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Heart 2 Heart

Page 10

by Julie Cannon

  Lane drank in the desire Kyle made no attempt to hide. Her heart beat faster. “Then I think you’d better follow me home.”

  Chapter Nine

  Kyle’s nerves jumped when Lane closed the door behind her. This woman is special and I don’t want to screw this up.

  Lane’s hand shook as she set her keys on the table. “So Hollie is with your parents tonight?”

  Kyle appreciated her checking in about the arrangements. “Yes, she spends the night with them several times a month. Mom and Dad get to spoil her rotten, and she gets to be the center of their attention. It works out all the way around.”

  “And you get the night off from being Mommy as well. I imagine you need that once in a while.” Lane stepped closer and wrapped her hands around Kyle’s arm leading her over to the couch. “You know, I have something you need to know as well. Something that’s next to impossible to hide even if I wanted to, which I don’t.”

  Kyle took both of Lane’s hands in hers but said nothing. She had been in enough difficult conversations to recognize this was going to be one of them and searched for a reason. Suddenly, it dawned on her, and she felt her heart catapult into her throat. Lane had been intentionally vague with the details about her illness, and Kyle was terrified that she was sicker than she let on. Memories of the pain she endured when Alison died engulfed her like a shroud.

  “When I was sick last year, I had heart surgery. They had to go in and do some tinkering, but everything is fine now. I have a scar that runs from here to here.” She pulled her hands from Kyle’s to indicate the length of the scar on her chest.

  Jesus I had no idea. “Are you self-conscious about it?” Relief flooded over her as Lane explained.

  “No. But you’re the first one to see it.”

  Kyle understood the meaning of Lane’s words and felt honored. The adrenaline caused by fear was quickly replaced with desire. “You are exquisite.” Then she kissed her.

  Lane’s lips were as soft as she remembered, and she felt the familiar jolt of electricity at the connection. Lane grasped her hair and pulled her closer as their kiss exploded in passion. She gently pushed Lane back on the couch and covered her body with her own never breaking the kiss. Kyle’s hands couldn’t be still. She found the buttons on Lane’s shirt. As she unfastened them, she felt Lane’s lips move down her neck.

  Lane was not about to let Kyle have all the action. She pulled Kyle’s shirt from her shorts and felt the sharp intake of breath as her hands met skin that burned with desire. She moaned in pleasure as she caressed the muscles in Kyle’s strong back.

  Kyle shifted on the couch to make more room. Her head spun when she opened Lane’s shirt to expose the skin beneath. A lacy, cobalt blue bra encased the perfectly formed breasts that had invaded her dreams. Lane’s smooth, creamy skin and her erect nipples called out to Kyle. The scar was a pale red line that did nothing to detract from the beauty facing her now.

  “You are so beautiful.” Kyle whispered. She couldn’t wait and reached for the bra. It opened in the front. Whoever invented these is a saint.

  Full breasts spilled out of their enclosure and into Kyle’s trembling hands. She caressed each one with her eyes, and her mouth watered in anticipation. When her lips met the delicate skin, Lane moaned and urged her closer. She feasted on one breast not quite circling the rosy nipple that was straining for her attention.

  Oh my god. This feels wonderful. Lane squirmed with desire, and her nerves screamed out for Kyle to take her nipple between her teeth. Kyle must have read her mind as a rocket of desire shot through Lane’s body when she felt warm lips close over her puckered flesh.

  “Oh, God. Kyle, that feels wonderful.”

  Kyle reacted by applying the same amount of attention to the adjoining breast. She took her time wanting to savor every sensation, and starting on the outer edges of Lane’s breast, slowly licked and kissed every inch of the warm flesh. Finally, when she could wait no longer, she captured Lane’s thrusting nipple between her teeth. Lane dug her fingers into her hair and pulled her closer. Torn between her desire to stay right where she was and the pulsing in her crotch, she dragged her mouth from the breasts and kissed a trail up Lane’s neck.

  “Is there a bedroom somewhere near by?” she asked with difficulty. Her mouth felt a little swollen, and her throat was tight and dry.

  Lane laughed and sat up, pulling Kyle with her. “This way.”

