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Buzz: A Second Chance Romance

Page 14

by Karli Perrin

  “Why not?”

  She shrugs. “I prefer my own place.”

  I chuckle. “It’s all the beige, isn’t it?”

  She rolls her eyes but I can tell that she wants to laugh. “Go and wait with Sophia and Mason. I don’t need any help.”

  “You don’t belong here,” I reply, all joking aside.

  “Where? In this kitchen?”

  “In this house,” I clarify even though she knew exactly what I meant.

  “Well neither do you,” she replies as she opens a bag of popcorn and starts to empty it into the bowl. “You shouldn’t have come here.”

  “You mean you didn't want to see me?”

  She shakes the bag, checking that there's no more popcorn left. “Let’s just get tonight over with, okay?”

  “You didn’t answer my question.”

  “And I’m not going to. Tonight isn’t the time for your questions.”

  “So when is?”

  She sighs. “I don’t know, Buzz. I mean, does it really matter if I want to see you or not?”

  “Of course it matters. I want to be near you all the damn time, even if that means being here, in his house. I’ll take it any day over not seeing you.”

  “This is difficult for me too, you know,” she says, taking a step closer to me. “Seeing you feels wrong. It’s messing with my head. It’s jumbling everything up.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You and John are so different. You’re worlds apart. When I’m with you and when I’m with him…it's like I’m living two separate lives. It feels like I'm part of two different worlds. And tonight those two worlds have collided and I’m struggling to process it all.”

  I take another step forward, closing the gap between us. “Go on…”

  She shakes her head. “When you’re in the room, it’s hard to ignore you. You’re so alpha.”

  I try not to grin. “Then don’t ignore me.”

  “I need to but it’s so hard. I feel like I’m at an AA meeting and you’re the cold bottle of beer, urging me to take a drink.”

  “So what you’re trying to say is that you want a taste of me? You want to drink me?”

  She rolls her eyes. “I’m saying that you’re a walking temptation.”

  “So what does that make John? Your sponsor?”

  As if I’ve somehow magically summoned him, the front door opens and I hear his annoying nasally voice float down the hallway.

  Lori sighs as she takes a step backwards. “Please don’t start any trouble.”

  “Not all addictions are bad, you know,” I tell her, gently pulling her back to me. “Sometimes they’re just what a person needs. They can satisfy you in ways other things can’t. In ways other people can’t.”

  She shakes free of my grasp and holds the bowl of popcorn with two hands. “That’s exactly what I’m afraid of.”

  I try to process her words as I watch her leave the room. I run a hand through my hair and take a deep breath before following her out. I only take a few steps before stopping at the sight of John and his friends, or rather, friend...who also happens to be his assistant.

  John looks straight past Lori and instead grins at me. “Buzz, I’m glad you could make it.” He gestures to the pretty blonde standing next to him. I can’t remember her name. Hailey, I think. “You already know Hannah, don’t you?” Close enough. He winks at me suggestively and now I know the real reason why he invited me here tonight. He’s trying to pimp Hannah out while also making it look like something has already happened between us. Judging by the look on Lori’s face, his plan is working.

  “It’s great to see you again,” Hannah says, looking me up and down. I wonder if she’s in on the plan or if she genuinely wants to fuck me. It’s probably the latter.

  “How do you two know each other?” Lori asks, acting so laid back that she sounds bored. “UNO, perhaps?”

  I raise an eyebrow at her and she raises one right back. I can’t believe she’s getting jealous right now when I'm the one standing in her boyfriend's house. Even so, it feels pretty damn good to know that she cares. I’m about to answer when Hannah excitedly says, "Oooh, I love UNO!” I chuckle when I see the look on Lori’s face. "Are we playing it tonight?" she asks.

  "I don't know," Lori replies. "Will you be playing it tonight, Buzz?"

  "I'd love to play UNO with you tonight, Lori. If it were up to me, we'd play it all night long."

  “Yay!” Hannah says, clapping her hands. “Count me in!”

  “Oh, even better,” I joke, which Lori doesn’t appreciate.

