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Midnight Escape (Agents of HIS Romantic Suspense Series Book 2)

Page 25

by Sheila Kell

  She giggled at how furiously they were disrobing. She’d read about it, seen it on TV, but never felt this urgency to have sex. Not just sex. She expected mind-blowing sex. Honestly, sex with Danny was what was called for.

  Reaching around her back for her bra clasp, she gave him a saucy smile. She wasn’t sure if she pulled it off, but Danny growled before pulling her close and kissing her nearly breathless. His mouth moved over hers with the care of an expert lover before his tongue dipped into her mouth. She loved kissing him.

  Sexual awareness zinged through her body and settled between her thighs. Oh yeah, she planned to fuck the hell out of this man.

  “Bed or floor?” he asked in a raspy voice, his lips still touching hers. Before she could answer, he lifted his forehead to hers. “Bed, of course. Your injuries.”

  She wanted it bad, cuts, scrapes, and bruises be damned. She planned to enjoy every moment of their naked tumble in the sheets.

  He broke away, looked down at her lace panties and smiled. Grabbing her hand, he led her up the stairs and to his room.

  “Get them off now,” he said, as they entered his room.

  He wouldn’t have to ask twice. She quickly dropped her panties and stepped out of them.

  Next thing she knew, her back was to the door he’d just shut and his arms imprisoned her. It was erotic as hell. She knew a tiger lived in this man. He played the alpha male well outside the bedroom. Not that he hadn’t been an excellent and attentive lover, but he’d never been like this.

  “This is for you leaving without a goodbye.” He lowered his head and gave her a hard, bruising kiss. One meant as punishment. One that made her knees weak.

  He pulled back. “This one is for rescuing yourself.” She knew he struggled with not getting there in time to rescue her, but he’d shown up in time to bring her home. She could’ve gotten lost.

  This kiss was soft and sensual. This kiss went to her core. As he nibbled on her lips, every nerve ending was on fire. She needed this man.

  Barely managing to get a hand between them, she pushed back. He didn’t really move, but he seemed to get the point. Then he did something romantic. He leaned down and put his arms behind her knees, his other behind her back, and picked her up. He brought her to the bed and placed her there with raw lust in his eyes.

  Standing beside the bed, Danny took the opportunity to study her before he knelt on the floor and kissed the side of her breast. Then he wrapped his hand around it and suckled her nipple. Lightning shot to her already wired core. He licked, nipped, and sucked until she thought she’d go mad.

  When he stopped and stood, she thought it was time. But nay, he knelt between her thighs. That particular part of oral sex was always amazing, but she wanted him inside her. Now. “I want you. Now.”

  He just grinned at her. She wanted to swat his head. At least he didn’t laugh.

  “I want you good and ready for me. I want your every thought, feeling, and breath pleading for me to be deep inside you. Make no mistake, I will be deep inside you. Only now, your every thought, feeling, and breath are not for me.”

  Even though she melted a little at his words, she didn’t think she could handle that kind of loving. But she just smiled back as he laid down between her thighs. His breath tickled and excited her. He used his hands to separate her lips, before giving her pussy one long, slow lick as if savoring her taste.

  Then he found her nub and her core sizzled. Once he began licking and sucking it, she knew his plan was for her to orgasm before they had sex. It was selfish, but she wouldn’t argue with him. She was close enough already.

  He alternated with sensual strokes between her lips and torturing her nub. Torturing her in general was more like it. Then she felt it. The boulder that started the fall. It built and built until she shouted, “Danny!” Moira flew, floating down on a cloud soft, weightless, and euphoric. He’d accomplished his goal. Her every thought, feeling, and breath screamed for him to be inside her.

  While she lay there like a limp noodle, he reached into his bedside stand, took out a condom, opened the package, and sheathed himself. Then, as if he hadn’t left her, he inched his way up her body, trailing kisses along the way. After he loved on one breast then the other, he looked at her and tossed her a cocky grin. And she loved that expression on him.

  “Now’s the time.” His raspy voice started that fire again.

  To her satisfaction, he positioned himself at her entrance.

  “You’re good and wet,” he murmured.

  “I wonder why that is.” She bet she was after that incredible orgasm. But it wasn’t enough. There was another fire growing, and he needed to put it out.

  Danny entered her slowly, and it drove her nuts. She knew he could enter fast; he’d done it before. He wanted to torture her more.

  When he was fully seated, Moira moaned in pleasure. Finally.

  “You feel so good,” he said in a raspy voice, as he remained still above her.

  “So do you.” Danny felt good all right. She could stay like this forever. Forever? No. Even with all that had happened to her by men from her home country, Ireland was in her heart.

  Before she considered the topic further, he moved inside her. With each slow thrust, the fire in her core strengthened. She wasn’t sure there was enough water to put it out. Or bring it to a head.

  She shifted her leg to change positions, but he halted her move. “Let me love you,” he said. Then he lowered his head to her breast. He knew just how to increase her pleasure by loving on her breasts.

  Taking his time, his even thrusts in and out drove her to the brink. With her legs wrapped around his hips, sweat glistened on their bodies, making them slick to the touch.

  “You make it hard to hold back,” he said.

