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Just a Bit Obsessed

Page 2

by Alessandra Hazard

  He could acutely feel the movement of the air beside him as Christian moved to suck on the other nipple. Mila started moaning and muttering something unintelligible.

  Rolling her nipple in his mouth, Alexander glanced at Christian.

  He found him looking at him already.

  Their faces were so close that Alexander could see Christian’s every eyelash. Holding his gaze, Christian licked Mila’s nipple slowly, the tip of his pink tongue circling around it.

  Alexander bit the nipple in his mouth, hard.

  Mila moaned, raking her hands through their hair and pushing them closer to her breasts—and to each other. “Harder.”

  Alexander’s cheek was pressed against Christian’s now. The guy’s light stubble scratched against his own. Alexander’s cock throbbed. He wanted to fuck.

  He slid a hand down Mila’s body and cupped her between legs. She was wet already when he started stroking her.

  Mila moaned and spread her legs. “Fuck me. Someone fuck me now.”

  Alexander lifted his head and looked at Christian. The guy did the same.

  Running his gaze down Christian’s body, Alexander stared at his hard dick for a moment. “You aren’t fucking her.”

  A ghost of a smile appeared on Christian’s face. “Jealous? Scared she’ll like me more?”

  Alexander gave him a tight smile. “Just an agreement between me and my girlfriend that has nothing to do with you.”

  Mila spread her legs wider, looking between them.

  “She can suck you off,” Alexander said reluctantly.

  “Yeah, come here, I’ll blow you,” Mila said, getting on her fours and presenting Alexander with her back. Alexander put on a condom and threw another to Christian.

  Christian caught it, put it on and moved to her head. The problem was, in this position he and Alexander were forced to look at each other.

  “Ready?” Christian said, looking at Alexander.

  There was something in those dark eyes. Challenge.

  Alexander’s cock twitched. “Yes.” He gripped Mila’s hips and pushed into her wet heat. He didn’t want to look at Mila, didn’t want to see her blowing this guy—the noises she was making around Christian’s cock were irritating enough—so he looked at Christian instead.

  Time seemed to slow down and the world around him became blurred and unfocused, his vision tunneling on the guy in front of him. Tightness, heat, dark eyes. Christian’s eyes were a bit glazed over, face flushed, plump lips parted as he panted. He didn’t look away from Alexander even for a moment. Moaning, Christian touched his own neck, and Alexander slammed hard into the tight walls that clamped around him. Mila cried out, clenching hard around his cock as she orgasmed.

  “Oh,” Christian said as Alexander continued fucking her through her orgasm and Mila continued moaning. Christian looked down at Mila before returning his eyes to Alexander. “It must feel really good. Your cock.”

  It startled Alexander so badly his hips jerked and he came with a ragged groan, disoriented and weirded out.

  He pulled out and fell back onto the mattress, breathing hard and trying to make sense of what had just happened.

  He looked up at Christian and their gazes locked again. Christian’s mouth opened in a silent moan, his body stiffened, and he went very still.

  Realizing he’d just watched another guy come, Alexander looked away, more than a little unsettled.

  Christian flopped onto his back next to him, sighing.

  “This was fun, wasn’t it?” Mila breathed out, stretching out on the other side of Christian.

  Alexander made a non-committal sound.

  “Sure,” Christian said, the ever-present amusement in his voice. “Really fun, right, Alex?”

  “My name is Alexander.”

  “He hates being called Alex,” Mila mumbled, grinning.

  “Then you’ll get along smashingly with my grandma,” Christian said, propping himself on his elbow. “She hates nicknames too. She gets so upset when people call me Chris. That’s why I go by Christian, though I don’t mind when people call me Chris. I like Chris better, actually. I think it fits me better—I’m a simple guy. You can call me Chris, Alex.”

  Alexander felt his lips press together.

  Mila started laughing.

  Christian just looked at him innocently. “What?”

  “Don’t call me Alex.”

  “Actually, you’re right—it’s so unimaginative, and you don’t really look like Alex. Hmm…” Christian eyed him. “You look like an Alec to me. I think I’ll call you Alec.”

