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Thirsty Thursday (The Billionaires Temptations Book 4)

Page 5

by Annalise Wells

  "You nearly missed me," he says.

  The old guy stops yanking the chain and enters the garage. He wheels out a brand-new tire fitted and ready.

  "You should watch these kids, they will do anything," the old man says.

  "If it was who we think, they are not a kid," I reply.

  Orlando throws his tire in the back of the car and pays the old man. The old guy slips his cash inside his overalls and yanks on his door chain again. He waves goodbye as he hops in his old truck.

  "Where do you go anyway?" Orlando asks.

  "I went to see Shona, but Cally and Stacey were there instead," I reply.

  "Were there any fireworks between the three of you?"

  "Not at all, in fact, they were (in a way) happy about the whole situation."

  "I thought they would have ripped into you, they both seem like fire crackers," Orlando says.

  "They were both just happy that they have met their man of their dreams," I say.

  "And you are happy you have met the man of your dreams?" Orlando is smiling.

  I smile cheekily at Orlando. "I haven't said I have found Mr. Right. You might just be Mr. Right Now."

  "Use me and abuse me, that’s all you want," he says. We both laugh.

  "Of course, that is all any woman wants deep down," I reply with a huge grin.

  I slow and turn into the parking lot, I point the headlights at Orlando's car while he replaces the wheel. I stand and look around. Whoever had done this may be watching. There is no way a person would slash a tire like that unless they wanted a further result.

  "It was a red car that was following you, wasn’t it?" I ask.

  "Yeah, one of those smaller cars but it seems like it has a decent engine in it," he says.

  I watch as he fastens the nuts on the tire. His arm muscles ripple as he screws the metal onto the thread. No matter what Orlando does, he always does something that is attractive to women. He just has that effect.

  I was unsure though, when he said he was used to spotting, that is a term that an ordinary civilian wouldn’t use.

  One more hidden secret won't make a difference to the whole situation. As long as he is with me, I don't care what his past is. That is unless he is The Kingmaker's paternal son. I laugh at my ridiculous thoughts.

  Maybe I should get him checked out…

  Orlando grabs a rag from the trunk of his car. He wipes the oil from his face and his hands, "All done."

  "I’m not sure, but there seems to be that red car over there in the parking lot," I say.

  Orlando closes the trunk and walks back to the front of his car. "She is not able to follow two of us."

  "We will make sure once and for all. You head toward the gym, and I will double back," Tina says. "I can then see if she is following."

  "Yes, it is getting dark, she will not see you as much," he says.

  "What does she look like?" I ask.

  Orlando shakes his head. "She is about five six, five seven and has really, really long black hair."

  "Just don't drive too fast, I need to find you in the traffic," I say.

  Orlando looks at me as if he is stupid. "As if I don't know that."

  I leave the parking lot through the hotel exit. I see Orlando pull onto the road from the front exit. I spin the car left and drive back to join another road. The traffic is building up, and I struggle to get in.

  "Crap, If I can't get in he will be too far away," I mumble.

  I see a space approaching. I step on the gas. Smoke pours from the rear wheels of my car. I lunge forward and finally get into the thick stream of traffic.

  I step on the gas and weave between the cars. I can see Orlando's car ahead of me. I also spot the small red car. It is hugging the slow lane. She is not attracting any attention.

  I reach for my cell phone and call Orlando. "It is a red car, but I can't see her hair color, it is too dark."

  Orlando shouts back into his hands-free. "I will pull off the highway and use the smaller streets."

  "Just tell me which street you are taking.”

  "Forty-Fourth," he calls.

  I see Orlando as he turns into Forty-Fourth. The red car also turns. "Fuck, he is right."

  I turn into the street. I stick three cars behind the red one. Orlando pulls closer to the gym. He turns into the parking lot as does the tiny red car. I drive the past and stop at the side of the street. He parks his car and steps out. He walks into the gym. I see a person walking the same way, but what their description is I can’t tell, due to the darkness.

  I call his cell. "Leave your car here tonight. Meet me on the street," I say.

