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Primal Passions

Page 8

by Stephani Hecht

  Jacyn leaned forward.

  Logan put a hand on the man’s chest and stopped him. “This time, I’m in control,” he growled, passion making him sound harsher than he intended. When Jacyn opened his mouth to protest, Logan cut him off by putting his finger on the man’s lips. “Last time I had all the pleasure and you got nothing. I want to make it up to you. I have to. Please.”

  The tip of Jacyn’s tongue darted out to taste Logan’s finger before the jaguar slowly nodded and settled back down.

  “That’s a good boy,” Logan crooned as he reached over the edge of the tub and grabbed the champagne. “Now, open your mouth for me.”

  The fact that Jacyn immediately obeyed, so trusting, tugged on Logan’s emotions in many ways. Logan tipped the bottle and carefully poured some of the drink into Jacyn’s mouth. Before he could swallow, Logan captured his lips in a hard, demanding kiss.

  He slid his tongue past Jacyn’s lips, some of the bubbly liquid transferring to his mouth. Shifting so he was in between Jacyn’s thighs, Logan was thrilled when he felt the jaguar’s thick, hard erection brushing against his stomach. That answered the question about whether he was naked or not.

  Logan used his free hand to squeeze that hard cock. Jacyn’s body jerked, almost throwing him off. Logan pulled back and gave him a light warning nip on the chin. “Be still,” he admonished.

  “Sorry,” Jacyn panted, his face flushed with passion. “But it feels so good.”

  “Try harder.” Logan poured another swallow into Jacyn’s mouth and then kissed him so they could share it again. Squeezing his cock even tighter, Logan started to pump his hand up and down. Jacyn whimpered against Logan’s mouth, but followed orders and kept still. “How far do you want to take this?” Logan rumbled as he let his hand drift down until his fingers were poised at the entrance of Jacyn’s tight ass.

  “All the way,” Jacyn moaned as he tilted his head back. His eyelids fluttered shut, the wet spikes of his eyelashes dark against his cheeks. “Fuck me, Logan. Hard.”

  Wanting to have both hands free to play, Logan gave Jacyn one last drink before he put the bottle down. As he swooped down for a wet kiss, Logan slid two fingers into Jacyn’s ass at the same time. While Logan was swallowing his share of the champagne, his mouth watered for something entirely different.

  What he really wanted was to trail a path of kisses down Jacyn’s sculpted body. He wouldn’t stop until he had the jaguar’s hard cock in his mouth. Then he would have fun torturing Jacyn the way he’d tortured Logan before Kevin and Jared interrupted them.

  Since they were both presently in the tub and Logan couldn’t hold his breath under water that long, he would have to wait until later for that. They had time to play before they had to leave. He only wished he had more of it. Like a lifetime’s worth of minutes and hours to make love to Jacyn, be with him, wake up in his arms.

  That wasn’t to be though. All he would ever have was this one night and it made him want to howl in rage. Instead, Logan put all his pain and frustration into each kiss, caress and touch. Maybe someday Jacyn would look back to this moment and realize just how much Logan loved him.

  Still plunging his fingers in and out of Jacyn with one hand, Logan used to other to caress his lover’s cheek, tweak his nipples, cup his balls and slowly stroke his cock. All the while, he continued to kiss and nuzzle Jacyn.

  “This isn’t fair,” Jacyn declared breathless. “I’m getting all the pleasure. What about you?”

  “Don’t worry, I’ll get my turn.” Logan rubbed his cheek, against Jacyn’s jaw line.

  “When?” Jacyn sucked in a breath as Logan gave his cock one last squeeze.

  “Now.” Logan spread Jacyn’s thighs out further so he could get at him even more. Grabbing his own cock, Logan guided it to the opening of the man’s ass. Slowly he entered Jacyn, each inch in more pleasurable than the last.

  “More, please, I need all of you,” Jacyn begged. He tried to reach out, but almost slipped under the water. Bracing his elbows on the edge of the tub for support, he turned his imploring gaze to Logan.

  “How can I deny you that?” Logan slammed the rest of the way home, burying his cock ball’s deep inside Jacyn.

