FIGHT Part 1

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FIGHT Part 1 Page 10

by M Dauphin

  Chapter 23


  I’ve never been too impulsive of a person, always weighing out big decisions in life. This one seems to be something that I should have weighed out more, but I don’t care. The minute he asked I knew I wanted to go, I just needed coverage for my shifts at the bar, but that wasn’t a problem since there were always workers wanting more hours. Mac was pissed that I was going to miss a fight but I didn’t care. I’m not even sure if I wanted to do it anymore actually. I had received so many angry texts from him since I send him the first text telling him I couldn’t do it I had to turn my phone off halfway to the airport.

  This is the longest I’ve ever spent with Eddie since we met. It was a weird thought, since I feel like we have known each other forever. Like we are two souls tied together. I know it sounds fucking insane, but it’s the truth. I get him. I have seen the scars, I understand he’s got issues...but so do I. I’m not pushing, though, and neither is he. For now, we are good just being together.

  He’s holding my hand, absentmindedly rubbing his thumb across my hand and I smile at the connection. His hands are so big, so strong, that mine look small and weak in comparison. He must have noticed me staring at out joined hands, because he pulls away quickly, apologizing for the gesture. All good things come to an end, I guess.

  After boarding the private plane that is waiting for us, we are being instructed on how to buckle up and what to do in an emergency, and I’m trying my hardest to concentrate, but the thought of him being so close to me is making my mind wander to places it shouldn’t be right now. I sit in one of the massive reclining seats and look at the buckles. How to go about doing these without him realizing I’ve never been on a plane before?

  I grab them, but they aren’t like car buckles, too much metal and too little places to put it. I try and put them together, but fail hopelessly. He laughs at me, a kind laugh, and reaches over to help. Oh God those muscles, my eyes zone in on another tattoo on his arm. One I haven’t seen yet since it’s twisted in with the others. There are letters, but I can’t tell what they spell. A woman’s name possibly? Jealousy runs through me as he takes his time buckling me in, making sure I’m nice and tight.

  “It was my mom,” he whispers, looking back at the seat in front of him buckling his seatbelt. Obviously my scrutinizing staring at it didn’t get past him.

  “I’m sorry...I just- It’s nice looking.” Nice looking, Gwynn, seriously? I would have nut punched someone had they said something so stupid about my tats. All of my tattoos mean something insanely special to me, and ‘nice looking’ is just a comment that people who hated tattoos normally throw out there. Instead of judging my obviously stupid comment, he shakes his head and chuckles.

  “So, how does a girl make it to your age without ever being on a plane?” he asks, his hand capturing mine on my lap, helping calm any nerves that had started building.

  “That obvious, huh?” I smile at him. I’m not that nervous, but I haven’t had a clue what’s going on since we entered the airport.

  “Just-..” he trails off as his eyes meet mine. He leans in for a kiss, not waiting for me, but taking my mouth with everything he has. His lips part mine, his hand comes to rest on my leg, moving slowly towards the button of my pants. I smile into the kiss, attempting to push his hand away before the stewardess walked in on us. He slows his movement, but doesn’t pull back. We stay like that, mouths locked, hands exploring every part we possibly can while buckled into these damn seats. When the captain’s voice broke over the speaker to announce takeoff, I pull away and he curses.

  “Christ, don’t think you are getting out of this, Red.” Jesus I love that nickname.

  “I don’t plan on it, Tex.” I grin and start leisurely flicking through the magazine that is in the seat pocket. He groans and adjusted himself before the flight attendant comes over to see if we need anything.

  “Water for me, thanks.” I answer.

  “Manhattan” he growls at her.

  “Something wrong?” I ask innocently. I know what is wrong with him, because it is the exact same thing wrong with me right now. I can’t wait until we are alone, I can’t wait for him to have me again. I felt the tension between us the entire car ride here, and now that we will be spending all of this time together I can’t help but let my mind wander to all of the different ways we can enjoy one another’s bodies.

