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Steelheart r-1

Page 25

by Brandon Sanderson

  “It would never stay ahead of the copters anyway,” Megan said. “Two of us will have to ride tandem.”

  “I’ll take David on mine,” Cody said. “Grab that pack, lad. Where are the helmets?”

  “Hurry!” Tia exclaimed, her voice urgent.

  I jumped to grab the pack Cody pointed out. It was heavy. “I can drive!” I said.

  Megan glanced at me as she pulled on her helmet. “You took out two signs trying to drive around one corner.”

  “Small ones!” I said, slinging on the pack and dashing toward Cody’s cycle. “And I was under a lot of pressure!”

  “Really?” Megan said. “Kind of like we are now?”

  I hesitated. Wow. I walked into that one, didn’t I?

  Cody and Abraham started up their cycles. There were only three helmets. I didn’t ask for one-hopefully my Reckoner jacket would be enough.

  Before I could reach Cody, I heard the thumping sounds of a copter overhead. An Enforcement armored van appeared out of a side street, a man in the machine-gun turret on the top. He opened fire.

  “Calamity!” Cody said, kicking his cycle forward with a burst of speed as the bullets hit the ground near him. I fell back beside the wreckage of our van.

  “Get on,” Megan yelled to me; she was closest. “Now!”

  I ducked down and ran to her cycle, throwing myself up behind her and grabbing her waist as she revved the engine. We lurched away, zipping down an alleyway as Enforcement cycles came roaring out of another side street.

  We lost Cody and Abraham in a flash. I held tight to Megan-something I’ll admit I wished I could have done under less insane circumstances. Cody’s bag thumped against my back.

  I left my rifle in the van, I realized with a sinking feeling. I hadn’t noticed in the panic to grab Cody’s bag and get to a cycle.

  I felt terrible, like I’d abandoned a friend.

  We burst out of the alleyway and Megan turned onto a dark city street, increasing our speed to what I felt was a pretty ridiculous level. The wind blew against my face so powerfully, I had to squeeze in close and low against her back.

  “Where are we going?” I yelled.

  Fortunately we still had our mobiles and our earpieces. Though I couldn’t hear her naturally, her voice spoke in my ear. “There’s a plan! We all go different ways and meet up!”

  “Except you’re going the wrong way,” Tia said, sounding exasperated. “And so is Abraham!”

  “Where is the limo?” Abraham asked; even with his voice in my ear, it was hard to hear him over the wind.

  “Forget the limo,” Prof ordered.

  “I can still get to Conflux,” Abraham said.

  “It doesn’t matter,” Prof said.


  “It’s over,” Prof said, voice harsh. “We ran.”

  We ran.

  Megan hit a bump and I jolted, but hung on tight. My mind reeled as I realized what Prof meant. An Epic who truly sought to defeat Steelheart wouldn’t have run from Enforcement; he’d have been able to handle a few squads of them on his own.

  By fleeing, we proved what we really were. Steelheart would never face us in person now.

  “Then I want to do something,” Abraham said, “make him hurt before we abandon the city. Half of Enforcement is going to be out chasing us. That limo is unguarded, and I’ve got some grenades.”

  “Jon, let him try,” Tia said. “This is already a disaster. At least we can make it cost Steelheart.”

  Streetlights were a blur. I could hear cycles behind us, and I risked glancing over my shoulder. Calamity! I thought. They were close, their headlights illuminating the street.

  “You’ll never make it,” Prof said to Abraham. “Enforcement is on you.”

  “We’ll draw them off him,” I said.

  “Wait,” Megan said. “We’ll what?”

  “Thanks,” Abraham said. “Meet up with me at Fourth and Nodell; see if you can take the pressure away from me.”

  Megan tried to twist around and glare at me through her helmet’s visor.

  “Keep driving!” I said urgently.

  “Slontze,” she said, then took the next turn. Without slowing down.

  I screamed, certain we were dead. The bike went almost parallel to the ground, skidding against the street, but the gravatonics on the side glowed brightly, keeping us from toppling. We half skidded, half drove around the corner, almost like we were tethered to it.

