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George and the Unbreakable Code

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by Stephen Hawking

  To all those who have looked up at the night sky and wondered …


  As you read the story you will come across some fabulous science essays and information. These will really help bring the topics you read about to life, and they have been written by the following well-respected scientists:

  My Robot, Your Robots

  by Professor Peter W. McOwan

  Queen Mary University of London

  The History of Life

  by Professor Michael J. Reiss

  Institute of Education, University College London

  Quantum Computers

  by Dr. Raymond Laflamme

  Executive Director of the Institute for Quantum Computing at the University of Waterloo

  The Building Blocks of Life

  by Dr. Toby Blench

  Research Chemist

  3-D Printing

  by Dr. Tim Prestidge

  Totempole Consulting

  Life in the Universe

  by Professor Stephen Hawking

  Director of Research at the Centre for

  Theoretical Cosmology, University of Cambridge

  With special thanks for the additional material to:

  Dr. Stuart Rankin

  High Performance Computing Service, University of Cambridge

  On another planet, the tree house would have been the ideal spot for stargazing. On a planet with no parents, for example, it would have been perfect. The tree house—halfway up the big apple tree in the middle of the vegetable patch—was the right height, location, and angle for a boy like George to spend all night staring up at the stars. But his mom and dad had other ideas, involving chores, homework, sleeping in beds, eating supper, or spending ‘family time’ with his little twin sisters, none of which were of any interest to George.

  All George wanted to do was take a picture of Saturn. Just one teeny photo of his favorite planet—the enormous frozen gas giant with its beautiful icy, dusty rings. But at this time of year, when the sun set so late, Saturn didn’t appear in the evening sky until it got dark out. Which was so far past George’s bedtime, there was no hope of his parents leaving him out in the tree house until then.

  Sitting with his legs dangling over the edge of the platform, George sighed and tried to calculate how many hours and days it would be before he was old enough to be free… .

  “ ’S up?” His train of thought was broken as a slight figure dressed in long baggy camo shorts, a hoodie, and a baseball cap bounded onto the tree house platform.

  “YOLO!” George cheered up instantly. “Annie?”

  Annie was his best friend, and had been ever since she and her mom and dad had moved to Foxbridge a couple of years ago. She lived next door, but that wasn’t the only reason why they were friends. George just liked her: Annie, the daughter of a scientist, was fun and clever and cool and brave. Nothing was beyond her—no adventure could be shunned, no theory go untested, and no assumption stay unchallenged.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “Nothing,” George muttered. “Just waiting.”

  “Waiting for what?”

  “For something to happen.” He sounded miserable.

  “Me too,” said Annie. “D’you think the universe has forgotten about us now that we’re not allowed to go on space adventures anymore?”

  George sighed. “D’you think we’ll ever get to fly in space again?”

  “Not right now,” said Annie. “Perhaps we’ve had all our fun already; now that we’re eleven, we’ve got to be really serious all the time.”

  George stood up, feeling the wooden planks rock slightly under his feet. He was almost sure that the tree house was safe and that there was very little chance they could both go crashing down to the hard ground below. He’d built it with his dad, Terence, out of stuff they’d scavenged from the local dump. And once, when they were busy constructing the “house” part where he and Annie now sat, his dad had plunged his foot through a rotten plank. Fortunately, he hadn’t fallen through entirely, but it had taken all George’s strength to pull him back up again, while below, on the ground, his twin sisters, Juno and Hera, shrieked with laughter.

  The good thing about the mini-accident was that the tree house was judged dangerous enough by George’s parents for his toddler sisters to be banned from coming up the rope ladder. Which made George very happy. It meant that the tree house was his kingdom, protected from the chaos of the rest of his house. Under strict instructions to pull up the rope ladder to stop eager small people from shinnying up to join their beloved brother, George was very careful about security. He never left the ladder down. Which meant …

  “Hey!” He suddenly realized that Annie shouldn’t have been able to appear out of nowhere like that. “How did you get up here?”

