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A Gathering of Knights (The Northern Knights)

Page 2

by Amber Dane

  But her little corner of this world was doing all right.

  ‘Twould not always be like this she knew such wedded and wonderful bliss and loving nights.

  Aye, one day word would come from William to send Darc back into some battle or another errand for lengths at a time. This was what he had pledged as had many other Norman knights done when they’d followed their Duke from Normandy across the channel. Being a key vassal he would be called often to William’s side.

  And she would be waiting for his safe return each time until their dying day.

  William had returned to Normandy to handle upsets there and barons like her husband were left to keep order and continually drive home the Norman rule.

  One day she knew a semblance of peace would run once more through England. But for now, she did her best to make their lives happy. She could no longer continue to worry about what she could not change. She’d come to that realization when Darc had come for her at John’s inn. Nay, she would cease her worry. The here and now…

  That is what mattered

  Their love and all it encompassed was all she needed.

  She loved her Norman fiercely and she hoped he never stopped believing it.

  As though he knew she was thinking of him in that moment, Darc looked across to her from his place near the hearth. Her lips tilted up at the corners slightly and flushed hotly under his gaze.

  He gave her a smile. Love blazed in those piercing blue eyes and ignited a fire deep inside her. Caroline returned his look with a seductive one of her own.

  She had learned much more about him over the past few months, day by day, little nuances here and there.

  He had done much to make the wrong he’d done right.

  He even ordered a new and sturdier Inn be built next to the smaller one John owned. ‘Twas his payment, in his mind for the innkeeper seeing to the health of his wife during their time apart and keeping Caroline safe.

  He had come to a measure of peace after Raven’s death. The birth of Audri had brought out a further change in him. One Caroline could not yet put her finger on but if his beaming smile which lit upon his handsome face at the slightest sound made by their daughter was an indicator all was well enough for her.

  His wounds of darkness and any lingering melancholy had finally left him the bigger her belly had swelled with his seed. Each week he came out of that haunted place he’d retreated to following the first few weeks after Raven’s death. They had not spoken of what happened in Raven’s final moments. And she had not pestered after him to reveal any more details than he’d already given when he’d told her he’d cut off his brother’s head.

  Earlier when she’d overheard him speak of it to his friends, he had glanced up just long enough for her to see in his blue gaze that he had come to terms with it.

  As she watched them engaged in deep and hearty conversation, Caroline saw the truth. These men were close. When she had first met Darc she had thought he’d not a friend in the world. She’d been wrong.

  These men…this special kinship the three men shared was unbreakable.

  Darc shifted his legs under the table to relieve the pressure of his lower half. Looking at Caroline in front of his friends the way he was boded no good outcome. Then again, he looked at the faces around him. They were not doing much better than he. Throughout the evening he had seen their eyes following and watching their own wives with the same hot need in their own glances. Darc shook his head and downed his wine.

  The evening was more than pleasant. Good food, drink and great company. He was glad Goran was getting married here. The loyal man had stood by them all when they needed him, especially to the Dark Axe.

  Looking away from his wife’s lovely blush he gazed into the fire with one ear open to the men as Aric launched into another tale taking them down memory lane.

  Darc’s thoughts turned back to his wife. As the months passed since she’d forgiven him, his heart continued to burn and grow each day with love for his mighty wife and strong mother to their children.

  She seemed her happiest when she was with Cal, Kelbie and Audri. The serene expression that came to her face stole his breath each time. He hoped never to lose that feeling.

  He felt his lips curl up now as he looked above the mantle of the large stone hearth. The lit candles adorning the top were ones he had made. Though some were still crooked, a couple bowed to the side, he noted his wife had carefully placed his straight ones in the front. His chest overflowed with pride.

  He was a happy man. He’d been given a second chance.

  The joy and solidarity of his family and the love of his Saxon wife were his many blessings. No place was like home to him except when he was in Caroline’s arms.

  Aric’s words drew him back into the conversation. ‘Your lady has done a wonderful job, Darc. If tonight’s feast is any indication of what the morrow will bring, I fear I will not be able to move for weeks.’