  "Okay, I will just wait until she has gone into the changing rooms," he says.

  Orlando comes running across the parking lot and leaps over the small fence. He slides himself into the passenger seat.

  "Was it her?" I ask.

  "I am not really sure, she must have darted into the locker room," he replies. He looks unimpressed.

  "Well, she has no chance of catching us tonight," I say, trying to make him feel better.

  "She is starting to freak me out. Slashing tires is not funny."

  "That is what you get for being so damned sexy," I say.

  "Just an observation, but shouldn't the car be moving?" Orlando asks.

  I start the engine and pump the gas. "I suppose it should."

  I slowly pull away from the curb. Orlando glances toward the door of the gym. The door opens and he sees a person looking around the parking lot. It could be her.

  "Where do you want to go now?" I ask.

  "I have had nothing to eat today, I am starving."

  "If you say you want pizza, I will kick you out of the car now."

  "I will let you decide."

  "You always leave the difficult choices to me." I laugh and drive.

  "It is about time you earned your keep, I have a phone number in my wallet. I’m sure she will be more than happy to meet my needs," he says, grabbing my knee.

  "I don't believe there is a woman alive who can meet your needs. Apart from me," I say smiling.

  "Now here is an option for you, shall we just have a takeout and watch a movie curled up on the couch?"

  "It sounds good to me, it has to be Chinese," I say.

  "We need a great Chinese takeout."

  " I know the best in the city," I reply. I step on the gas, feeling the hunger washing over me, as well.

  "Enlighten me, you have never mentioned Chinese before."

  "That’s because you always talk me into having pizza," I say plainly.

  "Yeah, but you have to admit, pizza is divine." I ignore him. Sometimes, he is just too damn annoying and sexy at the same time.

  I head toward Chinatown. Orlando looks out of the window at the night market. Chickens hang from hooks as street side grills cook things that don't really look edible. Small round faces with peering eyes stare at us as I drive slowly down the narrow street.

  "This looks fantastic, I have never been to Chinatown before," Orlando says.

  "It is a good place to get lost if you know the right people."

  "And the way you are driving, I am guessing that you just so happen to know the right people?" he asks.

  "I know the right person."

  I pull the car into a clearing. "Here we are."

  Orlando looks up at the front of the restaurant. The large, golden archway surrounds the red doors.

  "Who do you know in the here?" he asks.

  "No one special, just the owner," I say laughing.

  We walk inside. I can see Mr. Yang at his table. He looks up at me and smiles. He speaks to the people he is with and walks over to me.

  "Tina, what a surprise," he says.

  "It has been too long Mr. Yang." He looks happy all the time. It’s amazing how lovely he is.

  Mr. Yang looks at me strangely. "Who this guy?"

  "I think he is my boyfriend," I say, opening up my own smile.

  "No," Mr. Yang emphasizes. "Yo
u have boyfriend?"

  "Yeah. I think so."

  He looks at Orlando. “She crazy bitch!”

  Orlando looks at him with a weird face, “What!?”

  “Just kidding. Tina is wonderful. Haha I got you, huh?”

  Orlando laughs hard, puzzled by Mr. Yang’s sense of humor. I grab his arm and squeeze it.

  “Just don’t piss me off, toy-boy!” I say.

  “Yeah, whatever!” he says, annoyed by my comment.

  Mr. Yang looks at him seriously. “No, she no kidding. Don’t ever piss Tina off. She will kill you.”

  Mr. Yang laughs as loud as he can. The echo billows through the huge red room.

  “Ahhhaaaa. I get you again Lando boy!”

  “Crazy women can stay away.”


  “Old friends are always nice.”

  I stand and listen to Tina chatting with Mr. Yang, they appear to be old friends. I then find out he was a regular at the old club.

  "We have only come for a takeaway," Tina says.

  "Nonsense. On the house. Sit with me for a while," Mr. Yang says.

  "We shouldn't really…" Tina starts to say.

  "We would love to," I reply.