  Annie grinned. “I was bitten by a spider when I was just a baby,” she intoned dramatically. “Which gave me special magic powers that I am only just coming to understand.”

  George pointed over to the knotted rope that he had just spotted lassoed on to the end of the thickest branch. “Is that your work?”

  “It is,” admitted Annie in her normal voice. “I just wanted to see if I could do it.”

  “I would have let the ladder down for you,” George told her.

  “Last time I asked you to do that,” she complained, “you made me guess about a thousand million different passwords, and I still had to give you half my Kit Kat.”

  “That wasn’t a Kit Kat!” George reminded her. “It was a piece of ‘chocolate’ ”—he used his fingers to make quotation marks around the word—“you’d tried to create under lab conditions, done up in a Kit Kat wrapper to see if I could tell the difference.”

  “If a mouse can grow an ear on its back,” protested Annie, “then why can’t I grow a Kit Kat? It’s got to be possible to make self-replicating chocolate molecules that just keep on doubling.”

  Annie was a budding experimental chemist. She often used the kitchen as her own personal laboratory space, which drove her mother, Susan, crazy. Her mom would reach into the fridge to get a carton of apple juice, and encounter crystalline protein growth instead.

  “FYI,” said George. “Your Kit Kat tasted like a dinosaur’s toe—”

  “It did not!” interrupted Annie. “My homegrown chocolate was delicious. I don’t know what you mean. And when have you ever chewed a dinosaur’s toe anyway?”

  “Toenail,” finished George. “Seriously gross. Like it had been fossilized for a trillion years.”

  “ROFL,” replied Annie sarcastically. “ ’Cos you’re, like, so gour-may.”

  “You don’t even know what ‘gourmet’ means,” George retorted.

  “Do so.”

  “What is it, then?” George was pretty sure he’d won this one.

  “It’s like when you have some gours,” explained Annie, “and it’s the month of May. It makes you go all gour-may.” She just made it to the end of the sentence before bursting out laughing—so hard that she fell off the beanbag.

  “You’re an idiot,” said George good-naturedly.

  “With an IQ of 152.” Annie picked herself up off the floor. She’d had her IQ tested the week before, and she wasn’t about to let anyone forget the results. Suddenly she spotted the lineup of George’s possessions. “What’s all this?”

  “I’m getting my things ready.” George pointed at the equipment, which had been rescued from the tiny hands of his twin sisters and borne up to the tree house for safety. There was a 60 mm white telescope with black bands at each end, and a camera that he was attempting to rig up to the telescope so that it could take a picture
. The telescope had been a present from his grandmother, Mabel, but amazingly, the camera had come from the dump. “So I can get photos of Saturn when it gets dark. If my boring mom and dad don’t make me go in. It’s my vacation project.”

  “Cool!” Annie squinted into the eyepiece of the telescope. “Ew!” she exclaimed immediately. “It’s got something sticky on it!”

  “What!” shouted George.

  He looked at the telescope more carefully. Sure enough, around the eyepiece was some kind of gluey pink substance.

  “That’s enough!” His temper suddenly exploded. He started to climb down the rope ladder.

  “Where are you going?” Annie scrambled after him. “It’s no biggie! We can clean it off!”

  But George had steamed ahead, back into his house, his face red with fury. He barged into the kitchen, where his father was attempting to give Juno and Hera their dinner.

  “And one for Dadda!” Terence was saying to Hera, who opened her mouth, accepted the green goo, and promptly spat it back at him. Hera then shrieked with laughter and banged her spoon maniacally on the tray of her high chair, which made all the other bits and bobs of food jump around like Mexican jumping beans. Juno, who tended to copy her twin, joined in, banging her spoon and making a disgusting wet farting noise with her lips.

  Terence turned to look at George, an expression of mixed suffering and joy on his face; green slime dripped off his beard and down his homemade shirt.

