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When To Fear The Living

Page 29

by B. L. Brunnemer

  "I tried to head butt him, and I hit his chest, that's the only reason I knew he was tall." I started talking, and couldn't seem to stop. "I tried those moves that you taught me, but he just picked me up and started walking." My eyes burned, I looked down at my knees as I continued. "I felt so helpless there for a second, I hate that fucking feeling." Zeke moved closer, his hands moving around my legs to my hips.

  "You still got away," He pointed out. I looked up at him, He was clenching his jaw. "You thought on your feet and kept getting away until help came. That's exactly what you needed to do."

  "I barely hurt him," I countered.

  "Baby," he said in that soft voice I loved. I met his eyes. "This guy was at least a foot taller than you, he had to outweigh you by at least fifty pounds and he had a fucking car waiting. He planned this out, and you blew his plans to hell by fighting back." His burning eyes ran over me. "Next time we go to the gym, I'll ask Dave to teach you a better way to get out of being picked up again." I nodded. "Though that knee to the chest was brilliant," He added. I snorted, he half grinned at me which made me smile a little. I sighed, he was right, I got away and that's what mattered.

  "Okay," I said. Zeke looked me over again before he backed off. He went into the kitchen and made another ice pack. I was running through what moves I could have done when my phone rang. It was Miles, he wanted to face chat, I answered. Miles' worried face filled my screen.

  "Hey Miles," I tried for cheerful, it didn't come out right. His cold eyes ran over my face, taking in my bruises.

  "Are you alright?" He asked, his voice icy.

  "Yeah, just banged up, who called you?" I asked as Zeke handed me the icepack, I held it to my face.

  "Asher did about two minutes ago," He said. "Let me see the damage, Lexie." I sighed, put down my ice, and moved the phone so he could see the left side of my face. "Your forehead has butterfly strips. Did you need stitches?"

  "No, the EMTs said it was better safe than sorry," I assured him. "I can take them off tomorrow." Miles' face was blank, but his eyes told me he was furious.

  "I'm on my way back tonight," Miles said. "I'll be there in two hours at most." The screen moved as Miles set the phone down. I was suddenly looking up at a ceiling, it sounded like he was packing. "Zeke, what's going on?" I handed Zeke my phone. I held my ice to my face as Zeke explained what was going on with the police. Miles shot back some questions, and Zeke answered them. By the time Miles was in a cab, he knew everything we did. "Good," Miles said. "Hand me back to her, please." Zeke gave me the phone.

  "You don't need to get on the plane now," I pointed out. "It can wait 'till morning." Miles just shook his head.

  "Someone tried to abduct you, Lexie." He reminded me, his tone chilling. "I'm coming home now." His eyes softened as they ran over my face again. "Stay with Zeke and don't go anywhere alone," He ordered me. I gave him a small smile as warmth filled my heart.

  "No problem," I promised.

  "I'll see you in a bit," Miles said before hanging up. I set my phone down and took a deep breath, I couldn't believe this was happening. Hades was in Zeke's lap getting scratches. Zeke watched me carefully.

  "I'm going to take a shower," I announced as I got up. Hades stayed with Zeke as I went upstairs. In the bathroom, I looked in the mirror. The left side of my face from my eye almost down to my jaw was black and blue with more black around my swollen eye. The butterfly bandages on the left side of my forehead didn't help either. I took a quick shower.

  When I walked into my room in a towel, my computer was on again. Growling, I walked over and shut the damn thing. There, now it would stay off. I pulled on Asher's pajama bottoms, a black shirt, and Miles’ hoodie. I didn't want to think about why their clothes were so comforting to me, I just didn't care tonight. I ran a brush through my hair and pulled my hair back into a hair tie before heading downstairs. The boys' voices reached me as soon as I opened my door.

  "Where's Red?" Isaac demanded.

  "Taking a shower," Zeke's gravelly voice answered.

  "How's she doing?" Asher asked. I came down the stairs, the guys were in the living room area.

  "I'm fine," I answered for Zeke. Asher got up and came over to me. He lifted my chin so he could look at my face. His ocean eyes were rough as they met mine.

  "Are you sure?" He asked quietly. I gave him a small smile.

  "Yeah, I'm fine. I just wish I caused more damage to that asshole," I grumbled. Asher grinned at that. "What are you guys doing here?"

