A Better Place
Page 32
She cries out my name, and her hips raise off the bed to meet mine. “Aghh! James!”
I still, a wicked grin spreading across my face.
“Hmm, I think there’s another name I want to hear from your lips.” I take her hands in mine and wrap them around the posts of the headboard, never letting up on my movements.
“Huh?” she asks, playing dumb, her eyes glazed over and lips parted.
“Carly,” I warn.
“Yes?” she teases.
“Tell me what I want to hear.” I stall my movements, and she groans in displeasure.
I lean down, rub my nose up and down the side of her neck, inhaling deep. She shivers and moans my name again, but not the name I want to hear. I pull out just slightly, and her body protests, lifting to meet mine as her legs tighten around my waist, sucking me back into her warmth.
“Captain,” she whispers and giggles.
“Louder,” I demand.
“Much better. Was that really so hard?”
“Something’s hard,” she chortles, but it’s cut off quickly when I plunge back in deeply, taking everything from her. I worship her body, relishing in the feel of the two of us together, knowing that it should have always been this way but feeling like the luckiest son of a bitch alive that it will forever be this way.
“You and me,” I grunt.
“Oh yes. Ah! Captain!” she cries out when I hit I reach down, putting pressure on her most sensitive spot.
My hips continue to move, in and out in a steady rhythm. I shift, coming up on my knees, lifting her so she’s raised off the bed, but I never let up.
Our heavy breathing fills the room as the sound of ocean waves crashing just outside our private honeymoon suite. The sheer white curtains billow in the soft wind, the smell of seawater combined with Carly’s scent overwhelming me, a heady feeling causing my body to prickle in awareness.
Awareness that I’m forever hers.
She’s forever mine.
“I know,” she says, as if she’s reading my mind, and hell if I don’t think she probably was.
“Love you. So damn much.”
“Forever,” she agrees.
“Everything. You. Are. Everything,” I tell her, my voice stuttering as I reach close to tipping over the edge.
“James!” she cries out, our words sending her over the edge, and I quickly follow, her name on my lips as we crash together, like the waves on the shore.
I collapse, my body resting on top of her but leaning to the side so I don’t crush her.
“It’s always… whoa,” she says and giggles then kisses my face, my chest, my shoulders, every inch of skin she can.
I laugh, feeling lighthearted at the touch of her lips on my skin, and somehow full of energy, despite our early morning workout.
“Hmm, as much as I love your lips on my body, I think we should maybe take a moment and see what this island has to offer us. I promised you snorkeling in the Caribbean, and dammit I’m gonna give it to you.”
“I suppose…” she says, her mouth never leaving my skin.
“Insatiable,” I mumble, loving the attention I’m receiving so not making a move to get out of bed.
She lifts her head and looks down at me, her skin flush and glowing with happiness. “You do realize we have a lifetime to get these items checked off my bucket list.”
“That’s the sexiest thing you’ve ever said to me. Except for ‘I do,’ of course. And ‘yes.’ Hearing you say ‘Yes’ was pretty awesome. And ‘oh Cap…!’” I start with a gasp in my voice, mimicking hers.
“James! You’re such…”
“What? What am I, Mrs. Cole?”
She huffs and rolls her eyes. “Ugh.”
“Speechless, I see. I like that. Want me to do more to make you speechless?”
“Mmm” is her only response.
One hour later, we finally drag ourselves out of bed, and I struggle to keep my hands to myself as I gaze at my wife in her coral bikini, her yoga-toned body beckoning me to never let her out in the open, to keep her to myself. But the crystal-clear teal waters of the Caribbean need our attention.
When we said “I do” just one month after she agreed to marrying me, both of us eager to make it happen, I couldn’t wait to get her alone. She was able to take vacation from school, and we boarded a plane for Barbados. But not before we celebrated with our friends and family. And yes, we released floating lanterns. The look of awe on her face as we watched them drift into the air and away from us is something I will never forget.
I wanted her alone, and alone I’ve had her. So alone that we have barely left our room since arriving three days ago.
“Are you trying to make me embarrass myself on the beach?” I growl in her ear, my hand wrapping around her waist and bringing her in close to me.
She smiles, biting her bottom lip. “What did I tell you about this lip?” Using my thumb, I release her lip from her teeth, her tongue darting out to graze the tip.
“Not. Helping.”
“Hmm, it was your idea to come here. I said I would be okay with going to the cabin Tess and Barrett went to, hiding out there for a week.”
“Yes. That’s exactly what I want to do. Go to a cabin where my sister and brother-in-law did nothing but screw for an entire week. Sounds like a grand old time,” I tease.
She bursts out laughing before playfully shoving me away, her slender legs moving her quickly across the white sand toward the bright blue ocean waters, her blond hair, a slight curl from the sea air, stretches out behind her, her tinkling laughter cutting through the sound of the waves and reaching my ears.
I watch as she runs to the water and spins around, lifting her hand to call me to her. She cups her hands around her mouth. “Oh Captain!” she shouts, her smile so bright it’s blinding. And I know. Forever all she’ll need to do is smile my way, and I’ll follow her.