  Rourke and Goran nodded their heads in agreement and shared a toast. With Goran commenting, ‘Aye. A fine feast indeed. No need to have gone through such trouble. My Em and I appreciate all her hard work, but we don’t need such fanciful and savory platters as these.’

  ‘Aye, you deserve it. She would do no less.’ Darc stated, his eyes going back to his wife. She was laughing and blushing at something the women had said.

  Aric drew sat back with a smile as he watched Darc. ‘She is little more than a sprite.’

  ‘Nay, she is much more than that.’ Darc answered. They all smiled with a nod each thinking along the same lines as he. They had found the women to make them whole.

  Caroline, barely able to stay on her feet was happy when the other women were ready to turn in for the night. One of the maidservants that had accompanied Lady Danielle entered with word that her son had woken. The men would be up longer and Caroline knew Goran probably would be still feel the lingering effects of the cups of drink they were pouring down his throat come the ceremony tomorrow.

  In the hall she smiled at a wide awake Melbert as he and another young sentry stoked the fire pit in the middle of the floor set to keep the chill from outside seeping in during the late hours.

  Edward the young knight whom had been wrongly accused by Gan had been given a bigger responsibility. Caroline liked him almost as much as she adored Melbert. Edward’s innocence and loyalty had earned him the position as the newly elected Reeve at Gent Manor. Melbert had already taken over his new post here, alongside Gustan as his apprentice to overseeing Renald Castle when their lord and lady were away. Gustan still held his post but the older knight slept most of the time till Laur called him away for their afternoon stroll before retirement to their rooms.

  Caroline climbed the stairs achy and shivering with her fatigue, but would still check on Mildred and the boys ere she went to her chamber to relieve Laur of watching over Audri. Pleased she was that her daughter had not woken for another feeding. Meant her little greedy one was finally satisfied.

  Audri slept soundly in the oak hewn cradle Darc had made. The pending birth had worried Darc at first. But not Caroline. By her sixth month she had known the midwife’s words were true. She would not have two babes to bring into the world. Just one. Even though Audri had come early, she’d been healthy, ten fingers and toes, and her cries robust. Bellowing cries as her father.

  ‘Twas amazing as the first few weeks went by how she took on traits of Darc, in his darker coloring and hair as well as temperament. But she had a little of her mother in her too. For she smiled often. This Darc lamented were signs of her beautiful mother. Caroline was thrilled.

  Caroline was still awake when Darc finally entered the chamber much later. After helping him undress and covering her yawns, she sighed with anticipation when he pulled her close as soon as they settled in bed.

  He sniffed deeply of the clean scent of her hair and tilted her head up for a hot kiss. Darc wanted much more but he would wait until the time was cleared by the midwife before he lost himself in his
wife’s gifts. Taking a deep breath he laid his head back against the soft pillow and waited for her movements to stop as she tried to find a comfortable position. Except for her grunts, she was quiet. The exposed parts of her skin through the nightrail were flush and warm against his. His hunger twisted in his gut.

  ‘Well…’ he started hoping to get her to talk to stop her fidgeting. He was having a hard enough time now to not get his erection hit by one of her elbows or knees as she seemed more restless than usual to right herself. And her irritation was heard in her tone when she responded tightly.

  ‘Well, what?’

  ‘The night’s feast. It was grand.’

  Another grunt, then, ‘Thank you.’

  ‘It was too much though. Goran looked uncomfortable a bit, yet he said he felt like a king. He sang your praises. Did you not hear him?’


  Another jab to his ribs and Darc slid his hand between them as her knee came up. He cupped her kneecap and gently brought her leg up over his thigh. She blew out a hot breath and he felt her body jerk against his. A mistake.

  He shouldn’t have tried to help. He’d made things worse. He was ready to burst as he throbbed and pulsed in his need for her. He eased her center away from him a little. This time her grunt was louder. He opened his mouth to ask if mayhap her gown was bothering her when she spoke first.

