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Reckless Hearts Series, Book 1

Page 24

by Heather Van Fleet

I moved a little faster. “Home.”

  “Why?” His shoes slapped against the concrete, the sound as ominous as the unsteady beat of my heart. Snow fluttered down, the early December days already brutal—the perfect theme for the moment. “Don’t go. You said you’d stay with me tonight.” His voice grew desperate, a sound I wasn’t used to hearing.

  I flinched. “I just figured you were all going out to dinner, and since I wasn’t invited, it would give me a chance to go home and catch up on some things in my apartment. It’s lacking TLC because I’m always at your place.” I laughed. “God knows I spend my days doing more of your laundry than I do my own.” I sucked in a quick breath before I continued. “And besides that, I need to go home and feed…feed…” I squeezed my eyes shut. “My cat.”

  Collin jumped in front of me, eyes teasing, smile smug. It pissed me off, made my blood boil. How the hell could he be so…so…happy?

  “You don’t have a cat.” He moved closer, wrapping his arms around my waist and tucking my head under his chin. I blinked quickly, trying to contain my tears. No telling how fast they’d be frozen against my cheeks if they fell.

  “I’m going to get one. Right now. I need a friend.” Crap. Even my excuses sucked.

  “You wanna get a cat?” He reared his head back, smile fading. “I don’t like cats.”

  Well, fate was just fabulous, wasn’t it?

  “Huh. That stinks. I’m still going to get one. You can’t stop me.” It wasn’t his fault I was in such a foul-ass mood, so why was I making this worse than it was?

  “Addison,” he growled, holding my chin up. “What’s. Wrong?”

  My jaw clenched. “Nothing.”

  He groaned, lowering his forehead to mine. “Not stupid, sweetheart. So either tell me now or—”

  “Y-you aren’t going to need me anymore. Chloe’s not going to need me.”

  His gaze flitted from me back to his house. “What do you mean?”

  “Suzie said they’re moving back to Carinthia, and that she’s going to be watching Chloe now. That means you won’t need me.”

  I folded my arms over my chest, needing space. Collin didn’t give it, only moving closer to hold my shoulders. “Not gonna happen.”

  “But she said—”

  “Stop right there and listen to me. You’re not going anywhere, damn it. You’re mine. I’m yours. That’ll never change. And even if they are moving here, it wouldn’t matter. You’re not going anywhere.” He latched onto the back of my coat.

  More than anything, I wanted to believe him, but something was holding me back. Whether it was our conversation in Chicago or seeing him react to Chloe’s grandparents the way he did, I didn’t know. For now though, I’d give him the benefit of the doubt. Why? Because I was in love with him too. And when it comes to love, you sometimes can’t help but lose who you are or what you believe in, even when you don’t mean to.

  Chapter 35


  “Let’s go.” I tugged at Max’s arm to get him out of the cab.

  “You’re gonna get your ass handed to you.” He pointed in my face, laughing as he jumped out onto the sidewalk behind me. “And I can’t wait to see you grovel.”

  With his foot, he shut the cab door, then rammed into me with his head like a bull.

  I roped my arm around his neck, holding tight. “It’s all your dick’s fault,” I groaned. “Just had to get those girls’ numbers, didn’t you?”

  One side of his mouth lifted into a grin when I let him go. “Yeah. Yeah, I did, Colly. You see, we can’t all be pussy whipped by the perfect girl.”

  “Damn right you can’t be.” I slugged his shoulder, proud to wear the title of pussy whipped by the girl I couldn’t wait to hold in my arms. “Maybe it’s time you find someone to get pussy whipped by.”

  A funny looked crossed his face.

  “Unless of course you’ve already found one…” My grin fell. Maxwell Martinez, finding one woman? That’d be a sight to see. Not to mention a damn miracle from God himself.

  “And deprive the women of the world of my body?” He motioned a hand over his chest, back to normal with his cheesy grin. “Hell no.” He winked and headed toward the door, two steps ahead of me.