  We came upright, my scream dying off.

  There was an explosion from behind us and the steel street trembled. I looked over my shoulder, hair whipping in the wind. One of the black Enforcement cycles had just failed to take the corner at speed, and was now a smoking wreck pasted to the side of a steel building. Their gravatonics didn’t seem as good as ours, if they even had any.

  “How many are there?” Megan asked.

  “Three now. No, wait, there are two more. Five. Sparks!”

  “Great,” Megan muttered. “How exactly do you expect us to take heat off Abraham?”

  “I don’t know. Improvise!”

  “They’re setting up roadblocks on nearby streets,” Tia warned in our ears. “Jon, copter on Seventeenth.”

  “On my way.”

  “What are you doing?” I asked.

  “Trying to keep you kids alive,” Prof said.

  “Sparks,” Cody cursed. “Roadblock on Eighth. Taking an alleyway over to Marston.”

  “No,” Tia said. “They’re trying to get you to go that way. Circle back around. You can escape into the understreets on Moulton.”

  “Right,” Cody said.

  Megan and I burst out onto a large roadway, and a second later Abraham’s cycle came skidding out of a side street in front of us, almost level to the ground, the gravatonics keeping it from tipping over completely. It was impressive; the bike turned almost on its side, wheels spinning, sparks spraying out from underneath it. The gravatonic mechanisms cushioned the momentum so the wheels could grip the road and the cycle could turn, but only after an extended skid.

  I’ll bet I could drive one of these things, I told myself. It doesn’t look too hard. Like slipping on a banana peel around a corner at eighty miles an hour. Piece of cake.

  I glanced over my shoulder. There were at least a dozen black cycles behind us now, though we were going too fast for them to dare shooting at us. Everyone needed to concentrate on their driving. That was probably the idea behind going so fast in the first place.

  “Armored unit!” Tia exclaimed. “Just ahead!”

  We barely had time to react as a juggernaut of an armor unit, on two legs and standing fifteen feet high, lumbered out onto the street and opened fire with both rotary guns. Bullets hit the steel building wall beside us, creating a spray of sparks. I kept my head down and my jaw clenched as Megan kicked a lever on the cycle and sent us down in a long gravatonic skid, almost parallel to the ground, to pass under the bullets.

  Wind ripped at my jacket, sparks blinded my vision. I could barely make out two enormous feet of steel on either side as we slid between the armor’s legs. Megan brought the cycle up in a wide spin as we turned a corner. Abraham got around the armor to one side, but his cycle was trailing smoke.

  “I’m hit,” Abraham said.

  “Are you all right?” Tia asked, alarmed.

  “Jacket kept me in one piece,” Abraham said with a grunt.

  “Megan,” I said softly. “He doesn’t look good.” Abraham was slowing, one hand holding his side.

  She glanced at him, then turned quickly back to the road. “Abraham, as we take the next curve, I want you to break right into the first alleyway. They’re far enough behind that they might not see. I’ll keep straight and draw them after.”

  “They’ll wonder where I went,” Abraham said. “It-”

  “Do it!” Megan said sharply.

  He didn’t object further. We took the next corner but had to slow down to keep from outpacing Abraham. I could see he was trailing blo
od, his cycle riddled with bullet holes. It was a wonder it was still moving.

  As we came around, Abraham turned and darted right. Megan punched her cycle and the wind rose to a howl as we raced down a dark street. I risked a glance behind me and almost lost Cody’s pack as it slipped down my shoulder. I had to release Megan for a moment with one hand and hold it, which threw me off balance and nearly sent me tumbling to the ground.

  “Be careful,” Megan said with a curse.

  “Right,” I said, confused. In that jumbled moment, I thought I’d seen another green cycle like our own, following us close behind.

  I looked again. The Enforcement cycles seemed to have taken the bait and were following us and not Abraham. Their headlights were a wave of light on the street, helmets reflecting streetlights. Of the phantom cycle I’d thought I’d seen, there was no sign.

  “Sparks,” Tia said. “Megan, they’ve got blockades going up all around you, particularly in places that lead to the understreets. They seem to have guessed that’s where we’re trying to run.”

