust intimately inside her as she locked herself around his hips. The heat in his hooded eyes did something to her, and the sensation of him moving and stretching inside her took her over the top. She cried out and he covered her mouth with kisses. Within a heartbeat, he stiffened and thrust inside her with one last powerful stroke, and she felt completely one with him.

  * * *

  Max enjoyed his moments with Sophie, but he couldn’t escape the pressures of work and the commitment he’d made to build the center for handicapped children. When Sunday night hit, he was already thinking about Monday, Tuesday and every day after. He was getting pressure from headquarters to wrap up the Chantaine road construction and everyone had underestimated how much longer it took to get anything done on an island. His supervisor wasn’t at all happy. Max was inclined to give him a piece of his mind, but the company was comping a lot of the cost of this job, so he had to mute himself, which made him cranky.

  The Devereauxes had invited him to one event after another ever since he had arrived, but he had turned down most of the invites. He still didn’t feel close to his so-called family and wasn’t sure if he wanted to get involved with them. He was much more comfortable helping them then withdrawing.

  After four fifteen-hour days, Sophie stepped in front of him before he could make it to his desk in the trailer. “Hey, where’s the fire?”

  “Under my butt to get this done,” he said. “What do you want?”

  Her eyes grew wide. “Whoa,” she said softly. “Bridget has called me three times today because you’re not returning her calls.”

  “I don’t have time to talk to the princess,” he snapped and moved to step around her.

  “She wants to know if you have any names you want to add to the address list for invitations to the charity event. It’s the week after next,” she said.

  “Oh,” he said, slowing down and thinking. “I have a few. I’ll send them to her through email.”

  “When?” Sophie asked.

  He turned around and tilted his head at her. “When?”

  “Yes,” Sophie said. “She needed them yesterday. Since she’s contributing her connections to this event, you need to cooperate.”

  He groaned. “I know,” he said. “These events just aren’t my thing. I’d never make it as a royal. I like to get things done.”

  “They get things done, just in their way,” she said. “And she is helping us with this.”

  “Okay, names by tomorrow,” he said, sinking into his chair.

  “Are you okay?” she asked. “I’m concerned about you.”

  “Regular deadline crunch. Headquarters is screaming at me. I knew it would be tough getting what we need on an island, but not this tough,” he said, staring at his computer screen.

  “Is there something I can do?” she asked.

  Her question caught him off guard, even though she’d asked him the same question a dozen other times. Something in his heart twisted, and he looked up at her. Same Sophie. His amazing assistant, and now his lover. He’d complicated their relationship, but he couldn’t regret it. Maybe sometime down the road, but not now.

  “Just be you,” he said.

  “Sounds pretty lame and not all that helpful,” she said with a wry smile.

  He rose from his desk and dropped a sweet, but brief kiss on her lips. “Trust me. You’re making this livable.” He winked and returned to his desk. “Save Friday night for me. I may not be worth much then, but I’d like to spend the evening with you.”

  She lifted her hand to his face. “I think I can manage that,” she said and a shot of warm relief spread throughout him. The feeling was a little too strong for his comfort.

  On Friday, Max took lunch with his construction friend Aloisius Janton. The two men ate sandwiches at one of Al’s job sites. “Hey, I wanted to thank you for letting me visit your house last weekend.”

  “Why didn’t you stay all night?” Al asked. He was a forty-something man with a balding head, a dark tan and furrowed eyebrows. “You could have stayed all weekend.”

  “Not necessary. The springs were magical enough,” Max said.

  “My pleasure,” Al said. “I’m pleased with your work both in the north end and in the city.”

  “Speaking of my work in the city, I wanted to let you know that there’s going to be a benefit. It’s a Monte Carlo gambling kind of thing. Princess Bridget is arranging it,” he said and took a bite of his sandwich.

  “Her Highness Bridget Devereaux?” Al asked with a surprised gaze.

  “Yeah. Princess Bridget. Wanna go?” he asked.

  “Of course I do,” Al said. “May I bring Jonathan and his mother?”

  “Sure,” Max said. “But are you sure you want Jonathan to be the poster child for handicapped children from Chantaine?”

  Al lifted his chin with pride. “I would be very proud for Jonathan to represent those children who are struggling with handicaps. He has overcome so much.”

  Surprised by Al’s response about Bridget, Max absorbed the man’s pride and need. “Then your family will have a front-row seat. I’ll make sure of it,” he said.

  With the sun shining down on them, the two men continued to eat sandwiches. “How’s the road coming along?” Al asked.

  “I don’t see how you do it,” Max said. “How do you estimate the date of completion when your materials or equipment come in late?”

  Al, with his half-bald head, laughed. “Always add six months. It will make you look good when you complete it before deadline.”

  “I wish I’d talked to you sooner,” Max said.

  “You’ll do okay,” Al said. “Just tell your supers to back off. You can do that. They won’t question you. They value you too much, as they should.”

  “You don’t know me that well,” Max said. “What makes you say that?”

  “You make things happen,” Al said. “Your company would be terrified to lose you.”

  “Hmm,” Max said. “I usually thought I was in a position of strength, but I never thought they would be afraid to lose me.”

  “Look at what you’ve accomplished during the last few years,” Al said. “Who else in your company has done so well?”

  “I have no idea,” Max replied. “I’m too busy taking care of my own projects.”

  Al laughed. “You should always check your competition.”

  “Who has time for that?” Max asked.

  “The man who wishes to maximize his income.”

  “I’ll think about that.”

  “Don’t think too long,” Al said. “Act.”

  Max saw that Al was savvy. He extended his hand to him. “You’re an impressive man.”

  “I do the best with what I have. That’s my rule in life.”

  “I never spend much time thinking past next year,” Max said. “You’ve given me a different point of view.”

  “My point of view chang
ed when Jonathan was born. He was intellectually superior, but physically vulnerable. Changed my whole investing scheme.”

  “Jonathon is a lucky boy.”

  “I’m a lucky father,” Al corrected.

  “I’d like to meet him,” Max said. “You’ve made me curious.”

  “You shall at the gambling night with Princess Bridget. She is quite the princess,” Al said. “Prince Stefan takes heat for his father, but he is a huge improvement over Prince Edward. All of the current royals are very compassionate. That’s why I continue to live in Chantaine. The royals are generous and compassionate. What country has harder working royals?”

  Max stared at Al for a long moment. “You actually like the Devereauxes?”

  “Of course I do. Who wouldn’t? They try to improve the economy. They try to improve our lives. What’s not to like?”

  Max absorbed Al’s sentiment and took a long drink of water. “I’ll think about that.”

  Al laughed. “You’ve already thought about it,” Al said. “The reason you are here is because you, too, are intrigued by the Devereauxes. In a way, you are one of them. Take a breath and let that wash over you. You are a Devereaux. A royal. You act like a royal from the way you finish the road that will make Chantaine a better country to the way you build a house for handicapped children. It’s in your blood.”

  “Maybe I’m just a nice guy,” Max said.

  Al laughed uncontrollably.

  After their lunch, Max returned to the worksite. A machine had broken down and Terri’s husband helped him fix it. He was going to have to hire Terri’s trucker husband, Bob, as a regular if everything continued to break down.

  Max and the workers worked until sunset and did the same the next day. Thank goodness Sophie was in his future at the end of this day. He couldn’t wait to see her face and feel her arms around him.

  Chapter Ten

  On Friday, Max went straight to Sophie’s apartment. It was dark by the time he arrived. “Sorry,” he apologized as she opened the door. “No hot springs tonight.”


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