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Cash: NAC & The Holly Group (Alpha Team Book 6)

Page 10

by Chelsea Handcock

  “I feel it, not going to deny it, but Cash, I’ve felt your beast before, and he is a bad ass mother fucker. You need to trust him, trust your damn self and shift, otherwise, you're just stuck. That isn’t a place you need to be right now, get my meaning? You have too much other shit in your path to worry about what comes naturally. Just wait until you form bonds with a new team. They need you whole and at a hundred percent. Right now, you’re not firing on half of what you have. You have to accept it and move the fuck on.”

  “Hell, Jacks, the fucker even went up against Senior and Mattias. That shows how unstable it is, and you expect me to what, just up and shift here at Kiera’s place? I’d have people running and screaming in the streets. And fuck me, but I don’t want the responsibility of a team. I need to get my own shit in order before I take on anyone else’s problems and from what I have seen, there are more problems with Gemini than any team before. They don’t have a fucking clue, and except for Chance and Trace, they don’t even have experience. Then you have to add in, fuck, just forget it,” Cash said, shaking his head and snarling. “Plus, if you haven’t figured it out yet, I’ve been kind of busy.”

  “Busy hiding your ass,” Jacks growled. “And who gives a rat’s ass? You have finally accepted your fate; your beast is just testing its new power. Let it be. We all go through it, you’re just late to the party. Senior and even Mattias get that shit, you’re the one hiding from it. What I want to know is why I wasn’t the first person your dumb ass called when you woke the fuck up. I have been up in that damn snow globe searching for your ass for months now.”

  There was a part of Cash that felt like he deserved that snide response. He should have demanded to call out to Jacks, but he had a few other things on his mind. Hell, he had only been awake for a day when all that shit fell in his lap, and then there was Jenna. Fuck!

  “Why didn’t you call me? Why did I have to hear about this shit from Senior?”

  There was no way Cash was going to admit he didn’t want Jacks to see him like this, broken and fucking scared. He wanted to figure it all out first.

  “I needed fucking time, Jacks.”

  “Yeah,” Jacks laughed, “that’s it. Cut to the chase man, tell me the rest of it. What have you been hiding? Tell me about your mate.”

  “Caught that, did ya?” Cash said with a smile. Lifting his hand up, he looked at the fate mated mark before crossing them over his chest and leaning back in the chair. “She’s special, she just doesn’t know that yet. I plan to give her a few lessons that will cement that shit in her head.”

  “I’m sure you will. Hell, I might even give Ethan a call and ask him to give you a few pointers. That shit was insane, man; what she did, fuck, I don’t even have words.”

  “I know, I’m still trying to wrap my head around all of it.”

  “She tried to break your bonds, thought you deserved more. Shit, she thought I was more important to you than she was. Pissed me the hell off.”

  “You weren’t the only one, brother, but I stopped it. I’ll spank her ass later when she’s feeling better,” Cash said, wiggling his eyebrows and laughing.

  “See that you do. A little slap and tickle always gets the ladies out of their heads. So, you going to tell me about Jessie and your brother and how they just happened to be here, one alive and one from out of thin space, no less?”

  “Some stories need to come from the source, my friend, but if I were you, I would take Senior aside and make the old bastard tell you. I’ll warn you, it isn’t a pretty story. Senior has been playing games for a long time, and Rye is going to be hurt when she finds out.”

  “Shit, I was afraid of that.” Jacks wiped his hand down his face. “I figured Senior has been keeping to himself, haven’t seen him since I woke up. Rye’s not stupid, she knows something else is going on too. I wouldn’t be surprised if she confronts the man herself.”

  Cash started rubbing his arms, the tingling of his fur overpowering. Jacks had been adjusting himself on the bed for the last ten minutes. Fuck, he hated to leave, but he needed to.

  “Jacks, man, I need to head back to Jenna,” Cash said, getting up. Before he could open the door, he said, not looking at Jacks, “Fuck, man, I’m going to miss your sorry ass and Quinn, shit man, you’re a dad. That little boy is the perfect mix of you and Rye, and he is going to be one hell of an Alpha someday. I hope I’m around to see it happen.”