  "See Tina, he know a good thing when he see it," Mr. Yang comments.

  "Okay we will eat here," Tina replies. She looks at me and smiles. I can see she loves Mr. Yang. He is happy and funny.

  Mr. Yang clears everyone from his table. We sit beside him, and the waiters hand us all a menu. I begin looking at what to eat. There is so much to choose from. It is much easier to pick a pizza.

  "What happened to club Tina?" Mr. Yang asks.

  "It is a long story, but it has gone," Tina says.

  "That is a shame, it was the first of its kind. I have visited the one Shona has, very nice," he replies.

  "I saw inside, it is indeed very elegant and professional," Tina says.

  "The girls learned so much from you, they all say you are good to them," Mr. Yang says.

  "I feel the same way. And now I have a bit of a problem with that," Tina explains.

  "A problem? Anything I can help with?"

  "Noodles," I shout. Both Mr. Yang and Tina look at me and start laughing.

  "What?" I ask.

  "You are just so far out of our conversation," Tina says.

  "I am listening don't you worry," I reply. “But I haven’t had noodles for ages.”

  I am amazed that Tina opens up about the whole situation and the problem she has with her black ops position.

  "Ha, it is a tricky situation you have. I helped Ty with his problem, and it ended up quite beneficial to me," Mr. Yang says, still smiling.

  "Now I am supposed to help get the three guys to the government. You know, they want what they have for their own uses," Tina explains.

  "Like super soldier," Mr. Yang adds.

  Tina shrugs her shoulders. "Something like that, but I can't do it."

  "I might be able to help when you need me, I will ask around first, see what I dig up," he says.

  "That would be very kind," Tina replies. “I am having sweet and sour.”

  "Enough of that Kingmaker stuff, what are you doing now your club has gone?" Mr. Yang asks.

  "Well, Beau is funding a new one. We were thinking of a club for couples," Tina says.

  Mr. Yang laughs wildly. "Couples. Tina. That so wild and so sexy. Oooh nice."

  “Yes, it’s very naughty,” says Tina.

  Mr. Yang smiles and nods. "Now time for you to eat. Your man hungry," he says. Mr. Yang stands and leaves us to eat, I see him vanish into the back of the restaurant.

  "Was it wise telling him all about your situation?" I ask.

  "There is no need to worry about Mr. Yang, he is as honest as they come, or as honest as a crook can be," Tina says laughing.

  "As long as you think he is trustworthy," I say.

  Tina smiles and squeezes my leg. "Just shut up and eat your noodles."

  "You are right, though."

  "What about?" Tina asks, seeming confused.

  "The food here. This is the best Chinese I have ever had."

  She smiles. “I told you so.”

  We finish our meal, and I am stuffed. I sit back in the chair and open the buckle on my belt.

  "I can't move," I say feeling full.

  "You will be okay in a minute, just relax, we are in no rush."

  "Do you have an idea for the new club? It has to be different than theirs, even if the concept is the same," I ask.

  A waiter comes up to the table and places a small pot bottle on the table and two, small, china cups.

  "Special complement of Mr. Yang," the waiter says.

  "What is it? I ask.

  "After dinner drink, very nice."

  I look at the waiter and smile. "Yes, but what is it?"

  "Osmanthus wine," he replies, with the same grin Mr. Yang has.

  "Okay thanks." I pick up the small bottle and pour some into the two cups. I pass one to Tina.

  "Cheers," I say.

  "Cheers," she replies.

  "This is very sweet,” I say, drinking it all down.

  "I think it is just a finishing drink, you are not supposed to drink a lot," Tina replies. She checks my empty cup. “Orlando!”

  Mr. Yang walks back past our table. "I see you have the wine. Very special. Not available everywhere even in China," he says.

  "It is very nice," Tina says.

  Mr. Yang laughs. "Take bottle with you, drink at home next time your order takeaway."

  I fasten my belt buckle, and we leave the restaurant. We drive out of Chinatown and head back toward Tina's apartment.

  "There is just one thing missing," I say.