  Pleasure slithered its way around Logan’s body, making him rasp out a hoarse moan. Never had it been this intense, never had he felt so alive. Jacyn’s ass gripped his erection snuggly, as if they had been made for each other.

  While Logan wanted nothing more to pull back and pound into his lover hard and fast, he forced himself to set a slow, easy pace. He didn’t want to come too soon and end things. Not when this was going to be the only time he was going to enjoy this paradise.

  Despite his efforts to prolong things, Logan could feel the pressure building up in his balls. Wanting Jacyn to find his pleasure first, he reached between them and took the man’s cock in his fist.

  “Yes, just like that,” Jacyn groaned, the tendons on his neck standing out. “Hold it harder.”

  Logan obeyed, tightening his grip on Jacyn’s cock and pumping his fist up and down. After a few more strokes, Jacyn let out a harsh cry as he came. Logan continued to milk him the entire time, until he’d wrenched all the pleasure from his lover’s body. Only when he was sure Jacyn was finished did Logan allow himself to join him in orgasm. Damn, it hadn’t been this good in for as long as he could remember. Logan bit his bottom lip to keep from yelling his pleasure too loudly and bringing hotel security to the door.

  After it was over, he slid out of Jacyn and then settled back on his knees so he could gaze down at his guy. Jacyn slowly opened his eyes and gave Logan a satisfied grin. There was a low rumbling noise coming from his throat that had Logan smiling. “Now who’s purring,” he teased lightly, as he trailed his finger down Jacyn’s chest.

  “I guess I am.” Jacyn yawned. “I didn’t even know I could do that.”

  “You look tired,” Logan said with a ting of disappointment. He didn’t want to lose a moment of the precious little bit of time he had left with Jacyn, even to sleep.

  “I’ve still got plenty of energy left.” Jacyn sat up and gave Logan a scorching kiss. “Come to bed and let me prove it.”

  Chapter Ten

  It was late into the next day before they finally got to Flint. Jacyn nervously clutched the dash of the car, heart hammering in his chest as he waited for the first glimpse of his new home.

  “There it is,” Logan announced in a tight voice as a rundown factory came into view.

  “Here?” Jacyn gave a slight shake of disbelief. Was this some kind of joke they play on the new guys. “It can’t be. It looks like a dump.”

  “You should know by now that looks can be deceiving. When we first relocated here, we needed a big place. When the auto companies pulled out of Flint, they left behind many empty factories. The locals are so happy to see one of them being put to use for something other than drug houses that they didn’t ask too many questions when we bought one and moved in.”

  “Do you live there?” Jacyn felt a twinge of guilt that he’d never bothered to ask Logan that before.

  “No, most of us have our own places. The different types of cats in us often don’t get along well enough to make cohabitation a good idea.”

  Thinking about the way Kevin could grate on his nerves, Jacyn could totally relate to that one. Even though they were now friends, he didn’t think he could take more than small doses of the panther. “So where do you live?” Jacyn hoped he wasn’t coming off like some needy stalker.

  “About five miles from here. I have a small apartment. Since it’s just me, I don’t need much. Plus, housekeeping is not my thing so the less I have to deal with the better.”

  Jacyn nodded, thinking about his own crap-hole apartment he’d left behind in LA. How long before the landlord realized he wouldn’t be coming back and he threw all his stuff out? A bit of remorse went through him, making him frown. Like Logan, he didn’t have much, but it was his and he hated that it was going to end up in trash ba
gs at the curb.

  “Since he’s the leader and always on call, Mitchell does live here though,” Logan supplied, breaking into Jacyn’s internal pity party.

  “How about Brent and Cassie?”

  “They live here, too. From what I hear, they’ve already made up your room so don’t worry about not having a place to stay. If I know Cassie, she probably has the closet stocked and everything.” Logan slowed as they approached a large set of gates.

  A chain link fence surrounded the entire building and though Jacyn wasn’t an expert on such things, he was pretty sure it was electrified. He barely noticed this, too disappointed that one…Logan was going to be five miles away and two…he hadn’t asked Jacyn to come stay with him.