  “Only the fact that all I want to do right now is slam into you until you scream my name, but I can’t seem to do that without someone interrupting us.”

  “Aww...pouting are we?” I mock him as I slide my hand up and down his arm, feeling him tense underneath my touch. I feel the same exact way. He groans and lays his head back on the seat until his drink was delivered.

  “Cheers,” he says, holding up his drink. I tap his glass with my water bottle and laugh.

  “So you really don’t drink?” He asks after taking, and enjoying, a sip of the golden liquid.

  “Nope,” I answer, suddenly not feeling like talking.

  “Why not?” I know he’s just trying to make small talk, but this is one of those subjects I don’t want to talk about. Ever.

  “Just don’t. That going to be a problem?” I snip at him, immediately feeling sorry for it. He raises his eyebrows, then pulls them together.

  “Nope. Not at all,” he answers, looking at me like I’m a puzzle to be solved.

  As soon as the seatbelt light turns off, he unbuckles and almost trips he’s moving so fast to the stewardess station. I laugh, watching him with adoration. How I fell so fast for this guy I didn’t know. I had always been the cautious one in life, the one not to get too wrapped up in boyfriends, in adventure. I stayed near home when I went to college, I always went home for dinner when I could. Never skipping out on work or school, I stayed pretty straight and narrow. When things changed, when my dad died, everything I used to believe in was shattered. My mom moved on to another guy and my brother wasn’t around much. I still find myself overthinking things, but this trip sounded too good to pass up. Vegas for free with a hot ass guy? Hell yes!

  Speaking of hot ass guys, Eddie turns towards me from the stewardess curtain and smiles brilliantly as he slides the curtain shut and moves towards me like a tiger moves towards its prey. I know what’s coming, my entire body is alive with just one look from him. When he makes it to me, he leans down and unbuckles my seatbelt without a word. Taking my hands he leads me to the back of a plane to a small white door. I have no clue what is on the other side of the door, though I pray it’s a bed. He leans in to my neck, whispering into my ear.

  “Go in, Red,” he urges me, letting me take the lead. I don’t want to take the lead, I want him to do just like he did the first time he kissed me. I hesitate and he notices it.

  “You teased me earlier, Red. You realize how hard that left me?” I gasp as he takes my hand and rubbs it along the hardness in his pants.

  “That’s the effect you have on me. Every damn time I think of you. Now open the door, go inside, and take every piece off....everything,” he whispers and my entire body gets chills.

  “Where will you be?” I pant as he gently sucks his way down my neck and around my collarbone.

  “Don’t worry about me, just strip and lie down on the bed. Wait for me, but don’t fucking fall asleep.” Right, like I could fall asleep now.

  I let out a laugh at the absurdity of it all. He just wants me laying naked on the bed? What the hell is that all about, I want him in there with me!

  “That sounds insane, Eddie. Come in with me.” I grind my hips against him, shoving my hands down his front. Before I can get to where I want, his hands go around my wrists, holding them from going any further.

  “Do it, Red. Trust me.” His voice low, his eyes hooded like he’s about to combust, but he is holding back for some reason. We stand like that for a minute before he releases my hand. For some unknown reason, I want to do as he said. It makes me hot just hearing the demand come out of him. My h
and goes to the door handle and I look up at him once more. I can’t tell if he looks scared or nervous, but the look he gives me shakes me to the core. What is this that we are doing? Any why do I feel like it is way more than a quick fuck and a good time in Vegas?

  Opening the door to the room beyond was like I was starting a new life, right here on this plane. I do as he asked, taking everything off, and try to figure out the sexiest way I can lay on the bed. If I’m doing this, I am all in. Laying on the bed, so soft and comfortable, the plane movements swaying me, the blankets on the bed so plush. SO much better than my shit bed at home. I lay there, waiting for him, wondering when he was coming in and what was taking him so long.

