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Hottest Heat Wave

Page 23

by J. M. Snyder

  “I’ll have to remember to wind it soon. I do it once a year on our…” Again Emory didn’t finish his thought. He gave Cam a sad smile.

  As they turned to leave, Cam caught site of a portrait hanging on the wall. It was of a younger Emory and his bride. It was positioned in a way that, if you were lying on the bed, it would be in the center of your gaze.

  Cam looked at Emory. Although the young Emory in the portrait was handsome, To Cam’s mind the man who stood next to him now was far more appealing.

  “Let’s go,” Emory said. They left the room and Emory closed the door.

  Sensing the tour had been completed, Cam said, “This is some house.”

  “Far too much for me now,” Emory said as they walked down the hall. “I’m thinking of selling, though I can’t imagine I’d get what it’s worth in today’s market. So I’ll probably keep it for the kids. What I’d really like is something on the lake or Traverse Bay, about the size of the Grafton’s place.”

  Cam felt some unexplained surge of happiness at Emory’s confession. Where it came from or what it meant he couldn’t fathom.

  Emory stopped at Albert’s room. “This is the room I use when I come up.” He stepped inside. Cam followed. Emory turned to him and looked straight into Cam’s eyes. Cam felt a rush of sexual excitement. The two stood for a long moment, just holding the gaze. Emory seemed to be trying to make some sort of decision. Cam was tempted to help by reaching out to the man. But he held back. It would have to come from Emory. If he was struggling in any way, he would need to be the one to initiate the contact. It would be wrong, despite Cam’s growing need to be with this man, to force anything.

  Finally, with almost a sob, Emory pulled Cam to him, cradled Cam’s head in his hands, and kissed Cam, his tongue seeking and being granted entry into Cam’s mouth. Cam kissed Emory back, throwing his arms around the older man, and running his hands up and down Emory’s sturdy back. Cam’s cock swelled within his clothing. He pressed it against Emory, and found Emory’s hard dick waiting for him.

  Without breaking the kiss, Emory pulled on Cam’s tee, only parting lips to pull it over Cam’s head. Emory immediately returned to kissing him. Cam reveled in the feel of Emory’s muscular chest with its covering of thick grizzled hair against his pecs, his fetish for older men fulfilled. Emory reached down and fondled Cam, at the same time kissing his way down Cam’s neck and shoulders until he came to Cam’s swollen nips. He took one in his mouth, sucked, licked, kissed, and teased it. Cam groaned in pleasure.

  Making his way back up to stand before Cam, Emory said, “I’ve been longing for this since I first saw you last night.”

  “You and me both,” Cam responded eagerly.

  Emory kissed Cam again, turned him around, and pushed him down onto the bed on his back. Emory stood over Cam. Emory’s cock rose from it’s nest of dark pubic hair when he shoved his shorts to the floor. Cam question on Emory’s tan line was answered. He had a perfect bikini outline. Cam smiled and wrapped his arms around Emory’s waist and pulled the man close, rubbing his face against Emory’s hair-covered abs. With a groan of desire, Cam took Emory’s cock into his mouth, slowly letting the organ slide in and out of his throat, all the while digging his fingers into the firm flesh of Emory’s ass.

  “My turn,” Emory said after a time as he pulled out of Cam’s embrace.

  Emory knelt between Cam’s legs, running his hands the length of the younger man’s thighs, and looking up into Cam’s face. Emory smiled and took hold of Cam’s cock. He ran his thumb up and down the underside, in the v-shaped groove just below the flared head.

  Cam shuddered.

  “You like that?” Emory asked in a whisper, looking up at Cam.

  “Oh yes, yes,” Cam replied, placing his hands on either side of Emory’s head, encouraging the man to go further.

  Still staring into Cam’s eyes, Emory put Cam’s cock next to his lips and kissed it. Then he began to slowly lick the tip, slit, and head. Cam let out a soft moan. Emory continued to explore the shaft with his tongue from tip to base. Cam felt he would go crazy if Emory didn’t swallow him soon.

  After what seemed to Cam like an eternity, Emory took Cam’s cock fully into his mouth and began to suck in earnest. Long before he wanted to and before he could warn Emory, Cam came, filling Emory’s mouth with his spunk. Emory didn’t seem to mind, but rather grunted in pleasure as he eagerly drank Cam’s semen.

