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The Sheikh's Bride of Convenience (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 15)

Page 8

by Cara Albany

  Becca waved a dismissive hand at Grace. She looked mildly embarrassed by the compliment. But the compliment had been sincere.

  It was true. Becca was a beautiful woman. She had bright blue eyes and blonde hair. Her features were even and pretty, with high cheeks bones and delicate brows. She was dressed in a plain, but elegant white dress and matching flat shoes. It was a modest outfit, practical and unrevealing.

  Grace reflected on the fact that men like Qazim and his brother seemed to have clear ideas of the kinds of women they preferred. There were obvious similarities between Grace and Becca. On the surface, at least. That much was clear to Grace.

  There was an excited scream from under the table. Anilya stretched out her arms and pulled Tariq back toward her. The little guy tried hard to wrest himself free, but Anilya clung onto him. Tariq pouted. Grace thought he looked just as cute when he was annoyed as when he was happy.

  When she turned to Becca, Grace saw that Becca was watching Grace's reaction to the child.

  "Anilya's great with him," Grace said.

  Becca sighed. "I don't know what I'd do without her. She's fantastic."

  "Qazim told me about where you and Zaheer live," Grace said. "Sounds like a real palace, to me." She pointed at Tariq. "Lots of places for him to get lost."

  Becca shook her head. "Never happens. We keep him on a tight leash. There's going to be plenty of time for him to get to know his home. He's got a lot of growing up to do."

  Grace smiled. Becca's life had already been planned out, she thought. How comforting that must be, she told herself.

  "More than just your average home, then, I guess," Grace said with a smile. She was trying her best to be polite, almost casually disinterested, but the thought of Becca's lifestyle, the future that awaited her in that palace, prompted feelings of curiosity.

  Becca shrugged. "I know. It is large. Probably too large for just me and Zaheer and Tariq." Becca's eyes took on a far-away look. "Maybe there'll be other little ones."

  Grace gazed intently at Becca. "You think so?"

  Becca nodded. "Zaheer wants at least four."

  "Four!" Grace said incredulously. "And you? What do you think of that?"

  Becca smiled and tilted her head thoughtfully. "I think that would be nice. I can just imagine what it would be like, having all those kids running around. I kinda like the idea." Becca sighed. "And it would make Zaheer so happy."

  Grace felt a tinge of jealousy. Becca seemed to have figured out her whole life here in Qazhar. She seemed so certain, so sure of what she wanted for herself and her husband. A large family. A life built around the closeness and happiness that family would bring. In spite of everything Grace had said to Qazim, that sounded like an appealing fantasy.

  But that was all it was, wasn't it? A fantasy. Not for Grace. Just thinking about how her life would be transformed, if she agreed to stay, set nerves twisting in her stomach.

  But, on the other hand, the evidence of the reality of being an American wife in Qazhar was sitting right next Grace. Becca looked so calm, so incredibly content.

  Optimistic. Hopeful.

  And the way she spoke about her husband, it was obvious she adored him.

  Grace wondered how similar Zaheer and Qazim were. The few times Qazim had spoken about Zaheer, he'd made it clear that Zaheer was the older brother, in fact the head of the Al Shirah family. Qazim had told Grace about how their father had basically stepped down from his role as head of the family for health reasons.

  Qazim said his father had been trying hard to adjust to semi-retirement. It hadn't been going too smoothly. But, Qazim's mother was apparently a very persuasive woman. Grace could believe that, if Qazim was anything to go by. Persuasiveness seemed to be a family trait.

  Maybe Grace would meet Qazim's mother. She was curious to see what the woman was like, hear about Qazim's childhood. That thought took Grace by surprise. How on earth could she even think about meeting Qazim's mother? That would take things between Grace and Qazim to a whole new level. Grace had a plane to catch in about twenty-four hours, didn't she? She had to leave. It was plain and simple.

  "Why don't we take some air out on the balcony," Becca suggested, taking Grace a little by surprise. "We can leave Tariq to try and destroy your apartment," she added with a grin.

  Grace laughed and glanced at Tariq who had managed to squeeze free from Anilya's arms. He was ready to embark on another dangerous quest.