  Chapter 24


  When she closes the door I let out the breath I had been holding. It’s a test to see how much she trusts me. I had never done anything like this with a girl before, I should be pissed that I let her see so much in my face with that last look but I’m not. I’m scared shitless, actually. Scared that I’m falling for her, harder than I thought. Scared that she would hurt me. Most of all, I’m scared that this means I am falling into a trap, that I am going to turn into him because I found someone I need like he thought he needed my mom at one point.

  I don’t really have a plan, I just need her to know I have the upper hand right now. I need that control, and she seems incredibly willing to go with it after a little persuasion. My phone buzzes in my pocket after she shut the door and I walk away from the thin airplane door to answer it.

  “Yea?” I snip.

  “Mind telling me about the extra luggage you brought along?”

  “Fuck no,” I growl, not wanting to talk feelings right now.

  “He there with you?” His voice curious about the situation, but we aren’t having this conversation right now. Hell my dick already jumped back into its hiding place the minute it heard Tatum’s voice. Nothing like talking to another dude to kill the mood.

  “SHE’S back in the bedroom, dude.” I kind of laugh and he notices the shake in my voice. Tatum is the only friend that knows my reservations about women.

  “SHE!?” he practically chokes out. I can’t help but laugh at how crazy it must sound.

  “Yea, fuck-wad. So please excuse me while I hang up on your hairy ass and get back to her,” I growl at him and hang up the phone, turning it completely off for the rest of the flight.

  Walking to the fridge I grab the whipped cream I had the stewardess add to it while we were in the hallway. When I asked her for the favor, along with not coming to this part of the plane for the rest of the flight, she gave me a look like she knew exactly what I was up to. I grin, remembering the flirty behavior she was giving me and how quickly it stopped after that.

  I can’t stop thinking about Red in there, ready for me. God just thinking about her was making me hard again, I can’t fucking wait to explore her properly this time.

  As quietly as I can, I open the door and step in the room and laugh to myself. There she is, stretched out on her stomach, one knee bent up and her hands under her head...passed out. I warned her not to fall asleep because I knew she was tired and I know how comfortable this bed is, but she didn’t make it ten minutes. She’s a fucking sight to be seen, laid out like this for me. I can’t wait to wake her up, and I know exactly how I am going to do it.

  I sneak to the side of the bed and start squirting the whipped cream up her leg, up the curve of her ass. In her sleep she takes a deep breath, but there is no signs she is awake yet, so I lean down and start licking, slowly, up the sweet trail, made so much more delicious when mixed with her taste.

  She stirs as soon as I make it to the back of her thigh, and by the time I make it to the top of her ass, she tries sitting up. I push her back down with one arm and hold her there, not willing to let this end before I am ready.

  “You fell asleep,” I growl between licks.

  “Mmmm..I did.” Still waking up her voice is damn near perfect.

  “I could have left you sleep, but then this would have been a pretty boring flight,” I answer as I finish up licking her backside and roll her over. Her eyes, still adjusting to the light in the room, focus in on me and my heart jumps in my chest. Something is screaming at me to get out of there before it’s too late, but I don’t listen.

  I take her hands and pull them above her head, pushing her breasts higher as she looks at me curiously. Taking my belt, I wrap it around her wrists and tie it to the bedpost, making sure it’s nice and tight before I let her go. She pulls at it, testing it, then gives me the most wicked grin.

  “Well, well, well Tex. You seem pretty used to that maneuver.” She bites her lip and gives me a look like she is about to enjoy this more than me. I doubt it, but I will sure make her try.

  “I dabble.” I smiled as I push the tip of the whipped cream container over her nipples and leave a pile on top of each breast. Taking the can, I squirt white, sugary cream in between her breasts, down her mid-section to her pelvis, stopping just short of the one part of her she wants me to touch the most. We still have well over an hour, possibly two. I am going to take my time with her.

  She squirms when I start licking it off, but can’t move much due to her restraints. By the time all of the whipped cream is gone I’m about ready to explode and she is flushed and panting.

  “How is it that you have done this to me, Red?” I whisper into her neck as my hands move lower, finding her core and pushing in. Jesus she’s so fucking ready I almost come right there.