  When the orgasm subsided, Emory spit a mixture of saliva and cum into his hand and, lifting one of Cam’s legs, found Cam’s hole and began to work his fingers in.

  “You want this, too?” Emory asked in a seductive voice.

  “God, yes.” Cam groaned and raised his leg higher to give Emory freer access.

  As Emory worked Cam’s ass, he said, “I don’t have protection, but I haven’t been with anyone except Arlene since we were married.”

  Cam, due to his restrictive criteria for a sex partner, hadn’t been with many men in the past few years. Most of them were older and married. These men needed to be discrete and careful so as not to bring anything unwanted home to their wives. So Cam had always practiced safe sex and was tested regularly.

  “I’m safe,” he said, raising his legs and placing them on Emory’s shoulders. “Fuck me!”

  Emory smiled, leaned down, and gave Cam a tender kiss full of unspoken emotion. It felt good to experience Emory’s body against his, to anticipate the moment of their union. Emory stood, still smiling. Lifting Cam’s legs off his shoulders, Emory walked to a nightstand, took a bottle of hand lotion from the drawer, and returned to the bed.

  “Sorry, this is all I have,” Emory said.

  “It doesn’t matter. It’s fine,” Cam said, placing his legs back on Emory’s shoulders. Emory applied the lotion to his cock and to Cam’s hole.

  Positioning himself, Emory placed the head against Cam. As he slid into Cam’s body he let out a deep sigh. “Oh, baby, I’ve needed this for so long.” Leaning down, Emory kissed Cam long and hard as he began a thrusting rhythm.

  Waves of physical pleasure swept through Cam’s body. Waves of emotion assailed him. They frightened Cam, He’d vowed never again to become emotionally attached to anyone after his two botched relationships.

  Thank God he’s married, Cam thought, clinging to that as a buffer against the feelings having sex with Emory were creating. He needed that shield, for Emory was in every way Cam’s ideal man—older, physically attractive, strong personality yet gentle at the same time.

  “Oh, baby, this is so good, so good. It’s been so long,” Emory murmured. He bent again and kissed Cam with urgency and passion as he continued to fuck Cam. “I never thought I’d feel this way again.”

  “Yes, oh yes. Don’t stop. I want you so bad,” Cam responded, holding Emory close, welcoming the man’s kisses and the thrusts of his cock, which set off surges of pleasure that traversed Cam’s entire being.

  “I’d do this all day, all night for the rest of my life if we could,” Emory said, leaning over Cam, bracing himself on his hands. Cam reached up and ran his fingers through the lush hair on Emory’s chest, culminating in the pinching and twisting of Emory’s nips.

  “Oh, God,” Emory moaned, throwing his head back. He then began to swivel his hips in a circular motion, which caused his cock to press the sides of Cam’s chute.

  “Shit!” Cam exclaimed. “That’s so fuckin’ good. Too good. I gotta cum.” He grabbed his cock and started to pump.

  “Let me,” Emory said, taking the organ from Cam and stroking it.

  “Oh, man. I’m getting close.” Cam groaned.

  “That’s right, baby, cum for daddy, shoot that big load. Show it to me!”

  Cam let out a strangled breath as he thrust himself against Emory, burying Emory’s dick deeper within him. Cam began to spew torrents of milky white cum all over his belly.

  “Yeah, that’s it, so good, so good,” Emory whispered.

  When Cam was spent Emory pulled out. He pr
essed his balls against Cam’s and beat his cock frantically, accompanied by grunts and groans.

  “Oh yeah, daddy. Cum on me,” Cam urged. “Cum on me!”

  In just a few seconds Emory’s load was joining Cam’s on the man’s stomach. When he was done, Emory mixed the two pools of ejaculate, then took some on his fingers and fed it to Cam. Emory then spread some of the mixture on his cock and reinserted it into Cam’s hole. Bending over Cam again, Emory kissed him tenderly. He gently ran his tongue over Cam’s, seemingly to taste the mixture he had deposited there.

  “And then they were one,” Emory said in a soft, emotion-filled voice.

  He slipped out and urged Cam to slide up on the bed. Emory got in and lay beside Cam, holding him tightly, kissing his forehead, cheeks, neck, and lips.

