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When To Fear The Living

Page 20

by B. L. Brunnemer

  “Where’s Zeke? Is he okay?” Riley asked instantly.

  “He showed up at school this morning with a high fever, so we brought him home. I’m babysitting the big baby.”

  “Fuck you,” Zeke growled.

  “See, big baby,” I pointed out to Riley.

  “Okay, give me his address and I’ll be over to help,” She offered. Shit. Zeke didn’t want her here, and if I gave him the phone he’d be an ass to her.

  “Riley, hon, he’s being a real prick,” I said.

  “Love you too,” Zeke grumbled. I bit back a laugh.

  “And he said he didn’t want to be that way to you. So, I can’t give you his address,” I said, cringing. There was dead silence for several heartbeats. “He’s being such a dick that Asher almost decked him.”

  “Wow, that bad, huh?” She sounded impressed.


  “Um, okay. If he changes his mind give me a call. Tell him I said get better and stop being a shit,” Riley said in a strained voice. Shit.

  “I will, I’m sorry Riley,” I said again.

  “No, I get it. If he treated me that way he’d be pissed at himself for a week,” She offered.

  “Yeah, I’m family so I’m fair game,” I grumbled. She gave a strange half laugh.

  “Talk to you later,” Riley said before hanging up. Zeke was going to pay for that call when he got better. I was putting his phone in my pocket when he half rolled over.

  He looked half asleep when he asked, “Am I being an ass to you?”

  I sighed. “No, actually you’re behaving remarkably well for me. At least according to the guys. I was just trying to ease the sting of rejection for your girlfriend.” He nodded then buried his face in the pillow again. “Do you want me to soak down your back again?” I asked, he nodded. I grabbed a wet cloth and started soaking his back. He groaned in a happy way. I kept bathing down his neck and arms. He wrapped his arm around my knees, his hand going around my ankle. I smiled as I kept cooling him off. When he was out, and his face no longer red, I tried to move his arm off my legs, the butthead was too heavy. “Zeke, I need to get up,” I whispered softly to him. He grumbled and rolled over to his other side. I snorted as I walked into the living room, time to find some mindless TV.

  Later that evening, I was in the kitchen heating up Maria’s soup on the stove. Sylvia came in wearing her waitress uniform and cursing.

  “I’ll be so damn glad when this semester is over and I can take the damn Bar,” Sylvia growled. I grinned. The dogs outside barked as lights ran across the windows of the house.

  “Do Dunner and Clive still want to hire you?” I asked as I stirred the soup. Dunner and Clive was a law firm over in Northridge. Sylvia had already interviewed with them and she had a job waiting. She just needed to finish the semester and pass the Bar.

  “Yeah, and I’m looking forward to it,” She said vehemently.

  “Just think you’ll be able to see the sun,” I teased. Sylvia chuckled.

  “That would be a change,” She countered. “Night Lexie, thanks again for taking care of him.”

  “No problem,” I assured her. She was heading to the front door when it opened. Isaac and Ethan barged in, Hades burst past him and ran to me. I bent down and gave my baby some loves.

  “Sylvie!” Isaac cheered. He all but tackled her for a hug. Sylvia chuckled as Ethan quickly joined him. I was laughing as she got two kisses on the cheeks.

  “Hey sweeties.” Sylvia pulled back to look up at them. “Ugh, you two have gotten taller. Stop growing.” The twins snickered. “I’m off to work, help Lexie, alright?”

  “You got it, Momma,” Ethan assured her. Sylvia gave them each a kiss on the cheek before heading out the door. Isaac came into the kitchen and hugged me tight, I chuckled and hugged him back.

  “How’s our surly giant of the North?” Isaac asked.

  “His temp is down to 102,” I began. “I’m about to take him his meds and food again.”

  “I’m going to go pop my head in,” Isaac announced before he left the kitchen. Ethan came in and leaned against the counter next to the stove as I filled a glass of juice.

  “So, guess who’s still not talking about who kicked his ass,” Ethan said smiling at me.

  “Darren?” I asked, smirking as I filled a bowl of soup for Zeke.

  “That’s right,” Ethan said. “I’m starting to think it was a girl.”

  I chuckled. Shouting erupted down the hall. I cursed, grabbed the bowl and glass then headed down the hall. Ethan was one step behind me. I walked in just in time to watch Zeke throw a pillow at Isaac.