  “Please don’t,” Alexander said, very evenly.

  Christian cocked his head, studying him. The amusement was gone from his face. “You know, when I was a kid, my parents—they’re geologists—used to drag me along when they traveled. I’ve seen a dormant volcano once. My parents said the thing wouldn’t awaken for thousands of years, that it was safe, but it made me uneasy. I could almost feel the ground under me trembling, very faintly. It creeped me out. My parents said the volcano was harmless and I was just imagining it, and I probably was, but still.”

  “What does that have to do with anything?” Alexander said.

  “I’ve seen you around before, you know—when you come to pick Mila up. You look super calm at all times, but I feel…” Christian put a hand on Alexander’s biceps and watched the muscles tense. “I feel like it’s fake,” he said softly. “Just like I felt when I stood on the sleeping volcano. It looked like a harmless mountain, but it wasn’t.”

  Mila laughed, sitting up. “You’re wrong, Chris, believe me. I know him far better than you. Alexander is the most dependable, considerate and calmest person I’ve ever met. He’s practically a perfect boyfriend.”

  “Perfect,” Christian murmured, looking at Alexander’s rigid muscles under his hand. He met Alexander’s eyes. “No one’s perfect, sweetheart. Appearances can be very deceiving.”

  “My boyfriend is,” Mila said, annoyance creeping into her voice.

  “Maybe. I’m sure you know him better.” Removing his hand, Christian hopped off the bed and started dressing.

  “You already going?” Mila said.

  “Yup. I really gotta go.” Christian zipped up his jeans. “Promised my grandma I’d buy eggs. She’ll be massively disappointed if I don’t, and I’ll become her least favorite grandson.”

  Mila smiled and sat up. “That’s very sweet of you. How many grandsons does she have?”

  “One,” Christian said, and they laughed together.

  “There’s a store just around the corner,” Alexander said.

  Christian finally looked at him. “Thanks. You’re very helpful. Just perfect all-around.”

  Alexander gave him a flat look that only made Christian smile wider. “All right, thanks, guys, I had a great time. Don’t worry, I’ll let myself out.” He stepped to the bed and pecked Mila on the lips. “Thanks for inviting me. I had fun.” He looked over Mila’s shoulder at Alexander and blew him a kiss. “More fun than I expected.”

  And Christian strode out of the room, whistling a cheerful tune.

  Chapter 3

  “Your crush is here again,” Shawn Wyatt, Christian’s best friend told him.

  Chuckling, Christian said, “He’s not my crush.”

  “Right. Then how do you even know who I’m talking about?”

  Christian glanced in the direction of Alexander, who was leaning against the wall, ignoring all the students around him. As always, he looked impeccable, unapproachable, ridiculously gorgeous, and too damn good for the mere mortals around him. He was probably waiting for Mila again—that was the reason he came to their college, after all.

  “I don’t have a crush on him anymore,” Christian said. “It was a tiny crush anyway.”

  Shawn rolled his eyes.

  “No, I’m serious. Sure, I used to have a bit of a crush on him—who didn’t? But now that I actually talked to him and got to know him a bit, I’m over it. I’m serious.

  Shawn shot him a curious look before grinning. “Does he have a small dick or something?”

  Christian chuckled and shoved him a little. “Oh shut it, I’m not that shallow! And nope, his dick is just as ridiculously perfect as he is. And that’s the problem I have with him. ”

  “You don’t like that he has a perfect dick?”

  Christian snorted. “Hardly.” He glanced at Alexander again, but couldn’t help but stare. The guy took the meaning of “tall, dark and handsome” to a whole new level, and his dark-blue eyes were nothing short of stunning. It was such a shame the guy was a weirdo—and a weirdo with a girlfriend. “There’s something off about him. He’s too perfect.”

  “Too perfect?”

  “Yeah. I don’t mean his looks. I mean his personality. Sure, he has a few quirks, but other than that, he’s so damn calm, reasonable, rational, and…and perfect. His face betrays nothing. It’s just not normal.”

  “There are people like that. I told you he had a stick up his ass.”