  Max and I had left the house early to drop Chloe off where Suzie and Alexander were staying. Then Max mentioned something about stopping by to see my sister’s new place of work, which turned into an hour-long affair of yanking Max away from two different groups of women. Now it was after eleven, and we were an hour late meeting up with Addie and McKenna at O’Paddy’s.

  This was the first fuckup I’d made since the two of us made it official, and yeah, my balls were strung tight, worried she’d let me have it. Still, I’d make it right if she was really pissed—with all the good parts of our bodies.

  We were celebrating tonight. I’d finally applied to the academy, ready to take the step toward being a cop. After I’d told Addie what I wanted to do, she’d encouraged me to apply, said she’d be there for Chloe. And now that Suzie and Alexander were officially moving to Carinthia, I finally bit the bullet and signed up.

  “It’s packed in here.” Max nodded toward a couple of ladies off to the right.

  I frowned at the scene around us, thankful Gavin had decided not to come. Guy didn’t do well in crowded, loud places like this one was tonight.

  “You see her?” I yelled over the heavy bass, scanning the room for my dark-haired beauty. I knew she was wearing a red shirt, because I specifically remembered trying to tug it off when I stopped by her apartment earlier in the evening. I’d needed to be alone with her to tell her the news about officially applying, and then she’d kissed me senseless in excitement, which made me want to strip her naked and fuck her senseless. Good thing she was more of a grown-up than me and kicked my ass out to go to McKenna’s place. Otherwise, we probably wouldn’t have made it here tonight.

  It’d been a week since Amy’s parents announced they were moving to town, and even though I cherished every second with my Chloe Bean, I loved the fact that Addie’s and my alone time had been amped up to more than just a spare hour here and there over the past week. Chloe’s grandparents wanted to spend as much time with my little girl as they could. Still, not even the hours Addison and I spent between the sheets were enough. I wanted to spend forever making my woman happy.

  “Holy shit.” Max pointed across the room. “Who’s the hot blond standing next to Short Stuff?” His eyebrows rose.

  I shot him a narrow-eyed death glare. “Don’t even think about it. That’s Addie’s best friend, and she’s off limits.”

  Max put a hand on my shoulder and squeezed. “You take away all my fun.”

  “No, I just know how much you like to break hearts.”

  He shrugged, not denying it.

  I stood watch for another second, memorizing the curve of Addie’s ass in those jeans. The way her hips swayed as she moved to sit on the barstool made my dick go hard. Last night in her kitchen, I’d taken her from behind, my hands gripping those same hips that were making my mouth water.

  God, I loved that woman. And it wasn’t all because the sex was incredible either. Addison Booker had grown to be my heart and my soul. The only air I could breathe when my world had been polluted with bad shit.

  “And check out the trash that just walked in.” He whistled low and nodded to a guy approaching Kenna from her right.

  “The hell’s McIntire doing here? He’s not allowed to come back around, according to Jonathon.” I took a step forward, hands already tightening into fists.

  Max’s arm shot out in front of me. “Hold on now, Collinator. I’m not standing up for him by any means, but this is a public bar.”

  I clenched my teeth at my sister’s nickname. Max had been spending far too much time around her, apparently.

  “Let’s give the girls a chance to
stave him off. I don’t want the soon-to-be-cop getting arrested for battery.”

  “Swear to God, Maxwell, if he so much as—”

  “No.” He jumped in front of me, dark eyes narrowed.

  “No?” I arched an eyebrow.

  “We’re not in Balad anymore, you idiot. You. Are not. In command.” He got in my face, going nose to nose. “And you sure as hell don’t have to save everyone. You get me?”

  I pulled in a sharp breath, glancing over his shoulder. Addie was pulling on McKenna’s arm—McKenna who looked like she was one step away from beating McIntire’s ass. Her hand was up in his face, a sneer on her lips. And if only for a second, I relaxed, thankful that my girl wasn’t alone when it came to people who loved her besides me.

  “Fine. Five minutes, or I’m showing his ass the door.”

