Beautiful Days (Jason Of The Valley Book 5)
Page 13
"Very good. I showed you how to open, close and return. I've shown you rentals and purchases. I've shown you just about everything you need to know, so tonight, I'm letting you fly solo."
"I think you're ready for it."
"I don't know."
"Look, it's not brain surgery in here. Basically, you're babysitting the porn. If anything goes wrong, call me on my cell. If anything goes really, really wrong, nine one one."
"You're joking."
"Not as much as I wish I was. I'm sure you'll be fine. It's been years since anything major has happened."
"Look, I know it's not the best neighborhood out here, but is it really dangerous?"
"No. I mean, we have a church next door, for Christ's sake! You'll be fine. I'll see you tomorrow." Bernie said and then lumbered out. Ken watched as he squeezed himself into his beat up little car and then drive off and as his car disappeared, Ken was alone. He looked over to check on the old guy and he was still there, staring at a new box.
Time crawled by and there were barely any customers at all and the few that there were, didn't buy or rent anything. Ken looked outside and he saw that the sun had gone down and the lights in the parking lot were coming on. The store was as quiet as a tomb. Ken then sat down in the one chair he had back there and flipped on the little television they had stashed under the counter.
As Ken watched whatever the television could pick up, he felt time actually slow down. Hour after hour without any customers. He looked up at the computer and he saw that somehow it had gotten late and he was only ten minutes away from closing. He leapt up, did a quick sweep of the store. He set any flipped over boxes right and he lingered in the gay section for a bit. When he returned to the register, he had only two minutes left. He gathered up the garbage and dusted the front portion of the store and went back to the register and saw he had only one minute left. He grabbed the keys and ran to the front door. He locked one of the doors and held his key at the ready for the other. He looked down at his watch and it ticked over to the next hour and they were officially closed. Ken happily locked the door and switched off the open sign.
The rest of the night he actually enjoyed. He liked it when it was just him, alone with the computer and the numbers. He counted out the money, which didn't change since there had been no transactions all night.
Once he was done, he stepped out of the store, setting the alarm on his way out and locked the door. He let out a sigh of relief and the only thought he had was of him at home in a hot shower.
When Ken arrived home he began to feel the pain in his feet. He opened the door expecting to walk in on a dark living room, but instead, he heard a growling noise near his ankles and suddenly a frenzied barking rang out. Ken flipped on the light and he saw a little brown dog running around like a toddler on sugar laced with crack. Adam then came running in and picked the pup up.
"Sorry. I forgot to close the door."
"That's all right. What is that?"
"This? This is Smidgen! Isn't he adorable?"
"To die for. What is it doing in our home?"
"I adopted Smidgen."
"Yes. I saw him at the shelter and I just had to bring him home."
"How did this all happen?"
"You know how we've been talking about having a kid, right?"
"Well, I thought it would be good to get some practice in first. To see if we're really ready for that kind of responsibility."
"So you got a dog."
"I didn't really mean to get one today. I just was looking at what they had. I figured you and I could have gone over there this weekend to pick one out, but I saw this little guy and I couldn't leave him. I hope you don't mind." Adam said as he held Smidgen out to Ken.
"No, it's fine. He's cute. A little loud."
"He just needs to get used to you."
"And you think this guy is going to get us ready for a child?"
"Not completely, no, but I think it could be good for us to get a little taste of sharing the responsibility of another life. You said you've wanted a dog."
"Yes. A dog. This is a dog-let."
"Maybe, but I don't think we'd get a Great Dane past the landlord here, do you?"
"Give him a chance. He's a good little cuddler."
"I give my blessing, so long as I can get in a nice shower before bed."
"Of course."
As Ken stood in the stream of hot water, he thought about his day and then he thought about the dog. It seemed to go one step closer to confronting the issue of the child. Ken felt tightness in his chest for a moment when he thought of that and realized he was currently working in a video store for next to nothing. It seemed like the future was getting heaped upon his shoulders faster than he could deal with it. He was lost in his thoughts when suddenly a sharp yip roused him. He looked down and saw that Smidgen had somehow snuck into the bathroom and was sitting in front of the shower. Ken shut off the water and opened the door. Smidgen got up on his legs and did a nervous little dance as his tail wagged furiously. Ken bent down and reached his finger out to the dog and he sniffed it and then gave it a few licks. He then finally slid his tiny head into Ken's palm.
"I guess you are kind of cute. For a purse dog." Ken said. He stood up and slung a nearby towel around his waist. Smidgen followed him out of the bathroom and into the bedroom, but before he could make it to the bed, he felt something cold and wet under his foot. He looked down and saw that Smidgen had been terribly busy on the carpet. Ken then returned to the bathroom for another shower.
Chapter 18
The Morning After
Mike opened the doors to the bistro an hour before they were due to open. He walked in and it wasn't so much what he heard that troubled him as what he didn't hear. He walked through the dining room and into the kitchen and saw that he was the only one in the place. He checked his watch and as far as he could see, he was right on time. He then heard a loud banging on the door in the back. He ran over and saw that the backdoor had been locked. He opened it up and saw his morning crew standing before him.
