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Where They Both Belong (Corbin's Bend)

Page 4

by Thianna D

  Jonathon chuckled. “When did you move in? This morning? Nah. You must be tired. I’m planning on moving in just a few things every day.”

  Shrugging, Matt nodded. “Yeah, pretty much. We’re making dinner. Would you like to join us? It’ll be ready in about a half hour.”

  Their new neighbor’s blue eyes lit up. “I’d like that, thank you. What are we having?”

  “Spaghetti marinara.”

  “Please tell me it’s not spicy. Benjamin puts peppers in everything.”

  Snorting a laugh, Matt nodded. “I would too if it was just me, but Julie isn’t a fan of hot foods, so while there are banana peppers in it for taste, no heat.”

  “Fantastic. I picked up a loaf of French bread on my way here. I’ll bring it with me.”

  They didn’t have a dining table, so the three of them ate around a small kitchen island. It should have felt uncomfortable, but it didn’t. “Where are you and Benjamin from?” Julie asked as they ate.

  “All over, really. Ben’s been based out of Virginia the last couple of years, so that’s our last home. But I was tired of military housing and when I found out about Corbin’s Bend, it sounded like the perfect place to have a more permanent home.”

  “How long have you two been together?” Matt asked, trying to gage the man’s age. Mid-to-late thirties, he assumed.

  “Thirteen years.” Jonathon smiled, his expression lost in what looked like a happy memory for a moment, as he ate a piece of bread. “We met my last year of college. He’s a Marine and, well, men in uniform are kind of yum.”

  Julie squeaked a laugh and nodded. “I agree. I asked Matt to dress up in uniform once.”

  Grinning, Matt nodded, remembering that event. “That was a fun night.”

  She beamed at him.

  “What about you two?”

  “Arizona. We both grew up there, just a couple blocks away from one another, but didn’t meet until Julie was in college.” Matt took a bite of spaghetti and paused while he chewed and swallowed. “It wasn’t easy to move from a place we both call home, but our particular lifestyle insulted our families.”

  Jonathon, rather than looking compassionate or confused, just nodded. “Yeah. Ben and I are gay and into domestic discipline. Two strikes to most of our family. My sister is the only member of my family who will even talk to me. Ben has a grandmother who adores him and accepts him as he is. She’s polite to me when we visit.”

  Damn, but it was wonderful to just talk to someone who lived the DD lifestyle. Matt had looked forward to talking to Brent about things, but as they talked with Jonathon, he got his first inkling that life was truly going to loosen up some. In a community of spankos, communication was open. It was an energizing thought.

  After Jonathon left to unload a few more boxes, Matt and Julie did the dishes and cleaned up before finally going to crash. He groaned as he undressed and collapsed onto the bed. “I could sleep for a year.”

  Julie climbed onto the bed and straddled his thighs, her warm hands digging into the muscles at his shoulders. Moaning at the pleasure, he closed his eyes and gave in to her ministrations. He would pay her back tomorrow.

  The next morning, after getting up and showering, Matt made some crepes before looking out their front window. Jonathon was just opening the back of his truck. “Julie? I’m going to help Jonathon.”

  “All right!” she called back. “I’ll be out in a minute.”

  Chapter 4

  As the road filled with work vehicles, Matt chose to walk to and from his meeting with the owner of Corbin’s Bend’s Italian restaurant. Striding away, he knew he made a favorable impression. It went to the tune of the owner saying, “I need an executive chef and I’ll be honest. I thought I’d have to find one and convince them that working in a spanking community was a good thing. This is kismet. So, what do you say? Executive chef?”

  Executive chef. At almost sixty thousand a year to start. Same position he had held in Mesa, but at much better money. Plus, the owner had given him the ability to hire his sous chefs. That way he could ensure that they would work well together, though he assumed he would probably just be happy to find people who could cook. And that was a good thing as far as he was concerned. That was how he had started out. Maybe he could help inspire someone like the Cherise, the executive chef at his first job, did for him.

  Whistling softly, Matt walked by the dome and across the street on his way home.