Contentment doesn’t even begin to cover what I feel. Only happiness fills my heart. For years, I gave my heart only to Lily. I kept myself closed off, not allowing anyone in. But what I didn’t know was that I was just in a holding pattern, waiting for Carly. Waiting for us both to be in… A Better Place.
The End
The unfortunate fact is that Carly’s story is not unique.
I promise you that.
If you, or someone you love, has a story similar to Carly’s, please know that you’re not alone. But more than that, believe in yourself. You can find the power within you to be strong.
You’re brave.
You deserve more.
There are resources available and I plead with you to use them. Talk to someone. But don’t just stand for it.
No one – and I mean NO ONE should make you feel like less because you are everything.
Reach out:
Look for Andy and Christine’s story, coming soon!
Feels Like Home
Andy Simpson never expected to be raising his teenage twin sons alone.
Then again, he also never expected to walk into his house and see his wife with another man. In their bed. Or that it wasn’t her first time.
Bitterness threatened to wrap around his heart, darkening every part of his life.
But a brightness he wasn’t even looking for entered their lives and wouldn’t let it take hold.
Christine Jenkins knew all about being a single parent. But she was holding a secret. A secret she wasn’t willing to allow anyone to find out. One she’d held tight for years.
But one look at Andy, and she knew that she needed to be honest with him. That he deserved to know he wasn’t alone.
They both needed friendship. Needed someone who understood, who had compassion without judgement.
t they didn’t imagine was for it to become something more.
That they would come to share something they never thought they would experience again.
They didn’t expect for it to… Feel Like Home.
First and always will be to God, my Savior. Whether I deserve it or not, He loves me. He’s blessed me with a beautiful, healthy family and that’s enough. I love you, Lord. And am so thrilled You’re on my side.
This is the second time I get to write acknowledgements and I know I’ll forget someone, even though I’m so wordy. Ha! I apologize if I do.
Travis, my husband. I’m so proud to be able to call you this name. Every day you make me laugh, feel loved and calm my crazy. You hold our family on your shoulders and never complain once and man… it can’t be easy. We’re a needy bunch. I love you so much, Trav. Beyond words.
Joey, my oldest. The one who gave me the name Mama. Growing up to be such a good kid. Always happy, laughing, making others feel the same thing. You make every day an adventure and lead with kindness. I’m so grateful to call you mine. Thanks, kid, for being awesome. I love you. Beyond words.
Jake, my middle. The one who keeps the peace like only a middle child can. There’s a reason why your teachers can’t say enough amazing things about you. You’re so sweet, so kind and loving. You give the BEST hugs ever. I’m honored to be your mama. Thanks for being you. I love you. Beyond words.
Riley, my youngest. You, girl, keep us on our toes and I couldn’t be happier for that. I love your excitement over the little things, your sweet and spicy attitude and the love you give to all of us. It’s a privilege to be your mom. Thank you for being beautiful, inside and out. I love you. Beyond words.
My family. My parents. My in-laws. You all give me so much support and love. Whether it’s when you read my words and tell me you love them, encourage me to never stop, or are being amazing grandparents to the kids… I don’t say it enough but thank you.
Our siblings and my nieces and nephews. Your love and happiness is all I need. Luke, your sister writes sex scenes. I’m sorry. (Not really, though.) Jodi, thank you for being like a sister to me and always being a great ear to listen!
Julia, you’re always there when I need you. No judgment. No one I would rather laugh with. You’re my best friend and bonus! I get to call you family! I love you.
Michelle, my Soul Sister. You have given me a friendship I will never take for granted. I feel blessed to call you my friend. We cry together. We laugh together. Mama Bears for life. (ha!) I love you, girl.
Deann, again. You and your family have given ours so much. Blessed us in so many ways. I hope you’re alright with being stuck with us for life because I’m hanging on to your friendship, girl. Love you!!!
Jill, our phone calls are the best but knowing you’ve got my back, that you’re here for me and I’m here for you is the best gift ever. You were my first book friend but you became so much more. I love you.
Erin, words aren’t quite adequate. You’re amazing and you’re mine.
Rachel, your guidance, support and love has been so enormous. We need to shrink the distance between Idaho and Iowa so we can hug. Love you!!!
Staci Hart, you probably don’t realize the little things you do for me but I do. And they’re not little. They’re huge.
My beta readers, Alison, Michelle, Yessi, Becca, Lisa, and Ella. This one was tough to send out. I loved it and felt more nerves than I have yet. You guys gave me enough praise to feel like I could write forever but helped me with so many of the details that flushed this thing out to what it is today. Thank you for having my back and wanting to make sure A Better Place was… better.
The Mastas. You ladies are crazy and one day when we all finally meet and avoid eye contact for point two seconds before we crack up with laughter the world will shift.