  "Actually, I think we should skip UNO tonight," Mason says, appearing next to me. "I've just cracked the code," he whispers in my ear.

  Hannah pouts and this time last year, I would be obsessing over those full, cherry colored lips. Obsessing over what she could do with them…and where she could put them. And I would make it my mission to find out. But now it’s such a fleeting thought and my only mission is to save Lori from a beige life when she deserves technicolor. I know that I could give her all the colors of the rainbow but for that to happen, I have to put up with a giant fucking downpour first. I knew John was a drip as soon as I saw him.

  “Aww, maybe another night then?” Hannah asks, breaking me free from my thoughts.

  “Oh, I’m sure Buzz would be happy to oblige you,” Lori tells her, flashing a fake smile before staking off into the lounge.

  I zoom in on her ass until it’s blocked by John, gesturing for us to follow him. “Come and sit down, make yourselves comfortable. I want you to feel like this is your home as well as ours.”

  He smirks at me and I fall right into his trap. “I didn’t know you were living together.”

  “We’re not,” Lori replies.

  “Not yet,” John adds, wrapping his arm around her and pulling her close to him. “But we might as well be. You spend so much time here.”

  Lying bastard. “Would you say that you know your way around each other’s kitchens?” I ask. “You know where everything is kept?”

  He looks at me like I’m crazy. “Yes, Buzz. I’m well acquainted with her kitchen. I’m well acquainted with her bedroom too.”

  Sophia chokes on a piece of popcorn and it’s enough of a distraction to stop me from blurting out ‘me too’.

  “TMI, boss,” Hannah says, giggling, as Sophia reassures Mason that she’s okay.

  “I didn’t mean it like that,” John says with a chuckle. “I’m especially excited about Lori’s bedroom because she’s finally given me my very own drawer.”

  My heart aches. Who would have thought the mention of a drawer could hurt this fucking much?

  “I’ve had a toothbrush over there for quite some time now,” he continues. “But this is definitely a step up.”

  My eyes find Lori’s and it’s like looking in a mirror.

  I see regret.

  I have to stop myself from asking her what, or who, she regrets. Him or me?

  Fuck, I hate feeling like this. Like I’m a prisoner trapped inside my own body with all these emotions. No wonder I’ve stayed away from relationships for so long. From love for so long. I glance at John and he’s completely oblivious to what’s going on around him. He’s too busy grinning at me, waiting for my reaction. Too busy with his dick measuring contest. All it would take is one look at Lori to realize that something’s not right. Maybe he doesn’t care. Maybe he would rather have a piece of her heart than none at all. I can’t blame him. After all, isn’t that what I’m doing?

  “What about you, Buzz?” John asks. “Given out any toothbrushes lately?” Lori’s head snaps up. Apparently her feet aren’t all that interesting anymore.

  I pause, letting her sweat a little while longer. “Nah, I don’t do sleepovers.”

  Unless it’s with your girlfriend.

  “You’ll always have a toothbrush at my house, buddy,” Mason says.

  My best friend is better than yours. I blow him a kiss. “Thanks, Brother. Can I
have my own drawer too?”

  “Of course.”

  “What about a fancy-ass walk-in wardrobe?”

  “What’s mine is yours.”

  I wink at Sophia. “Did you hear that, Soph?” She sighs but carries on eating the popcorn. I turn back to Mason. “Well she didn’t say no.”

  “Too far, Bro.”

  Hannah giggles but John is looking at us like we’re a different species. I can’t imagine the guys at dentistry school have much banter. Speaking of which…“Is it just the six of us tonight?”

  “Yes. Nice and intimate.”

  My fist would like to get intimate with his face. “Where are the rest of your friends?”

  “They’re busy.”

  I chuckle. “Having fun with their other friends?”

  “A lot of my friends are doctors so they work evenings.”

  A lot of his friends are also imaginary. “Real doctors?” I ask. “Or dentists like you?”

  “Yes, Buzz. Real doctors.”

  “Jeez, I wonder how many certificates they have.”

  He ignores me and turns to Hannah. “Sit with Buzz. You’ll look after Han tonight, won’t you, Buzz?”

