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McKenzie, Cooper - Daria's Heroes [Men Out of Uniform 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 9

by Cooper McKenzie

  Daria heard his words, but between the plug in her ass and Gage filling her pussy, she could not relax, could not slow, and God alone would have to step in to make her stop. As soon as Gage was full inside her, she began to quickly rise and fall, fucking him as hard and fast as she bobbed up and down on Roman’s length.

  Her arousal was burning her up from the clit out, and she could not wait for relief, but she wanted, no, needed, to take both men with her.

  “Come, dammit,” she muttered.

  She lifted a hand to gently cup and roll Roman’s balls. She tried to keep her touch light so as not hurt the tightening orbs. Though her legs were tired, she kept moving up and down on Gage. When she hesitated after an upstroke, Gage grabbed her hips and began to thrust up into her at an even faster pace.

  Roman pulled her hair until she looked up his body to meet his deep brown eyes. “I’m in charge, baby girl. But I think you’re right. It is time to come. Now, my loves. Come. Now.”

  She squealed with her orgasm around Roman’s cock as Gage thrust even higher and harder three more times before growling his own release. A heartbeat later Roman filled her mouth with his seed when he came as well.

  She gently cleaned his cock before tucking him away again and patting the softening shaft gently. “See you later,” she snarked before lying down across Gage’s chest.

  “Mmmm, indeed you will,” Roman said as he leaned back against the picnic table. “Gage, you alive down there?”

  “Oh, yes, Master, but just barely,” the man on the ground answered as he hugged Daria then gently rolled them so she lay on the blanket. He eased his cock out of her core, which caused both of them to sigh, before standing up. After dealing with the condom, he walked around the table as he pulled himself together again.

  “Daria? You okay, baby girl?”

  “Mmmm-hmmm,” she breathed as she rolled over to look up at her men. “But I can’t feel my legs.”

  * * * *

  Gage could not help the chuckle he gave as he reached down and helped her to her feet. “It’s okay, angel. You’ll just have to walk it off.”

  “First let’s get her dressed. Then we’ll all walk and try to regain some composure.”

  It only took a minute for Daria to step into her jeans as he held them. He then helped her on with her shoes as Roman kissed and cuddled her. He snuggled up on her other side and received his own share of loving from both his Master and their woman. Finally, with their breathing back to normal and strength slowly returning, they walked toward the front of the firehouse hand in hand.

  Daria had just unlocked her car when alarms sounded and a woman’s voice came over the PA system calling out engine 53 for a car accident. He leaned in and kissed her quickly then jogged toward their truck, hoping he wasn’t too relaxed for this.

  “Leave the plug in tonight. We’ll see you in the morning. And no coming without us,” he heard Roman say behind him.

  He laughed when he thought he heard Daria groan in response.

  * * * *

  By the time she heard Roman’s truck pull into the driveway the next morning, Daria thought she was on the verge of losing her mind from horniness. She was aroused and needy just riding across town and walking into the house with her ass full of plug. Now, after a night of sexual torture, she could think of nothing except relief. She didn’t care if she had to beg for it. She needed to come.

  She spent the night dozing off only to wake moments later when something brushed over her wet, puffy clit. She finally fell into a deep sleep just before daybreak when exhaustion claimed her. But they were home now and were no doubt ready, willing, and able to scratch this bone-deep itch of hers.

  Rolling out of the bed, she met them at the top of the stairs and threw herself at the first man she came to.

  “Help me, Gage. Please. It hurts.”

  “Feeling horny, are we, angel?” he asked as he picked her up and carried her back to the bedroom. He laid her down, but she grabbed his arms and yanked, pulling him down on top of her.

  “Oh, God, yes. Please don’t ever do this to me again.”

  She wiggled around until she had one of his legs resting between hers. Bending her legs, she began to hump his leg, rubbing her sensitive clit against the muscles of his thigh.

  “All right, baby girl. Be a good girl and come for us. Come right now,” Roman said as he sat on the bed beside them.