  She was surprised that her legs were able to support her as she led Kyle down the hall. She hadn’t made love since weeks before her surgery, and she was shaking with desire. She led Kyle into her bedroom and turned to her. Their eyes met, and she was stunned at the raging passion deep within. She closed the distance and her pent up passion burst to the surface. She dragged Kyle’s shirt over her head and tossed it somewhere behind her. The muscles hidden underneath the smooth tanned skin were hard and defined to her touch. She reached for the snap on Kyle’s shorts. She felt Kyle shudder at the contact.

  Lane chuckled as she released the snap and slid the zipper down, her fingers tracing the path settling tightly against the fabric where it came to a halt. Kyle grabbed her wrist and stopped her descent even further. Her voice was laced with passion as her lips traversed the expanse of bare flesh on Lane’s chest.

  Between kisses and soft bites, she said, “Wait. I want you so bad I might come right here and now if you keep that up. And that’s not what I want to do.”

  Lane’s knees buckled at Kyle’s comment on the state of arousal. Somehow she found her voice. “And what is it you would like to do Detective?”

  Lane soon found out.

  Their lovemaking was slow and intense. Kyle gently lowered her onto the bed touching the soft, silky skin exposed as she removed the remainder of Lane’s clothes. She explored Lane’s body with her hands and when she replaced her hands with her lips, Lane called out her name.

  It’s been so long since I’ve felt another woman’s hands on me. God it feels wonderful. Lane felt more alive than ever before. Whether it was because of her heightened sense of life after her surgery, or because of the woman that was touching her, she wasn’t certain. When Kyle nibbled on a particularly sensitive spot, Lane knew it was definitely the woman. The more Kyle stroked and caressed her, the more aroused she became until she began to lose herself, switching off everything but the magic of Kyle’s skin against hers and the ache building at her core.

  Kyle had always wanted to give the woman she was with as much sexual pleasure as she was receiving, but making love with Lane was different. Lane’s body clearly and unabashedly responded to her touch, and Kyle was solely intent on giving her immeasurable pleasure. She couldn’t recall such single-mindedness with a woman before, and she stopped thinking about it and simply enjoyed her.

  She blazed a trail up and down Lane’s body, resisting the temptation to go immediately to Lane’s core. She needed to touch her, to feel her. Their encounter after the boat show was an agonizing memory of what almost was. Lane must have remembered it as well, thrusting her hips in Kyle’s direction whenever she got close. With deliberate slowness, she kissed Lane, and her fingers gently entered the warm folds that had beckoned her for so long. Lane moaned against her lips and pulled her tighter.

  Kyle showered kisses on Lane’s face and neck as she slowly explored the warm, wet area with her fingers. She felt Lane’s hands travel over her back. Her grip intensified when Kyle found a particularly sensitive spot. She sensed Lane was on the brink of orgasm several times and gently altered the intensity of her touch just enough to delay the inevitable.

  “Jesus, you’re killing me.” Lane moaned as her body once again crawled back from climax.

  “No, I’m not. I’m enjoying you.” Kyle descended her body with a succession of kisses and came precariously close to the warm heat that she had recently caressed with her fingers. “You’re a strong girl, I think you can handle it.”

  Somehow Lane managed a coherent thought. “But what if I don’t want to
be strong?” I’m so weak from desire right now I couldn’t possibly. “What if I just want…”

  She gasped and her voice trailed off as Kyle’s lips found her clitoris and began doing wonderful things to it. Kyle almost came as Lane’s body reacted to her tongue. She focused her attention away from her own throbbing clit and onto that of the woman whose juices flowed freely from her. God, you are magnificent. Kyle had made love to numerous women, but none had made her feel this way; without restraint and yet protective at the same time.

  “What do you want?” Kyle asked as she slipped one finger into the dripping opening. She squeezed her thighs together tightly as she willed herself not to come. Oh god, I shouldn’t have done that.

  Lane’s breaths were coming in short staccato gasps. The feel of Kyle’s mouth on her clit, and her fingers inside her was unbearable. “I…want…to…come,” and on the last word she did.

