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Unleashed by Shadows (By Moonlight Book 10)

Page 18

by Nancy Gideon

  Another tremendous charge sizzled through the collar, searing flesh, jolting Cale into immobility. Muscles jerking, spasming for long helpless seconds, until he lost consciousness.

  While the remains of the Mahogany Mauler were dragged away, Casper Lee turned to his patron expectantly. She seemed dazed.

  “I’ve never seen such strong will. To ignore such punishment.” The doctor shook her head, at a loss with her own amazement. “I’m not sure if he should be rewarded or destroyed.”

  Lee put out his smooth palm. “Let’s start with the reward and discuss the rest when Mr. Terry recovers himself.”


  Silas and Nica crouched over the senseless figure twitching and whining in their spare bed. Dwight’s blood had been washed away and blankets tucked about him to prevent shock, but both regarded Cale Terriot with a mix of wonder and uncertainty.

  “Holy shit,” Silas finally concluded. “Think he’s going to be all right? He took a lot of juice.”

  Nica finished dotting ointment on the wounds ringing his throat where silver had eaten into skin. “He’s tough.”

  They’d whisked him into the car the minute the collar was removed without waiting to collect their fee, more concerned with his safety than their objective. In the drive back, there’d been a real fear he might not survive the near electrocution.

  “Maybe we should call Kendra,” Silas broached.

  “Not yet.”

  As if her name alone had the power to restore him, Cale’s eyes flickered. He blinked up at Silas, uttering a faint, “Hey.”

  “Hi. How you doing?”

  “I don’t know. How am I doing?”

  “Dammit, Cale, what were you thinking?”

  A blink and vague, “I don’t know. What was I thinking?”

  “Do you know where you are?”

  “Where am I?”


  That satisfied him. “Okay.” Eyes closed. “Is Katy here?”

  “No. Do you want me to call her?”

  “Yes.” The confusion began to clear. “No. No.” His voice strengthened. “Don’t call her.” His brows came down in a pucker. “What happened to the other guy?”

  “You tore him to fucking pieces.”

  A rough laugh rumbled from him. “Guess he won’t dick around with me again, will he?”

  “No. I guess not.”

  He swallowed hard, the movement painful, his body all pins and needles itchy. “They pretty pissed off about it?”

  “We’ll find out.”

  At that grim prediction, Cale’s focus steadied long enough for him to vow, “I’ll make it right.”


  “I’m tired. Go away.” He rolled onto his side, shutting them out so exhaustion could suck him down.

  But in his restless slumber, images prowled, dark, distorted. Shadows just out of sight. Safety just out of reach. Until Kendra’s appeared. She knelt before him, the golden virgin from his unrequited teenage wet dreams, eyes passion bright, mouth soft, slick and determined, tugging an unimaginable pleasure from him as he gripped her hair, groaning her name. Katy, baby . . . oh, baby.

  Until he glanced down to find Casper Lee’s mocking gaze gleaming up at him instead.


  He rode without consciously picking a path, cool night wind on his face, heart hammering with agitation, his soul thrumming with underlying ferocity. He wasn’t aware of what he needed to quiet the raw panic and prickly angst inside him until he saw the gates of Savoie’s mobster estate opening to let him pass.

  He had no business being there. Not the way he was. Not when violence and desperation tore at him like combatants in a ring. But he couldn’t stay away.

  Cale drew in her scent on a shaky breath, but instead of calming him, the heat of her wound him so tight his insides trembled. If she woke and saw him there, eyes black, the blood of the man he’d killed streaking his soul like war paint, would she shrink back in alarm or open welcoming arms? If smart, she’d scream as if confronted with a demon, because that’s what he’d become for Casper Lee.

  Kendra made a soft sound, catching his heart like a barbed hook. Her hand stretched out, palm brushing over the empty sheet beside her. Her disappointed sigh echoed his anguish. Need, urgency, and lust raked savagely across his conscience, scoring like the claws that had earlier ripped flesh and sinew. Leaving wounds that pained just as fiercely.

