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Beyond The Iron Gate (The Faery Meadow Book 1)

Page 12

by Lumtrexa

  When we reach a fast flowing river, Lorcan sits on the ground and tells me we should take a break. I easily agree, and plop down beside the water's edge.

  Suddenly, Lorcan turns his head sharply to the left as if he seeing something or heard something I didn't.

  "I'll be right back." He says slowly.

  "Alright." I reply without a second thought. I play with the sandy like stones by the water.

  Lorcan runs off back the way we came, eventually he's far off enough where I can't even see him.

  A few quiet minutes pass.

  Hearing the snapping of twigs behind me, I give a sigh of relief.

  "You're back-" I say before fear dries my throat.

  "Yes I'm back." Aifric mocks. I take a cautious step back, noticing his two other companions aren't with him.

  Remembering back, he wanted me to go with him to escape from Lorcan. Something about Aifric though unnerves me, it doesn't help either that I'm alone to face him.

  He takes a deep breath, his green hair gently wavering as a cold breeze passes.

  When he exhales, something flickers in his eyes.

  "It’s been a while since I've smelled something as good as you. That dumb leech is still following you around I see." He says with a disgusted look.

  "I don't know what you mean." I say blankly, tightening my fists.

  "Don't care if you do, dear. Now show me your wings." He commands with a cold voice.

  "I don't know how." I say quickly. I really don't, Lorcan hasn't really told me how to use my wings yet.

  When he doesn't say anything and starts stomping toward me, I decide its time to run. There is no way I'm going to let him attack me. I have to stand up for myself even if that means running away from him.

  I end up running along the river, hearing the harsh collision of water hitting rock makes me pump my arms harder and clench my teeth.

  "Stop, I'm here to help you." He yells from behind me. I can tell he's gaining on me.

  Its really hard to run in my cloak, it’s already a little big on me to begin with.

  The bank of the river bed rises higher and higher the farther I run, a total of three feet or more stands from me to the water. I narrowly avoid running into trees that linger close to the edge, hearing the faint sound of Aifric's footsteps I smile in victory. If I keep going at my pace I might just loose him. Hopefully, by then, Lorcan will find me.

  An unexpected cough escapes me, distracting me from my careful footing. My right foot gets caught in a tree's root, sending me sailing over the edge of the river bank and straight into the dark violent water. The moment my body hits the icy harsh water, I feel my body go into shock. The unbearable stinging sensation in my right foot keeps me from kicking completely above the surface.

  I'm left with my arms, I do my best to swim to the surface over the swift current of the water. My cloak however, weighs me down, I'm just barely able to catch a breath before I'm plunged back under again.

  I can't give up though, as I'm forced down the river, I try to grab a hold of plants along the bank, but they only rip the moment I grab onto them as I'm pulled along. The surface of the rocks is too slippery for my hands to grip onto. The only thing I can do is keep my head above water and try to remain calm among the chaos.

  Suddenly, I hear Aifric's voice.

  "Hold on! I'll get you-" He shouts from somewhere above me. I try to strain my ears to hear better over the roaring of the river. His voice, however, is cut off, as I hear a new noise clearly above the sounds around me.

  A noise so guttural, menacing and enraged, yet it rings familiarly in my ears.


  And from the sound of it, he's not happy.

  Chapter 23-Found

  I'm so caught up in straining my ears to hear what's going on, that I'm unable to avoid slamming into a giant boulder as the swift current forces me in its direction.

  Just before I'm able to crash into it, I'm yanked roughly out of the freezing cold water and shoved against someone's chest. I can tell the person is smaller than Lorcan, in other words, its the person I didn't want to get me!


  "I got you. It’s okay." Aifric shouts over the sound of rushing water. His touch is gentle, but foreign to me and I flinch away from him when he drops me onto the riverbank.

  "Now, will you listen to me?" He asks with a raised eyebrow.

  Since I'm cold to the bone, tired and realize he did just save me, I decide I might as well listen to what he has to say.