  “It’s not that,” Christian said, shaking his head. “It seems like a mask, you know? Every emotional reaction seems planned and carefully controlled. I don’t know… he’s weird. It gives me the creeps.”

  Shawn gave Alexander a long, assessing look. “He doesn’t look like a creep.”

  “That’s the point,” Christian said. “He looks like a fucking hero in some goddamn romance novel: handsome and hot, with a great car, a great apartment, and a great, beautiful girlfriend. He obviously has money, too. He’s a perfect, considerate boyfriend—I mean, he practically always comes to pick her up! And he ignores all the girls here that constantly try to get his attention. And I’m pretty sure he agreed to the threesome just to make his girlfriend happy. Because he’s such a perfect boyfriend.”

  “Please stop saying the word ‘perfect.’ It’s giving me a headache.”

  Christian laughed. “Sorry. But his perfectness annoys the hell out of me. It’s fake. I’m sure of it.”

  “Why are you so sure?” Shawn said.

  “Because his mask slipped a few times the other day,” Christian murmured, looking at Alexander. He shivered, remembering the glimpse of wildness that lurked beneath the calm surface. “He’s not at all what he appears to be, trust me. I’m good at reading people, you know that.”

  “Whatever.” Shawn patted him on the shoulder. “I’m glad you’re over your little crush. Crushing on straight guys is never a good idea.”

  Christian nodded, deciding not to tell Shawn he wasn’t entirely sure about the straight part. He couldn’t prove it, of course. Alexander could well be completely straight, and his own attraction to the guy might be clouding his judgment. And even if Alexander had really been a bit attracted to him, it would be hardly something surprising. Christian was neither blind nor naive. He knew he had a certain effect on people; even totally straight men often stared at him when he smiled. It was kind of amusing, and Christian wasn’t ashamed to use it when needed. Hey, it wasn’t his fault that most people liked him!

  Though he was pretty sure Alexander Sheldon didn’t like him at all.

  Christian looked at Alexander again. He still stood alone, glancing at his watch from time to time. He was clearly waiting for Mila.

  “I’ll go say hi,” Christian said. “It would be rude not to, right?”

  “Chris,” Shawn said, clear disapproval in his voice.

  Christian grinned at his friend. “What? I’m bored! Go make out with Professor Rutledge while I’m gone.”

  “Hush!” Shawn hissed, glancing around. He looked adorably flustered.

  Shaking his head with a smile, Christian walked away. He would never understand how his friend ended up having an affair with the most hated, nastiest professor in their college, but whatever. He wasn’t one to judge.

  “Hey, Chris!” some girl said.

  “Hey,” he muttered with a smile and walked faster, hoping he looked busy enough so she wouldn’t try to talk to him. She looked like a nice girl, but he wasn’t sure he remembered her name. His memory was pretty crappy, to be honest, and he knew a lot of people.

  “Hey, Christian!”

  “Hi, Chris!”

  “Hey!” he said, smiling some more and walking even faster. His eyes were on Alexander, so he could see the moment the guy noticed him. His face betrayed nothing, but something changed in Alexander’s posture; Christian couldn’t quite put his finger on it.

  “Hey,” Christian said, coming to a halt very close to him. He could feel that Alexander didn’t appreciate his personal space being invaded, but his face remained calm. Of course it remained calm.

  “Hello,” Alexander said, giving him a cool look.

  “Waiting for Mila?”

  Alexander nodded and didn’t say anything.

  “It’s a small world, isn’t it?” Christian said, slinging his arm around the guy’s shoulders, as though they were old buddies.

  Yes, that was it: he could feel Alexander’s body stiffen with tension.

  His face blank, Alexander looked straight in front of him. “Don’t think so. You go to this college.” His voice was so cold that even the air between them seemed to become colder.

  “I have a strange feeling you don’t like me,” Christian said, with a mock-hurt in his voice.

  Alexander turned his head to him.

  Christian licked his lips. Fuck. Those eyes were ridiculously blue. Almost violet.

  “Don’t you know the meaning of personal space?” Alexander said, irritation lacing his voice.