  Startled at anyone hollering his name, he turned around, spotting Jonathon waving toward him. Jogging back across the street, he was momentarily waiting for bad news until he spotted Jonathon's big smile. “Brent’s introduced us to the club, a little extra none of us saw during the tour. You’ve got to see it.”

  They walked toward the dome. “The club?”

  “Yep. There’s a basement under the dome. Well, you’ve got to see it for yourself.”

  They walked down one of the long hallways. At the end of it was a door and as Jonathon opened it, Matt finally saw a stairway going down. “They hid this well.”

  Chuckling, Jonathon agreed. Matt followed him downstairs. Over the last couple days, he and Julie had gotten to know Jonathon a little better and his reserve had slowly dissipated. It was still there, but not as strongly as before.

  As they reached the bottom of the stairs, Matt stared around in shock. “What the fuck?” The entire basement of the dome was one large space. Large leather sofas, huge television screens, a bar and even a couple pool tables. The damned place was a man cave.

  A burst of laughter came from his right and he turned toward it where Brent and three other men sat in one of the sofa groupings. “Well, you hid this well,” Matt said, walking toward them.

  His mentor grinned. “Damn straight. We need a place to kick back, unwind, and just be men. And this is it.”

  Matt looked around before collapsing into a very comfortable leather recliner. Groaning, he pulled up the footrest. “Tell Jules I moved in.”

  Snorting, one of the other men, a short man with receding black hair and dark brown eyes, grinned at him and waved. “Reginald Bearston,” he said in a voice that sounded somewhat like a buzz saw. “Wife and I just moved in yesterday. I have the feeling I’ll be here often.”

  “Watch out, Reg,” warned a tall, elderly man with an amused grin, “I think she just might notice if you’re gone all day long.”

  “She’ll be glad of it,” Reg insisted. “My being retired was supposed to be a good thing. But she encourages me to get out of the house every time I start a project. When we moved in, I offered to build her some shelves and you’d think I suggested anarchy.”

  “Matt, you’ve met Jonathon and Larry. This is Jason Rolson,” Brent said, introducing him to the elderly man. “His wife Rose is the woman I’ve assigned as Julie’s mentor.”

  As Matt pushed the footrest down and stood up, so did Jason. They shook hands before sitting back down again. “I’m excited for Julie to have a mentor. She’s never had anyone to talk to about this stuff except for me and I’m getting that what she says and what she means sometimes are diametrically opposed to one another.”

  Reginald, Jason, Brent and Larry roared with laughter. “Welcome to the world of having a wife,” Jason said in amusement. “But I think you’ll find that even Jonathon doesn’t always see things the way his top does.”

  “Nope,” Jonathon agreed. “It’s a completely different view from the bottom. Especially when he goes all military on me.” He hadn’t come over to join them, but was standing near the bar.

  Brent beckoned to him. “Come on over, Jonathon. This isn’t just a tops place.”

  Jonathon didn’t move for a moment and then slowly moved over. “I’m actually a pretty forward guy,” he admitted. “At least in a job context. I’m on the board of three animal rights’ groups and have worked as an executive secretary twice which takes some major balls. But…” he glanced between Brent, Jason, and Reginald and as Matt followed his
gaze, it struck him what Jonathon saw. Julie called it the alpha male look. Damn, Matt thought, realizing his new friend felt a little uncomfortable amongst such dominant men.

  Brent’s face softened. “We’re all friends, Jonathon. I’m not here to boss you around.”

  “Neither am I,” Jason said, calmly. “Hell, if I tried, Rose’d probably cut my cock off.”

  Reginald looked at him. “She fights mean.”

  “Yes, she does. Protective lady.” He nodded to Jonathon. “She’d love to meet you. Why don’t you come over for dinner tomorrow?”

  Jonathon finally sat down, but he oriented himself so that he sat between Brent and Matt. Reaching over, Matt squeezed his shoulder before releasing it. “So, I got the job at the Italian place,” he told Brent.

  “Great! When’s it going to open? I’m tired of cooking for myself.”

  “Owner thinks four weeks. I need to get some sous chefs hired and he’s going to look into hiring staff. Then we’re a go.”