  In the distance I saw the flash of an explosion in the sky, and another copter began trailing smoke. There was yet another heading our way, however-a black form with blinking lights against the dark sky.

  Megan sped up.

  “Megan?” Tia said, her voice laced with urgency. “You’re heading straight for a blockade.”

  Megan gave no response. I could feel her body growing more and more rigid in my grip. She leaned forward, and intensity seemed to stream off her.

  “Megan!” I said, noticing the lights flashing ahead as Enforcement set up their blockade. Cars, vans, trucks. A dozen or more soldiers, a mechanized unit.

  “MEGAN!” I screamed.

  She seemed to shake for a moment, then cursed and punched us to the side as gunfire pelted the street around us. We tore down an alleyway, the wall an inch from my elbow, then hit the next street and went down in a long turn, throwing sparks as we took the corner.

  “I’m out,” Abraham said softly, grunting. “Abandoning the cycle. I can make it to one of the bolt-holes. They didn’t spot me, but some soldiers came down and started setting up in the stairway after I passed.”

  “Sparks,” Cody murmured. “Are you monitoring the Enforcement audio lines, Tia?”

  “Yeah,” Tia said. “They’re confused. They think this is a full-out assault on the city. Prof keeps blasting copters out of the air, and we all went different directions. Enforcement seems to think they’re fighting dozens, maybe hundreds of insurgents.”

  “Good,” Prof said. “Cody, are you clear?”

  “I’m still dodging a few cycles,” he said. “I’ve ended up looping around.” He hesitated. “Tia, where’s the limo? Is it still out?”

  “It’s breaking for Steelheart’s palace,” she said.

  “I’m heading along that way too,” Cody said. “What street?”

  “Cody …,” Prof said.

  Gunfire from behind distracted me from the rest of the conversation. I caught a glimpse of cycles, their drivers holding out SMGs and firing. We were going more slowly now; Megan had driven us into a slum neighborhood where the streets were smaller, and she was weaving us through lots of twists and turns.

  “Megan, that’s dangerous,” Tia said. “There are a lot of dead ends in there.”

  “The other way is all dead ends,” Megan answered. She seemed to have recovered from whatever lapse had almost led her to drive us right into a blockade.

  “I’m going to have trouble leading you,” Tia said. “Try to take the next right.”

  Megan started to break that direction, but an approaching cycle moved to cut us off, the soldier firing an SMG one-handed toward us in a spray. Megan cursed and slowed, sending the soldier on ahead, then she broke left down an alleyway. We nearly slammed into a large garbage bin, but she managed to weave around it. I guessed that we were barely going twenty.

  Barely going twenty, I thought. Twenty mph down narrow alleys while being shot at. It was still insane, just a different kind of insane.

  I could hold on pretty well with one arm at these speeds, Cody’s pack thumping against my back. I probably should have dropped that by now. I didn’t even know what was …

  I felt at the pack, realizing something. I carefully slung it down in front of me, between Megan and myself. I gripped the cycle between my knees, let go of Megan, and unzipped the pack.

  The gauss gun lay inside. Shaped like a regular assault rifle, perhaps a little longer, it had one of the power cells we’d recovered hooked up at the side. I pulled it out. With the power cell it was heavy, but I could still maneuver it.

  “Megan!” Tia said. “Blockade ahead.”

  We turned into another alley, and I nearly lost the gun as I grabbed onto Megan with one arm.

  “No!” Tia said. “Not right. That’s-”

  A motorcycle followed us into the alleyway. Bullets hit the wall just above my head. And right in front of us the alley ended in a wall. Megan tried to brake.

  I didn’t think. I grabbed the gun with both hands, leaned back, and raised the barrel right over Megan’s shoulder.

  Then I fired at the wall.


  The wall before us went up in a flash of green energy. Megan tried to turn the cycle and stop. We skidded through the churning green smoke, pebbles scattering under our tires, and slid out onto the street on the other side, where we came to a halt. Megan’s body was braced for impact. She seemed stunned.