  “What are you going on about now?” I demanded. Zeke sat up on the side of the bed and tried to get up. I handed the bowl and glass to Ethan then stopped Zeke by blocking him.

  “He turned on the light,” Zeke grumbled. I turned on the nightstand lamp then shut off the overhead.


  “Yeah,” Zeke admitted as he blinked up at me.

  “It’s faster to just ask, and not bitch,” I told him bluntly as I got his antibiotics and handed them to him. “Take them,” I ordered. He grumbled as I took the juice and bowl from Ethan. Then handed the juice to Zeke. He took his meds, I grabbed the glass, and handed him the bowl. “Eat.” He didn’t even grumble this time. I stood there watching him until he was done. The twins walked out into the hall leaving him to me. I took the bowl and handed him the rest of the juice. “See if you can drink that,” I said in a softer voice. When he was done, I felt his forehead, he was still hot.

  “Do you want me to wet down your back again?” He nodded, already half asleep again. He flopped onto his stomach like a little kid. I smiled to myself as I soaked his shirt down again.

  “Baby...” He mumbled.

  “Yeah, Tough Guy?”

  “Will you feed the dogs? They don’t know anyone else,” He muttered.

  “I’ll take care of them.” Hades came in, jumped up on the bed, walked around Zeke to lay on the pillow next to his head. Hades sniffed Zeke’s hair then snuggled down.

  “Thank you.” He shifted until Hades' fur was under his nose, then fell asleep. When his back was soaked, I headed back to the front of the house. I walked into the kitchen as the twins were in the living room, fighting over what to watch.

  I got Tank and Kita’s meals ready the way Zeke had shown me a couple weeks ago. Three scoops of dried food and one can of the wet each. I had asked why so much. Zeke had explained since its winter, the dogs needed more energy to stay warm, which means more food to keep healthy. It made sense to me. I took the two large metal bowls in one arm, switched on the light in back, and opened the door. The backyard was huge, about four acres in the fenced in portion alone. The dogs weren’t in sight, I shut the door behind me, stepped further away from the door slowly, then whistled the two tones that Zeke taught me. Tank and Kita appeared. Tank was running full out.

  “Tank, easy,” I ordered. Tank dropped his butt into the snow and skidded to a stop before he could take me out. I let out the breath I had been holding. “Tank, sit,” I said firmly. Tank sat and waited, his tongue lolling out of his mouth. I watched him carefully as I set his food in his spot. “Good boy.” Tank moved to his dish and started chowing down. I smiled as I moved away and towards Kita’s spot. Kita was already there, her tail between her legs. That wasn’t a good sign. “It’s okay Kita, it’s dinner time,” I said in a gentle, soothing voice. Kita had been abused badly by some guy in Colorado. Zeke said she’d been making progress, it was slow but still progress. I made sure not to tower over her as I bent down to put her food on the ground. She growled, I froze. “It’s okay Kita, Zeke’s inside. I know this is weird, he’s just sick and can’t come out right now.” When she stopped growling, I put her food down slowly. I was pulling my hand away when she lunged. Her teeth bit into my hand. I cursed as she jumped back. I bit back the impulse to yell at her. “Kita, no biting,” I told her firmly. I held my bleeding hand to my chest and backed up. Tan
k moved between us and growled at Kita. I went still, that wasn’t good. “Tank, I’m okay,” I told him in a soothing voice. His ears flicked back towards me as I backed up some more. Tank moved with me. The farther away I got from Kita, the less Tank growled. When I reached the door, he was fine. “Tank, food.” I ordered as I opened the door. He moved off to his bowl, but kept his eyes on Kita. I walked in and started cursing under my breath. My hand was throbbing as I moved to the sink and started trying to wash it out.

  “What happened?” Isaac asked as he heard me.

  “Kita was on edge and bit me,” I grumbled as I cleaned my hand. Isaac opened a cupboard and pulled out a first aid kit.

  “Are you okay, Lexie?” Ethan asked from the door.

  “Yeah, I just got bit by Kita,” I said absently before Isaac poured the antiseptic over my hand. I cursed a blue streak as my hand felt like it was on fire. When my hand was clean I started to wrap gauze around it to stop the bleeding.

  “Lexie!” Zeke bellowed.