  Grace and Becca went out onto the balcony. The air was fresh and Grace was relieved to be outside. She hadn't realized just how sleepy she'd felt while indoors.

  Becca leaned on the metal balustrade and Grace made her way to Becca's side. Grace was aware that she already felt oddly at home with Becca, almost as if both women had immediately forged some unspoken bond.

  Of course, they had plenty in common. They were both American women on the far side of the world in a strange country. They'd both come here in search of something and had been overtaken by this powerful kingdom and its amazing men.

  That was where the similarity ended, though, Grace realized. Becca was settled here and, apparently, blissfully happy with her husband and child. Grace wondered if achieving that had been difficult for Becca. She glanced at the petite woman alongside her.

  No. Becca seemed more than capable of dealing with everything that Qazhar would throw at her in the coming years.

  Did that make her a better person than Grace? Did that mean that Grace was somehow weak or had been fooling herself about just how strong she was as a person?

  No, it was more than that.

  Becca and Grace were totally different kinds of people. It had to be that, Grace reassured herself. Their circumstance were completely different, weren't they?

  For a start, Grace was sure Becca hadn't fallen pregnant before marrying Zaheer.

  "I heard you're leaving tomorrow," Becca said suddenly.

  Hiding her surprise, Grace forced herself to take that comment casually. "The flight is scheduled for the evening," she replied.

  "Looking forward to getting home?" Becca asked.

  Grace nodded. "I guess so."

  "You don't sound too sure," Becca probed.

  Wanting to avoid answering any awkward questions, Grace tried to change the subject. "How long is it since you've been back to the States?"

  "We were there just after Tariq was born. I wanted some folks to see him. Folks that are real important to me," Becca explained. It was clear she didn't want to go into any more detail. Grace wondered how Becca and Zaheer had come together. She still didn't know all the details.

  "Wasn't that a long trip for a baby to make?" Grace asked.

  Becca shook her head. "Zaheer has his own private jet. Tariq wanted for nothing, the entire trip."

  "I see," Grace said idly.

  Of course, Zaheer would have his own plane. Not for the likes of him and his family the rigors and discomfort of commercial travel.

  The Al Shirah family did live in another world, Grace told herself. Just as she'd already seen close-up. A world that was alien to Grace.

  A world of fabulous wealth, closed off from the rest of the world. A safe world for a family, she supposed. Was it the best kind of life for a child, though? Wouldn't any child brought up like that be overprotected, cosseted? Wouldn't they grow up to feel entitled, spoiled?

  Grace glanced at Becca. She couldn't imagine Becca allowing that to happen to any of her children. The woman seemed so grounded.

  "How do you do it, Becca?" Grace asked.

  Becca's eyes narrowed. "Do what?"


  Becca looked puzzled as she turned to face Grace. "What do you mean?"

  Grace gestured out across the city view. "With all of this. It's so different from anything back home."

  Becca's brows furrowed slightly, and she didn't say anything in response. Grace wondered if she was making sense. She sighed. Maybe this wasn't a good idea, after all. If she started asking these kind of questions, surel
y Becca might become too curious. Perhaps she might start asking really awkward questions.

  "Nothing," Grace said. "Forget I asked."

  Grace glanced at Becca. The other woman's gaze was steady. There was a long pause.

  Then Becca spoke, quietly and in an even voice. "If you mean, how did I get used to being the wife of a sheikh, I can tell you it wasn't as easy as you might think."

  Grace's curiosity was piqued. She peered at Becca, but said nothing, waiting for her to continue.

  Becca leaned forward on the balustrade. "It was no walk in the park for Zaheer and I in the first place. I almost didn't marry him."

  Grace narrowed her eyes. "Really?"

  Becca nodded. "It's kinda complicated. But, basically Zaheer and I had known each other a while before we got back together again. Then, one thing led to another and I came here for a while. Just to see how things would turn out. Zaheer really wanted me to marry him." Becca rolled her eyes. "I mean really," she added, emphasizing the last word.

  "And you?" Grace asked. "Did you want to marry?"