  This was a no-brainer. “Then don’t hold back.”

  “You first.”

  He didn’t have to ask twice on that score. Moira focused on his thrusting and shifted a bit for more stimulation. Within a minute, her fire became a brushfire and she headed for release, ready for the relief from the heat inside her. She climbed a mountain and then she fell. It took longer for the fire to die than she expected. It had a lot to do with Danny and his climax, which was on the heels of hers, and he pulsed inside her.

  After a moment, he rolled off her and went to dispose of the condom. Returning to the bed, he pulled her into his arms and kissed the top of her head.

  “I love you.”

  Moira stiffened at the admission. Shocked. Did he really mean it? What did that mean for them? She wasn’t in love with him, was she? Okay, she liked him more than any guy she’d dated, but love? Nay.

  Unsure what to say, she said nothing.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  After telling Moira he loved her and getting nothing in return, Danny was fit to be tied. The two of them had to report back to HIS where Moira would meet with a DEA agent to discuss what she’d overheard—or had recorded—plus her kidnapping. While she was tied up with the agent, Danny sought his team leader.

  Sitting alone with Boss, and maybe being in such a sour mood, he voiced his fear. “Sometimes I don’t feel like I’m good enough.”

  Boss eyed him before speaking. “Is this in reference to HIS or a young lady?”

  Danny snorted at that. Both, but that wasn’t what he wanted to discuss with his boss. “No, when I led the team, sometimes I felt inferior to the spec ops guys. I know the brothers put me through an intensive training, but I need more. My background is DEA.”

  “There’ll always be someone better at some things. That’s their specialty. We count on the team to do things we can’t and shouldn’t. Like Doc—specialized. Cowboy—crazy but specialized. The twins—specialized. Do you think you can be all those and lead a mission?”

  “No. But—” Boss broke in before he could say that Boss could do all that. Danny knew
that now that he was their helicopter pilot, he was valuable to the teams, but he wanted to be even better on the ground.

  “Would it make you feel better if Cowboy, Doc, and I teach you deeper skills? Ones that we’ve used, even though we’re from different branches of the military?”

  He brightened. “Yes. Definitely yes.”

  “Understand, no matter how much you learn, your skillset needs to be leadership. Never lose that focus.”

  He and Boss fist bumped before his team leader left. The easy thing would’ve been asking the men directly. Easy didn’t come into play when someone’s pride held strong.

  Danny wasn’t alone long because Justin arrived to meet with the DEA agent Moira was currently with.

  “What’s wrong?” Justin asked, as he took a seat in a chair in the lounge.

  “Is it that obvious?”


  “Well, it’s personal.”

  “I won’t judge.” A grin spread across Justin’s face.

  “It’s nothing like that, pervert.” Danny laughed, glad to know his brother could bring him back from a mood. “It’s just— I mean— Well, I told Moira I loved her, and she didn’t say anything.”

  Justin looked serious. “Was she awake?”

  “Yeah.” She’d been plenty worn out, but she’d been awake.

  “Did you read her wrong thinking she would say the same thing to you?”

  Had he? He knew she was a free spirit, but he could’ve sworn she felt more for him than a fling. “I guess I did.” And that put him back in a mood. He didn’t want to lose her. He’d planned to agree to several trips to Ireland a year. He’d find a way to pay for them. He just wanted her happy, and he knew leaving her homeland forever would not do that.

  “Cheer up. You’ve still got time. They can’t go home until I straighten out their fake deaths.” Justin grinned, and Danny laughed. His brother had his back.

  Getting serious, Danny asked, “Did you go see Mom?”

  Justin exhaled loudly. “Yes. She chastised me so much I had to leave.”

  Danny burst out laughing. “She is good at that.”

  “It was like she built it all up during these years.”

  “Yeah, but I bet she also spoiled you.”

  A sheepish grin escaped his brother. “Yeah, she made my favorite cookies, did my laundry. She even ironed my jeans.”

  “They’ve got him.” Danny didn’t need to explain to his brother the change of topic. He’d know the meaning. The authorities had their father’s killer. Well, the man who’d ordered it. They already had the actual killer.

  Justin gave a slight nod of understanding. His “Yeah” left Danny wondering why he didn’t sound happy.

  “It’s about time.”

  “Sorry I couldn’t move faster,” Justin said.

  “You did what you had to do.”

  “You know, all this time I worried you blamed me for Dad’s death.”

  An unsettling feeling dropped into his gut. “At first I did. Then I got the facts.” He’d kept that anger for too long.

  “I heard about the kidnapping and all. You’ve been a busy boy.”

  Yeah, he’d been busy. In more ways than one. “Did you hear she rescued herself?” Pride infused his voice.

  “I heard you flew. Just like Dad.”

  In the past, when he was taking courses or training, Danny would bristle when Justin said that. But Justin hadn’t been the problem; Danny’s disappointment was because he should’ve finished his flight training before his father had died. He wanted his dad to have seen him as a pilot.

  “Yeah.” That was all there was to say about it.

  Moira approached them, and Justin got up for his turn with the DEA agent.

  “All done?” Danny asked, knowing she was unless the agent had asked for more.