  George took a deep breath to start on his angry tirade about small people who messed up other people’s stuff, but Annie managed to squeeze past him just in time.

  “Hola, Mr. G.!” she sang cheerily to Terence. “Hello, baby girls!”

  The girls banged their spoons and gargled eagerly at this new distraction from dinnertime.

  “Just wanted to ask if George could come over to my house!” chirped Annie. She reached out a hand to tickle Hera under her soft sticky chin, which made the little girl dissolve into helpless giggles.

  “What about my telescope?” George muttered crossly behind her.

  “We. Will. Sort. It. Out,” she said firmly back to him in a low voice. “So lucky to have baby sisters,” she cooed over the twins. “I wish I had lovely little baby sisters. I’m just a one and only lonely child… .” She pulled an exaggeratedly sad face.

  “Hmph.” George would have liked nothing better than to live in Annie’s quiet, geeky, techno-obsessed household, with her scholarly father and her increasingly career-minded mother. Where there were no babies, no noise, no organic vegetables, and no mess—except, perhaps, when Annie had been conducting one of her more “interesting” experiments in the kitchen.

  “Er, yes, you can go—but make sure you’re back in time to do your chores,” said Terence, trying to sound like he was in charge.

  “Great!” shouted Annie enthusiastically, pushing George back out the door.

  George knew that when Annie was in bossy mode, he just had to go with the flow. So he followed, which wasn’t so hard: he didn’t feel like hanging around at home in a bad mood when a visit to Annie’s house was an option.

  “Bye, Mr. G. and baby Gs!” bellowed Annie as they ran off. “Have a wonderful time!”

  “Don’t forget, George, you need to fill in your reward chart by completing your weekly tasks!” Terence called weakly after the departing figure of his oldest child. “You’ve still got three-fifths of the pie chart left!”

  But George was gone, swept away by Annie to the exciting domain of Next Door—the home of all things techno, cutting edge, scientific, electronic, and amazing in George’s eyes.

  They reached Annie’s house by means of a hole in the fence between the two gardens. The hole had been made when Freddy the pig—another present from George’s enterprising Granny Mabel—broke through from the Greenbys’ back garden in a bold bid for freedom. Following Freddy’s hoofprints that afternoon had led George to meet Annie and her family for the first time—her dad, mega-scientist and super-researcher Eric; her mom, musician Susan; and their supercomputer, Cosmos, who was so powerful and intelligent, he could draw doorways through which you could walk to any part of the known universe you wanted to visit (provided you were wearing a space suit, that is). Since that day, George had surfed the Solar System on a comet, walked on the surface of Mars, and had a showdown with an evil scientist in a distant solar system. It was fair to say that his life had never been quite the same since.

  “Hey!” said Annie as they ran. “You shouldn’t be mean to your sisters.”

  “What?” George wasn’t thinking about his baby sisters anymore. “What are you talking about? I wasn’t mean!”

  “Only ’cos I stopped you,” accused Annie. “You were going to say something horrible.”

  “I was angry!” George replied indignantly. “They’re not supposed to touch my stuff or go up to the tree house!”

  “You’re lucky to have a brother or a sister at all,” said Annie piously. “I haven’t got anything.”

  “Yes you have!” George burst out. “You’ve got so much stuff! You’ve got Cosmos the computer, you’ve practically got your own science lab, you’ve got an Xbox, you’ve got a smartphone, a laptop, an iPod, an iPad, an i-everything; you’ve got that mechanical dog; you’ve got a scooter with a motor on it… . I dunno… . You’ve got it all.”

  “It’s not the same,” said Annie quietly, “as having a real-life brother or sister.”

  “If you actually had one,” said George dubiously, “or even two, I bet you wouldn’t want it. Them.”

  The two friends hurried through the door into the kitchen.

  “Hooray!” Annie skidded across the floor toward the huge fridge, reaching out to grab the handle.