  Stars exploded behind her eyes, and she closed them to experience the most intense orgasm she had ever had. Wave after wave of passion rolled through her body and exploded under Kyle’s masterful tongue. Just when she thought she had crested for the last time, Kyle shifted her mouth, moved her fingers and made her come again. But this time she was not alone.

  Jesus, you are so incredibly beautiful. Watching Lane succumb to her desire, Kyle had no choice but to abandon her self-control and ride the tide with her. Their bodies trembled in unison as Kyle watched her lover be overcome with passion. Kyle’s body settled first, and as her mind cleared, she stroked Lane with her tongue and light kisses. Lane’s hand touched her head, resting limply.

  “Wait. I need to catch my breath.”

  Lane remembered her last visit to her cardiologist, when he told her she could resume all normal activities including sex. He embarrassingly cautioned her that if she felt anything out of the ordinary that she should immediately stop and call him. She chuckled when she realized that there was no way she could have stopped anything even if she wanted to.

  “What’s so amusing?” Kyle relaxed on Lane’s thigh, her hand covering the warm wet area that kept drawing her attention.

  Lane looked down her flushed body to the woman who had given her such pleasure. “My cardiologist told me that if I felt anything out of the ordinary when I was making love, I was supposed to stop and call him immediately.”

  Kyle smiled warmly. “Since you didn’t make me stop, does this mean that you didn’t feel anything out of the ordinary?”

  Lane reached down and pulled Kyle into her arms and kissed her. She felt Kyle’s hard nipples on her chest. “Oh I definitely felt something out of the ordinary. Several times as a matter of fact.”

  “Do you need to call him?”

  Lane rolled Kyle onto her back.

  Lane’s voice was muffled by her exploration of Kyle’s neck as she replied. “No. What I need to do is make love to you.”

  Kyle gasped as Lane found a ticklish spot below her right earlobe. “Well don’t let me keep you.”

  She thoroughly appreciated Kyle’s reply.

  Somehow Kyle had shed the rest of her clothes, and Lane had no idea when. Reveling in her complete access to the woman in her bed, she mirrored the actions that Kyle had taken earlier but with her own personal touch. She nipped and bit the smooth tanned skin, quickly following up with soft, healing kisses. She memorized the taste of her skin and the smell of her body as Kyle’s passion increased. She turned Kyle onto her stomach and repeated the same attention on her back spending an extraordinarily amount of time on the cleft just above the firm derriere that was thrusting against her.

  She slipped her hand down the crack of Kyle’s ass and entered her. Oh my God! Lane almost came at the wetness she encountered and the moan of pleasure that escaped from Kyle. She felt Kyle’s body tense under hers. “Not yet Detective, that’s an order.”

  Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. How am I supposed to do that? Kyle gathered the remaining strength she could muster and obeyed the order. “Yes ma’am.”

  Lane smiled knowing how much concentration was required from Kyle to control herself. Jeez, I’m not sure I could do it. And with that thought she slid her other hand under Kyle’s thrusting hips and found her clitoris.

  Holy shit, that did it! Somehow Kyle managed to regain control even though her mind mirrored her body and turned to mush. All she could do was feel the touch of Lane’s fingers inside her as she simultaneously flicked her clit.


  Lane could continue this torment for hours, but she sensed Kyle was at the point of no return and let her go with one word whispered in her ear. “Now.”

  Kyle was trained to obey commands and eagerly followed this one. She arched her hips off the bed and let out a loud cry as she was rocked by her orgasm. Through the haze she heard soft gentle words in her ear encouraging her on. She willingly complied. After several minutes, her heart began to regain its normal beat and her breathing no longer came in gasps. She moaned her disappointment when Lane removed her fingers but was quickly rewarded with the feel of her straddling her butt. It wasn’t long before Lane was riding her ass with her wet juices gliding along her path. In a few short minutes she hesitated, shuddered and fell against Kyle completely spent.


  Kyle woke unaccustomed to warmth along her back and warm breath on her neck. Lane. One word summed up both her location and her situation. And what a pleasant situation it was. She lay quietly so as not to disturb Lane, who had snuggled up against her sometime during the night. The sun peeked through the split in the curtains and from the intensity of the rays, Kyle concluded it must be early morning. She could have stayed in this position all day, but her bladder had other priorities.