  ‘His bride is a sweet woman.’ Caroline said and Darc sighed with relief to hear some of the tension gone from her tone. He prayed she did not move again.

  ‘Aye, she is.’ He said and released the tight breath he’d been holding.

  She snuggled closer and placed her hand on his stomach right above his navel. Darc closed his eyes and rested his chin on the top of her head as he sucked in a breath. ‘Are you well?’

  A grunt and a bump of her warm thigh against his and his erection jumped. One word came from below his chin, muffled. ‘Aye.’

  After a moment of listening to her steady breaths, Darc called her name. No response. He cradled her closer and hoped Audri slept long so his wife could sleep.

  Something woke Caroline and she moved to sit up but her arm was trapped under her husband’s thick one. She watched him sleep, listening to his and their daughter’s soft snores. Audri rivaled her father’s light ones. Caroline could not help but smile as she slid her arm free and left the bed to peek down into the crib close to their bed. She gently caressed the soft black downy curls on their daughter’s head. Audri moved and smacked her lips.

  Back in bed Caroline laid her hand over Darc’s bare chest, her fingers curling in the sparse hairs covering it. He moved and she let out a whoosh of air when his arm drew her tightly against his side once again. She covered his hand with her own where it lay at her waist and closed her eyes.

  Earlier, she’d been barely able to keep her eyes open, let alone move. And had been annoyed that he’d failed to attempt to caress her outside of hugging her to his side. She had felt his swollen manhood nudge her thigh, yet he’d done nothing but sigh as if he was bothered by it. She was more angry with herself than she was at him. If she’d let on how exhausted she was, he would have exploded, no doubt shouted loud enough to wake Audri. So she had bit her tongue with the hopes he would initiate the love making she so desired. But he hadn’t.

  She would tell him about the midwife’s words on the morrow. She would have more energy then, she was sure of it. Caroline smiled and slipped back into a deep sleep.

  Desire smelled good on him.

  Alexa paused long enough to inhale Rourke’s masculine scent and took comfort in his strong embrace for a beat before she reluctantly shoved out of his arms, ignoring his exaggerated grunt of disappointment. She said sternly, ‘Our rutting must wait till after the feast. You promised, Rourke.’

  ‘I promised no such thing, wife,’ Rourke snorted and made to grab at her again. Alexa squealed and slipped under his heavily muscled bicep and sat down at the oak vanity across the ample spaced tower room they’d been given. Taking up the strip of leather next to her on the table top, Rourke gave in and planted a light kiss against her brow as he asked, ‘Will you be so kind to do this then?’

  Alexa stood and tied his leonine mane securely with the strip. She let her fingers linger on the sides of his thick neck. A mistake for he turned and wrapped his arms around her once more.

  ‘Husband.’ She said as his lips trailed hot kisses down her neck. His moan came muffled against her heated skin. Alexa turned in his arms and rested her head back against his broad chest with a heavy sigh. ‘You must finish dressing lest you find the groom has vanished.’

  That got his attention. He stiffened and released her, stepping back and made a quick grab for his lightly colored tunic spread out on the bed with a grunt. Alexa helped him, continuing. ‘Besides, Lisbeth will be awake soon and Margaret is just one door over.’

  They had brought along their own little crib for their daughter. Margaret had travelled with them to keep an eye on Lisbeth while they attended the festivities for the coming days and Goran’s wedding.

  Satisfied with how he looked, Rourke spread his arms for a final look of appreciation from his wife. She smoothed her hands down over his broad shoulders.

  ‘The things you do for Goran.’

  ‘Aye and he appreciates all of it even if his curses from last night said different.’

  Alexa laughed with him.

  ‘See you in a bit, hellion.’

  ‘Aye’ Alexa pressed her lips to his and smacked him on his tight backside when he turned to exit the chamber.

  Rourke stood beside his man and longtime friend to give support and to make sure his second did not tuck tail and beg off for another delay. Never had Rourke seen his man sweat so much. He could not help but chortle himself when he saw Aric and Darc doing such an awful job of containing their infectious grins.

