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Redeemed Complete: A Military Stepbrother Romance

Page 30

by Lucy Snow

  We stayed like that for a few minutes, just exploring each other’s faces with our mouths, and I felt the desire welling up in me like a geyser about to go off, though this was definitely unscheduled.

  As we kissed, I pawed at Harrison’s clothes, unbuttoning his jacket first and then starting on his shirt before he’d even taken the jacket off. My dress would be a little tougher, but that could wait until Harrison couldn’t take it anymore - I was already at that point with him, I needed to see and touch his bare skin, and I needed him to press himself against me, and I needed it long ago, so we were already behind on time.

  And we had lots of time to make up for.

  I’d gotten halfway done unbuttoning Harrison’s shirt, showing the glint of his tattoos in the soft moonlight coming in through his large window, when Harrison finally shrugged out of his jacket and threw it across the room. I was one step closer. The tattoo snaked across his skin, and as the light changed while he moved and breathed, it looked like they moved across his skin like live animals. It was hypnotizing.

  When I got his shirt off, I let my hands drop to my sides and just breathed in deep, taking in his gorgeous chest and dark tattoos. His body was so perfect, and just the thought of him above me nearly made my toes curl.

  Harrison moved his head back and watched me admire him from below, a big smile on his face that stretched from ear to ear. I couldn’t help but swoon when he looked at me like that. Like I was a treasure, a present for him to unwrap. His hands moved up and down my arms, teased my breasts over my dress, and pulled gently at my hair, all the things he knew I liked.

  I licked my lips and turned to his belt. This time I would not be pushed away or held back, and I think Harrison could sense that, because he didn’t even try to stop me. I uncoiled the belt from around his waist and grinned up at him as I unbuttoned his pants. Harrison winked back at me. When I lowered his pants, Harrison stepped out of them, leaving him just in his boxers and socks. It was a look that made me giggle, and Harrison raised an eyebrow at me.

  “What’s so funny?” he asked, giving me a little love tap on the shoulder. “Never seen a guy in his boxers before?”

  “Oh, you know I have,” I said coyly, “but the socks, they just make the entire look just work for me. Please, Harrison, leave them on.”

  His eyes widened. “You really mean that?”

  I laughed and pushed myself further up onto the bed. “Of course, not, silly. Take them off. Now.”

  “Yes, m’am!” was all Harrison said in reply, as he already had picked up one foot and was busy getting rid of the sock on it. When he was done with both of those he quickly got rid of his boxers as well, and my gorgeous stepbrother was once again completely naked in front of me.

  I sat up on the bed, and made no attempt to hide that I was ogling him - I just couldn’t help it. He was all of the perfect men I’d ever seen rolled into one composite, and each time I saw him like this I wanted to pinch myself to make sure that I wasn’t dreaming.

  “You’re not dreaming, Laurel,” Harrison said, again reading my mind in that weird way he always seemed to be able to do, while he struck various modeling poses that made me laugh out loud. “I really am here in front of you, you’re really in my bedroom, and…” he trailed off as he leaned over and stuck his face right in front of mine, “I really am about to fuck you.”

  “Yes, please,” I murmured, my eyes closing, the moment getting a little too overwhelming. Harrison, for all his seeming mind reading powers, took this opportunity to ramp things up and kiss down the side of my face, to where my neck met my shoulder, bringing moans out of me that I couldn’t control. “You’re so wicked,” I breathed, eyes still closed.

  “Guilty as charged, Laurel, but you’re a little wicked yourself.”

  My eyes snapped open, and I glared at Harrison’s smiling face in between those sexy cringe-inducing kisses of his. “What do you mean?”

  “All night I’ve been trying to hide how hard I was getting at the party, seeing you in this sexy dress. You know blue is my favorite color. You picked this dress out just to mess with me.”

  “Maybe a little,” I confessed, sighing in relief that my dastardly secret had finally come out. “I wanted you to notice me.”