  "I thought a sleepover was required," Isaac announced as he shouldered Asher away from me. Isaac's eyes ran over my face only a second before I was in his arms being squeezed to death.

  "Must... breathe," I gasped dramatically. Isaac snickered in my hair before carefully kissing my forehead and letting me go. "So, sleepover, huh? Did Rory say yes?" I asked.

  "Yeah, I called and begged," Isaac admitted. I shook my head as he went to his spot on the sofa and flopped down. I went to the far chair and curled up in it.

  "So, what's the plan?" I asked.

  "Movies," Asher said.

  "Games," Zeke added.

  "General hi-jinx," Isaac smirked. I rolled my eyes at them, they were really great guys. Asher put a movie on. I didn't care what it was as long as the guys stayed around, I didn't want to be alone tonight. Asher eyed me.

  "Are those my pajamas?" Asher asked. I gave him a wicked smile.

  "I warned you that you might not get them back," I chimed. He just shook his head and smiled at me.

  Eventually, Ethan showed up and hugged me. I pretended I was dying from his stench, being on stage all night made him sweaty. He ran upstairs to take a shower. I laid my head down on the arm of my chair and watched Real Steel on the TV. It wasn't long before I fell sleep with the boys' voices in my ears.

  Something brought me to the surface. The guys were talking, but what woke me up? A hand gently touched my aching face as the smell of wintergreen reached me.

  "Did the EMTs check for a concussion?" Miles whispered. I smiled as I relaxed completely. Miles was here, wait, he was in Seattle. I took a deep breath through my nose. Yeah, it was Miles.

  "Of course, they checked," Ethan said patiently. "They only did the bandage to help it not scar so much."

  "I'll call in a Plastic Surgeon if it comes to that," Miles said absently. "What did the EMTs say?"

  "Bumps, bruises, the cut on her forehead, and mostly shock," Asher explained.

  "They didn't want anyone to wake her up?" Miles asked. His worried voice brought me closer to the surface, I shifted.

  "Change your voice, Miles," Isaac said softly "Or you'll wake her up." Gentle fingers trailed along my unbruised jaw.

  "Someone should put her in bed," Zeke muttered. "She slept in that chair last night."

  "I'll take her," Miles volunteered. I was still floating in between awake and asleep when arms moved around me and lifted. I loosely wrapped my arm around his neck and snuggled my face into his throat.

  "Wintergreen," I mumbled. I was sinking back under fast. We were moving somewhere.

  "I'm here," His voice was that silky-smooth voice I loved. I smiled against his skin. Something soft was under me, and the arms let go. Still mostly asleep, I reached out and grabbed one.

  "Stay?" I muttered. His fingers squeezed mine.

  "As long as you want me," He whispered as something warm and soft covered me. I squeezed his hand again, peace filled me. Everything was fading when lips touched the back of my hand.

  Chapter 16


  I woke up to an aching face and a sore body. I opened my eyes and instantly regretted it, the light coming through the blinds hurt my eyes. I tried again slowly, it was less painful, but I was really going to need some Tylenol. I looked around. I was in my bedroom with Hades' feet in my back. I looked down at the snoring dog and smiled, the butthead was hogging the bed. I got up and opened the door. The smell of bacon and eggs wafted in from the hallway. Hades was awake instantly an
d running out into the hall. I was smiling as I used the bathroom. When I looked in the mirror, I saw that my bruises were darker than last night. More purple mixed in too. Great.

  I went downstairs to find the twins still asleep in their sleeping bags. Ethan was on the couch, Isaac on the floor. Zeke and Miles were at the table while Asher was in the kitchen.

  "Morning," I said quietly as I walked into the kitchen towards the coffee maker.

  "Morning, Lexie," Miles said just as quietly.

  "When did you get here?" I asked as I put the carafe away. The guys chuckled.

  "Last night," Zeke answered. "He put you to bed."

  "Then you latched onto his hand and wouldn't let go for over an hour," Asher added. I winced as I looked to Miles for confirmation. His ears were pink, and he was concentrating on his breakfast harder than necessary. Yeah, I must have done that.

  "Sorry, Miles," I said. Miles looked up at me and shrugged.