  Daria cried out as the arousal she had fought all night to keep under control finally cut loose and her orgasm slammed through her. When she relaxed and released her death grip on him, Gage rearranged them so his shoulders held her legs wide open and his mouth was within licking distance of her pussy.

  “Oooo, such a red, angry little clit,” he said. “I think it needs some TLC. Master?”

  “She’s in charge, slave. Do whatever you need to.”

  “Mmmm, yes, Master.”

  With that, Gage began to lick and suck at her, carrying her over the edge once again just minutes later. He gave her a very few minutes to recover before he began to gently fuck her with the butt plug as he sucked on her clit until she came a third time. Finally, he released her to Roman who, now naked, cuddled her close as he moved off the bed. “Feel better, baby girl?”

  “Uhhhh,” she sighed as she brushed her cheek back and forth over his chest.

  “Sleep now. We’ll deal with everything else later,” she heard Roman say just before darkness swallowed her whole.

  Chapter 13

  Roman stared through the predawn grayness across the Neuse River and understood why Daria came here when she needed to think. Watching the water flow toward the ocean and feeling the wind brush his body comforted him for what was about to happen.

  It had been eight days since the fire, and life was beginning to come together for his little family. Daria proved to be a loving and easily trained submissive to him and also enough of a dominant woman to top Gage when she wanted satisfaction bad enough. Patting his jacket pocket, he assured himself once again that he had not lost the contents. He wondered if she would willingly take the next step with them or if she needed more time before permanently becoming a part of his and Gage’s life.

  “Roman?” Daria said, laying a hand on his arm.

  “Hmmm?” He roused from his contemplation of three ducks swimming a half dozen yards in front of him to look at her.

  “It’s time.”

  “Okay.” He took a deep breath and released it on a sigh. “Let’s do this.”

  It had taken one full day of phone calls and visits before they untangled the red tape snafu and received all the clearances, permits, and paperwork necessary for using the park for Mrs. Stone’s daybreak funeral. After the formal service and a breakfast reception at the convention center across the street, he, Daria, and Gage were borrowing Kelso’s boat for a trip several miles upriver.

  Once they were alone and out of sight of anyone who mattered, they would say their own good-byes before scattering Mrs. Stone’s ashes over the river she had loved and lived beside all her life. Afterward, Roman planned a little surprise for his loves to ease the stress of the day and put smiles back on their faces.

  Turning from his contemplation of the river, Roman found a larger-than-expected crowd gathered on the grass in front of the gazebo. He wondered if that was why Mrs. Stone had requested a daybreak funeral service or if she was trying not to inconvenience anyone. It appeared that everyone Mrs. Stone had ever met was here to say a final farewell. He followed Daria to the gazebo where the minister waited with Gage and the handful of those foster children Mrs. Stone had specifically requested sing her favorite church anthem.

  Though Mrs. Stone had asked Daria about giving her eulogy, Roman informed Gage he would be doing it. Daria’s gentle spirit would never be able to get through the service without tears. Gage had argued before giving in, saying that if Daria would help him write it, he would read it.

  As she climbed the steps to the gazebo platform, Roman smiled at the outfit they
had finally compromised on. She wore the short, sexy, little black dress and short black sweater-like thing he bought, but underneath it she wore skintight black leggings and knee-high black boots. She looked like a baby doll biker babe, appropriate for the occasion but also sexy as hell.

  As soon as they joined Gage sitting on folding chairs to one side of the gazebo, Mrs. Stone’s minister stood up, approached the microphone, and began the service.

  * * * *

  When it came time for him to give Mrs. Stone’s eulogy, Gage took a deep breath and said a silent prayer that he could get through the next few minutes without breaking down and sobbing like a baby. Daria squeezed the hand she’d taken as soon as the service began before releasing him to his duty.

  Standing before the microphone and looking into a sea of friends and so-called family members, Gage focused on breathing. He laid his hands on the small podium to keep from sliding them into his pockets as he had a habit of doing.