  Becca smiled and looked reflective. "I wasn't sure, to begin with. But, Zaheer was pretty determined. Persuasive, you might say."

  Grace thought for a moment. That sounded familiar. Was it just a family trait? Once an Al Shirah sheikh had his eyes set on a woman, nothing on earth would stop him from possessing her.

  Now that she thought about it, that did sound awfully familiar, Grace told herself.

  "There was the whole business with Zaheer's father needing to step down as head of the family. That meant Zaheer would become the head of the Al Shirah tribe. With all the obligations and duties that would bring."

  "How did Zaheer feel about that?" Grace asked.

  Becca sighed. "At first, he wasn't too sure he could do it. But then, when he knew I'd become his wife, everything seemed to change for him. We got married." Becca shook her head as she remembered things. "Huge wedding ceremony. As you'd expect. Everything they do here is on a massive scale." Becca sighed. It was obvious the memories were sweet. "And finally Tariq came along."

  Grace laughed quietly. "You make it all sound so simple."

  "Believe me, Grace, it wasn't," Becca said and groaned softly.

  "You seem happy now," Grace probed.

  "Do I?" Becca asked. She tilted her head. "I suppose I am happy. Sometimes you don't really stop and think about it. But I guess I am. I have to admit, I pinch myself when I'm walking around the palace or in the gardens with Tariq." Becca sighed. "It's almost like a dream. Or at least, it must seem that way to others looking in from the outside."

  "Don't you feel like you're living in a bubble?" Grace asked tentatively. She knew the question might seem intrusive, even almost rude, but she had to ask it.

  Becca shook her head. "No. If it is a bubble, though, it's a pretty sweet one." Becca said grinning from ear to ear.

  Grace smiled, feeling the infectious quality of Becca's obvious joy seeping into her with every passing moment.

  "And you?" Becca asked.

  Grace looked at Becca. "What about me?"

  Becca seemed to hesitate again. Just like she'd done earlier a couple of times. Did Becca know about the baby? Had Qazim told her? Or some of his family?

  "What are you going to do when you get back to the States?" Becca asked.

  Grace shrugged, trying to appear vaguely interested, but inside herself, questions were tumbling through her mind.

  It had only been a few hours since Grace had found out. Only been hours since she'd broken the news to Qazim. Had he gone to his brother's palace while Grace had been sleeping? She felt a slight tug of indignation at that thought, even if it was just a vague possibility. Surely Qazim would have kept the information private. At least for a while, Grace told herself.

  Although Becca hadn't admitted it, Grace was beginning to think that Becca had gotten at least some hint of what was going on. Was that the real reason she'd come here this afternoon?

  "Zaheer and I are planning a trip to the States later in the year." Becca said casually. Had she interpreted Grace's silence as rudeness?

  There was a steadiness about Becca which Grace had to admire. She couldn't imagine anything throwing Becca off balance. She looked at Grace. "I suppose Qazim is going ahead with building that hotel in Washington."

  Grace sighed. "That's still in the early planning stages, right now. Qazim has his own ideas about what kind of hotel it will be. Especially about the interior design," Grace explained.

  Becca nodded slowly. Grace knew she wouldn't be at all interested in the finer points of hotel design.

  "I know Qazim," Becca said. "Once he gets an idea into his mind, nothing will stop him."

  Now what did that mean?

  Grace peered at Becca, wondering if she was really talking hotels, or something entirely different.

  "He's a fairly strong-minded person," Grace admitted.

  Becca snorted. "That's putting it mildly," she said. "Zaheer almost gave up on Qazim before now."

  Grace's interest perked up. "Really. Why?"

  Becca shook her head. "Nothing too dramatic. It's just that all the Al Shirah men know they have to settle down. There's usually pressure on them to take a wife when they get to be around thirty or so." Becca rolled her eyes. "The marrying age for guys around here," she added with a grin.

  Grace nodded. "He's the only one of the family who isn't married, yet," Grace said. Immediately she regretted her choice of words. Had she really had to say the word, "yet"?