  "It's alright. It's perfectly understandable that you wouldn't want to be alone last night," Miles offered. My heart sank a bit. Yeah, perfectly understandable, my ass. Asher handed me a plate, eggs, bacon, and waffles. I smiled at my plate.

  "Miles said he promised you waffles," Asher explained as he turned back to the waffle iron.

  "Thanks, Ash."

  "No problem, Ally girl." Asher went back to making waffles. I went to the table and sat across from Miles.

  "If you still want your bag," I began in a warning voice. "There are still three demands that need to be met." Miles chuckled. I just smirked as I put syrup on my waffle.

  "I'll deliver," Miles promised, his emerald eyes bright. I cut into my breakfast.

  "Why do all of you have to be so loud?" Isaac groaned from the floor in the living room. I put my fork down, moved to my feet, and tip-toed into the living room. Isaac was lying on his stomach, his head under his pillow. When I got close enough, I pounced. I dropped onto Isaac's back and wrapped my arms and knees around him.

  "Morning Cookie Monster!" I said in an annoyingly cheerful voice. He grunted, groaned, then cursed at me.

  "Damn it, Red!" He snapped. Then he moved. I don't know what happened, the next thing I knew I was on my back on the floor and Isaac had my arms in his hands.

  "Hey, how'd you do that?" I asked as he pinned my arms to the floor. I didn't even fight, I was too impressed.

  "Grappling, try it sometime," Isaac said sarcastically down at me. I snickered as his bare chest settled on me. I tried to squirm out from under him, but he was in too good of a position. His lips went to my neck as he began giving me raspberry after raspberry making me laugh and squirm under him.

  "Stop! Stop!" I begged between laughs. "I give up!" Isaac sat up a bit and grinned down at me.

  "Get yourself out of this position and I will," He countered then went back to giving me raspberries. I couldn't stop laughing enough to try. Finally, I pulled out the big guns.

  "Zeke! Help!" I called. Isaac sat up and glared down at me.

  "That's cheating, Red!"

  "You just said I had to get out of this position, not how," I countered. Zeke's heavy footsteps came around the couch. Isaac rolled off to lay beside me, his hands up in the air.

  "I'm off! I'm off!" Isaac all but shouted. Zeke glared at him as he reached down and pulled me to my feet.

  "Don't pin her," Zeke ordered.

  "She started it," Isaac pointed out. Zeke's eyes flashed at him.

  "And I'm ending it." Zeke bit out. He looked down at me. "Breakfast. Eat. Now." Zeke was in an unusually grumpy mood this morning

  "Wow, what crawled up your ass and died?" I asked sarcastically. His eyes were hard as they ran over my face.

  "Your bruises are worse today," He growled before turning away to head back to the table. Oh, yeah, that would do it. I kept my mouth shut as I walked straight to the table and started eating. Isaac, Ethan, and Asher joined us at the table. After a while, even Rory came out of his bedroom to grab some breakfast. Everyone made small talk until Rory was awake.

  "Alright, here is what we learned last night," Rory announced. The room went silent, Rory's eyes met mine. "Both Dulcet PD and my department are handling this as a stalker case. The bar did have surveillance on the back lot. However, the cameras were tampered with around nine last night."

  "So, there's no footage?" I asked, wanting to be clear. Rory shook his head looking at the table.

  "Not of the attack or the white Camry," Rory said. "There's footage of you showing up, and that's about it." Rory looked directly at me. "I checked your phone over when I got home this morning. I sent in the number from those texts, and it came back as a burner phone." I blinked at that.

  "What does that mean?" I asked.

  "It's a prepaid phone you can buy at the store. No name is associated with it, and it's easily disposable," Rory explained. "Were you aware that you were getting emails in December that are similar to what this guy was writing to you?"

  "I was?" I asked, confused. Rory got to his feet, went to the kitchen, and pulled my cell out of a cabinet. He was tapping away as he came back and sat down. He handed it to me, it was my spam folder, packed with emails from that one email address I didn't know.

  "Oh, yeah," I said, absently. "I forgot about those. Over Christmas break they kept coming. I wrote back once that they had the wrong email, but it didn't stop. So, I just flagged them as spam." I shrugged looking at the number, 224 emails. Shit, I looked up to Rory. "You think these are from him?"