  “What personal space?” Christian said with a teasing smile. He let his hand move a little, brushing the back of Alexander’s neck, touching the warm skin there.

  “Precisely,” Alexander said, the tension in his body growing. “What are you playing at?”

  Christian adopted a look of innocence, his blunt nails digging into Alexander’s skin just below his nape. “I’ve no idea what you mean.”

  Alexander gave him a glare, his calm mask slipping.

  Christian felt a thrill run through his body. He looked at Alexander from under his eyelashes and smiled.

  “You’re so gay,” Alexander said after a moment.

  “Thanks,” Christian said, holding his gaze.

  Alexander laughed shortly, shaking his head. “Stop doing this. It doesn’t work on me.”


  “This. Flirting. Messing with my head. Whatever you’re doing.”

  Christian laughed. “You think I’m flirting with you? Someone has a big head, methinks.”

  Alexander put his hands into the pockets of his pants. “I wasn’t born yesterday. You’re bi, and you give me all these—all these looks. Sorry, I’m not interested.”

  “Yup, definitely a big head.” Christian smiled. “Sorry to disappoint you, but I ‘flirt’ with everyone. It’s just how I roll. Not all of us are grumpy cold bores. You haven’t seen me really flirt.”

  Alexander shot him a skeptical look.

  Christian nodded, mock-serious. “I know: it’s hard to accept you’re not special.”

  “And I guess you grope everyone too?”

  “What can I say, I’m a touchy-feely guy.” Christian’s fingers stroked Alexander’s neck. “And this? This is not groping.”

  “Then what is this?” Alexander practically gritted the words out.

  Christian leaned in until their lips were inches away. “This is me messing with you,” he whispered. He almost brushed his lips against Alexander’s. Almost. He felt Alexander’s body tense like a string ready to snap.

  Christian stepped back, a little breathless, and winked at him. “Tell Mila I said hi.”

  Chapter 4

  Stretched out on the bed, Alexander watched Mila brush her hair before bed. She was wearing only her panties, so he eyed her curves appreciatively.

  “Honey,” she said suddenly. “I met Christian this afternoon and invited him again.”

  Alexander’s eyes snapped to her face.

  Mila fidgeted, shifting from one foot to the other and giving him a wary look. “Well, I figured you wouldn’t mind. The experiment went well, right? And he’s a nice guy.”

  Alexander had to make a conscious effort to unclench his jaw before he could speak.

  “That wasn’t the deal,” he said. “I thought we agreed it would be a one-time thing.”

  Mila flushed and looked at her feet. “Sorry.”

  “Sorry? I was very clear. You shouldn’t have done that without asking me first.”

  Mila’s eyes filled with tears, and Alexander gritted his teeth, annoyed with her. He hated tears and he hated scenes.

  He sighed. “When is he going to come?”

  The doorbell rang.

  Mila gave him a sheepish smile. “Now?”

  Great. Just fantastic.

  Alexander leaned back against the pillow while Mila went to open the door. He glanced at himself—he was wearing only his boxers—and considered putting something on, but what was the point?

  He folded his arms behind his head and stared at the doorway, his muscles tense and alert.

  Finally, Mila backed into the room, her lips glued to Christian’s as she undressed him.

  Something unpleasant coiled in the pit of Alexander’s stomach as he watched Mila push Christian’s shorts off his narrow hips, squeezing his firm, round ass.

  Still kissing Mila, Christian opened his eyes, and looked at Alexander.

  Alexander stared back at him.

  Christian maneuvered her to the bed. Mila fell gracelessly onto the mattress, a little out of breath, and Christian stretched out on her other side. He leaned down and licked her trembling bottom lip, still looking at Alexander, as if saying, See how she’s trembling?

  Alexander watched Christian’s pink tongue swipe across Mila’s lips and felt the ugly feeling in his stomach spread to his chest.

  As Christian leaned down to kiss her again, Alexander moved swiftly and covered Mila’s lips with his.

  Christian’s wet lips grazed his cheek. “You didn’t say hi,” he said, in a barely audible whisper, just for his ears. “You’re so rude.”


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