Book Read Free


Page 5

by Marshall Huffman

  “I knew there was one at Omaha Beach but not in Bayeux,” Alan replied.

  “Actually there are several scattered throughout France. A lot of good men died in this country.”

  “You are certainly right about that,” Alan agreed.

  “Do you know where you are going from there?” Kate asked.

  “Actually I don’t.”

  “I know this is going to sound rather bold but would you consider either riding with me or me riding with you. I mean. Oh heck. I mean it’s more fun when you can talk to someone and neither of us seems to have a real plan. It would give me a good excuse for not staying with my brother.”

  Alan about fell over. Things like this just didn’t happen to him. He didn’t want to make a fool of himself so he took a few seconds to reply as if he was really thinking it over.”

  “Sorry. That’s okay, I understand. I shouldn’t have asked,” Kate said.

  Now she was blushing.

  “No. No. I was just thinking about the cars. I mean they are rentals. Paying for two doesn’t make a lot of sense,” he said quickly.

  “I used Eurocar. I’m sure they have a place in Calais near the ferry terminal that one of us could turn our car into.”

  “Okay. Well, if it doesn’t sound to chauvinistic I could keep my car and if we decide to split up later we could pick up another one for you.”

  “I pay for half the gas,” she said.

  “Look, let’s not get too hung up on who pays for what. Gas and tolls cost no more alone than with someone. And like you said, passing time will be a lot more enjoyable,” Alan replied.

  “I agree. We can deal with it later. So, we are off to Calais to drop of my car then on to Bayeux?”

  “Sounds like a plan to me,” Alan agreed.


  Alan had never been good at picking up women. He was far too shy to start up a conversation with a total stranger. He was absolutely amazed at how easy it was to talk to Kate. She was so interesting. He found out that she had been married for a short time but he turned out to be a freeloader who was blowing through her inheritance at a frightening rate, so she dumped him.

  Her parents had be pretty well off. She had inherited just a little over two million dollars but by the time she got rid of her husband she had less than a million left. They talked about her parents, schools she had attended and places she had been. She did most of the talking. Alan just asked questions and she would go off from there.

  He couldn’t believe it when they saw the sign for Bayeux. It seemed like they had just left Calais.

  “Wow, that went fast.”

  “See, I told you it was more fun when you had someone to talk to. Wait, I did all the talking. Oh that stinks. I spill my guts and I don’t know one thing about you. Pretty tricky Mr. Lang.”

  “Geez, I wasn’t trying to be. You just get so excited I hated to stop you. Besides, your life has been a heck of a lot more interesting than mine.”

  “So you say. I intend to find out when we leave my brother's place. Speaking of which,” she said and grabbed the GPS and put in her brother's address.

  “I always forget how to get there. It’s someplace on the edge of town,” she said waiting for directions.

  Once it had acquired the address Alan started getting a little tense for no particular reason.

  “It’s okay,” Kate said, touching his arm, “He is okay, it’s his wife and kids. Look we won’t stay long. I know this is a lot to ask but would you mind coming in so I can get out of there faster. You just have to look at your watch every few minutes.”

  “You’re sure you don’t want me to wait in the car?”

  “No, it would be better if you came in.”

  “What if he asks about us?”

  “About us?”

  “You know, traveling together?” Alan said.

  “I’ll tell him we are getting engaged and we came to France so you could ask me to marry you.”

  “Holy cow.”

  “Just kidding Alan. Relax. I’ll just tell him we are only sleeping together.”

  “Kate, you are so bad.”

  “Thank you. No, actually he won’t ask. He never pokes his nose into my business. I doubt his wife will say two words to us. She will act like she doesn’t understand a word we are saying.”

  “Does she?”

  “She was an interrupter at the American Embassy in Paris for four years. She understands,” Kate assured him.


  As it turned out, the visit was rather pleasant. Her brother was about the same age as Alan but taller and very well built. He also had a slight accent but Alan attributed that to living in France for so long. His wife and children were gone which made Kate extremely happy.

  “You are staying the night, no?” Eric asked.

  “We can’t. We are just passing through. I told you I could only stay a short while. Alan is here on both business and pleasure and needs to keep moving. Maybe next time,” Kate said.

  “You say that every time. Maybe next time. Always maybe next time.”

  “Well this time I mean it,” she said.

  “Katie you always mean it, you just don’t do it,” Eric replied.

  “Come on. Don’t be like that. You know you can’t really stay mad at me. I promise I will spend the night with you the next time I come to Bayeux.”

  “Ha. That just means you won’t visit Bayeux again.”

  “Eric, Eric. You are such a pessimist.”

  “And you are lousy at keeping your word,” Eric said.


  “Well that wasn’t so bad,” Kate said as they got back in the car.

  “From your perspective, I suppose.”

  “I’m sorry. I thought it went pretty well. If Marie had been there along with the kids, it would have been hell.”

  “I’m just yanking your chain. Actually he seems like a very nice guy. Doggon good shape too.”