  “We named him after the best person we know,” Jacks said.

  “I’m sure Senior is proud.”

  “I’m sure he would be, but my son's name is Cassius Quinn Thorp.”

  Cash was overwhelmed by what he just heard. Leaning his head up against the door, he took a couple of seconds to let the burn of tears and the lump in his throat subside. Shit, Jacks and Rye had named their first child, a son after him. It was an honor he would not take lightly. Cash straightened and turned, putting his fist on his chest. He couldn’t hug Jacks or go any closer, plus, hell, they were guys and didn’t do emotional stuff, but something needed to be said.

  “Your family will always have my fidelity, strength, and loyalty. That boy and any other children you and Rye may have will want for nothing. As will you, Rye, and all of Alpha. This isn’t the end, but a new beginning.” Jacks nodded to him, and Cash left the room.

  Once out in the hall, he leaned up against the wall, taking in everything that had happened. He believed the words he spoke, vowed they would always be true. But his new beginning started with one person, and he planned on letting her know just that, but he needed to take care of some other business first. Walking past Jenna’s door, he brushed it lightly with his fingers and kept going until he was out of the facility altogether. It was now or never. The place was pretty secluded and held a patch of woods. Determined, he took heavy strides until he reached them. Once ensconced in the thick growth, he let his beast free, and he felt amazing.

  His bones broke and reshaped with little to no pain, the power emanating from within. Once fully shifted, his beast roared and started to run, but Cash was still in control. Pulling him back, Cash realized he had nothing to fear. He had even more control than before. The fates were letting him know this was what was always meant to be. Letting the beast run free for a time, he marveled at the feeling. Letting his senses out, he found his new team, called to them, and felt them coming closer. Only one person was missing, but she would soon be by his side. Jenna wouldn’t have a choice, he would make sure she wanted that position. He would make sure she felt the things he did, and then, he would be whole.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Jenna woke up and looked around the room she was laying in. It was sterile and dimly lit by only one small light. There a few touches like the upholstered couch and chair, and the painting on the wall tried to make it look homey, but it was still institutional. Jenna knew instantly she was in one of the long-term rooms at Kiera’s facility, having seen them before. Questions zoomed through her mind. Had she failed? She couldn’t have she felt it the moment she reconnected Jacks’ beast. She also remembered the pain she had, pushed her gift to its limit, and had accepted her fate. She wasn’t supposed to be here now.

  Lifting the light sheet covering her, Jenna looked down at her body, wiggled her toes, and stretched. There wasn’t any pain; she also didn’t feel weak, something else that bothered her. She wasn’t about to do cartwheels around the room, but she could probably manage one if she really wanted to. This had never happened before, she would be out for days if not weeks after healing someone. Damn, Jenna hoped she hadn’t pulled from Jessie or another of the Gemini. Something happened there at the end, right before she passed out, but she couldn’t wrap her head around it. She just prayed no one had to pay for her decisions. Then there was Cash.

  Jenna got out of the bed and started to gingerly walk towards the bathroom door, desperately needing to use it, but she quickly realized she hadn’t needed to be cautious. She felt strong. Jenna did her business, and while washing her hands, she looked
up into the mirror. Her hair was a riot of tangles, she looked like Medusa, but other than that, she looked rested and refreshed. There were no dark circles or puffiness around her eyes. Her cheeks were a little flushed, but that was it. Jenna stared back at her reflection. What the hell am I going to do now?

  She hadn’t felt for the bond that joined her and Cash, but she knew, deep in her soul, it was still there. Jenna just wasn’t brave enough right now to examine it or look down at her wrist. If the fate mated mark was still there, she might cry, and she needed to be brave. She needed to make plans to get as far away from Cash as possible. Away from all of them, the secrets, the lies, and most importantly, the damage she herself had caused.

  Walking out of the bathroom, Jenna was startled and froze in place. Someone was sitting in the chair next to the bed. The room was dark enough she couldn’t make out his face, but she knew exactly who it was. Cash. Her legs felt like jelly; she didn’t know what to do. He was just sitting there, looking at her, hands steepled to his chin, one booted foot crossed over the knee, the light glow of his eyes penetrating her, drawing her closer.