  “Henrietta Stone was a remarkable woman who touched the lives of so many people during her life. When she and her husband were told they could not have children, they accepted the news with grace and decided to open their home to other people’s children. But they didn’t want to work with the little ones. No, Henrietta and Joe wanted teenagers, the trouble children others saw as headed for jail or the morgue. They opened more than their home to these children; they opened their hearts as well. By doing so they changed more lives than even they realized. When her husband died on his job with the railroad thirty years ago, Henrietta fought the system to remain an active foster mother, something that was unheard of at that time. ‘The children need me,’ she said, ‘and I need the children.’ Fifteen years ago, while others retired to take it easy and enjoy their golden years, Henrietta took me and Roman in. Two mischievous troublemakers who were surely on the road to jail for our pranks.

  “I still remember the day she claimed us, as what else could it be called? By that time, she had worked with nearly four dozen teenagers and had worked magic with each of them. She healed broken hearts and angry spirits. She taught each one of us how to accept ourselves for who we are, how to dream about a future and a career we could be passionate about, and then she helped us figure out how to fly.

  “I believe, if anyone bothered to do a study, that Henrietta Stone is singlehandedly responsible for filling about half the positions in the city and county governments, from fire and rescue to police and safety to water and electric. Henrietta Stone was indeed a remarkable woman. Thank you.”

  Gage turned and walked back to his seat, surprised to find the world going blurry from tears. When had they begun? Once he sat down, he leaned into Daria, who turned in her chair to hug him.

  “Thank you, Gage. It was beautiful,” she whispered as the small makeshift choir began to sing.

  Looking over her shoulder, he met Roman’s gaze. “Perfect,” his Master said, handing him a bright orange bandana.

  * * * *

  The post-funeral reception was just winding down when Mr. and Mrs. Holloway approached Daria. The Holloways lived next door to Mrs. Stone and were wonderful neighbors.

  “Daria, we were wondering if you’ve made any plans regarding the land?” Mrs. Holloway asked.

  “I haven’t really had a chance to think about it, why?” Daria asked.

  “If you decide to sell it, we would be interested in purchasing it. For fair market value, of course,” Mrs. Holloway said.

  “Um, well, I’ll keep that in mind, but I’m not sure if we’re going to rebuild or not. And we haven’t looked at the will to see who Mrs. Stone left the house to.”

  “Just please don’t sell it to anyone else without talking to us first. We’d love to build a guest cottage and expand the gardens.”

  “As I said, I’ll have to talk to the executor of the will and see who the new owner of the property is. Thank you for coming.”

  Daria smiled before she turned and walked away. This was not the first such offer she had received, and she did not think it would be the last. After all, a cleared lot in this historic district overlooking the water was worth more than a pretty penny.

  She was halfway to where Gage and Roman were talking with Kelso when she was stopped again. “Miss Tate, I don’t know if you remember me. I’m William Thomas, the insurance adjuster.”

  “Yes, I remember. Thank you for coming today.”

  “Oh, well I…I wanted to give this to you in person,” he said.

  He pulled an envelope out of his inside jacket pocket. Opening it, he pulled out several pieces of paper. “If you could just sign right here,” he said, laying one piece of paper on the table they stood next to before handing her a pen.

  “What’s this for?”

  “This says that you did indeed receive this.” He showed her a smaller envelope. “This is a combined check for the house insurance and the life insurance policy Mrs. Stone had which named you beneficiary.”

  Daria signed and dated the form then accepted the envelope. Opening it, she gasped at the amount. “Uh, um, thank you?” she said, closing the envelope again.

  “You’re welcome, Miss Tate. And if you need help investing any of that money, please don’t hesitate to contact our office. We have a number of very good investment counselors on staff.”

  “Yeah, sure, okay, I’ll remember that,” Daria said, still shocked that Mrs. Stone had left all this to her.

  Mr. Thomas walked away just as Roman and Gage approached from across the room. They looked concerned.

  “Baby girl? Are you okay?”