  He took a step toward the bed, hoping it was the need to comfort compelling him forward. Terrified it wasn’t. Then he couldn’t stop himself.

  He eased up onto the foot of the bed, stalking silently on hands and knees toward that irresistible fragrance burning hot in his nose, searing his mind like madness. His fingertips slid under the hem of the shirt she wore. His shirt. Skimming over smooth, warm skin, pushing fabric up to bare sleek thighs, tempting bottom, and narrow waist.

  She stirred, instinctively arching so his hands could scoop beneath her. Lifting her hips as she murmured sleepily, “Cale?”

  Darkness slashed him. Who the hell else would it be?

  “Shh, baby.” His voice sounded like ground glass. “Don’t turn around. Just close your eyes. Close your eyes.” So she wouldn’t see the madness in his own.

  Trustingly, she obeyed, unaware of what crouched over her.

  She shivered as his lips scorched down the curve of her back, moaned expectantly as palms pushed her knees wide, tore at the sheets as he ravished vulnerable pink flesh with mouth, tongue, and teeth until she bit her lip to silence her cries.

  As the first spasms spiked through her, avid mouth became hard thrusts, banging into her with ferocious strength until both found explosive release. But before Kendra could catch her breath, Cale pulled out, saying with the same abruptness, “I gotta go.”

  “What?” Now fully awake and aware, Kendra twisted, unable to see his face clearly in the darkness. Overcoming her shock that he was actually zipping up, that he hadn’t even taken off his coat, she quickly rolled and reached for him, catching him about the neck, delaying him with a surprisingly strong grip.“Stay.”

  “Baby, I can’t.” His voice snagged, broke. “I can’t be here.”

  She didn’t ask why. She only knew she couldn’t let him leave, not with the way panic and something more terrifying hurried his breaths into such a frantic rhythm. “Until morning. Then we can talk.”

  He hesitated. Sensing weakness, she showed no mercy, curling one leg over the backs of his thighs, tugging to layer him over her, pulling his head down to her shoulder.

  “Let me hold you. Stay with me.”

  He remained so taut she feared he’d bolt at any second. Bravely, or foolishly, she relaxed her grip to allow him the freedom to escape without struggle. If he still chose to leave. Stroking his hair with a gentle hand, she knew the battle was over when he sagged against her with a shaky sigh.

  “I’m sorry.”

  She didn’t ask why. Questions would have to wait. Just holding him as his tension trickled down to a fragile shivering, she whispered, “I won’t let you fall.”

  “I love you, Kendra. Don’t let me go. Don’t let me go back.”

  But when she opened her eyes at the first pale slivers of dawn, she found him gone.


  A stealthy figure slipped out into the hall, pausing to see if the coast was clear before padding quickly, with stilettos in hand, to the elevator. As she ducked inside and leaned back against the wall to express a huge sigh of relief, a large hand insinuated itself between the doors to pry them open.

  “Leaving without saying good-bye?”

  It wasn’t until Cale brought it up that Colin recalled the first glimpse he’d had of her in Lee’s cabana, whispering into his ear. He’d been too stunned by her beauty to put one and one together and come up with betrayal. But he was good at math.

  And she, unlike most, was good at reading his expressions.

  She came at him in a heartbeat, spike heels wielded like weapons. O
ne caught his cheek, laying it open before he could grip both wrists and twist them until the shoes dropped to carpeted floor. She was small but damn, she was strong.

  He slammed her against the elevator wall, the bite of the hand rail wringing a cry from those ripe ruby lips. Lips he’d tasted. And still wanted to taste. Dramatically outlined eyes lifted to his, suddenly dewy and helpless.

  “I don’t understand. I wasn’t trying to steal anything.” She even managed a slight quaver in her voice.

  “Just our secrets,” Colin growled.

  Dark eyes narrowed, voice chilled. “Not yours, dreamboat. You’re an open book with nothing interesting on the pages.”

  She lunged forward, top of her head clipping him under the chin with teeth clacking force. Twisting, she ducked under his arm, elbow burying deep beneath his ribs to exact a startled grunt. When he scooped her up about a tiny waist, her balled fists went for nose, throat, and temple. But he didn’t let go.