  What had he expected, that after one night of sex, Logan would want to become mates? Okay, it had been mind-blowing sex, but obviously that’s all it had been to Logan. Sex—because he had the good sense not to fall in love like Jacyn had with him.

  Jacyn still wasn’t sure when he’d first fallen in love with the black jaguar, but somewhere along this trip from hell, there was no mistake that he’d fallen for Logan. Hard. To make matters worse, ever since they’d left the hotel, Logan had been cool and distant. Jacyn stilled, icy dread settling in his stomach. What if the sex had only been mind-blowing to him? Maybe he’d deluded himself into thinking Logan had enjoyed it as much as he had. Could it be possible that he sucked in bed? Or worse maybe he’d broken some shifter taboo and Logan was so disgusted with him that it was all he could do not to plant his boot firmly in Jacyn’s ass and kick him out the car—while it was still moving.

  The worst part was, there was nobody that he could ask if he’d committed a kitty sex faux paux. It’s not as if he could go up to Mitchell, shake his hand and say, why yes, I am your long lost brother. By the way, is it okay that I went down on one of your soldiers, days within meeting him? You don’t have some weird rules against that or anything, do you? If so, how do I make it up? With a fruit basket or something?

  Thankfully, a guard came out from the small white station house and approached the car, tearing him away from his troubled thoughts. The tall man was wearing a green shirt and black fatigue pants. He wore his blond hair cut short to his skull and he had the darkest blue eyes Jacyn had ever seen. His gaze shifted from Logan to Jacyn. He cocked his brow, but otherwise showed no reaction to having a stranger in his midst.

  Logan rolled down the window of the car. “How goes it, Thomas?”

  “It’s pretty damn shitty. One of our teams got ambushed while on a mission and we have a ton of wounded,” Thomas replied in an almost bored voice. His gaze flicked over Jacyn. “Is this the one that has everyone’s tails tied in knots?”

  “Yes,” Logan sighed, sounding put out. Almost as if Jacyn was a pest he couldn’t wait to get rid of.

  Jacyn got a bit annoyed. If he was so much trouble, then why had Logan spent the better part of last night making love to him?

  “Cool.” Thomas slowly broke out into a grin. Nodding to Jacyn, he addressed him for the first time. “I have a brother who went missing the same time you did. Finding you gives me real hope for him. You need anything at all, you don’t hesitate to ask me.”

  “Thanks,” Jacyn replied more than a bit relieved that all shifters weren’t assholes like Kevin.

  Logan gave one last wave before he pulled in the parking lot. Kevin and Jared were still following them, but as they passed through the gate, they went off in a different direction. Jacyn would have asked where they were going, but since Logan was still giving him the silent treatment, he decided to keep his questions to himself for once. Logan parked the car, turned it off, then turned to pin Jacyn with a hard stare.

  “When we get in there, stick close by me until I can hand you off to Mitchell,” he ordered.

  “Hand me off to Mitchell?” Jacyn echoed, finally having had enough. What right did Logan have to treat him as if he was some fumbling idiot? Or worse, some fucking burden.

  “Yes” Logan snapped, his tone as cold as his eyes. “My mission was to bring you home safe and make sure you got to Mitchell in one piece.”

  “Was it also part of your mission to fuck me?” Jacyn shot back, feeling equal parts enraged and hurt. Even though a small part of him knew that Logan was pushing him away in an effort to protect him, another part of him was enraged that the man didn’t care enough to fight for what they could have had.

  Not able to stand being so close to Logan anymore, he grabbed at the handle on the door. After a few frantic struggles, he was able to get it open. Not looking back, he got out and slammed the door hard. Since the car seemed to be the only thing that Logan gave a damn about, maybe that would hurt him back some. He started walking to the building, not pausing, even when he heard Logan get out.

  “What do you want from me?” Logan called. “I warned you not to expect anything more.”

  Yeah he had, but that still hadn’t prepared Jacyn for the sting of his rejection. Sure, he’d had lovers shove him away in the past, but not once had it even come close to hurting as much. Then again, Jacyn hadn’t loved any of them as he did Logan. There was the sound of pounding footsteps and then Logan was behind him. He pulled on Jacyn’s arm and made him stop.