  Lane shifted as she climbed out of the bed. “Sssh, go back to sleep, I’ll be right back.” Kyle hurried into the bathroom and quietly closed the door behind her. She looked at the woman staring back at her in the mirror. Her hair was tousled, her lips were full and slightly bruised from their kisses, and she had a suspicious red mark on her left breast. You certainly look like you’ve made love all night. Kyle smirked in the mirror as she recalled the events of the past ten hours. Oh, yeah, you definitely fucked all night.

  Lane woke as Kyle crawled back into bed. She smelled of toothpaste, sunshine and sex. Oh God, definitely sex. Mind blowing, totally awesome sex. She snuggled into Kyle as soon as she lay down and. Kyle’s arms immediately encased her in their warmth.

  “Good morning,” she said and felt Kyle smile and hold her tighter.

  “Yes, it definitely is. I hope you don’t mind, I used some of your toothpaste.” Nothing bothered Kyle more than fuzzy teeth first thing in the morning.

  “After what we did last night, you certainly could have used my toothbrush as well.”

  Lane’s fingers started drifting across the flat, tanned stomach. Kyle’s muscles twitched in response. Kyle kissed the top of the blond hair that was tickling her nose. “Well, I didn’t want to be presumptuous and wear out my welcome.” Lane shifted so that she was lying full length on top of Kyle. It had been far too long since she had a woman in her bed, and she was in no hurry for her to leave. She started nibbling on the lips that had driven her crazy with desire throughout the night. “It would take more than using my toothbrush for me to kick you out. As a matter of fact, I just might keep you here all day.”

  Kyle cupped the face that had hovered over her several times last night. Her desire was mirrored in Lane’s eyes. “Promises, promises.”

  Lane’s kisses traveled from her lips to her neck and regions south. Kyle gasped as a nipple was captured by a warm mouth, and she lifted her leg as Lane’s hand drifted close. “Oh my, what a wonderful way to wake up.” She was close to purring with contentment. She felt Lane smile against her stomach.

  “Better than coffee at your favorite restaurant?”

  “Something tells me I’ll get to have this and my favorite coffee.…one…lucky…woman.” Kyle had difficulty finishing her sentence with Lane’s mouth w
andering around her clitoris. She was rapidly losing her train of thought.

  Lane’s tongue connected with the sensitive tissue, and Kyle gasped at the sensation. Lane had been in this exact same place several times during the night and had quickly learned what drove Kyle to the brink of orgasm. She was torn between wanting to savor the sights, sounds and smells of this woman and wanting to actually bring her to orgasm. Not having the strength to deny either herself or Kyle the experience, she compromised and spent just a few minutes longer than either one of them could stand before flicking her tongue over the exposed flesh. Kyle responded immediately and came hard and fast. Kyle thought she’d lost consciousness as the room swam back into focus. The first thing she noticed was the blades of the ceiling fan rotating with the beat of her heart. The second was the sound of the birds chirping. But the absolute best thing was the soft hands caressing her stomach and thighs in slow circular patterns, revitalizing her libido again.

  “I repeat myself, what a wonderful way to wake up.” Kyle looked down to the owner of the hands. “Come up here.”

  Lane smiled “I kind of like it right where I am.”

  “Well, I really like you there too, but right now I want you up here.” Kyle patted her chest to indicate where she wanted Lane. Lane didn’t move. “What if I promise you can go back there anytime you want to?” With that, Lane almost flew up to lie face to face with her.

  “Okay, I’m here. Now can I go back down there?” Lane reached down and tangled her fingers in the damp curly hair.

  Oh, I’m going to like this girl. Kyle laughed and pushed Lane onto her back. “Not yet.”


  Two hours later, Kyle was still kissing Lane, but this time they were standing by the front door. Their hair was wet from the shower they shared after Kyle regretfully said she needed to get home. The fact that she’d made the statement forty-five minutes earlier was a testament to their desire for each other, and the amount of hot water available in Lane’s house.


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