  Lori raises an eyebrow at me so I smile sweetly at her. “Of course I will.”

  See how she likes it.

  “Excellent,” John replies, clapping his hands together. “So, what are we all drinking?”

  “Whatever you’ve got,” I reply, when what I really mean is whatever will get me drunk the quickest.

  “I have a nice 2015 Sauvignon Blanc.”

  Of course he does. “I’ll take a nice 2019 beer, if you’ve got one.”

  “A beer? You’re missing out, Buzz,” he says, glancing at Lori before giving me a pointed look. “You’re seriously missing out.” I’m not stupid, I know what he’s doing and two can play that fucking game. Apparently Lori isn’t the only one who likes to talk to me in code. “I can assure you that it tastes delicious,” he adds. “Spicy. Sensual. Full bodied.”

  “I know exactly how good it tastes,” I spit back. “I can drink the wine whenever I want to, John.” I take a couple of steps backwards and sit down, grinning. “I’m just taking a little break right now.”

  “It won’t be there for you when you decide you want it again. It’s mine and I’ll sure as hell enjoy drinking it tonight.” I have no idea how I have so much self-control. “You had your chance but you didn’t want it,” he continues.

  “I’ve always wanted it.”

  “No. You chose the beer. You like the easier options. The cheaper ones.”

  “You don’t know me. Don’t tell me what I like.”

  “You don’t know how to fully appreciate wine, Buzz. Special wines need to be respected and well looked after.”

  Fuck this.

  I turn to face Lori. “What do you think, Lori? What do you want?” She looks pissed off so naturally, I continue. “Do you want the wine, or do you want a taste of the nice, cold beer?” I ask, referring to our earlier conversation in the kitchen.

  She smiles but it’s completely unnerving. “Actually, none of them appeal to me right now.” I laugh. Of course she’s playing along. “I think I’ll stick to water for the foreseeable future.”

  “Well if you change your mind, let me know.”

  “My house, my drinks,” John replies. “I can fulfil her needs, whatever they are.”

  “Are you sure about that?” I challenge, standing up.

  “Yes,” he replies, and we stare at each other until Lori sighs. “I’ll get the drinks.” John goes to respond but she cuts him off. “I’ll get them. Mason, what are you drinking?”

  He looks so awkward, I actually feel a little bit sorry for him. “Oh, um…well after that…I don’t…I guess I’ll take a beer. I think. Do you even have beer?”

  “Yes,” is all she replies. “Hannah?”

  She giggles. “I’ll take the wine if nobody else is having it.”

  “How considerate of you,” Lori replies sarcastically before walking out of the room.

  John goes to follow her but I place a hand on his shoulder, pressing down firmly. “Hey, you stay here. You’re the host, remember? Stay with your guests. I can help Lori fulfil her needs.” Sophia sighs as I leave the room.

  When I walk into the kitchen, Lori is waiting for me, hands on her hips, scowl on her face. It’s so fucking hot. “Do you think it’s a coincidence that we keep seeing each other on a Thursday?”

  “Will you ever shut up about Throwback Thursday?”

  “Probably not.”

  She shakes her head. “I think you should leave.”

  “Why? I like being here with you. I even like this kitchen because you’re in it. I think I’ve spent more time in here than I have my own kitchen. I can’t even remember the last time I was in there.” I pretend to look like I’m deep in thought. “Oh wait…yes I do.” She narrows her eyes, knowing exactly what’s coming. “We were in there two weeks ago, weren’t we?”

  “You need to leave.”

  I take a step closer to her. “And you need to have a beer.”

  “I don’t want the beer.”

  I smirk. “You always want the beer, Lori. You just feel pressured into drinking the pompous wine.”

  “Pressured by who?”

  “Yourself. Society.”

  “Is that right?”


  “Has your arrogant ass ever stopped to think that maybe the pompous wine tastes nice?”

  “It tastes shit and we both know it.” I shake my head, becoming impatient. You’re just doing that thing.”

  She throws her hands up. “What thing?”

  “That thing where you’re supposed to eat or drink something you don’t like twelve times before you’re eventually supposed to like it. You’re trying to alter your taste buds.”