  For all his know-it-all on the wooing of women and grief he’d given them, it was now Goran’s turn to turn green. His steadfast vow to never marry had been broken down over the past year by a spirited young woman.

  Goran, red-faced and eyes wide, looked ready to bolt for the nearest exit, but then in the next he looked thunder struck. Rourke followed the others and turned to see the cause. His bride, their wives had turned the maiden into a stunning princess.

  Goran was dressed in his finest tunic and hose and looked striking with his dark hair swept back from his broad forehead. Despite the heavy perspiration on his brow, Caroline could clearly see the glowing love he held for Lady Emily in his face.

  Lady Danielle commented in a hushed voice next to her. ‘He looks ready to faint.’

  On her other side, Alexa responded. ‘He will survive. He looks better now than he did days ago. ’Tis a wonder we did not have to bind him to the horse for he looked for every trick, every opening he could to gallop off on our way here. Naught did much to calm him save for the sound of Emily’s sweet voice, even if he did not realize it.’

  The rain Caroline had worried about came after the beautiful ceremony, but it did not dampen the spirits and gaiety indoors. The feast was splendid. Entertainment, dancing, singing and more for the newly wedded couple warmed the gatherers more than the heat from the fires blazing in the hearths. And Goran could not tear himself from his bride’s side for too long.

  Later, all Caroline’s planning fell apart when she sat on the edge of the bed. Bone-weary she thought to close her eyes a moment before Darc came to their chamber. She had lingered as long as the other wives till the bride and groom had bid good eventide to all.

  She had taken the cue to rush up to their chamber and immerse herself in the nice tepid bath Laur had ordered for her. Quickly she’d scrubbed her flesh till it glowed and rushed through the bathing and appreciated Laur’s assistance. After Caroline had finished Audri’s feeding, she had hoped to surprise Darc in bed. Just a moment, a few quick seconds to rest her eyes and she’d be refreshed. Just a few moments.

  Darc enjoyed the evening and the company of hi
s friends immensely but his eyes had followed his wife’s tired form all night. When she’d risen and left the room after Goran and Emily, he excused himself from the others as quickly as he could.

  He was worried. She’d refused his assistance over the weeks following their daughter’s birth and he had watched in frustration her brave front cracking under her weariness. God’s Thunder! He would put an end to this madness tonight. She was a strong woman, had been through a lot and could withstand much but he needed her to rest. Darc bade all a good eve. He would see them at dawn for the morning hunt.

  Darc pulled the blanket up over his naked wife’s form. She’d not stayed awake long enough to remove the towel. He cradled her naked body and his heart swelled with concern. What her eyes had promised all week could wait. .

  He’d known the exhaustion would catch up to her stubborn hide sooner or later.

  Not once did she wake or move as he settled her in his embrace. He kissed the dark circles under each eye. He drew the blanket up but not before taking in the beautiful sight of her perfectly formed body. Her soft belly, the paunch that he loved, red-marked and stretched from childbirth drew a sigh of pride from him. His hands covered her warm belly. He loved the scars this woman carried. She never looked more beautiful to him. Her battle wounds showed what she had gone through to bring their child into the world.

  Darc kissed her lightly on her lips and smiled when her lips twitched and turned up into a smile. He wondered what she dreamt about. He turned his head to listen to their daughter’s breathing. He had all he desired and when the day came when he was called away again, he was not worried.

  He pulled the coverlet up over his wife curves and rested his chin above the top of her head as he whispered hotly in her ear. ‘I love you.’

  A mist lingered over the marshes near the river but the sky was a powder blue with not one dark cloud in the distance. The grounds were still wet, but Darc and his friends still had broken their fast with bread, fruits and cheese in the woods. The hunt had been successful and Rourke gutted the kill into several chunks, giving the servants standing by to carry back the choicest meats back to the castle. Another day of open roasting pits, games and more to celebrate the bride and groom.


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