  "Alright." I huff, hugging my arms. I could of sworn I heard Lorcan, now that I think about it, I don't see him anywhere. Maybe I was imagining things after all. Aifric's strange green hair pulls me out of thoughts, when his dark eyes meet mine he continues.

  "You have no reason to trust me, but I have reason to inform you of your...uniqueness. I can tell there's something different about you." He says leaning against an old rotting tree.

  I narrow my eyes at him.

  "You've probably heard of Aeringdal and the knights. No doubt they've been on your tail, but I'm quite sure Lorcan hasn't told you why." He says with a growing smile.

  "What are you talking about?" I ask defensively.

  "He told you they were after him because he's a criminal, correct?" He asks.

  "Yes." I reply. Lorcan wouldn't lie to me, would he?

  "Well that statement was not entirely true. The Aeringdal assembly is composed of the highest ranking members of their society, each member possessing a unique...trait." He says snapping a branch in his hand.

  "Go on." I urge him.

  "Let's just say Lorcan made them angry and now they know how to lure him out of hiding." He says quietly.

  "How?" I ask.

  He gives me a grave look, realization strikes me.

  "Me." I state bluntly.

  "Yes. You, Elaine." He replies walking toward me. When did I tell him my name?

  "The knights of the Aeringdal assembly are smart. They know there is something about you that could even attract someone like Lorcan. And believe me when I say they won't stop until they find out what it is." He concludes.

  "That's ridiculous! Why do they care? Maybe I'm just a nice person." I grunt wiping a strand of damp hair out of my face.

  "They already know you're from a different dimension, the human dimension that is. Eventually they will narrow down the realm in which you were truly born." He says with a click.

  Now he is just talking nonsense. I know who my real mother and father are!

  "Why should I believe you?" I ask raising my voice.

  "Humans can't grow wings or hear fae." He says simply.

  I roll my eyes at his simple remark. Wait, how did he know I have wings?

  "Who exactly are you, Aifric? Why do you think I need your help?" I say deflated.

  "I am a soldier of the rebel army. Our goal being to take over Aeringdal and replace the assembly with reliable leaders. We have several sanctions all over the realms." he says sternly.

  How am I suppose to believe that? The last time I met him, he seemed less intimidating.

  "Oh sure you are. Just how many members do you have captain Aifric?" I ask sarcastically.

  "Well over five thousand." He says.

  "How did you know my name?" I ask suspiciously.

  "I have sources all over these realms under my beck and call." He states.

  So he's been spying on Lorcan? He's been spying on me? Looks like the knights aren't the only ones following Lorcan and I.

  "Well I appreciate your warning, it was nice meeting you." I say getting up and heading back to where I saw Lorcan last.

  "Wait!" he says pulling me back.

  "I can't guarantee your protection with that guy, if your with me you'll be under the protection of my army. Do you even know where he's taking you? He's never going to let you go back to your family, never." He says with a low voice.

  Freezing, I turn my head back to him giving him an uncertain look.

  "This i
s my choice." I say with a waver.

  "I was hoping you'd come willingly. I'm sorry." he says.

  Confused, I turn back around, I pick up my pace trying to get back to Lorcan as quickly as possible.

  Suddenly, my legs feel like they're on fire, a drastic difference from the once numbing cold I felt.

  I stop to take a break, but my legs give up and send me face planting into the grassy ground.

  "Ow..." I whisper to myself. The burning sensation in my leg crescendos and I roll onto my back in the shade of the trees.

  The last thing I hear makes me nearly jump out of my skin.

  "I didn't want to do this." Aifric mumbles gravely. An invisible heavy weight presses against my forehead, making me shriek in agony. Black dots scatter across my line of sight.

  "S-s-stop." I rasp shakily.

  "Just a bit longer. Then we can get out of here." He mumbles with a pained expression.

  In a last attempt, I try to free myself by flying away, but my wings refuse to come out. Concentrating on unleashing my wings is virtually impossible as I'm under this pain. My body convulses violently, as Aifric watches me silently from above.

  My face starts to become numb, but I can feel tears flow steadily down my face.