  “Yes. I’m hungry. Can we get something to eat on the way home?”

  “Sure.” He loved this woman so deeply it almost hurt. He had to find a way into her heart. He couldn’t bear the thought of her leaving.

  Realizing they had plenty of privacy, Danny decided to push his point. “Come here.” Before he fully opened his arms, she’d launched herself at him. He inhaled her scent and knew she’d ruined him for other women.

  Taking the biggest leap of his life, he gave her body a tight squeeze and lowered his voice near her ear. “We’ve been good together, haven’t we?”

  A rub on his chest was her response.

  Moving his hand up and down her back to help relax her, he put his chin on the top of her head. “I know it’s only been a few months, but I want to spend more time with you. I want you to stay here. With me.” He needed her with him. He had to find a way for them. Otherwise, his heart would never recover.

  Pulling her head back, she looked at him. “As lovers?”

  He cleared his throat, hoping to wipe away his nervousness. “I see us getting married in about six months. I’d like it sooner, but I hear women need time to prepare.”

  She searched his eyes. “My home?”

  His forefinger traced her cheekbone with a featherlight touch. “We’ll take care of your Visa after you marry me.”

  With a tremulous smile, she said, “I know, but—”

  Her argument shoved a jagged knife in his heart, tearing it to shreds and leaving him sick to his stomach.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  As Moira climbed the stairs to the studio, she silently asked herself, how do I come to terms with what my brother did? He handed me over to the bad guy. Then she thoughtfully added, to save the life of his lover and unborn child.

  She remembered growing up with Declan as her hero. He’d saved her from monsters under her bed, had kissed her wounds like her mam. He’d snuck her cookies when she’d broken her ankle, and he’d pulled Donovan O’Leary off her when his advances went too far. He was always there to love and protect her.

  In her heart, he could do no wrong. And until recently, he never had. As far as she knew. Although he had already planned for her to leave Ireland with him and Diana, without informing her.

  What a dilemma he must’ve faced then. Stop loving Diana or leave all he knew and uproot all he loved for their safety?

  He’d never have stopped loving Diana. Just like she’d never stop loving him. They had no choice.

  Although she wished she hadn’t had to leave, she’d eventually understood when she’d overhead Justin describing to Danny the torture Boyle had inflicted in an effort to find them.

  Which meant she wasn’t angry with her brother about the move. For not telling her before they left, aye.

  That brought her to his second big dilemma. Diana and his unborn baby versus her. She closed her eyes to think of how hard that must’ve been for him. One person he loved versus the other. And to be given the added reality of watching Diana die.

  Danny had given her the basics to include Declan’s plan to call Danny immediately and keep Quinn occupied long enough for he and his team to rescue her.

  Only Declan hadn’t called. The henchman had taken Declan’s phone. Even if he’d stopped, her brother couldn’t have called. He hadn’t memorized Danny’s cell number. It was programmed into his lost phone. No, his only hope was to call as soon as he arrived and Quinn left, hoping it was enough time for the team.

  In a fit of bad luck, Quinn had already departed. Once he’d been notified she was at the cabin, he’d left Diana, thinking he’d taken her only cell phone. Her first call had been to Danny. Thank the Saints.

  How did she feel about her brother after that? She was hurt and wasn’t sure she could forgive him. Was she being selfish when part of her wished he’d chosen her?

  She realized he had no choice unless he wanted to lose his child and the woman he’d given up everything for.

  It was an impossible situatio

  Moira closed her eyes again at the visual of how Quinn had described killing their unborn child. She hated Quinn with every fiber of her being. How could they have been so wrong about him? Poor Cassie, when she found out…. Moira wished she could be there for her.

  After the confirmation of Quinn’s voice on the recording, Danny said he was probably responsible for more illegal dealings. He assured her that Devon, Stone, and Emily would find out.

  She really didn’t care what else he’d done. He had put her brother in an unthinkable situation.

  A knock sounded on the studio door, and Danny peeked his head in the room. He was so handsome and caring and gentle yet strong. And his touch made her feel more alive than she thought possible. How could she not love him?

  “Your brother’s here to see you. Do you want to see him? If not, I’ll gladly toss him out on his ass.”

  A smile blossomed on her face at his protectiveness. She loved that about him. Loved? Declan was here, so she should push her brother away until she figured out all her crazy emotions, but she needed to see him.

  “It’s okay. I’ll see him.” It appeared Declan had followed Danny, so Danny had said those things so her brother would know he wasn’t welcome in his home.

  Declan entered, rushed forward, then stopped, obviously unsure if he was welcome.

  “Moira, thank God you’re safe. I’m sorry. He didn’t give me a choice. He had a gun to Diana’s temple and a wicked-looking blade at her belly. I’m sorry. I know you can probably never forgive me, but I’d planned to get Danny to rescue you, but Diana beat me to it. I’m sorry,” he said for the third time.

  When she’d thought to rail at him, his words doused her anger.

  “Declan, you’re right, I may never forgive you.”

  He dropped his head, and his posture screamed defeat.

  “But you’re my brother, my only living family. Well, except for Aunt Margaret and all her cats.”

  He looked up and smiled at her words.


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