  The Enforcement cyclist burst from the smoke. I swung the gauss gun and blasted his cycle out from underneath him. The shot turned the whole motorcycle into a flash of green energy, vaporizing it and part of the officer on it. His body went rolling.

  The gun was amazing-there was no recoil, and the shots vaporized instead of really exploding. That left little debris, but gave a great light show and a lot of smoke.

  Megan turned toward me, a grin splitting her lips. “About time you started doing something useful back there.”

  “Go,” I said. The sound of more cycles was coming from the alley way.

  Megan revved our motorcycle, then led us in a darting, stomach-churning pattern through the narrow streets of the slum. I couldn’t turn to fire the gun behind us as we drove, so instead I clung to her waist with one hand and settled the gun on her shoulder to steady it, using the iron sights, scope folded down to the side.

  We roared out of an alleyway and skidded toward a blockade. I blasted a hole through a truck for us, then for good measure hit the armored unit with a shot to the leg. Soldiers scattered, yelling, some trying to fire as we sped through the opening I’d made. The armor unit collapsed and Megan dodged to the side, down a dark alley. Shouts and curses sounded behind as some of the cycles chasing us got caught up in the confusion.

  “Nice work,” Tia said in our ears, her voice calm again. “I think I can get you to the understreets. There’s an old tunnel up ahead at the bottom of a flood gulley. You might have to blast your way through some walls, though.”

  “I think I can hit a wall or two,” I said. “So long as they aren’t good at dodging.”

  “Be careful,” Prof said. “That gun drinks energy like Tia with a six-pack of cola. That power cell could run a small city, but it will give you only a dozen shots at best. Abraham, you still with us?”

  “I’m here.”

  “You in the bolt-hole?”

  “Yes. Bandaging my wound. It’s not too bad.”

  “I’ll be the judge of that. I’m almost to you. Cody, status?”

  “I can see the limo,” Cody said in my ear as Megan took another corner. “I’ve mostly shaken pursuit. I’ve got a tensor; I’ll hit the limo with a grenade, then use the tensor to drill myself down to the understreets.”

  “Not an option,” Prof said. “It’ll take you too long to drill down that far.”

  “Wall!” Tia said.

  “Got it,” I said, blasting a hole through a wall at the end of an alleyway. We roared
out into a backyard, and I blasted a hole in another wall, letting us cut into the next yard. Megan turned us to the right, then drove us through a very narrow slot between two houses.

  “Go left,” Tia said as we reached the street.

  “Prof,” Cody said. “I can see the limo. I can hit it.”

  “Cody, I don’t-”

  “I’m taking the shot, Prof,” Cody said. “Abraham’s right. Steelheart’s going to come for us after this. We need to hurt him as much as we can, while we can.”

  “All right.”

  “Turn right,” Tia said.

  We turned.

  “I’m sending you through a large building,” Tia said. “Can you handle that?”

  Gunfire sprayed against the wall beside us, and Megan cursed, hunkering down farther. I held the gauss gun in a sweaty grip, feeling terribly exposed with my back to the enemy. I could hear the cycles back there.

  “They really seem to want you two,” Tia said softly. “They’re pulling a lot of resources toward you, and … Calamity!”

  “What?” I said.

  “My video feed just went out,” Tia said. “Something’s wrong. Cody?”

  “Little busy,” he grunted.

  More gunfire sounded from behind. Something hit the cycle, jarring us, and Megan cursed.

  “The building, Tia!” I said. “How do we find that building? We’ll lose them inside.”

  “Second right,” Tia told us. “Then straight to the end of the road. It’s an old mall, and the gulley is just behind it. I was looking for other routes, but-”

  “This will work,” Megan said curtly. “David, be ready to open the place up for us.”

  “Got it,” I said, steadying the gun, though it was harder now that she’d picked up speed. We took a corner, then turned toward a large, flat structure at the end of the road. I vaguely remembered malls from the days before Calamity. They’d been marketplaces, all enclosed.

  Megan was driving fast and heading right at it. I took aim carefully and blasted through a set of steel doors in the front. We shot through the smoke, entering the heavy blackness of an abandoned building. The headlight of the cycle showed shops on either side of us.


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