  “AH! Shit!” She arches her back when I curl my fingers up and find her spot, keeping a rhythm bound to set her off soon. That couldn’t happen, though. I still need to fully enjoy her. I pull my fingers out and hear her whimper. I chuckle at the noise and look her in the eyes. She’s so god dammed beautiful here, tied up and ready for me. All fucking mine. And there goes that third rule.

  I grab a condom and put it on with speed I didn’t even know I had. Moving over her I pause before pushing into her. I want to say it, tell her how much she means to me, but the words stick in my throat. Instead, I push in, willing myself to last as long as she can, but not thinking I’ll be able to.

  Chapter 25


  He is holding something back from me, I see it in his eyes as he hovers over me. Whatever it is, he doesn’t say it. His elbows are on either side me, his head is bowed, resting on my forehead. He slowly and blissfully enters me, stretching me and filling me completely. God, this man is so fucking perfect.

  “Shiiiit,” he moans as he pulls out. “Fucking perfect,” he grunts. Never before have I been with someone so vocal, but god dammit I love it. He is slow and steady in his movements at first, but I need more.

  “Fuck me, Eddie.” I whisper into his ear before biting onto his neck. He growls and sits up. Flipping me over to my stomach, arms twisted almost painfully, but not quite, I am laying ass up, ready for him. He plays with me, then slams into me harder than he had been before. I scream into the pillow from the sudden feeling of exquisite pleasure. His hands roam my ass, playing with an area of me I’ve never exposed to anyone but feel perfectly comfortable doing for him.

  It doesn’t take long in that position until I’m screaming his name, not caring who else is on the plane with us. Momentarily forgetting completely that we were even on a plane. Seconds later he collapses on me, breathing heavy, cursing under his breath. Something comes out of his mouth that scares me and thrills me at the same time, but it is so mumbled that I could have very well been mistaken at his words. Choosing to ignore the proclamation I may or may not have heard, I start moving my hands to get life back to them. They are tingly, as were my toes, but I don’t know if that was from the mind blowing orgasm that he just delivered or the fact that they had been tightly tied and twisted for a while now. Eddie comes back to the bed after cleaning himself up and sees me trying to move life back into my fingers.

  “Oh shit, babe.” He reaches up and undoes the belt from the bedframe and of
f of my wrists. Throwing it aside he rolls to my side, looking at me with so much love I’m pretty sure I didn’t misunderstand his words earlier.

  “Hi” he smiles at me. “Sleep well?”

  I laugh and slap his arm.

  “No thanks to you.”

  He laughs and wraps me in his arms.

  We stay like that until the captain announces we will be landing soon. Then we fly off the bed to gather our clothes before having to be back in our seats, grinning like stupid teenagers the entire time. Even when we get back to our seats he can’t keep his hands off me and I love every minute of it. The stewardess that was so nice to me at the beginning of the flight has become cold to me, and I smile because I knew exactly why and I couldn’t care less. He’s mine bitch, back off.

  After the plane lands and we are able to un-board our things, Eddie holds onto my hand the entire time as we walk through the gates and find his friend. I am more nervous than I thought I’d be, maybe it was because of his words still ringing in my ear, maybe it was because I was in a new city with practical strangers, but either way I’m not going to let it ruin my trip.

  We approach a couple smiling broadly at Eddie, but I don’t miss the quizzical looks that were shot my way before we get to them. He never told me who we are meeting or what we are doing in Vegas. I don’t know this guy’s last name and I have no clue what he does for a living. All I know about him is that he has a past that he keeps hidden and a body like a god.

  “Hey!” The redhead woman squeals and jumps to hug him tightly. The claws want to come out, but I see the look the other man is giving her and put them away for now.

  “Hi?” He answers and throws a questioning look over to the man standing there with his hands now in his pockets, smiling fondly at the redhead. He returns the same exact gesture and glances at me. Something tells me these two aren’t used to there being females around when they go on work trips.


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