  Thankfully, Becca hadn't seemed to notice. "Riaz was the latest to get hitched," Becca explained. Grace laughed and Becca raised her brows. "What?"

  "It's funny thinking about sheikhs getting hitched, as you say. It just doesn't sound right."

  Becca cocked her head to one side. "Don't forget, Grace. We American gals need to stick together. But, I suppose you're right. I sometimes wonder how Eva, his wife, can live in the desert with Riaz."

  "Can you imagine what that must be like?" Grace said incredulously.

  Becca nodded. "Those two just seem like they can't get enough of desert living," she said. "Not my cup of cocoa, at all" she added. "I can't imagine anything worse than living in a tent in that heat all the time. But, they seem to be happy. I guess love conquers all, as they say."

  Grace glanced at Becca, but Becca's gaze was pointed steadily out across the cityscape.

  "They're a really happy couple. I love them dearly." Becca said softly.

  Becca paused a long moment, lost in thought, or waiting to say something she had planned all along, Grace told herself.

  Becca peered at Grace. "You could meet them, if you like," she said. The offer had just come right out of the blue.


  Becca smiled at Grace. "Why don't you come over to the palace. Riaz and Eva are visiting. They haven't visited in a while. Qazim will be there, too."

  Was that supposed to tempt Grace? Right now, the last person she wanted to speak to was Qazim.

  Grace shook her head. "I couldn't possibly..."she started to say but Becca interrupted her.

  "Of course you can," she stated enthusiastically.

  "I have a plane to catch tomorrow," Grace said.

  She saw Becca's brows rise. Was that skepticism?

  "I have a ton of packing to do," Grace continued adding yet another feeble sounding excuse.

  Becca leaned a hand on Grace's arm. "It'll only be a short visit. Maybe an hour or two. The car is waiting downstairs. Of course, if you're still feeling a little unwell, then maybe it's a bad idea."


  Becca had finally let it slip.

  Grace knew for sure, now.

  Becca had been told something, otherwise she wouldn't have known about Grace feeling unwell earlier in the day. Grace felt a tightness in her chest. Qazim had definitely said something to his family. He had broken a confidence. She felt a rising wave of indignation. How dare he do that!

  Grace tried to disguise her ir
ritation. Becca was still waiting for an answer, her eyes wide, an expectant smile on her face.

  Grace thought for a moment. Could she really face a family encounter, right now? They would all be there. Zaheer, Riaz, Eva. Qazim, as well. It would feel almost like she was being assessed, Grace told herself. As if she was being examined as a potential wife. Because she was sure they would all know that Grace was possibly going to become Qazim's wife. Even if he hadn't said as much, even if he hadn't spelled it out, they would all know.

  Grace thought about the possibility of Qazim revealing even the slightest detail, the merest hint of their situation. She felt indignation tug at her. She tried to make sure her features were stony and impassive. She didn't want Becca knowing how that revelation had made her feel.

  Even if she was going to leave tomorrow, the fact that Qazim might be playing some kind of game, irritated her. Who did he think he was?

  Maybe a visit like that would clear some things up, Grace thought. At the very minimum, she would be able to get something off her chest when she finally spoke to Qazim.

  "Okay," Grace said abruptly to Becca. "I'll come."

  Becca smiled. "Great!" she exclaimed. She seemed genuinely pleased.

  "Let me get ready, Grace said.

  Becca glanced down at Grace's outfit. "It's nothing formal," she said. "You can come as you are."

  Grace nodded. "Okay. If you say so." Maybe Becca was right. It would be a quick visit. Grace would get everything sorted with Qazim and then she'd leave. That sounded like a plan, she told herself.

  They went back into the apartment. There was squealing and laughter coming from the far side of the room.

  Becca went to Tariq and lifted him up. "What have you been up to?" she asked, snuggling up against Tariq's face. He responded with a huge smile and a determined attempt at pulling Becca's nose off her face.

  Grace started to get ready to leave. It was going to be a brief visit to Zaheer's palace. If she had anything to do with it.

  Qazim was going to give her some answers to some tough questions. The problem was, would she have an answer to the only question he would ask her.

  Was she willing to stay and become his wife?


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