  “Farm life. That and chasing his kids,” Kate replied.

  “You never said how many kids?”


  “Five? That man has too much time on his hands,” Alan replied and Kate just laughed.

  “So, what should our next adventure be?” she asked.

  He looked at his watch quickly.

  “What? You don’t know what time it is. You peeked at it ever minute.”

  “You told me to,” Alan countered.

  “I didn’t mean every minute.”

  “Was it that obvious?” Alan asked.

  “Only to me. And the chickens. Maybe the cows, Oh yes and the horse, he was watching you intently. But I think Eric didn’t notice so much.”

  “Ha, ha. The horse was watching?” Alan said and for some reason Kate cracked up.


  “Just the way you said it. You just slid it right in.”

  “So, getting back to the time. I think we should find a nice place to stay for the night and then get some dinner.”

  “Boy, I’m up for that,” Kate agreed.

  “Something small?”

  “Please. No big fancy hotels. I can do that anyplace in America,” she insisted.

  They found a small town named Crémel on the outskirts of Bayeux. It had a small hotel with a restaurant and bar attached.

  “What do you think?” Alan asked.

  “Looks fine to me.”

  “Want me to check it out first?”

  “Heck no. I only see one other car. They must have rooms.”

  “Yeah but what if it isn’t very nice inside?”

  “Alan, you worry too much. I am a big girl. I may have had rich parents at one time but I can handle myself no matter where I am. I told you about Naples. If I can stay there I can pretty much stay anyplace.”

  “Yes, but the point is, you don’t have to this time. I can just drive on down the road.”

  “Come on, mommy will protect you,” she said and gave him a gentle shove on the arm.

  It was the second time she had
touched him and he felt almost like jolt of electricity was passing through him. What was it about this woman?

  They went inside and were shown one of the rooms. It was larger than expected and spotless. When Alan asked how much he said thirty-nine Euros. That included breakfast of course. He was shocked but Kate didn’t seem the least bit phased.

  He handed over his passport and told Kate he would bring in the luggage while she got her room. It took him several minutes to get everything out, lock the car and get situated. When he got back to the lobby Kate was standing there waiting.

  “You ready?” he asked.

  “You bet.”

  “Where is your room?”

  “Right near yours. It’s a pretty small place. They only have six rooms. We are the only guests tonight.

  “I supposed we are on the second floor?”



  Kate took his smaller bag and her small bag and he fought getting the suitcases up the narrow stairs. He noticed the hotel keeper had magically disappeared. When they got up the flight of stairs he followed her down the hall to room 202. She used an old fashioned brass key on a bulky keychain to open the door.

  “This yours or mine?”

  “Just bring everything in and we can sort it out later. I told the manager we were starved.”

  “That sounds like a good plan,” he said and dragged everything in.”

  She locked the door and they went down to the small restaurant and bar in the back of the hotel. Alan was surprised by the number of customers. All locals from the sound and looks of them. They took a small booth and within a few minutes were perusing the menu.


  When they were done, Kate leaned back and patted her stomach.

  “I am absolutely stuffed.”

  “Me too,” Alan said.

  “My goodness that was incredible. That’s why I love these small places so much. You just never know when you are going to find something like this. No wonder so many locals eat here.”

  “When you’re right, you’re right,” Alan replied.

  “Wow. That was really deep,” she kidded.

  “Hard to be too deep when you can hardly move.”

  “You know we had almost two bottles of wine. I’m feeling no pain,” Kate said.

  “Yeah. I’m not much of a wine drinker but this stuff went down like water.”

  “Let’s finish our wine and if you are up to it, take a little walk. The owner said there was a really pretty stream and waterfall just a short ways back.”

  “Is it okay if I just waddle instead of walk?” Alan asked.

  “I saw a wheelbarrow outside, I guess I could put you in that and shove you around,” she replied.

  “Now you’re talking,” he said.

  He picked up his glass and held it out. Kate did the same.

  “To new friends,” Alan said.

  “And fun adventures,” Kate added.

  They touched glasses and drank. Kate was looking at him over the rim of the glass and he was intently aware of her beauty. He was going to have to be careful or he would say something stupid and ruin everything.

  “You’re a very attractive man, Alan Lang.”

  “It’s the wine. That and the dim light,” he said feeling a tingle running through him.

  She reached over and put her hand on his arm. He could feel the hairs on his arm standing up. What was it about this woman?

  “You don’t give yourself enough credit. Tomorrow, I want to know all about Alan Lang and why you don’t feel confident about who you are,” she said.

  He could feel the heat from her hand. He was doing everything to keep from saying something totally stupid.

  “Maybe you can psychoanalyze me as we drive tomorrow,” he said.

  She took her hand off his arm but he could still feel the heat from her touch.

  “If it’s okay with you, why don’t we forget the walk and go up to our rooms. I could stand a shower. Did you look in and see how large it was?”


  “Huge,” she said.

  “Alright. I could probably use a good night’s sleep as well. I’ll look at the maps and see where we want to go next. I’ll give you some great choices,” Alan said.