  “Laurel,” Harrison started, this voice becoming hard all of a sudden, “I know I’ve been a little bit of a dick these last few days, but believe me, from the bottom of my heart - it would be impossible for me not to notice you.” I looked deep into his eyes and saw how earnest he was and my heart melted all over again. “Believe me when I say this, Laurel, you are my only lighthouse in this world. As long as I can see you, I know I will have both purpose and a place to go.”

  I almost cried right there, I was so moved by his words. Instead, I did the next best thing and I kissed him, wildly, recklessly, as if there was nothing else in the world but his lips and mine. And for a brief moment right then and there, there wasn’t.

  But then the world came crashing back, in the form of Harrison pushing me back onto the bed and straddling me. “This dress,” he growled as he turned me over easily with his huge and bulging muscles, “as much as I love it, it is beginning to get in the way and since you haven’t yet taken it off, I will do so for you.”

  “Yes, sir,” I murmured, eager to have him handling me any way he wanted. I gasped as his fingers found the zipper in back and slid it down all the way to the bottom in one stroke. The rush of cool air onto my skin made me shudder as Harrison pulled the dress down off me, and I raised my body up off the bed to let him take it off completely.

  “I like it when you call me that.”

  Ugh, could he be any more sexy? Didn’t he already know how much he turned me on, then he had to go ahead and say something like that? I felt the energy of desire course throughout my body as I watched him admire me, causing a lot less anxiety than it had the first time. A girl could get used to all these looks of pure unadulterated lust coming from the man she desired.

  This time there was an urgency to things that we hadn’t had before - this time Harrison didn’t waste any time admiring me in my lacy deep blue lingerie that matched my dress now on the floor - he pulled my panties off me, a hunger and lust in his eyes I hadn’t seen before, but I had no problem with.

  Harrison leaned over and dove into my pussy with his face, making me moan and wrap my hands around his head and just try and hold on as the shockwaves of pleasure overtook me, all caused by Harrison deftly using his tongue on my most sensitive of areas. He kept going as I lost all control of my legs, sometimes moving them away, sometimes actually kicking Harrison. He laughed it off and stopped for a moment to playfully wag his finger at me before going back in.

  His lips and tongue brushing lightly against my clit sent me over the moon as he teasingly worked in one, then two fingers into my soaking wet pussy. From time to time he pushed his tongue into me, lapping up my juices while I writhed below him in abject pleasure. If I’d been remotely conscious in the moment I’d have been worried how scary I must have looked. But given what Harrison was doing to me I simply didn’t have time to care; it was all I could do to keep from passing out.

  “Oh, Laurel,” Harrison breathed, and I felt the hot air of his breath all over my pussy, “you taste incredible. I could do this forever.”

  I sat up and propped myself up on my elbows, finally finding the words. “As much as that sounds hot, Harrison, I don’t think I could take that much. I can barely handle this much.”

  “I can tell, and I love it. We’re just getting started.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  “Yeah. I’ve got you all night. And I aim to make the most of that time.”

  “How do you plan on doing that?”

  He gave me a kiss down there, his lips gently touching my clit and pussy lips. I shook with pleasure but managed to keep my eyes open this time.

  “You’ll find out.”

  “Please, don’t do this to me again, Harrison, you know how much I can’t stand it whe
n you tease me like this.” I swallowed hard, building up the courage to say it. “Just please fuck me hard like we both know you want to. I need it. Please.”

  It felt so good to say those words, and get over the tiny fragment of guilt they brought up in me. I wanted sex, dammit, and I wanted Harrison to fuck me.

  Harrison, to his credit, this time listened to me and picked me up easily, turning me over and setting me down back on the bed on my hands and knees. Within a few seconds he’d eased his hard cock into me and we were fucking like animals. It felt amazing having him back inside me, pushing his cock deeper than ever as I pushed back against him, trying to get him even deeper.

  He ran his hands over my back, reaching around to play with my nipples, and I moaned as he felt up my sensitive tips. He leaned over me and I turned my head to meet his kiss, tasting his tongue and mine mixing together as our bodies slapped together with reckless abandon.