  Nibbling at her lips, Jenna tried to fight the draw she had to him, allowing the slight pain to steel her mind. She needed to figure out her next move. She yearned to go closer but couldn’t. Instead, she forced herself to stumble back. As soon as she was out the trance he put her in, she bolted towards the bathroom door. Jenna hadn’t made it two steps before his warm, hard body was caging her against the wall. She felt him as his head dipped to her neck, his nose, then lips brushing softly, causing her body to quiver with arousal.

  “Trying to run away again, Jenna?” Cash used his tongue behind his teeth to make a tsking sound. Jenna wanted to shake her head in denial, but it was true she was running. Cash didn’t scare her, but what he represented did, so she just stood there, unable to move, every heavy breath she took causing her body to mold further into his. Jenna whimpered, there wasn’t another word for it. She had no idea if it was a plea or a prayer.

  Cash moved one of his hands, brushing his fingertips down her shoulder, then her back. Jenna didn’t know what she expected to happen next, but his next words shocked and enticed her at the same time.

  “Not going to happen, sweetheart. I should be spanking your ass for the stunt you just pulled. No one and I mean no one is more important than you, do you understand?” Cash growled, grinding his body further into her, the thick length of him rubbing enticingly over her backside.

  “No,” this time Jenna did shake her head, and softly pleaded, “it’s not real Cash, you need to let me go. I forced our mating. Please, just let me go.” Jenna struggled in his arms, trying vainly to get away, but Cash was not a man to be trifled with. One of his arms locked around her waist, pulling her back into him while his other hand came up to her throat, surrounding it while applying a little pressure, just enough so she knew he was in control, but not enough to hurt or take her breath. This was how she always expected Cash to dominate—take charge and hold no prisoners.

  Jenna could feel her arousal wetting her thighs, and her nipples beaded to hardened peaks. The friction of the hospital gown she wore not enough to get her what she needed. Cash’s arm had pulled the fabric tight, but she needed just a little more. Her breathing increased to the point of panting. Jenna didn’t struggle or fight, she submitted, for the first time in her life, to the man holding her. At this moment, he could do anything he wanted to her, and she would let him. Cash used his thumb on the hand holding her throat to stroke her flesh, the sensation prompting her to offer him more of her neck.

  “You smell so damn good, Jenna,” Cash growled. “I need to taste you, every fucking inch of you, and then, I am going to take what is mine. What I have waited my whole life for.” Cash tightened his hold on her neck, then quickly released her, only to spin her around, caging her once again within his hold. Jenna looked up into his eyes, studying his expression. Cash was handsome as hell, but this Cash was different from the one she’d seen before. His eyes were heavily laden with lust and so bright, she had to resist the urge to blink, not wanting to miss a second, committing it to her memory. Because right now, Cash Warren only wanted one thing—her.

  Cash caressed Jenna's cheek, looking deeply into her eyes like he could see straight into her heart

  “Fuck, all these years.” He moved his hand, twining his fingers into her hair and whispered, “All these years wasted on hurting when I could have been whole with you.”

  Jenna found herself putting her arms around his neck, pulling him closer, her eyes falling to his mouth, waiting for his kiss, wanting it so badly. But he was in charge, the soft growl and tight grip he had on her body letting her know without words. Jenna’s lips parted when Cash lowered his mouth, touching hers. A soft tender kiss, just a brush of his lips was all she got. Jenna felt the soft, stubble of his beard and smiled, remembering how she had thought about his beard before. It wasn’t enough, but she cherished it, adding another moment to her memory.

  Cash pulled her more fully into him, lifting her leg to cradle his hips. The poor man had to bend his knees to get where he wanted, their sizes were so different. Jenna giggled this time when he growled in frustration. Not a man to be detoured, he ran his hands down her ass to her knees, lifting Jenna swiftly into the air, his lips just a centimeter away from hers the whole time. Jenna closed that space, taking his full bottom lip into her mouth and sucking lightly, letting him know she was done playing.