  “Shit,” I bit out. There was a loud thud in the hallway. I hurried out of the kitchen and down the hall. Zeke was leaning against the wall just outside his room, Ethan was shouting at him to get back to bed. I rushed down the hall to stop him from trying to keep going.

  “Go back to bed,” I ordered.

  “Show me your hand,” He growled. I shot a look at Ethan and held out my hand.

  “I’m fine, I think she knows you’re sick. She was on edge and I moved too fast for her,” I assured him, while he examined my hand carefully.

  “No stitches,” Zeke mumbled.

  “Yeah, no stitches.” I reached up and grabbed his chin to make him look at me. “Now let Isaac help you back to bed and I’ll bring you some ice cream. Mint chocolate chip, your favorite. Then I’ll let the terrors in so Kita can see you’re okay.” Zeke frowned at me, but eventually nodded. Isaac moved around me and helped get Zeke back into his room. I headed back down the hall to the kitchen, Ethan in tow. “Snitch,” I hissed at him. He snorted as he picked up the bandage and helped me wrap my hand.

  “You know, if we could figure out what it is about you that calms him down, we could make a profit from it. Imagine, Eau du toilette of Alexis, Calmer of Assholes,” Ethan offered in a dignified voice. I started laughing as he finished bandaging my hand.

  “Can you get his ice cream while I let the dogs in?” I asked.

  “Yeah, I’m on it,” He headed for the fridge. I went to the door, opened it, then whistled.

  Kita ran through as if her tail was on fire, she headed straight for the hallway and Zeke’s room. Tank however ran in, slipped, and slid into the cabinets by the sink before he scrambled to his feet and followed Kita. I was laughing so much that it took me a couple minutes to close the door and take Zeke his ice cream.

  Zeke was lying down in bed as Kita buried her face into his armpit whimpering. Zeke petted her gently and spoke softly in a soothing, rough, raspy voice.

  “You’re okay Kita, I’m not mad, you’re not in trouble,” He whispered down to the trembling dog. Even Hades snuggled up to Kita’s side to try and help calm her down. Tank sat next to the bed, patiently waiting for his turn. I waited at the door until she stopped shaking. Only then did I walk in slowly. I handed Zeke his ice cream and sat on the side of the bed facing him. Tank immediately put his head in my lap, I started scratching his head.

  “She was really upset,” I said quietly. He nodded his eyes still on Kita.

  “Yeah, she’s making progress but it’s slow.” He looked up and met my eyes. “I’m sorry she bit you. I wouldn’t have asked if-”

  “It’s okay, she was scared. I made sure not to yell at her or raise my voice. I just told her no biting, firmly.” He gave me a tired small grin.

  “That’s exactly what you needed to do, thank you,” He said in his rough voice.

  “And Tank almost ripped her a new one,” I added. He snorted then looked at Tank with his head in my lap.

  “You’ve spoiled that dog. Whenever you leave he looks at me likes it’s my fault you aren’t here,” He said. I smiled and leaned down to kiss Tank on the forehead.

  “That’s because he’s my other baby,” I said in a cutesy voice. Zeke’s lips twitched. He was already half asleep, he reached out and stroked Tank’s head. Tank instantly licked his hand. I grabbed his uneaten ice cream off his stomach and got to my feet. Tank instantly jumped onto the bed and took my spot while keeping his head under Zeke’s hand. I smiled at the fact that Zeke was surrounded by dogs who loved him. I was about to walk out into the hallway when his voice stopped me.

  ‘Thanks for taking care of me...” He mumbled.

  “Anytime, Tough Guy,” I said softly back. I headed into the living room in time to see the twins setting out blankets and pillows. I was about to ask why when the front door opened. Asher and Miles walked in carrying movies and sleeping bags. I smiled, what else did I expect with these guys? “Anyone want ice cream? Zeke didn’t eat any of it,” I asked the room. Ethan instantly raised his hand so I walked over and handed it to him.

  “Lexie, what happened to your hand?” Miles asked pointedly. Before I could answer, Asher took my wrist gently and looked at the bandage.

  “Oh, Kita just bit me,” I said casually. “It’s okay, I already cleaned it out and the bleeding has stopped.”

  “When was your last tetanus shot?” Miles asked instantly. I thought about it.

  “I... don’t know,” I admitted. Miles pulled out his phone. “Miles?”