  * * *


  “No. One more shot.” McKenna tossed her head back, newly bobbed, blond hair touching the base of her neck. I’d never been happier to have my best friend back, but I’d really prefer she didn’t get crazy wasted like the last time we went out.

  “Take it easy, m’kay?” I smiled, then laid my head on her shoulder, exhausted from being up at five.

  I’d been staying at Collin’s more often than not, even had my toothbrush sitting inside his bathroom cabinet. I figured now that he was working days, it’d be easier for me to just sleep at his place. He’d been begging me for a week straight now to just move in, but I wasn’t ready. Not yet.

  “Evening, ladies.”

  I flicked my eyes up, disappointment setting in when I realized it was not Collin or even Max. They were late, and my anxiety was rocketing up the charts.

  “Not interested.” McKenna flicked her latest suitor away, not even bothering to look at his face.

  “You’re really taking this no-more-men thing seriously, aren’t you?” I asked.

  She smiled and trailed her finger over the rim of her shot glass. “It’s easier, you know? I mean, if I’m feeling the need to have sex, then I’ll try to find someone. But for now…” She chewed on the straw she’d taken from the holder in front of us. “I’m good with saying no. It’s really not so hard.”

  I smiled. “I’m proud of you. But just remember, not all men are Paul.”

  At the mention of her ex’s name, she looked away. But I noticed the stiff way she held the rest of her body. She could only fool me so much.

  “Tell me how Number Six is doing,” she said, looking back at me with a face of complete composure. Her eyes were bright and shining, her cheeks almost glowing under the bar lights.

  My face heated before I had a chance to ask her what was really going on in that head of hers. And to be honest, I had no clue why I was even blushing. “We’re doing really well, actually.” Except for tonight and him being an hour late, of course.

  “And how is everything workwise—for you, I mean. Still looking for something more next fall?”

  I swallowed hard, hating that I was already lying to myself, as well as to Collin. Though lying by omission wasn’t as bad as lying altogether. Besides, I planned on telling him about the phone call I’d received that afternoon from the Matoona School District. I just hadn’t had the opportunity yet, not with his good news about applying for the academy.

  Apparently Matoona had an opening next fall for a lead teacher position in one of the district’s top preschools. It was one of the places where I’d sent my résumé before Collin hired me. I didn’t think I’d have a shot, but when they called and asked me to come in for an interview, I didn’t hesitate. It was literally a dream job for me, something I’d been waiting years for. But I was on edge about telling Collin, fearing he’d shut down on me if I told him I wanted to pursue something besides being Chloe’s nanny. And now that he was committed to the academy, I felt like I might have to put my dreams aside. Sure, he had Amy’s parents, but from what I’d learned about them, they weren’t the best on keeping commitments.

  “Work is great. I love Chloe. She lights up my world,” I answered, not wanting to get into the work issue just then.

  “And her daddy lights up a lot of things on you too, I’m thinking.”

  Even my neck warmed as I stared down at the bar, and I couldn’t help but grin. “That is true.”

  After that, our conversation turned from me to her and what she’d done in Maine during the six weeks she was away. Besides doing a little soul-searching, she’d been applying for jobs online back in Carinthia. She’d finally decided to use her nursing degree and actually work in the field.

  In a way, I was okay with Collin being late. I’d missed my best friend like crazy and would take any bit of alone time with Kenna that I could. Sure, we’d chatted on occasion throughout her absence, but it was never for more than five minutes because her nieces and nephews were always screaming in the background.

  While she was in the middle of telling me about the night she’d spent with a Spanish waiter, a voice sounded from the other side of her, freezing me in place.

  “Well, lookie here. Didn’t think I’d ever see your face again.”

  Not bothering to look at Blondie from the diner, who I’d learned was named McIntire, I glanced at McKenna instead, waiting for her reaction.

  “Not interested, Blondie.” She curled her lip.

  I couldn’t help but snort. The fact that she used the exact label I did when meeting this guy said something about our friendship.

  “Awww, you don’t mean that, do you? I mean, dressing like that shows me you’re just like your friend over—”

  “Listen up, asshole.” Kenna turned to face him, finger flicking against the guy’s nose. “If you don’t move out of my way, I’m gonna hook my fingers into your nostrils and slam your head against this bar.”