  The conversation flowed to what each of the men planned to do with his time. Larry was a real estate agent in Boulder and planned to keep it up. “It’s a commute,” he admitted, “but it will be worth it to live here.”

  Both Jason and Reginald were retired. “Of course, Brent won’t let me have an easy retirement,” Jason teased, winking at his friend.

  “Hell no,” Brent responded with a chuckle. “You’re on the Housing Board with me and I already have you down as a mentor for three of our residents moving in over the next few weeks.” He paused and a glint appeared in his eyes. “And, of course, Rose paid me off.”

  Reginald burst out laughing at Jason’s startled look, but as Brent cracked up so did Jonathon and Matt. “You’re evil,” Jason said in amusement. “I’d forgotten that.”

  “What kind of medical support does Corbin’s Bend have?” Reginald asked. “We don’t have a lot of troubles, but if something comes up, I need to know where to go.”

  “We’ll actually have a doctor onsite,” Brent informed them. “Dr. Marcus Devon has agreed to set up a small office for us. He’ll be moving here with his wife and sons within the next few months. For emergencies, we have a helipad and a helicopter. A local man has agreed to fly for us. He doesn’t know much about spanking, but he was intrigued when I talked to him about it.”

  “What about animals?” Jonathon asked. “Do we have a vet?”

  “Not yet. Keeping my eye out, though. And,” Brent said, turning toward him, “you might be just the man to help me figure out what to do. What do we need to make this a pet-friendly community without overwhelming those who don’t want to deal with animals?”

  Jonathon’s face lit up and he talked about dog parks and walking trails, pick-up bag stations, and notices for flea and tick season. He spoke about keeping cats in doors and dangerous animals that might be about. “You’ll want to make sure any new residents with pets know of the dangers. In fact,” he said, cocking his head to the side, “you might consider a notice board downstairs where the residents can stop in and check out what’s going on.”

  A slow smile crossed Brent’s face. “Think you could draft me up a plan?”

  “Love to!”

  After a few more minutes as Brent and Jonathon discussed animal safety and Jason, Reg, and Larry talked about Boulder, Matt stood up. “Would love to stick around, but I told Jules I’d let her know as soon as my interview was over what happened.”

  “I should get back upstairs,” Brent said, standing up as well. “Could have curious possible residents walking around upstairs trying to find someone.” There was just the barest of pauses before he added with a definite touch of amusement in his voice. “I hope they find the closet of paddles.”

  Julie was waiting for him as he walked in the door. “Well?” she asked, a nervous, hopeful look on her face.

  Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her close. “You’re looking at the new executive chef at Amore.” She had barely let loose a squeal, before he added, “And I’ll be making sixty thou a year, Jules!”

  Her mouth dropped open. “Sixty thousand?” He nodded. “I’m so proud of you!” She reached up to kiss him and he obliged by leaning down and meeting her lips. After he pulled back, she added, “And I’m glad your boss is an intelligent person. Sixty thousand! We can get furniture for the living room by the end of summer.”


  “And we can finally start working toward our family.” The joy in her voice just added to his own. They both wanted children, but had decided they would wait until they could afford them.

  Her eyes had been gazing into space but they suddenly locked with his and he felt his body wake up. “Jules,” he murmured and she leapt to kiss him. He grabbed hold of her, placing one hand under her rump to stop her from dropping as he kissed her, making their way from the living room down the hall into the master bedroom. Placing her on her feet, he pulled away to tell her to undress. Only he stalled as he stared around him.

  “Like it?” she asked, looking around. On every surface, a small tea light candle burned softly, light flickering over the ice green walls of their bedroom. The one side table they had brought with them had a basket on top of it. “Oh! Brent delivered this today.” She trotted over and brought it over to the bed. “Wait till you see what’s in it.” He watched her, a smile on his face. In just the couple days since they had arrived, the Julie he knew had made reappearance. Her stress, while there, was greatly lessoned and watching her trot to and fro was an incredible pleasure to watch. Of course, it would have been even better if she were naked.

  Walking over, he sat on the other side of the basket, which was filled with stuff. “What is all of it?”