  Aifric kneels down next to me with a serious expression. Quickly, he places a kiss on my forehead. I wish I had the strength to push him away as the sudden urge to vomit consumes me, sending my heart into overdrive.

  Finally, he pulls back away from me and watches me quietly as I writhe in pain.

  Abruptly, the air becomes thicker, almost as if there's static. The mute woods around me, seems to scream of danger. Aifric, on the other hand seems unaware.

  Slicing through the air like a knife, a guttural terrifyingly loud shriek comes from the other side of the woods.

  It definitely sounds like the noise I heard in the river, but louder. And very real.

  Aifric doesn't move an inch, his eyes are suddenly watching the woods intently.

  A loud rage filled scream resounds through the air.

  In a flash of red haze, a large figure stands right beside me, they wear a long black cloak. I don't have to see their face to know the menacing look they have.

  I turn my head to look at Aifric, at the sight of Lorcan this close to me he bolts back quickly away from Lorcan and I.

  Lorcan bends down to me, his crimson eyes are filled with boiling rage. He carefully feels my forehead and the pain I once felt vanishes.

  He leans over my head and takes a deep inhale. A deep growl rumbles from him.

  "Found you." He whispers in my ear. Then he pulls me against him, lifting me up bridal style. He sets me on my feet and I take a step between him and Aifric.

  His wings suddenly appear behind him and he lets out a sinister chuckle when spotting Aifric hiding back behind the trees.

  I know that look. Lorcan didn't just come to save me.

  He also came to kill.

  He's on the edge of falling into a violent outburst again, his stance is like that of a predator's.

  His body shakes with rage as he glares directly at Aifric. His jaw clenches tight and he glances at me. Before I have time to stop him, something flashes across his face and he stands right before Aifric.

  "No!" I shout at Lorcan. Aifric doesn't deserve to die, he pulled me out of the river. Then again, I'm not sure what he was planning on doing while I was writhing in pain...

  "No use of that. He's in Stythe. His mind is well set. Not even you could stop him. Mate or not." Aifric says while stepping away from Lorcan.

  I know Lorcan will listen to me, I just have to try to get his attention. Besides, I'm not as hesitant as I use to be when he's in one of his moods or this so called "Stythe" whatever that means...

  "And now the game begins." Aifric laughs darkly. I watch stunned as his body flickers, then flashes right in front of me.

  Lorcan turns around equally surprised.

  "Where are you?!" Lorcan yells looking around.

  Aifric is too close to me, feeling vulnerable I try to side step him, but he only follows.

  "Now, now you're the bait. You see dear Elaine, this guy's got a big bounty on his head. What better way to lure him out of hiding, then by using you." He says.

  "Where is he?" Lorcan hisses turning around frantically.

  My heart plummets and my eyes dart between Lorcan and Aifric.

  "You see...I'm invisible to him and so are you, if I touch you that is. It’s part of my power." Aifric says creepily.

  Then, Aifric grabs my chin gently, his fingers are like ice and I cringe.

  "Let me go." I demand shakily.

  I kick my legs at him trying to get away. My attempts are useless as he shoves me against a tree. His heavy body leans on me, I struggle against him with all my might.

  "Lorcan won't be able to hear you're cries my dear. Once I'm finished my business with you," Aifric whispers in my ear,"I'll tell him what I did to you and watch the look of madness grow in his eyes. Then I'll kill him." he says darkly while sliding his hands down my arms.

  I try to shout at Lorcan, to get him him to hear the direction I'm in.

  "Lorcan! Over here, please listen!" I holler frantically.

  "It’s useless, he can't hear us." Aifric cackles. He slides a finger down my face slowly, my stomach rolls over holding down vomit.

  The disgust and fear is hard to handle as I contemplate how to get away. I tighten my fists, closing my eyes tightly. I focus on my wings, the dark hues that glowed dark pink in the night. I try to recall the flicker of life in them I can feel the moment they extend.

  A slight shock runs up my spine. My wings unfurl, now if I can just get away from Aifric I can fly to safety, by then hopefully Lorcan will see me.