  Cam closed his eyes and pressed his body against Emory’s. His mind was whirling. He struggled against the emotions that being intimate with Emory caused to surge through him.

  He’s married, he’s married, Cam thought over and over, his only defense against making the mistake of falling in love with this man.

  * * * *

  Sometime later, Emory half sat up and, smiling, looked down on Cam. “Let’s take a shower, then I’ll get us some lunch.”

  Cam ran a hand over Emory’s chest. Emory took it in his and brought it to his lips. Cam closed his eyes. It would be so easy to let go and let my heart take over, he thought. Shaking that off, he said, “Sounds like a plan.”

  The two men got up. As with all forays into a new sexual relationship, it was hard for Cam and Emory to stick to the script. Forgetting the shower, they stood by the bed, kissing and fondling for some time.

  Finally Emory turned his back to Cam and pulled the man’s arms around his waist so Cam was drawn against him. “We’ll never get that shower taken at this rate.”

  “That’s fine with me,” Cam replied, caressing Emory’s neck and rubbing his hard cock against Emory’s ass.

  Emory chuckled.

  They walked to the bathroom in lockstep, Cam pressed against Emory’s back, kissing Emory’s shoulders as they went.

  Emory turned on the water in the glass enclosure. They stood just outside, still holding each other as they waited for the water to warm up. When they stepped under the spray they kissed again, hands roaming freely over each other’s bodies.

  Emory reached for the bottle of liquid soap and squirted some on his hands. He lathered Cam’s torso, paying particular attention to the man’s balls and hard dick. Emory leaned forward and pressed his forehead against Cam’s. Emory reached behind Cam and spread soap over his back, letting his hands explore Cam’s firm ass, fingers running up and down the crevice, finding the hole, and pressing against it. Cam responded by pushing back. Emory’s finger slipped in.

  “That enough, or do you want more?” Emory asked.

  Cam just turned to the wall and guided Emory’s cock into his hole. Once Emory was fully seated, Cam closed his eyes and relished the feeling of the man inside his body once more.

  After a time Cam began a slow, undulating motion. Emory picked up the rhythm, and laid his head on Cam’s shoulder, his arms around Cam’s waist.

  The pace was slow and leisurely, both men fully delighting in each other and the union of their bodies. For fifteen minutes or more they continued under the warm spray. Emory reached up and took hold of Cam’s nipples. That pushed Cam to the edge and he reached down and began to stroke his cock. Within moments, Cam’s orgasm shot cum on the glass wall of the shower. Emory increased the force and speed of his thrusts and he, too, climaxed, sending his seed, once more, into Cam.

  Pulling out, Emory turned Cam to face him. “Twice in one day—been a long, long time since this old geezer was able to pull that one off.”

  Cam kissed Emory, still fighting his growing feelings of affection for the man.

  They finished washing each other and toweled off. Putting their shorts back on, they went downstairs. Mr. Magee was waiting at the bottom. He gave a soft bark.

  “Better let him out,” Cam said, retrieving the dog’s leash from the foyer.

  They all went out on the veranda and walked down the stairs to the patio.

  “Too frickin’ hot to eat outside,” Emory said. “How about I make us a sandwich in the kitchen down here?”

  Cam agreed and walked off toward the beach with Mr. Magee. As they walked along the shore, Cam talked to the dog. “Emory’s a special man, Magee, really special. Maybe too special. It’s a good thing he’s married and has kids. I could fall for a guy like him. And I have to be careful. You remember how bad it got with Danny and Mickey.”

  Mr. Magee interrupted his sniffing to turn to Cam. He lowered his head which made his basset eyes droop, giving him a very sad expression as if agreeing with Cam.

  “Yeah, you do. I’m not going to put us through that again. Emory looks to be a wonderful guy, but you never know,” Cam said, recalling how Danny had seemed to be the perfect partner until he started verbally abusing both Cam and Mr. Magee when things didn’t go his way. “Yeah, it’s a good thing Emory’s married. Come on, get done with your business before we both have a heat stroke.”

  * * * *

  Later that afternoon Emory took Cam on a tour of the lake in his pontoon boat. A protesting Mr. Magee was left behind. Cam didn’t want to take a chance on the hound falling overboard. Besides, Emory had suggested he and Cam might need to take a dip every now and then to cool off. Cam couldn’t trust Mr. Magee to not want to follow his man into the lake.