  “I never wanted to hurt you,” Logan said, his eyes bleak.

  “I should have known better. You did try to warn me, but I had hoped that you…” Jacyn trailed off, realizing he’d almost said, that you loved me as much as I do you.

  “Before long you’ll realize that I’m doing you a huge favor. If you’re associated with me, it’ll just drag you down. The last thing you need is me messing up your new life.”

  “Did it ever occur to you that maybe I wanted a say in your decision to save me?” Jacyn gave a humorless laugh. “No, you just had to take that choice from me as well. I didn’t have any more say in that than I did about losing my career, my home, my friends and my own life.”

  Jacyn knew it wasn’t right that he was taking all his stress out on Logan, but he couldn’t find it in him to pull back the words either. Everything that he’d felt the past couple of days had finally reached a boiling point. Jacyn wrenched his arm away from Logan and started walking away again. “Go home, I don’t need or want your help,” Jacyn spat.

  “Yeah, the last time you thought that, you ended up chained to a wall,” Logan replied as he followed.

  “Who knows, maybe this time it will be a cute guy doing the chaining and I’ll like it.”

  Logan let out a low growl. “You’re not funny.”

  “And you don’t intimidate me anymore, so making animal noises at me isn’t going to make me cooperate anymore.” Jacyn reached a door and tired to wrench it open, only to find it locked. There was a keypad by it, but he didn’t know the code to get in. Damn it, there went his little declaration of independence.

  Thankfully Logan didn’t call him on it as he could have. Instead, he punched in the code and opened the door for him. As Jacyn stepped inside and saw his new home for the first time, he had to admit that it was nothing as he imagined it would be from just looking at the outside.

  Long, with a ceiling at least three stories tall, it somehow managed not to come off cavernous, thanks to the updates the shifters had made. The floors were all hardwood instead of the usual industrial gray of factories. He didn’t want to think of the cost it had been to do that. The shifters had painted the walls a warm brown and there were plaques, pictures and weapons displayed on them. They’d erected several walls to make up offices and other types of rooms and there were dozens of tables set out in the open.

  “This is the main area,” Logan waved at the area, “Here, we keep our offices, communications centers and war rooms. In the back is the cafeteria and training facilities.”

  Several men and women were rushing around, but at one point or another they all paused a second to peek a glance at Jacyn. “It’s really big in here,” he commented as he returned some of the more open of glances. While he would
have liked to duck his head and look away, the predator in him refused to back down from a challenge.

  “Yeah, one of the benefits of being the government’s bitch is they make sure we have the technology we need,” Logan replied with a hint of bitterness.

  “Well, look at what we have here. The lost kitty has finally found his way home,” a smug voice declared.

  Jacyn looked up to see a tall, thin man approaching. With spiky died blue and black hair and eyeliner, he looked more like a Dracula wannabe than a shifter. He was even wearing black pants with chains in the loops, and boots with silver buckles.

  “Jacyn meet Rat,” Logan sighed, a tick working in his jaw. “Head of communications and resident pain in the ass.”

  Jacyn wrinkled his brow in confusion. “If his name is Rat does that mean—”

  “Don’t even think of going there,” Rat cut in with a snarl. “I’m all cheetah and I’ll be more than happy to prove it to you right before I knock you on your ass. The reason for the name is my business and you don’t need to worry your pretty little boy-toy head over it.”

  “I can see the residential pain in the ass thing now,” Jacyn muttered under his breath. Speaking louder, he glared up at Rat. “You’ll have to excuse me for not getting more worked up over your threats. In the past couple of days I’ve had a partner go postal on me, a friend murdered, been kidnapped by a bunch of giant Heckle and Jeckles, chained to a damn wall and found out I’m a fucking cat. So, too bad for you, I’ve suddenly decided to not give a shit.”

  For a second, Rat just stood there, stone faced, then sniffed the air and wrinkled his nose. “You reek of Logan. What exactly have you two been up to?”

  Jacyn made a big show of mimicking his sniff-the-air-and-make-a-face move. “And you reek of hand lotion and desperation. What exactly have you been up to when you’re all alone in that communications room?”


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