  Cash returned the favor, his tongue licking her lips, taking his time before slanting his head, deepening it. Jenna loved the feeling of having a part of Cash inside of her, he devoured her mouth, leaving her breathless, only stopping for a moment when he laid her back, the cool feeling of sheets under her and a heavy man on top of her. Jenna hadn’t felt him move, but it didn’t matter, his kisses were now skating along her cheek to the underside of her jaw, licking, sucking, and kissing every inch, just as he had promised.

  Her legs locked around him, opening further, giving his big body more room.

  “Please,” Jenna moaned, canting her hips to rub against his jean covered cock. Cash drew back for a second, looking down at her.

  “Decide, Jenna, this is your one and only chance to deny me. If we go any further, I won’t stop until you believe you are mine. Do you understand?”

  Jenna was beyond thinking, but she was able to manage a nod and a smile. Right now, with the looks Cash was giving her, she wanted him to convince her, to erase any and all doubt from her mind. Need, lust, and hunger crossed his face, drowning Jenna in need. Cash ripped the thin hospital gown from her body, baring her to him. His mouth was moving down her throat to her collarbone, and when his lips latched on to her nipple, Jenna screamed out in ecstasy.

  Her hands moved of their own accord over his biceps, shoulders, and neck, trying to find a foothold in the storm he was creating in her body. Another hard pull and tug of his mouth sent a jolt through her body, her hips lifting instinctively, urgently seeking some relief, primed for what was to come next. But Cash wasn’t a man who you could predict his moves. His mouth slid down moving over her exposed belly, his tongue lingering on her belly button, playing, dipping inside, then out, making her a promise she would get what she wanted soon.

  Jenna’s fingers raked at his t-shirt, pulling and scraping until Cash lifted his head, taking one hand over and behind his head, lifting the offensive material over and off of his head. On his knees, between her legs, he looked like a God to her. Jenna watched in rapt attention when his hands moved to his belt, unbuckling it. She stared, taking in every inch of him—his massive chest, tight abs, and the muscles of his flexing tattoo-covered arms as he worked the belt free.

  When he moved to get out from between her legs, Jenna almost bolted up, not wanting him to leave her for a second. But his sly smile and shake of his head stopped her. Now standing, he watched her as he kicked off his boots with a heavy thud, letting his jeans slide down to the floor. She had seen him naked before,
cared for him, but this was different, this was a promise. He was letting her see all of him.

  Cash crawled back onto the bed, resuming his place, placing one hand near her head and the other low on her hip, moving until he reached her knee, his bare body cradled in her most intimate space. The heat of his touch melted into her skin. Jenna’s palms glided up his chest, noticing the small tremble underneath the skin. She looked up at him in question.

  “I want to take my time,” he whispered. “I don’t want to rush this, but baby, I can’t hold back. Tell me you’re ready for this, that you want it.”

  “Oh God, yes, please, Cash, I am so ready, please.”

  Cash slipped into her body with one powerful thrust. Jenna gasped, he was so large and filled her so deeply. She felt owned by all that was Cash Warren, but more importantly, she felt claimed. Cash held still, staring down into her eyes, allowing her time to adjust to his fast intrusion. He looked at her with love and promise. All the things she wanted in her life were right here for the taking. Could she be brave enough to claim him back?

  Jenna's hand came up without thought, and as she cupped his cheeks, she brushed her thumb over his lower lip, once, then again. Yes, she was brave enough.

  “Cash,” she said as her arms went around his neck, clutching him tightly as he began to glide in and out of her body. Gently at first but becoming more urgent with each stroke until he was pounding into her body, his beautiful body flexing with each thrust of his hips.

  Jenna felt the tingling start low in her stomach as his cock grew even larger, stretching her to just this side of pain. She was almost there, but Cash backed off once again, moving more slowly, drawing out the sensations he was creating in her body. Jenna watched as the muscles in his neck tensed.

  “I claim you, Jenna, as my mate, my future. Do you accept my claim?”


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