  This wasn’t pretty, it wasn’t romantic, it was necessary and it felt amazing. This was what sex often needed to be. We needed each other and I wanted to feel him inside me, using me for his own pleasure.

  And Harrison was only too happy to oblige me, each thrust taking his cock just to the edge of my pussy before he slid back in, pulling moans out of my throat each time.

  I felt the sweat drip down from him and break over my own skin, already slick with heat. I felt the heat rise in my pussy and I cried out, “Oh Harrison, I’m cum-“ and couldn’t continue any longer, the sound choking out of my throat.

  Harrison must have known it was coming, because he came too at that moment, bellowing as he emptied himself into me. We kept thrusting back and forth as we rode our orgasms together, each push and counter-push getting shorter and less powerful as we succumbed to the weight of the pleasure shores we had landed upon, finally collapsing onto the bed, rolling around until I was enveloped in Harrison’s sensual and heaving body.

  I don’t remember what time it was when I finally woke up and gathered my things and crept back to my room.

  Chapter 26 - The Next

  Looking for a place to live isn’t easy when you’re on the other side of the country. It was tough to beat being able to walk through places, even with all the photos you saw online, or in some cases, on video. It just wasn’t the same.

  I was bundled up in the living room, blankets all around me, a cup of hot tea sitting on the table next to me, steam rising and shimmering as it dissolved. The house was warm but even so the tea gave me new life, gave me new energy.

  It was just over two weeks since the anniversary party. Just over two weeks since Harrison and I had decided to make a go of it, to give our fledgling romance a shot, a real shot.

  The feeling of nervous dread and ultimate happiness still hadn’t faded away yet. It was an odd combination to say the least. I was still wrapping my head around the events of the last three weeks. I would pinch myself often to see if I was dreaming.

  Our parents had taken the news well. It seems that Harrison had not exactly been tough to read as a kid, and his attraction to me had caused some initial tension between himself and our parents, but in the years that he was away in the military, they had gotten over it.

  In fact, I had just found out, it was Harrison who had tipped them off about the last-second getaway a couple weekends before, leaving Harrison myself alone in the house together.

  And what fun that had been! Except for, you know, the police getting involved, but luckily that had wrapped itself up quick. Almost…conveniently quick!

  So it was still a little strange, at least temporarily living in the same house as our parents. Okay, it was a little strange, it was really weird, but the good part was that we be leaving soon.

  For California. California!

  I had never even considered living there before, but after a couple days thinking about it, moving their with Harrison sounded like the most wonderful thing ever. New York had been an amazing experience so far, but the weather had taken a little too long to get used to. And I certainly wouldn’t mind trading those dreary cold nights for more time at the beach in San Diego.

  Plus, there was the whole, you know, getting to be with a man of my dreams thing. That had a little bit to do with my excitement as well. Just a little bit. It was no big deal, really. I mean, didn’t that happen to every girl every day?

  There was one other thing on my mind, though.

  Luckily, I had the house all to myself again. Harrison was out with our parents doing some last-minute holiday shopping. They had, of course, invited me along, but I had declined, saying that all my shopping was done.

  That wasn’t entirely true. But I had a good reason for wanting to be alone. I had done a little bit of shopping myself a couple days earlier. To a small out of the way store in a neighboring town where no one knew me. On the way there, at the store, and on the way home I’d looked around furtively like I was committing a crime.

  I wasn’t, of course, but people in small towns like Summitville love to do nothing more than talk and if I could avoid all that as long as possible, I’d take what steps I needed. I hadn’t recognized anyone along the way, so at least that part worked out.

  Now it was on to the next thing. It never ended, did it?


  It wasn’t easy to hold the news in all afternoon. When Harrison and our parents came home from shopping, I wanted to blurt it out, but I figured it would be better to tell Harrison alone and then decide what to do next. Of course, we had never discussed anything like this.

  All of this was just so new that nothing made any sense yet.