  “I don’t really care where we go,” she said as they got up and headed upstairs.

  When they got to 202 she opened the door and stepped inside. She turned and faced him.

  “This is your room I take it? Where is mine?” he asked, grabbing his suitcase.

  “202,” she said.

  “This is 202. Okay, where is your room?” he asked.

  She looked at him for several seconds and then said, “202.”

  He just stood there trying to process what she had just said. He looked over at the bed, it was just a double. Nothing fancy and then he looked back at her.

  “I need a shower,” she said, and turned and walked to the bathroom.

  She didn’t bother to close the door and he could see her in the mirror as she began to undress. This couldn’t be real. He had to be dreaming all of this. A woman like Kate with him? In France no less? No way, no how. He tried not to look but glanced up just as she unhooked her bra and let it drop free. He was sure she could hear his sharp intake of breath as he stared at her.

  He could hear the water running and her humming in the shower. This was crazy. He took off his clothes and walked in the shower and stood beside her. She looked into his eyes for a long time.

  “I’ll soap you up first and then you can wash my back,” she said as she started rubbing his chest with the soap.

  She took her time as she slowly worked her way down his body. She washed between his legs and he could feel both of his knees tremble. She looked up at him and smiled.

  “My, someone certainly seems to be happy to have a friend visiting.”

  “Oh yeah,” he said looking down at her.

  She continued on down to his knees and feet. She stood up and handed him the soap.

  “Don’t miss any places,” she said.

  It was all he could to hang on to the soap as he washed her back and like she had done, worked his way slowly down her body.

  “My God, you are beautiful,” he said as he slowly washed between her legs.

  “Don’t stop,” she gasped, grabbing his hand and holding it in place. “I can’t wait, please,” she said, “Now.”

  Alan stood up and put his arms around her cupping her breasts before he slid inside her.


  They made love two more times that night. One was wild and unabandoned, the other slower and but just as intense. They both fell asleep exhausted. The last thing Alan remembered was looking over at Kate in the moonlight and thinking he had never seen anything so lovely. He was smiling when he slipped into slumber.

  When he awoke he looked over and Kate was lying with her leg over his and nothing on. That was certainly worth waking up for, Alan thought. He slowly slid his leg out from under her and she rolled on her side and opened her eyes.

  “Are you oogling my butt?”

  “Yes I am,” he said.

  “Okay,” she said and closed her eyes.

  What a way to start the day. He slipped into his pants and located his laptop. He tried to log on to the internet but evidently this place was too small to offer WiFi. He would need to find someplace to locate the coordinates. Kate finally stirred and sat up. She didn’t bother trying to cover herself.

  “You are amazingly beautiful,” he said.

  “I feel amazingly sore you big lug.”

  “Is this where I am supposed to say I’m sorry?” Alan asked.

  “If you were any kind of a gentleman you would.”

  “Ah. Sorry.”

  “Somehow that lacks a certain sincerity,” Kate replied.

  “Oh, I’m really sorry,” he replied.

  “You need to work on that,” Kate said and headed for the bathroom.

  He fini
shed dressing and repacked his bags. Kate came out and searched around and found her clothes before packing them away and getting out fresh ones. She dressed, ran a comb through her hair, and announced that she was starving.

  “Then let’s go eat.”

  “No arguments from me,” she replied

  They went downstairs and were once again taken aback by the number of people eating.

  “So where are we off to today?” Kate asked, looking over the menu.

  “I don’t know exactly.”

  “Okay. I guess we can just throw a dart at a map or something.”

  “Well here’s the thing. I kind of know. I mean…oh hell. I might as well tell you,” Alan said at last.

  She looked at him puzzled. She sat the menu down and put her elbows on the table, crossed her fingers and rested her chin on them.

  “Okay. Look, this is going to sound weird. My grandfather passed away. When I was going through his stuff I found an old diary. It was all about his days during the Second World War. It was really exciting to read except for the last few pages. Something happened. I’m not exactly sure but it was totally different from the first 99 percent of the book. I found a small piece of paper under the front cover. It had a set of numbers on it. A big long string. I finally figured out they were coordinates. I decided to come to Paris and see if I could figure out what it was all about,” he explained.

  “And have you?”

  “Not yet. It’s kind of like a scavenger hunt. I followed the first set to Calais. It led me to an old cemetery. I found another set of coordinates on two crosses. I’m not sure where they are going to take me. That’s why I need the Wi-Fi so I can figure out where it is telling me to go. I know it is someplace around where we are right now. Bayeux in general but I need Wi-Fi to pin down the exact location.”

  “What will you find there?” she asked.

  “I don’t know.”

  “You don’t know?”

  “Honestly I don’t. I mean it was over 68 years ago. What could be there after all this time?”

  “Well you said you found the last set in an old graveyard. It must be someplace your grandfather thought would survive or else the whole thing is pointless,” Kate said.

  “I guess you must be right but why all the running around? Why didn’t he just write directions or the name of the place?”


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