  "What is that?" Tina asks.

  "We never got to watch the home movie."

  "I am sure we still have time for that unless you are tired?" she asks.

  "When have I ever been tired?" I feel slightly amused at everything.

  "I suppose you are right, but I need a shower first," she says.

  We begin to near Tina's apartment. I scan the streets in case that damned red car of Molly’s just happens to be lurking somewhere. So far, the coast seems to be clear, and she turns into the back alleyway.

  "You're getting paranoid about that car," she says.

  "I know, I can't help it. I feel relaxed from the wine and paranoid. "

  "Has she scared you?" Tina asks.

  "I am not sure, it feels bizarre. Just over a couple of days she has already slashed my tire and followed me. It’s a new level of weird I’m not used to."

  "We can always go to the cops about her?" Tina says.

  "I don't have proof, it is only when she fondled me in the gym that I saw her close up, all the rest she has done out of sight."

  "She might get fed up and move on to someone else," Tina says. “Let’s hope so.”

  "I was thinking about not going to the gym."

  "No, don't do that, it will just make her frustrated and want you even more," she says. “Just do your normal routine.”

  It is typical. We are only a hundred yards from Tina's apartment and the rain starts. It is lashing it down. I see the drops as they fall under the lights in the alley.

  "We are going to get soaked," I say. “Fuck.”

  "We will have to make a run for it," Tina says.

  We get out of the car and run fast to the end of the alley. A small red car pulls up and stops. I grab hold of Tina and push her against the wall. The car sits there.

  "Don't make a sound," I whisper.

  My body pushes on Tina’s. I feel her heart racing as her breasts push firmly into my chest. Her hot breath blows across my neck as I turn my head to watch the red car. The rain pours over us as we stand in silence. The car slowly drives away.

  I look into Tina's hazel eyes. She gazes back, and I can see the vulnerable side of her. I lean forward, and our lips lock. Rain cascades over our bodies. I pull at the buttons on her blouse, I free her voluptu
ous breasts from her wet bra. My lips purse around her rain-soaked nipples. I feel her erect nipples harden more as my tongue swirls and dances over her perfect skin.

  Tina grabs my hair and holds my head close to her body. Her hand drops to the zipper of my pants and slowly slides deep inside my shorts. I feel her fingers as she pulls my aching bulge from my pants and slowly starts to stroke my shaft.

  I sigh as she teases my hardness with her fingers.

  "Oh Fuck," I say, breathless.

  I push Tina's breasts together and feel her nipples have hardened with desire.

  "We can't do it here," Tina says.

  "Why not?"

  Tina laughs quietly. "I can't get my jeans off, they are soaked."

  I stand away from Tina and push my hardening cock back into my pants. She quickly buttons her blouse. We run to the end of the alley and open the door of her apartment building.

  We move to her bathroom, water drips from our clothes. We help each other undress as we wait for the warm water from the shower to flow.

  "What about watching the home movie?" Tina asks.

  "I am sure we don't need that, tonight."

  “You are my best friend… with benefits,” she says, smiling.”


  “Old friends are always nice.”


  “I like it… just like that.”

  Orlando moves into the shower beside me. His body pushes against mine. I feel my nipples that are still hardened from the dampness of my clothes. He cups and massages my breasts as I lower my hands to his manhood. I feel the warmth of his hardening flesh in my grasp. I squeeze his sack and feel his balls swirling in my hand.

  Orlando tugs on my nipples with his teeth. I wince and arch my back in groaning protest. I grit my teeth and suck in breaths filled with pleasure. The pleasure of a toy-boy. A man touched by many women, but that fucks only me.

  I wrap my fingers under the head of his shaft and pull my hand down his hotness, the evidence of his arousal is rock-hard and pulsating. I stroke him gently his cock beckons under my touch. His breath is deep and wanting. He pushes his hips forward as I quicken the tempo of my hand-thrusting.

  "Fuck, Tina," he moans.

  His magnificent arousal is substantial in my grasp. I feel his pulse as he throbs between my grasping fingers.


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