  I cringed at the visual. “Kenna, let’s just go. This guy’s not worth our time.” I pushed my arm through the crook of hers.

  McIntire’s head tipped to the side as he studied me. “Where’s Montgomery tonight, pretty girl? Get tired of you already?”

  “What did you just call her?” McKenna’s fingers gripped my wrist, nails digging into my skin.

  I couldn’t even wince at the pain, since the adrenaline coursing through me was countering it. “It’s time you step away, Blondie.”

  He laughed at me, a big, whooping, boisterous laugh. Kenna curled her lip higher, and I shrugged, already knowing how weird the guy was. This wasn’t anything new to me…but if Collin and Max happened to walk in and see him, the night would end before it got started.

  “If you wanna keep your body parts intact, then I suggest you leave,” I hissed when he finally stopped laughing.

  One side of his mouth curled up. “Make me.”

  Before I could do exactly that, Kenna beat me to it and slugged him in the mouth like she’d been given the gift to kick ass in the span of six weeks. Eyes wide, I stared down at the laid-out jerk.

  “Time to go,” Kenna whispered, motioning toward a big bouncer who was already making his way over.

  “But he was harassing us and—”

  “It doesn’t matter, Addie. This, right here”—she motioned a hand at the guy moaning on the dirty floor—“means it’s our time to walk away.” She shook out her right hand, yanking me forward with her left. “Plus, I think I broke my hand and am seconds away from bawling my eyes out.”

  Mouth still gaping, I looked at her swollen knuckles and nodded, wondering where in the actual hell this woman who’d possessed my weepy, terrified bestie had come from.

  “Jesus, that was hot,” a voice hollered from our right when we approached the door. I lifted my head, recognizing Max’s voice but looking straight at Collin instead. The breath in my lungs squeezed tightly at what I saw.

  Eyes flaring, lips pulled tight, my boyfriend looked as though he was seconds away from going postal. He glar
ed over my shoulder toward the damage McKenna had left behind and took one step forward.

  Not thinking twice, I flung my arms around his shoulders, stopping him. I kissed his ear before I whispered, “You’re here.”

  Instantly, he relaxed in my arms, the tension seeping away like air from a balloon. “Sorry we’re late.” He wrapped his arms around me, fingers tangled in my shirt.

  “And I’m sorry to break up the happy reunion, but this lady needs to go before I lose my nursing license for good.”

  I cringed, pulling back and reaching down to link my fingers with Collin’s. “I’m sorry, K.”

  She shrugged, sizing Collin up the way a father would size up his daughter’s first date. “I will always be there for you, Addie.” She looked at me and nodded. “More than any man ever will be.”

  Collin flinched, and my shoulders grew stiff as the silent stare-down between my boyfriend and best friend came to a head. I counted in my mind, waiting for who would say the first words, who would snap first…

  “Christ almighty, you are my soul mate.” Thankful Max jumped in, obviously feeling the tension too. He wrapped his arm around McKenna’s shoulders and tugged her close. “The name’s Maxwell. And I really could use a boxing trainer. You give private lessons?”

  I sucked in a breath, waiting for her to freak out on him like she’d done with McIntire. Surprisingly, her face went soft, and she grinned up at Max. “For you, hot stuff, I’d probably do just about anything.” She winked and then left through the door, swaying her hips a little more than usual.

  I snuggled closer to Collin’s side as we followed her and a drooling Max outside.

  “Maxwell,” Collin called after him, a warning in his voice. “Remember what I said.”

  From over his shoulder, Max grinned back at Collin, then winked at me. “Just having a little fun is all.”

  I walked Kenna to her cab a minute or so later, and Collin walked Max to his Uber driver not long after that. The pair went their separate directions, leaving Collin and me alone.

  “Walk with me?” he asked.

  “Absolutely.” We could have gone with Max, but I figured Collin might need a little more time to cool down. Between McIntire and what Kenna said, I knew he was strung tight.


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