  Maybe that’s why I hesitated.

  I couldn’t hesitate too long, though, Harrison needed to know. Later that night, I suggested to him that we go to dinner, Just the two of us.

  He happily agreed. By then, we had a routine down. While we were relatively free with our affections, we were still not ready for the rest of Summitville to know what was happening between us, so when we wanted to go out, we would go to neighboring towns, where it was unlikely that anyone we knew would be.

  Just made it easier to explore our budding relationship without having too many eyes on us. It’s not like we were doing anything wrong, but nevertheless people had a way of talking.

  We walked arm in arm from the car to the restaurant, talking about random things that our parents had purchased while shopping. I wasn’t paying that much attention; too much on my mind otherwise.

  Harrison definitely picked up on it, and when we had sat down at the table, he brought it up.

  “You’ve been acting really strangely all afternoon, Laurel. Is something going on?” His face was a mixture of happiness and tinge of worry. I knew the feeling. These last couple weeks had been almost a blur. I kept having the feeling that I would wake up soon only to find out it had been a wonderful dream, but still just a dream.

  “Am I that obvious?”

  “Yeah, I’ve gotten pretty good at reading you over the last couple weeks.” He smiled. “Everything okay? You can tell me…”

  “Yeah, everything’s fine. I’m just trying to make sense of it all.”

  “In what way?” The happiness in his face had drifted away, and the concern and confusion was taking over. His voice had an echo of trepidation. “Anything I can help with?”

  “Oh, it’s nothing like that. It’s just gonna take me a little while to get used to all of this.” I smiled, but I was sure I was unconvincing. Harrison reached his hand across the table and covered mine with it.

  He looked steadily into my eyes. I glanced around at the other people in the restaurant, but no one here looked familiar.

  “If you’re having second thoughts, Laurel, tell me about them. Tell me about them so I can help you with them.”

  “Oh, Harrison, it’s nothing like that. I’m just nervous is all. You, me, and us, and…”

  “And California? You’re not sure about moving across the country?”

  “Well, that’s part of it. I’ve never even be
en there before. I mean, I’ve seen movies, and I’ve seen photos, it all looks and sounds great, but I don’t know anybody there. What if I don’t fit in?”

  “You didn’t know anybody in New York when you moved there either, and you seemed to fit in pretty well there.” His eyes gleamed. “Think you’re a little too much of an East Coast hipster to hang out on the beach?”

  “Shut up! I am not an East Coast hipster!”

  “I don’t think I have ever seen so much plaid, and so many scarves. You are the very definition of an East Coast hipster. And don’t even fight it.”

  “Shut up! I just like scarves!”

  “And Pabst Blue Ribbon!”

  “Ugh, it was one time!” A couple days ago I told him the story of when I ordered a PBR at a bar in New York and Harrison had not let me live it down, even for a second. He didn’t mean anything negative about it, he just liked giving me a hard time.

  A different kind of hard time than the other stuff we’d been doing for the last week, anytime we could be alone. I liked the latter much, much, more.

  Harrison roared with laughter, to the point where I was worried other guests at the restaurant were starting to look at us. Thankfully they all seemed to be engrossed in their meals. “One time is enough to know what you’ve been ordering all that time in New York! I’ll bet you and your friends sit around the bar and talk about bands you liked before they were cool.”

  I wondered if you could see the steam coming out of my ears. He must have, because his laughter slowed down, then stopped altogether. “But seriously, what are you worried about? San Diego is a wonderful place. You’re gonna have a ball there. We’ll be right by the beach, and you’ll never be cold again.”

  “I’m sure it is, and I’m sure I’ll love it.”

  “Then what’s the matter?”

  “It’s…” I started, haltingly. It was tough to get it out. “Just you and me and…”


  No time like the present, Laurel. Just get it out there and see what Harrison’s reaction was. “And…our baby.”

  Harrison’s eyes went wide as he understood my words. His hand gripped mine even tighter, as he sat back in his chair, astonishment clear on his face. “Our…baby?”


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