I have had the privilege of becoming friends with some amazing authors who have never made me feel like my questions are dumb or that I’m less or insignificant in this giant world of publishing. Every day I feel grateful for their help and support. Kim Holden, Beth Ehemann, Sara Ney, Alison Bailey, RS Grey, Elizabeth Lee, Rachel Van Dyken, Erin Noelle, Kristin Vayden, JL Berg, Jessica Prince, and so many more. THANK YOU!
To the rest of the authors who work their butts off writing stories that make us smile, provide a little of the escape we’re all desperately searching for. I feel like a minnow in an ocean of awesomeness and still feel honored to be considered one of you.
BLOGGERS! Goodness – some of you have supported me from the very beginning, loved From the Ground Up and spread the word. I didn’t realize how humbling that would feel but seriously, it is. There is something special about your love for reading and books and it’s nothing short of amazing.
Blue Tulip Publishing, thank you for once again taking a chance on this newbie. I’ll forever be grateful for your support.
Paula, my absolutely incredible editor. You kicked my butt and helped me turn A Better Place into something that I feel incredibly proud to call my own. Thank you!!!
Kara, my ah-maz-ing proofreader. I’m making a call and you’re stuck with me forever. I hope you’re okay with that. Thank you for taking such time with this story!
Jena, my cover designer. You helped me go through photo after photo and gave me such honest feedback until we found the perfect one. Thank you for everything! I love how James and Carly turned out.
Whether I’ve written one, two or twenty books, I will forever acknowledge the teachers who make our education system go round. Your job is seriously no joke. Recently I’ve been reminded of what my kids have in their schools and to say I’m in awe is not doing it justice. What you give to your students every day… THANK YOU! I beg everyone to take a moment and recognize what teachers, coaches, administration, and staff do every day. It’s more than commendable.
And thank you, readers. I know first-hand it’s not easy to choose what to read every time I pick up my Kindle. Thank you for choosing mine. I hope you loved Carly and James as much as I do!
From the Ground Up was Jennifer’s first published novel, with the hopes of many more to come. Jennifer makes her home in small town Iowa with her high school sweetheart, three beautiful, hilarious and amazing kids, one crazy Jack Russell terrier. This is where her love for all things reading, baking, and cooking happen. Jennifer’s family enjoys camping, boating, and spending time outside as much as possible. When she’s not writing or editing/proofreading manuscripts for the many talented authors she’s come to love, you can find her cheering the loudest at her kids’ sporting events, sipping coffee or iced tea out of a mason jar with her Kindle in her lap or binging on Netflix.
Interested in knowing more about Tess and Barrett Ryan?
You can check out their already released contemporary story, From the Ground Up!
SEEING HER SITTING in the middle of this pickup, right next to me, just where she belongs, makes my chest swell with pride. After all this time, I still can’t believe she’s mine. I have several things planned for tonight, and I pray that it all goes as smoothly as I hope. It’s all been in the works for a while now, and I want it to go perfectly – for her and me. We pull up to the first stop, an old drive-in movie theatre that’s been around since… well, I’m not quite sure, but a long time.
She looks at me skeptically. I get it. It’s the end of November in Michigan. Who goes to a drive-in, let alone one that is closed for the season? But I have connections. Connections being my best friend Josh’s aunt and uncle, or something like that, own the theatre and said they’d help me out, for which I was eternally grateful. I back into a spot in the front row, not that it matters since it’s completely deserted. Tess still hasn’t said anything. I’ve learned this is her way, though. She’s trying to figure out what’s going to happen, but I truly hope she doesn’t. It will take the surprise out of the ev
ening, and I desperately need her to be surprised all night long.
“Stay here.”
“Okay,” she says quietly, quizzically.
I smile over at her as my nerves start to kick in. This is the first time I’ve been nervous about tonight, but I have too much riding on it. She deserves this night to be one she’ll never forget. I retrieve the basket out of the small back seat that I filled before I left to pick her up, as well as the two heavy blankets. Not that we won’t be sharing a blanket, but the bed of the pickup will be cold, so I figured we’d sit on one and cuddle up with the other. And it wouldn’t be the drive-in if we didn’t sit outside to watch the movie.
I arrange the blankets as well as the food. The meat and cheeses, some fruit, a big bag of popcorn I begged from the movie theater in town, M&M’s, hot chocolate, and a couple bottles of soda — all those romantic staples. But I’m sure she’ll get it. It will be romantic to her. And that’s the only thing that matters. I have a bag of peppermint saltwater taffy hidden for later. It’s her absolute favorite. I’m sure she has a couple pieces stashed in her purse anyway, but I want her to know I was thinking of her.
After everything is set up the way I want it, I walk around to the driver’s side door and open it while extending my hand for her to slide out and into my arms. She giggles and shakes her head, looking a little confused, but follows me anyway. She always follows me. The trust that she has in me is enough to bring me to my knees.
I help her into the bed of the pickup and, right on cue, the movie starts up. When the opening credits to The Princess Bride begin playing, she squeals adorably and claps her hands together lightly before throwing her arms around my neck and kissing me squarely on the lips.
“Thank you,” she murmurs. “You remembered? Our first date?”
“Of course. How could I forget?”
“I love you. A whole lot.”