"About time!" Albert barked as he pushed past Mike.
"What's going on? You guys are usually already in here getting ready by the time I get here."
"When we got here, the back door was locked. Haley usually unlocks it for us." Mike then realized the biggest difference he had not yet seen. Haley was nowhere to be seen. It was usually her habit of coming in extra early and letting the kitchen staff in so that they could get a jump on the day. Mike raced back out to the dining room and looked around, in case he had breezed past her, but she wasn't there. He went to the bar and checked to see if she had passed out behind it. It was clear. Mike then heard the front door open and he turned to see Haley shambling in. She had on a pair of dark glasses and she was walking as though she were crossing a tightrope.
"Good morning." He said. Haley reached up and placed her hand to her head as she winced in pain.
"Please. Whispers." She said.
"I guess I don't need to ask how your girl's night with Cynthia went."
"Then don't. I'm running late. It happens." She said as she headed toward the kitchen.
"I already let the boys in."
"Oh, good."
"Come over here. Let me get you a drink."
"Water. Please."
"What did you think I was going to give you?" Mike then poured out a large glass of water and he found a small bottle of aspirin and slid over a pill to go with it. Haley struggled a smile and took the medicine and then a big gulp of water. "What happened?"
"We hit a bar and had a few drinks. Then we noticed a spot on her dress and we went back to my place so she could change and then we got into the tequila."
"Say no more. You and tequila."
"I probably should have stopped after she took her cab home, but I just figured I'd kill the bottle."
"You drank a whole bottle of
tequila alone?"
"No. Cynthia had a few shots first. It was a small bottle."
"I thought you were supposed to take her out to feel better about herself."
"I guess she didn't need it as much as I thought. Besides, at least she had Douglas to go home to."
"No. I just wouldn't mind a handsome hung to come home to once in a while."
"You and me both, sister." Mike said. Haley guzzled down the last of her water and she then turned away and saw Jeff walking toward the bistro.
"Wow. Ask and ye shall receive." She said.
"Down girl. I think he's here for me."
"Oh, really? A new friend?"
"Not really." Mike said as he walked toward the door and locked it before Jeff could pull it open.
"Come on! Open up!" Jeff called out.
"We don't serve whores here!" Mike shot back.
"It doesn't have to be like this. We can be friends."
"We can't be friends and I don't want to be friends. Just go crawl back under whatever stone you came from." Mike then turned away from Jeff.
"We both care about him." Mike froze for a moment. He then spun around and hurried to the door. He unlocked it and as he pushed it open, he repelled Jeff.
"Don't you ever say anything like that again!" Mike hissed.
"What? That I care about your father?" Mike grabbed Jeff's arm and pulled him aside.
"Let's get this straight. He doesn't care about you. You're just an amusement. A distraction. He's just trying something new for the sake for trying it. That's all that it is between you two. He's married. He loves his wife."
"I never said he didn't, but just because he loves her, why can't he care about me?"
"You're just some trick he's taking for a test drive. He's never done this before and I guess this found its way onto his bucket list. Once he's done with you, that's it. No Christmas cards or birthday greetings. It's over. You'll barely be a memory to him, or me."
"Hard to believe you're single with that dazzling personality."
"Why are you here? Why do you insist on making peace between the two of us?"
"Because I like you. Besides, like you said, when you're dad's done with me, I'll be out. I was thinking it wouldn't hurt for me to line up a backup." Jeff then tried to slip his arms around Mike.
"Jesus!" Mike snapped as he pulled away from Jeff's grip. "What is wrong with you?"
"Me? What's wrong with you? You've got a hot guy practically throwing himself at you and you are actually walking away. Are you even really gay?"
"Yes, I am, but I also have standards and a set of pretty eyes and a body of an Olympian God won't hide the truth." Mike said as he kept stepping back from Jeff.
"And what is the truth?"
"You're just some slut boy who's taking my dad for a ride because of some daddy issues of your own. I don't want you making him think this is any more than what it is. I just want him to get this out of his system so he and mom can get back to their lives."
"You worry an awful lot about your parents' relationship. Do you ever give this much consideration to your own?"
"I don't know what kind of crazy you're trying to sell, but I'm not buying. Just get the Hell out of here before I call the cops. Got it?" Mike didn't even wait for a response from Jeff. He just turned and went back into the bistro, locking the door behind him.
"Who was that and why aren't you sleeping with him?"
"That's my dad's play thing." Mike said through gritted teeth.
"Whoa! Repeat that! Your dad's what?"
"It seems since my parents are experimenting with an open relationship, my father has chosen to experiment a bit more."
"Wow. He's gorgeous. How did your dad bag him?"
"You think my dad's not goodlooking?"
"No, but as handsome as he is, he's still pretty old. You really think he could score a hot piece of ass like that?"
"You'd be surprised. I've seen some very strange pairings."
"So, your dad bags a hottie and you," Before Haley could even finish her thought, Mike threw up his hand and she fell silent.