  Even the Bellises’ fridge didn’t look like a normal fridge—more like the sort of thing you might find in a laboratory: massive and made of steel, with cavernous drawers and separate compartments for isolating elements from each other. It was, of course, a professional machine, as far removed from a normal fridge as a spaceship is from a paper airplane. That was one of the things George loved about Annie’s house: it was full of unexpected gadgets and scientific oddities that Eric had bought or acquired or been given in the course of his many years of work. George looked at the fridge enviously; it glowed with a strange blue light. The most technologically advanced item in his whole house probably contained less processing power than Annie’s refrigerator.

  George was just musing on that depressing fact when he realized that there were voices coming from the sitting room.

  “Annie! George!” Annie’s dad, Eric, stuck his head round the kitchen door. He was smiling broadly, his eyes sparkling behind his thick glasses, his tie loosened, and his shirtsleeves rolled up. He came in carrying two crystal glasses.

  “I’ve come to get a fill-up,” he explained, reaching for a dusty old bottle and pulling the cork out with a loud thop. He poured out a sticky brown fluid and turned to go back to the sitting room.

  “Come and say hello to my guest.” His face was creased into long laughter lines. “I think she has something that might interest you.”

  George and Annie immediately forgot their brief argument and followed Eric into the sitting room, which was packed from floor to ceiling with rows and rows of books. It was a beautiful room, full of interesting objects like Eric’s old brass telescope. The cutting-edge technology that ruled the rest of the house was less overwhelming here; it was cozy and inviting rather than cool and futuristic. On the squashy sofa, which Eric had owned since his student days, sat a very ancient lady.

  “Annie, George,” said Eric, handing the old lady her glass of sherry. “This is Beryl Wilde.”

  Beryl accepted the drink gratefully and started slurping it straightaway. “How d’you do!” She waved a cheery hand at them.

  “Beryl is one of the greatest mathematicians of our times,” said Eric seriously.

  Beryl burst out laughing. “Oh! Don’t be absurd!”

�s true!” he insisted. “Without Beryl’s mathematical genius, millions more people would have died.”

  “What people?” asked George.

  Annie had whipped out her smartphone and was trying to pull up a Wikipedia entry for Beryl Wilde.

  “How do you spell your last name?” she asked.

  “You won’t find it,” said Beryl, guessing what Annie was trying to do, her pale blue eyes twinkling. “I’m completely covered by the Official Secrets Act. Still, even after all these years. You won’t find me anywhere.”

  Eric gestured to an object on the coffee table in front of the sofa. “This,” he said dramatically as he pointed to what looked like an old-fashioned typewriter, “is an Enigma machine—one of the ones used during the Second World War to encode messages. It meant that messages could be sent that were impossible for interceptors to understand. But Beryl was one of the mathematicians who broke the Enigma code. Which meant that the war ended much sooner than it might have, and fewer people on both sides lost their lives.”

  “OMG!” said Annie, looking up from her phone. “So you could read the secret messages without the other people realizing you knew what they were planning? Like, if someone read all my emails now … ? Except, obviously,” she added, “I’m not fighting a war with anyone. Except Karla Pinchnose, who made everyone laugh at me when I spelled something wrong on the smartboard… .”

  “Exactly.” Beryl nodded. “We could intercept their messages and decrypt the content so we knew what they were planning to do. That gave us a huge advantage.”



  Our everyday numbering system—the decimal system—is based on a factor of 10. We number from 1 to 9, and then go to a new column for the number of 10s.

  36 = 3 x 10, plus 6 x 1

  48 = 4 x 10, plus 8 x 1

  148 = 1 x 100, plus 4 x 10, plus 8 x 1

  And so on.


  With early computer systems, a binary numbering system was used. This is because binary is based on a factor of 2, so the only digits used are 0 and 1.

  10 = 1 x 2, plus 0 x 1, i.e. the number 2 in the decimal system


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