  “Cookies, a couple maps, a ‘what to do in Colorado’ guide, some odds and ends, something called arnica gel,” she said with a giggle, looking at him from under her eyelashes. “And this.” Pulling her hand from the depths of the basket, she showed him the thick wooden paddle. Rectangular in shape, it looked nice and strong. As she handed it to him, she turned it over. On the backside, burned into the wood was the symbol he’d seen on Corbin’s Bend stationary, only it wasn’t quite right. As he looked at the words burned into it, he caught on.

  “Corbin’s Bend. Backwards.”

  “I’m assuming so that it shows up correctly on one’s intended target,” she said, biting on her lower lip.

  Startled, he looked from the paddle to her and then back to it. “Damn.” To mark her behind in such a way? Desire zapped through him as if someone had plugged him into an electrical socket. Taking in a sharp breath, he asked, “Would you like to try it?”


  He looked quickly over at her, grinning at the excitement that shown from her eyes. “Well, then, put the basket back and strip that beautiful body for me.”

  * * * * *

  Thrilled, Julie grabbed the basket and put it on the side table. She had been amused when she first found the paddle: what better gift for a new resident of a spanking community than a paddle? And then she had stared at the engraving, wondering why they would engrave the words and symbol backward. It hadn’t taken long at all before she got it. Wanting to know what it would feel like, she’d slapped it against her thigh. For just a couple seconds, a white outline of the mountains and the words Corbin’s Bend had shown on her pink skin before it had disappeared.

  And now Matt would engrave her derriere with it.

  Turning toward him, she smiled as he slowly unbuttoned his cuffs and rolled his sleeves up his arms. Damn, but he was a gorgeous hunk of man. He would look fine on any fireman calendar the world over. A couple years ago Julie had suggested he would make the perfect naked centerfold for a Hot Chef calendar. She had never seen anyone blush that deep of a red color. He kind of resembled a pomegranate.

  His eyes, now a deeper green from passion, watched her and she felt that wonderful tremble in her stomach to match. She’d always known she was pretty, but had never considered herself sexy until he ca
me into her life. Glad she was wearing a simple t-shirt and short shorts as they were one of his favorite things to see her in, she grasped the bottom of the shirt and slowly shimmied it up over her naked breasts until it popped off her head and she tossed it aside. A moan from her husband made her grin. He loved her tits. Almost as much as he loved her ass.

  “Braless, Baby?”

  “Mmhmm.” Reaching down, she popped the button on her shorts and after a tantalizingly long moment where she slowly pulled them down and watched the front of Matt’s slacks tent, she pushed them and her panties over her hips, letting them drop to the floor.

  Dark green eyes slid down her form, stopping at the apex of her thighs. “On my lap,” he grunted, clutching the paddle, “Before I fuck the hell out of you.”

  Grinning, a little cheeky in her excitement, Julie said, “Actually, I was kind of hoping you’d fuck the hell into me.”

  A grin spread across his face even as his eyes twinkled dangerously. “Over my lap, woman, before I go get the ginger!”

  Laughing, she climbed onto the bed and shimmied over his lap, making sure to rub over his hard-on three times before settling.

  “Let’s see,” he murmured, his hand coming down on her bottom with a smack. In the room it was loud and she giggled even as he huffed out a laugh. “Good acoustics,” he mused, bringing his hand down again. Speeding up slightly, he warmed up her bottom and upper thighs before transferring the paddle to his right hand. “All right, let’s see how this looks.”


  She gasped as the heavy wood smacked into her right cheek, quickly followed on the left.

  “Holy shit,” he said with a chuckle. “That’s amazing.”

  “Does it show?” she asked, looking over her shoulder. From her vantage point, all she could see was a little pink. Looking up into his face, she saw the glee written all over it. “Liking what you see, I assume?”

  His eyes darted to her and he grinned. “Definitely. I want to get one that says Matt’s.”

  Laughing, she turned and put her chin on her hands. A couple seconds later, the paddle came down. This time it was a little harder and she grunted as he continued. Each blow fell a little harder and a little faster until her entire backend felt like a light sunburn.


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