  She narrows her eyes. “For starters, I’ve always liked Joh…” she stops herself before continuing. “I’ve always liked the wine to begin with and secondly, I’ve drank it, or eaten it, whatever shitty analogy you want to use, way more than twelve times now.”

  Ouch. I don’t let her see how much her words affect me. “Yet you’re still not satisfied, are you? You’ve still got to eat your fill in other people’s kitchens.”

  “You’re such a dick.”

  “The truth hurts, doesn’t it?”

  “What hurts is the fact that you broke up with me then came running back when I met somebody else.”

  “You know what also hurts? The fact that you’ve met somebody else but keep running back to me.”

  “Then I won’t. I’ll stop.”

  “I don’t want you to stop. I want you to come back to me for good. There’s a huge difference.”

  She sighs. “We’ve been through this.”

  “Well I want to go through it again.”

  “Like I told you earlier - now isn’t the time. Why don’t you just leave and take Hannah with you?”

  “What’s Hannah got to do with any of this?”

  She raises her eyebrow. “I don’t know. You tell me.”

  “No, you tell me. Spit it out.”

  “When did you fuck her?”

  “Who says that I’ve fucked her?”

  “I do. She’s a female with a pulse.”

  “Being a bitch doesn’t suit you, Lor.”

  “It’s obvious you’ve had sex by the way she keeps looking at you.”

  “All women look at me like that.”

  “Just answer the damn question.”

  I smirk. “Tonight isn’t the time for questions, remember? You said so yourself.”

  I can see the rage swirling in her eyes and I’m glad she doesn’t know where the knives are kept. “Do you get a medal or something for fucking every woman in San Francisco?”

  “I don’t know. I sure hope so.”

  “Just tell me this…was it before or after I ate my fill in your kitchen?”

  “Oh, remind me, was that before or after y
ou gave John his own drawer?”

  “I didn’t give him one, he asked for one.”

  “That’s the same thing.”

  “No it isn’t.”

  “In that case, please can I have a drawer in your bedroom? Can I have my own side of the bed too? Actually, why don’t you just go ahead and give me a spare key?”

  “I’m guessing the fact that you’re avoiding my question is answer enough.”

  “I haven’t fucked her, Lori.”


  “I wouldn’t lie to you.”

  “Do you plan on fucking her?”

  “Do you plan on fucking John?”

  “That’s different.”

  I laugh. “I thought it might be.”

  “I’m in a relationship with him.”

  “So that makes it all okay.”

  “No, what I’m trying to say…”

  “Is everything okay in here?” A voice asks from the doorway. I turn around to see John holding onto the doorframe. He looks too calm to have heard much but too disappointed to have heard nothing. “What’s the hold up?”

  “Oh, um, I couldn’t find the bottle opener,” Lori lies.

  He walks over to us slowly and grabs the bottle opener straight off the counter. “It’s right here.”

  “Well no wonder we couldn’t find it. I was looking in all of the drawers.”

  John looks at the both of us and I know that he knows. He knows that I know that he knows. I wait for him to say something, to question us about it, to hit me, but he doesn’t. He simply opens the fridge and pulls several beers out before handing them to me. “Can you take these into the other room?”

  I don’t want to leave her but she gives me a little nod. “Of course,” I reply. “Give me a shout if you need anything else.”

  “Nah, we’re good,” John replies.

  Are they? I walk away and for a split second, I consider bailing. I could take the beers and run but I meant what I said. I’d rather be with her in his house than not be with her at all. And for right now, I’d rather own a piece of her heart than nothing at all.

  The next hour consists of snide digs, stolen glances and the most awkward game that was ever invented. I’ve always loved Cards Against Humanity and tonight was no different. One of my highlights was when John picked the question card ‘What ended my last relationship?’ and I answered with, ‘A micropenis’. I wasn’t surprised when he chose ‘Crippling debt’ as the winner. Boring bastard. Similarly, Lori didn’t find it funny when she read out ‘A romantic candlelit dinner would be incomplete without…’ and my answer was ‘Pulling out’.


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