  "They share the same writing style as the ones from your locker," He explained calmly. "It made sense that it would be him. We were able to find out that this email account was created one day before you received the first email. So, it's safe to say it's a dummy account. And with this email carrier, it can only be traced back to the email provider's IP address."

  "Huh?" I asked.

  "Most emails have the IP address of the sender attached to it. The IP address can be traced back to the physical location of where it was sent from, like your house or a computer in the library at school," Miles explained. "The email service this guy chose doesn't do that. They only get the IP for the email provider." I cursed. Miles looked at Rory with his face worried. "This guy planned how to stay hidden rather well," Miles admitted.

  "He's smart, technology advanced, and is escalating already." Rory sighed deeply before meeting my eyes. "This kid is dangerous, Lexie. Do you understand that?" He asked. I pointed at my face.

  "Yeah, I think I do," I answered sarcastically. Rory's eyes narrowed on me.

  "No. You really don't," Rory's voice was hard. "This kid is delusional. He thinks he's in love with you and that the boys are hurting you." I went still. "He's already attempted to abduct you once. He will try again." I shifted in my seat.

  "What do I do?" I asked quietly.

  "You ignore him," He said pointedly. "You don't respond to texts, emails, or anything he does. Any interaction with this guy will reinforce his delusions and push him further towards the edge." Rory looked at the boys. "I'm going to ask that one of you stay with her at night until I'm off the night shift. Any takers?" There was a round of loud yes and hell yeahs from the boys, I bit back a small smile at that. Rory turned back to me. "I'm having a security system installed, but that is going to take time. Until then, the boys will stay at night. Don't go anywhere alone, and don't respond to him when he texts or I will take your phone away." Rory's voice told me not to even think about arguing.

  "Got it," I said quietly.

  "I'm going back to bed." Rory sighed. We all said night before Rory closed his door. A tense silence filled the room.

  "Alright," Miles said. "Let's go over everyone's schedule."

  It took them less than an hour to come up with a schedule for nights this week. Afterward, everyone left. Before he left, Asher told me to get dressed for the cold. When I had asked why he just told me to be ready in thirty minutes before he went out the door. I changed into dark blue jeans, a burgundy oversized sweater, and pulled
my hair off my face. I was pulling on my boots when Asher came through the front door. He gave me that smile that made my pulse skip.


  "Yeah, but for what?" I asked, suspiciously. Asher just smiled and wouldn't say anything. I finished putting on my boots, pulled on my jacket, and followed him out to his truck.

  "So, I take it we're not going to my climbing lesson," I said after I closed the door. Asher chuckled.

  "No, we're not going to the climbing center," Asher said as he pulled out onto the street. He didn't say anything else.

  "Then where are we going?" I asked, sweetly. He grinned.

  "Ice skating," He announced.

  "Ice skating?" I asked, just to be sure I heard him right.

  "Yep," Asher said then looked over at me. "You're in Montana now Ally girl. You need to at least know how. It's a state requirement." I rolled my eyes at that.

  "A state requirement?" I asked, trying not to laugh.

  "Yeah, we wouldn't want you to get in trouble now, would we?" He asked innocently. The memory of getting grabbed last night flashed through my mind. I looked out the window as my smile disappeared.

  "I'm already in trouble, Ash," I said muttered. He reached over and took my hand, his fingers entwined with mine.

  "It's not that bad, Ally," He said gently. "You're with me, Rory's on it, and so are his work buddies. They'll find him."

  "I know," I mumbled. He squeezed my fingers.

  "Ally, he's going to have to get through all of us to get to you again." He reminded me. I gave him a small smile.

  "I know. I just... don't want you guys to get hurt," I told him.

  "We won't," He assured me. "This guy is a coward, he went after you when you were alone, with your back turned." Asher pulled into a parking lot next to the lake. "He won't get another chance." Asher parked the truck. "And now, you're going to learn how to skate."

  I smiled and got out of the truck. Asher pulled out two sets of skates from the back seat of the cab and met me in front of the truck. He explained the basics of ice skating as we walked over to a bench next to the ice. My bruises got a good share of looks as I passed by other people. Maybe I should have tried the concealer after all? I pushed it out of my mind and sat on the bench. Asher handed me a pair of white skates.


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