  “I’m in shock,” she said. “Mrs. Stone made me beneficiary of her life insurance policy and the house insurance. Could you hold this for me?” She handed Roman the check.

  “May I?” he said.

  She nodded and walked up to Gage and wrapped her arms around him as Roman opened the envelope and looked at the check. He swallowed hard and cleared his throat before sliding the envelope into the inside pocket of his coat. “So, are you two ready to go? Kelso said he and Maddie could take care of finishing up here.”

  “I’m ready,” Gage answered.

  “Me, too,” Daria said as she stepped away from the big man.

  Chapter 14

  Roman aimed the boat he’d borrowed from Kelso toward the edge of the river miles upriver from town and far away from anyone who might see them. Mrs. Stone’s ashes had been scattered, and now it was time to cheer up his family. He glanced once more up and down the river to make sure they were totally alone before he looked at his submissives.

  “Okay, you two, strip,” he ordered in his soft but power-filled Master voice.

  While Gage immediately bent to take off his shoes and socks, Daria froze for three seconds before turning to stare at him. “Excuse me?”

  “Wench, I don’t like repeating myself, especially to my subs when I’m feeling playful,” Roman replied with a frown.

  * * * *

  Daria looked at Roman then to Gage, who was now barefoot and removing the cargo pants and T-shirt he had changed into just before they left the reception. Glancing back at Roman, she saw he was serious but had a sexy twinkle in his eye that meant something more than full body sunburns was in the works.

  She also realized he was in full Master mode.

  They had spent more time naked than clothed over the last week, but out here on the open river, she suddenly felt shy. Turning her back to the two men, she closed her eyes, breathed deep, and prayed for the courage to meet Roman’s challenge.

  Pulling off her tall boots, she set them aside then stood up. After finding her balance in the gently rocking boat, she quickly shimmied out of the black leggings. She rolled them up and tucked them into one of her boots. Another look at Roman’s serious expression and she shrugged out of the sweater. After putting it in her other boot, she reached for the hem of her dress and quickly pulled it over her head.

  Folding her dress in half, Daria draped it over her boots. Now naked, she took a deep breath as she
turned around. Gage was completely bare while Roman was still fully clothed as befit his status as their Master. Looking at the two men, the arousal she was not sure she would be able to find in such a setting surged forth. Her nipples beaded as her pussy dampened and her mouth watered as her gaze dropped to Gage’s hard cock.

  During the past days, she had learned a lot about the lifestyle she had agreed to live with her men. Though she still had trouble calling Roman “Master,” she did call him “Sir” whenever they were in a scene such as the one they were about to engage in. His calling her “wench” was her signal as to whether they were playing BDSM games or merely having fantastic sex.

  “Mmmm, you look so damn good, wench of mine,” Roman said, licking his lips.

  He held one hand out, beckoning her to come to them.

  “Thank you, Sir,” she said with a giggle as she closed the distance and laid her hand in his.

  She squeaked when Roman jerked her off balance. She stumbled across the deck and landed heavily against him. He caught her easily, pressing her full length against him. Flexing his hips forward, he pressed his hard cock into her belly. She licked her lips in anticipation of taking his erection in her mouth.

  “Mmmm, and you feel good, too,” he said as he ran both hands down her spine to cup and massage her ass cheeks. “I’ve got a yen to fuck this beautiful ass while slave fills your pretty little pussy. Would you like that, my precious wench? Would you like to fuck both your men together until we all come?”

  “Oh, yes, Sir. Very much so.” Daria stretched up on her toes so she could kiss her Sir.

  “Then show your submission and undress me. Slave, adjust the seats like Kelso showed you.”

  “Yes, Master.”

  Daria knelt and untied both of Roman’s shoes, pulling them and his socks off as quickly as she could manage. Her breath caught when her juices overflowed and ran down her thighs. Lifting her attention, she fumbled with Roman’s belt for several long seconds. With a soft growl, Roman finally brushed her hands aside and opened it himself.


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