  One tight compression stopped her struggles. She uttered a painful gasp and clawed at his arm while his free hand veed about her slender neck, forcing her head back into his shoulder.

  Her hair smelled fantastic. Just as he remembered when spread across his pillow.

  “Who are you?” he demanded between gritted teeth.

  “Please! I can’t breathe,” she mewled, glorious breasts jerking, her sweetly curved body going limp. Alarming him into loosening his hold just a little. Just enough.

  Gripping his arm as a fulcrum, she dove downward, head first, swinging one leg up to circle about his neck, pulling him off balance with her unexpected choke hold. Her other knee smashed him full in the face just as the doors dinged open. Flipping lithely to stockinged feet, she sprang out of the elevator, leaving him, nose pumping blood, with only her shoes.

  Just like a badass Cinderella.


  “Where is he?”

  “He’s not here, Kendra. I was just making breakfast. Do you want to come in?”

  “For answers. And coffee. Cream and sugar.”

  Silas opened the door to let his cousin pass. Her mood had him wary. She wasn’t anxious. She wasn’t angry. She was resolute.

  While she sat at the table, he slipped into the kitchen, watching her cautiously as he turned the hash browns he’d been tending then poured her coffee, doctoring it to her preference. She took it without a smile.

  “Smells good.” She nodded toward the stove.

  “I’m a good cook.” He glanced toward the hall to make sure he wasn’t overheard before adding, “It’s that or starve. Eggs with grated cheese, shallots, roasted peppers, and fresh pico de gallo?”

  A sigh. “You convinced me.”

  He prepared three plates and brought them to the table. Dressed casually for a rare morning at home, he was barefooted, in ragged jeans, a faded hoodie, and morning stubble. Nica appeared, a sleek all business contrast, dark hair in a heavy braid, lean figure in black A-style tank, running shoes, and tights. And a well-defined baby bump.

  “Smells good,” she murmured, her hands capping her husband’s shoulders as he twisted to make his mouth available for her kiss.

  “You smell good,” he replied. Their gazes held for a long beat. Kendra couldn’t help but smile at seeing him so happy.

  Nica turned to her without an offer of welcome. “He’s not here, Kendra. He left sometime during the night. We haven’t heard from him.”

  “He was with me.”

  Silas’s fork hung suspended halfway to his mouth. Tone crisp, he demanded, “Are you all right?”

  Her brow furrowed. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

  He finished his mouthful, avoiding her stare.

  “What’s wrong with him?”

  Silas met her eyes and boldly told her, “Nothing.”

  Her cup slammed down on the table. At least she didn’t throw it at him. “How dare you sit there and lie to me! You don’t think I can see that he’s going through twelve levels of hell? He told me he was fighting so don’t try blowing me off. It’s more than that. He’s afraid to be with me, to be with his family. He looks terrible. What have you and Alain Babineau gotten him involved in? Tell me the truth! Please!”

  Nica put her hand over his. “Tell her, Silas.” At his surprised glance, she added, “If it was you, I’d want to know.”

  He took a deep breath and began. “Like I told you, I asked him here to infiltrate a fight ring run by Casper Lee. We’re looking for the top dog here in New Orleans, and he was looking for James. We found out that Police Commissioner Brady is running crime in the city, but what we don’t know is his connection in the North and what they’re after. It’s more than just prostitutes and gambling.”

  “It’s Kick,” Kendra concluded. “That’s why Cale is here, to keep it from destroying our kind. And to do that, he has to find James, Martine, and Sylvia. And to do that, he’s fighting and . . .” Her breath caught. Her face paled, first with alarm then with fury as everything clicked. “You let them give him Kick.”

  He didn’t deny it.

  She exploded up out of her chair. “How could you? Silas, how could you do that to him? To me? Pull him out of it. Now!”

  “I can’t, Kendra.” He looked away, guilty as sin. “I don’t know where he is. I think he’s gone to Lee.”

  “You let them pump him full of Kick, and you don’t know where he is? My mate? Our king?” Her incredulous expression tightened from disbelief to unforgiving fury. “You heartless bastard.”