  Without a thought, I let out the loudest scream I can muster, maybe it will cause Aifric to flinch away from me for a moment and I can use that as my chance.

  "Help me!" I scream to the top of my lungs. Aifric's hold on me loosens, he doesn't let my arms go though. Instead, he slams his head against mine, muffling my screams with his mouth.

  Disgusted, I try to yank my head away.

  Abruptly, Aifric's head wrenches away from me, he looks shocked as his face freezes and his hands shakily release my arms.

  A stream of blood slides down from his neck.

  My eyes slowly rise to see someone standing directly behind him.

  My breathing becomes heavy, as my mind finally connects the dots.

  Aifric suddenly falls toward me, I step out of the way as his lifeless body falls flat on his face.

  A huge nasty gash is embedded in Aifric's neck, the blood oozes out of his neck and onto the grass around him.

  Slowly, I look up at Lorcan.

  His hands are covered in blood.

  His mouth is covered in blood.

  His sharp teeth are stained in blood.

  "Found you." He says eerily, looking at Aifric's lifeless body.

  I gulp, stepping away from Lorcan. Its best if I let him calm down before I talk to him. The scene is too much for my stomach to handle. I cover my mouth and continue stepping back.

  My wings quiver, my face grows pale as I struggle to keep calm. Finally, I find a rock to sit on and try to even my breathing. I glance over at Lorcan, my heart lurches when I see he's gone.

  Where would he have gone? Surely, he saw me.

  I put my head in my hands and decide I will just use my wings to fly above the trees, that might be the best way to see where he went. Something I probably should have done in the first place.

  I'm about to stand, but a drop of something wet lands on my shoulder.

  Distracted, I glance down at my shoulder.

  I let out a yelp of surprise.

  Lorcan's blood smeared face is hovering right over my shoulder, his eyes meet mine.

  And from the looks of it, he hasn't calmed down...

  He hasn't calmed down at all.

  Chapter 24-Sleep

can's breath fans over my neck, he takes a deep inhale of me. His blood red eyes are practically ablaze as he watches me. I remain perfectly still, frozen.

  "Your not running away." he states with a snicker. His shoulder bumps my wings and I struggle not to flinch.

  He's quietly watching my reaction while running a bloody hand over the tips of my wings playfully. His heavy breathing is unnerving.

  Something about his touch makes my wings quiver...almost in an excited way.However, I push the thought away as I watch the dark blood from his finger tips seep onto my wings. He walks in front of me, towering over me as I remain sitting.

  "How did you see me?" I ask genuinely curious.

  Something flickers in his eyes and a toothy smile creeps onto his face slowly.

  He lets out one of his psychotic laughs.

  "I didn't see you. I heard you." He says.

  It's hard for me to concentrate on questioning him with all the blood on him. The smell of blood alone makes me want to gag.

  "Aifric said you couldn't hear me." I reply.

  Lorcan shrugs his shoulders then sits on the ground. He seems like he's becoming less tense, more relaxed. If I keep talking to him he's bound to calm down.

  "Well...thanks for saving me. I really owe you. You didn't have to kill him though." I whisper.

  Suddenly, my shoulders are being yanked and Lorcan's face is right in front of me.

  "He took you away from me. You wanted him to live after what he was going to do to you?" He says furiously.

  "I don't think he was going to kill me. Besides, he saved me from drowning. He told me he was protecting me from you, that I should get away from you like your some kind of monster." I say.

  "Do you believe him?" He asks softly. My ears perk up at the honesty of his question. Even at this point I can still never tell what he's going to say while he's in "Stythe".

  "You already know the answer." I say to him. I know there's good in Lorcan, he's saved me enough times to convince me.

  I take a deep inhale, then hold my breath feeling my throat tickle.

  I let out a puff of glitter and watch it fly directly into his face. It might help to relax.

  A strange growl comes from him and he rams into me sending me flat on my back.

  He perches himself on top of me, his movements are animalistic as he cocks his head at me.


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