  “I’m calling Dr. Zimmer to come out and take a look,” Miles said in a firm voice. He wasn’t going to be persuaded and his voice told me not to try. I sighed as I sat down.

  “I’m starting dinner,” Asher announced as he headed for the kitchen. “Any requests?”

  “Food!” The twins and I shouted at the same time. We started giggling as Asher sighed patiently. Ethan took a vote on what to watch, Sherlock won. Ethan was putting in the DVD when Zeke’s phone rang in my pocket. I pulled it out to see, it was Rory.

  “Hey Rory.”

  “Hey kid, how’s Zeke doing?” He asked. He sounded more awake than he had been earlier.

  “He still has a high fever and he’s being a shit. He also won’t listen to anyone but me,” I said. “I think I’m going to have to crash here tonight.”

  “I don’t think that’s necessary,” Rory said. “I’m sure the guys can handle him.”

  “Um, Rory, they really can’t,” I said emphatically.

  “Lexie,” He said, in his patient Dad voice.

  “Rory,” I said in an exaggerated deep voice. “Just come over and see what I’m talking about. And if you can say ‘go home’ after that, I will,” I offered. Rory sighed.

  “Fine, I’ll be over before I leave for work,” He agreed.

  “Oh, can you bring my emergency bag from my closet, my laptop, and some of Hades’ toys?” I asked sweetly. He snorted.

  “Yeah, but I still think you’re coming home,” He warned.

  “We’ll see.”

  Chapter 11

  Wednesday Night

  I was busy dishing up Zeke's dinner when someone knocked on the door. Asher opened it and let Rory in. Everyone said hi.

  "So, all of you are crashing here?" Rory asked. I could hear his smile in his voice.

  "Yep. Family smothering back to health, it usually works," Isaac explained. "Plus, it normally takes three of us sitting on Zeke to make him stay put." Rory shook his head as I came into the front room.

  "How's he doing?" Rory asked.

  "He's awake, his fever is down a bit, but he's still bitchy as ever." I offered. Everyone chuckled.

  "I'll go check on him." Rory started for the hallway.

  "Here, take him his dinner, and make him take his antibiotics," I told him. Rory took the bowl and glass of water from me before heading to Zeke's room. I went back in to the kitchen and made my own plate. Before I sat down, I wanted to make sure Zeke took his antibiotic, so I headed down th
e hall. Rory and Zeke's voice had me stopping.

  "101," Rory sighed. "That's shitty. Are you drinking enough orange juice? Taking your antibiotics?" Rory asked pointedly. I smiled to myself.

  "Yeah, yeah, Lexie's on me about it," Zeke grumbled. Rory snorted.

  "Good." Rory said. There was the rattle of a pill bottle. "You're supposed to take one now,"

  "You're as bad as she is," Zeke grumbled. "You're supposed to be on my side." I bit back a laugh.

  "I am, that's why I'm making you take it." Rory countered. "You need anything?"

  "A body that doesn't hate me," Zeke said dryly. Rory snorted.

  "Well, I already talked to your boss and told him you're sick," Rory said. "He said to take as much time as you need to get better."

  "I could have done that." Zeke pointed out.

  "Tough shit," Rory shot back. "I wanted to make sure he didn't pull any 'if he wants his job he better come in' bullshit." My heart warmed as I listened to them, it seemed as if Rory had adopted Zeke. I smiled to myself. "If you listen to Lexie, she'll have you up and about in no time," Rory added. Zeke cursed.

  "Why... why didn't you tell her about my family?" Zeke asked, his tired. There was silence for several heartbeats.

  "Because it's your past and you should be the one to decide who to share it with and when," Rory explained patiently.

  "You know what he did," Zeke said confidently.

  "Yeah, I was the first one on the scene." Rory's voice grew quiet. "I'll never forget finding you. You were holding your Mom's... you were trying to stop the bleeding."

  "It was pointless. She was already gone." Zeke pointed out.

  "But you still tried." Rory countered. "I called it in, picked you up, and got you cleaned up." There was a long silence as I pictured an 8-year-old Zeke trying to save his Mom. My heart ached and my eyes burned.

  "And the crap after?" Zeke asked, his voice quiet with an edge to it. "You hear about all that too?"

  "I arrested that piece of shit myself." Rory's voice was hard. "He may or may not have fallen down the stairs at the station a couple dozen times." What were they talking about? Zeke's Dad was dead.


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