  “I know you think you can swim, but with those short legs and top-heavy body of yours, you’ll sink like a stone,” Cam tried to explain to Mr. Magee, who didn’t look like he was buying it. So the dog was left forlornly looking out from behind the glass patio door as the pontoon pulled away from the shore.

  “He looks so sad,” Emory said.

  Cam laughed. “He’s perfected the guilt look. He’ll get over it and find a place to nest.”

  Emory had provided a cooler full of cold drinks. Cam sat on one of the seats under the canopy, sipping a beer as Emory piloted the pontoon leisurely along the shoreline.

  Cam wore one of Emory’s Lycra bathing suits. When he’d put on the baggy ones that he had retrieved from his backpack in the Grafton’s cottage, Emory would have none of it.

  “You got equipment like that, you have to flaunt it,” Emory had said with an evil grin.

  Cam had been embarrassed at first, but complied with Emory’s request. Now the formfitting, polyester fabric was stretched to the max by Cam’s hard cock. The sight of Emory’s muscular back and perfect ass, coupled with the memories of the morning the two had shared, was responsible for Cam’s condition. He tried to listen to what Emory was telling him about the lake and its history, but the sight of the man standing before him was too much of a distraction.

  Finally, Cam could stand it no longer. He got up to stand behind Emory, wrapped his arms around the man, kissed Emory’s ear, pressed his chest against Emory’s back, and ground his erection into the groove of Emory’s ass made by the tight bikini suit the man wore.

  Emory didn’t seem to be offended that Cam wasn’t much interested in the lecture on the residents of Horseshoe Lake. Emory turned his head and allowed Cam to kiss him.

  Navigating the vessel into a secluded cove, Emory lowered the anchor. The two men stretched out on the padded seats in the rear of the pontoon under the shade of the canopy. The heat of the day as well as that generated by their shared kisses and caresses had both men perspiring profusely.

  “I think we need to find a way to cool off,” Emory said.

  “What do you suggest?”

  “How about a swim?”

  Cam nodded.

  Emory stood and looked around. “How daring are you?”

  Cam looked up at the man and shrugged. “You have something in mind?”

  “Commando!” Emory said slyly, with a devilish smile on his face.

  Emory pulled down, and stepped ou
t of his swim trunks, releasing his swollen dick to stand at rigid attention. He took hold of his cock and waved it in Cam’s face.

  Cam looked around. There were no boats in the immediate vicinity. Most of the holiday traffic was out in the main part of the lake.

  Taking a deep breath, Cam pushed his hesitancy aside and turned back to Emory. Cam took hold of the man’s prick and kissed the tip. “I’m up for it—I can see you are,” he said chuckling. Cam licked the head, then stood up and peeled off his own Speedo.

  Emory smiled at him, then walked to the front of the pontoon. Cam watched Emory’s ass as he moved away. Cam had come three times already that day. Yet he was ready for more. Was it the summer heat, or this man? Either way Cam couldn’t believe his good fortune.

  Emory went through the gate to the apron of the pontoon’s deck. He threw a rope ladder over the side, then dove in. He surfaced a few feet from the boat.

  “Woo, feels great,” he said as he treaded water and pushed his hair back from his eyes.

  Cam dove in. The water was refreshing. When he came up, he began to swim toward Emory, who disappeared below the surface. The next thing Cam knew, his cock was being swallowed and his ass groped. He laughed.

  Emory came up for air. Cam pulled him close and kissed him. Emory wrapped his legs around Cam’s waist, his cock pressing against Cam’s abs. Cam’s dick jabbed against Emory’s ass as the two men bobbed in the water.

  For more than a half hour the men frolicked in the waves, touching, holding, kissing, caressing.

  Emory said, “Get back on the boat.” There was an urgency in his voice.

  Cam climbed up the ladder and walked to the cushioned seats under the sunshade. Emory followed and stood for a moment on the deck, the water glistening in the hair on his torso and legs. Cam felt a rush of desire mixed with affection. He sat down. Emory walked toward him. Emory climbed onto the seat and straddled Cam’s legs. He put his arms around Cam’s neck and kissed the man as he lowered himself onto Cam’s cock.

  Cam guided himself in. He leaned forward, enfolding Emory with his arms, affording Emory room to wrap his legs around Cam’s body.


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