  “Kendra, I’ll find him. I’ll make sure he’s all right.”

  “No! You stay away from him. I’ll find him. His brothers and I will find him and take him home where he belongs. And it’ll be a cold day before we ever come down off our mountain to deal with the likes of you. I trusted you. He trusted you! That will not happen again.”

  She stormed from the table to the spare bedroom, grabbing up Cale’s bag so she could stuff his belongings into it. When she heard someone come in behind her, she whirled with a defensive snarl.

  “Let me help you,” Nica said softly.

  “Why? Why, when you agree with him?”

  “Not in this. Not anymore. Let me help you, the way you once did me.”

  Recalling that awful moment when she’d watched the tall stranger she’d thought was stealing the love of her life pack Silas’s clothes to take him away from her, Kendra hesitated then simply said, “Thank you.”

  Between them, they gathered Cale’s things from bedroom and bath. Silas left them alone.

  Kendra held one of his tee shirts to her nose, inhaling deeply until his essence swirled about her, through her. I’ll find you. I’ll find you and take you home. I won’t let you go.

  Finally, with duffle bag weighing as heavily on her shoulder as the situation hung on her heart, Kendra was about to go out the door when Nica touched her arm.

  “I hope you can forgive him for doing what he thought was the right thing. He never meant for any harm to come to Cale, not in the past and not now.”

  Kendra drew a shaky breath then steadied. “I can’t.”

  “Maybe someday.”

  A faint, no promises smile. “Maybe.” She embraced the other female impulsively to whisper, “Take care of him.”



  Alain Babineau slipped into the vinyl booth with a mumbled apology. “Sorry to make you wait. The family’s getting ready for church. It was hard to find an excuse.”

  Simon Cummings extended a showy smile and gestured for the busy waitress to refill his coffee cup. “No problem. I only have a few minutes myself, but I did want to touch base with you. You look a little more civilized than the last time I saw you, Detective.”

  Babineau flushed, aware that his Sunday suit and fresh shave was a far cry from that night at Maisy J’s when he’d spotted the state representative in the tawdry crowd with one of his own. The call to meet hadn’t surprised him. “Do you mind if I get right to it? Warren Brady. Friend or foe?”

nbsp; A well-trimmed brow arched. “Right to the top, eh?” He crouched over his cup trying to appear casual as he kept their conversation exclusive. “Warren is . . . complex. He can be friend or executioner.”

  “How should I treat what I’ve discovered about him?”

  “With kid gloves. You tell me then you tell no one else. Understood?” Silky exterior rippled over the menace underneath.

  “He’s dealing with a man called Casper Lee. Lee traffics a Shifter specific drug called Kick, channeling it through an illegal big money fight ring. But you know all this, don’t you, or you wouldn’t have been at that club.”

  Cummings’s smooth expression tightened. “My reasons are my business. They are above reproach.”

  “Of course, sir. I respect your position, and your privacy. What about Brady? Do I protect his, too?”

  “For the moment. Warren is involved in a dangerous game and I’d like to see how his plan plays out before making a move. He’s pitting Lee against Carmen Blutafino, equally dangerous in his own right. Have you discovered how Savoie fits into this?”

  “I don’t know that he does. He’ll be back tomorrow. I should be able to find out soon after.”

  A smooth smile. “Excellent. Tying that smug bastard into it would be the tastiest icing imaginable. I rely on you completely, Detective. Don’t let me down. I haven’t forgotten the promises I made you. There’s a place for you by my side.”

  “Thank you, sir. Our goals are the same. Stop crime and destroy Max Savoie.”


  He sat on the iron steps of the office trailer, shivering in the cold morning mist. Where was everyone?

  “Mick, what the hell are you doing here on a Sunday.”

  Oh. That explained it. Cale gave T-Ray a sketchy smile. “No place else to go. Thought I could pick up some hours.”

  T-Ray gave him a dubious once over. “Nothing happening today. Have you eaten?”

  “Not hungry.”

  “Well, c’mon then. I’ll stand you to some coffee. You can watch me eat.”


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