"Stop it right there. You have a hangover. I could destroy you if I chose to."
"Fine. But once the storm passes, you're in for it."
Chapter 19
House Warming
Jason was making a final check through the whole apartment. Everything had to be perfect. The bed was made, just in case anyone was to snoop inside, and he knew all his friends would. The bathrooms were clean and fresh soaps were set out on the basins. All clothes were hung up and put away in the closet and all junk mail and garbage had been thrown out. The apartment he and David had moved into was so different than any other. He actually liked it and it had so much storage space. So many closets and cabinets. It also helped that David didn't have a lot of things to begin with.
"Are you all right?" David asked.
"I'm fine. Why?"
"You're running around like a poodle on linoleum. Just calm down. It's just a simple little housewarming party."
"I know. I know. It's just this is kind of our first party. Together. As a couple."
"Didn't you ever host a party with your exes?"
"Yes, but I was nervous then too. I get nervous. That's something you should come to expect." David then took Jason in his arms and pressed his lips to his. He felt the tension in Jason's body melt away.
"And that's how I deal with a nervous boyfriend."
"That's not really going to stop me from being nervous. It could just encourage it." David's grip tightened around Jason.
"Maybe that's what I want. How long until our guests arrive?" And as if in answer, the doorbell rang. He slumped his shoulders down as he released Jason.
"Hold that thought. It's too early for anyone to show up." Jason went to the door and pulled it open and there was Bill standing in the doorway.
"Happy housewarming!" He bellowed.
"Bill. You're early."
"Well, better early than late, I figure," Bill walked in and held out a nice looking bottle of wine. "Also, never come to a party empty handed."
"Thanks, Bill. I'll go put this in the kitchen."
"Bill. Nice to see you." David said as he walked into the living room. Bill was more focused on checking out their place. He noticed that the hardwood floors looked new and everything looked nice with the candles lit up all around the room. He took in a deep breath and he sensed something in the air.
"What's that smell?"
"It's incense. This fragrance is called Oak."
"It's nice. Woody. Thick."
"Thanks. Glad you could make it."
"My pleasure. I hope you two don't mind me showing up early. I was entertaining a lady friend earlier and she really wasn't getting the hint to leave. I'm hoping disappearing for a few hours may do the trick."
"Any way we can help." Jason then returned from the kitchen and tried to think of something to kill the next hour until the other guests were to arrive.
"Can I get anyone anything?"
"Actually, how about a little food. My lady friend, whom I was entertaining, didn't really feel up to fixing me a sandwich."
"Sure. Food. That'll kill some time," Jason said as he turned and went back to the kitchen. David was close behind him. "Why did I invite him again?"
"He's your friend. Besides, you know he'd just show up anyway."
"True. I don't get it. Some people mellow with age. Bill just seems to get worse with every passing year."
"If he's so bad, how come you've stayed friends all this time?"
"Please. Don't ask me why my friends are my friends. That's a question I have not yet answered to myself. He is a good guy. He gave me my first break. Of course it was for writing porn, but it was good money."
"We all have a friend like Bill. Loud. Obnoxious."
"With good hearing too!" Bill barked from the other room. David's face couldn't have turned red faster.
r /> David spent the better part of the next hour hidden in the kitchen while Jason brought out the food and laid it out on the table in the living room.
"How long is he going to hide from me?" Bill asked.
"He's a little embarrassed about what you heard him say."
"Hey, I've been called worse by better people than him."
"I know. If he does come out, just don't say anything, all right? Just let it go."
"Hey, it's let go. I am loud and obnoxious. I used to have that printed on my business cards."
"The others are going to be here any minute. Don't eat everything. Please," Jason then turned and grabbed one of the beers they had put out and handed it to Bill. "Here. Suck on this until people start coming and then you can eat."
"Fair enough." Bill said as he twisted the bottle open and took a swig. The doorbell rang again and Jason felt a jump in his heart. He ran to the stereo and switched it on and some gentle, easy listening music came on. He went to the door and opened it to see Ken and Adam standing before him with their dog in the crook of Adam's arm.
"Hi. I hope you don't mind but we brought our 'child'." Ken said as he indicated to the dog.
"We couldn't get a sitter." Adam said. Jason gave out a little laugh but Adam and Ken looked back at him seriously.
"He's not kidding. We have a regular sitter. A regular dog sitter." Ken said.
"Oh, okay, it's fine. What's this little guy's name?"
"This is Smidgen." Adam said with exuberance. He held the dog out to Jason's face and it licked him on his nose.
"Hello, Smidgen. Cute name."
"Isn't it?" Ken said. "Where's the booze?"
"I hope you don't mind, but I should take this guy for a little walk."
"Seriously? You took him for a walk before we left our place. He hasn't eaten anything between now and then, has he?"
"I just get the feeling he'd like to stretch his legs. It was a long car trip."
"We got here in twenty minutes."
"Yes, but to him it was over two hours." Adam reasoned.
"There's a dog run in the back. There are plastic baggies out there too."