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Runaway Love

Page 2

by Amber Nation

  Luckily, for me, after I killed Corbin, I was able to continue my undercover work in Brown County. Only three people knew about my current job position and two of those were Emmy and Grady, but it was inevitable that they found out.

  This little town grew on me. I loved helping people and getting rotten scum off of the streets, but I’d eventually like to settle down, build roots without my wife always wondering when the phone was going to ring, and I’d be sent out on my latest assignment. Brown County would definitely be a great place to make those dreams happen.

  I enjoyed the aspect of my job that brought people to justice, but I would like to be based in one place rather than moving around all the time. I saw myself becoming more along the lines of a Police Officer or a Sheriff Deputy, still being able to perform a civil duty by getting crime off the streets but while being in one centralized location.

  My father and uncle were both career FBI so, of course, it was pushed onto me by my family. When you heard day in and day out about how important it would be to continue the legacy for the Hennings’s men, that it was our duty to go to FBI training in Quantico, Virginia, you just kind of gave up on your own dreams and aspirations.

  Now you are probably saying, why didn’t I just talk to my dad about what I wanted to do in life? And the answer would be that I had, repeatedly. Paul Hennings wasn’t one to be bargained with, he was the most bullheaded, stubborn man I knew. And once he got something in his head, it was his way or no way. So not being one to disappoint in any situation, I relented on my own hopes and aspirations.

  Which was why the assignment with Corbin Montgomery was so taxing. I didn’t plan on getting my mind muddled by a woman. Emmy was great though, not my normal type, but she was one of the best women that I knew, besides my mother. I was glad today that we were great friends, but Grady always knew in the back of his mind that if he screwed shit up, I wouldn’t hesitate in taking his place.

  After the incident went down with Emmalynne, the FBI wanted to reprimand me, but since there was no concrete evidence suggesting any foul play was involved, they let me off with a warning.

  No one would never know what went down between Corbin Montgomery/Norman Black, whatever the fuck his name was, and myself, and I preferred it that way. I was normally a straight shooter, always playing and living by the rules, but with that dumbass, I did what I felt in my heart, needed to be done.

  Neither Emmy nor Grady knew the extent of what Norman was entirely capable of doing. I was surprised that I was able to keep my composure like I did, like I was trained to, but I was freaking the fuck out inside. Things went down a hell of a lot easier than they could have.

  So now my assignment for the past year has been finding out any and all information on Declan Smith. He was an elite Atlanta socialite, but was also big into human trafficking with a side of drug manufacturing and distributing. Pretty tall order of scum.

  I hadn’t been able to find out much about Declan because everyone who worked for him knew that if they snitched they’d find themselves in a less than ideal situation. A situation that began with guns and ended with a dead body. So they pretty much kept to themselves.

  When I wasn’t chasing Declan’s pathetic excuses for employees, I was a bass player for The Nation’s Capital, but gigs were few and far between now that Brock and Tessa had a son. The Nation’s Capital consisted of Toby Morgan who was the lead singer, Brock Monroe who played guitar, and Mikey Jameson on the drums.

  Grady was gracious enough to give me a job at Emmy Lou’s, the bar he part owned and managed, so I could keep up the façade about me being undercover FBI.

  Being a bartender, you could find out a lot of things about a lot of people through the realms of drunken gossip. Most of the time, the gossip was even true, if you could believe that. This was how I found out about Mason Walker. He was new in town, being here only about six months. Apparently he lived with his sister. And although I haven’t seen her yet, the few times I’ve trailed him he has always ended up at an upscale apartment, as upscale as Brown County could be, in the best part of town.

  Word was that he was Declan Smith’s new errand boy. Taking the drugs to their intended location and collecting the payment. Mason was tall and muscular and he always looked as if he was alert and ready for a fight. The times I had seen him, his brows stayed furrowed together, and I’d seen him use his preferred method of communicating, which was with his fists. Although I couldn’t do anything to hinder my undercover status, I had given Sheriff Mitchell, the only other person who knew about me, the heads up to keep his eyes peeled and his ear to the ground for Mason Walker.

  Declan Smith was a ghost, leaving no trail leading anything to him. If I hadn’t seen a picture of him, I wouldn’t think he actually existed. Mason Walker would mess up and he would lead me on a straight path to the big fish, Declan Smith.

  So however beautiful the runner was, I needed to keep my head out of the clouds and into the game in order to take this fucker down. No one was this big of a crime lord and got away with it, especially on my watch.


  My run was exactly what I needed and now I was feeling energized. I took my time in the shower then drank my morning coffee in between blow drying my mousy brown hair and brushing my teeth.

  My hair had absolutely no volume to it so it constantly framed my face like a limp noodle. Half of the time, if it didn’t end up in a ponytail, one side ended up tucked behind my ear.

  I pulled on a pair of skinny jeans and shimmied them up my hips. I considered myself thin but I had an ass. I loved my sweets and my poor ass reflected upon that. I then slid on my knee high rider boots and slipped a simple black V-neck sweater on.

  It was such a nice, cool day outside, that I decided that I was going to walk the six blocks to the bookstore, then swing by the market on the way home to grab the milk.

  Heading to my front closet, I pulled out my winter coat, matching purple wool beanie and scarf and set off on my errands.

  Everyone seemed to be pretty friendly in Brown County. I always came across people who smiled and waved at me, and of course I returned the gesture, I wasn’t rude, I just didn’t go out of my way to initiate contact.

  The scenery on my walk was breathtaking, the bare trees, the light dusting of snow on the ground. Brown County for the most part was calming and serene.

  Coming upon Turn the Page bookstore, I noticed the handmade wooden sign. It was different from when I had last visited. And the beautiful display window, which was normally a marvelous work of art, was in fact decorated for Valentine’s Day.

  Staring at the red and pink shaped hearts and the cut-out cupid, I wondered what love really was.

  I didn’t think that I had ever been shown love one single day in my lifetime, from my parents, from anyone. I thought that my brother loved me but the bruises on my upper and forearm proved otherwise.

  I never understood the meaning behind Valentine’s Day. What was so special about love that they felt the need to dedicate an entire day to it? Whoever the hell they were must have had love in abundance. Sounded like a bunch of crazy nonsense to me.

  Moving towards the door, a man rushed up to open it for me.

  “Hiya doll, let me get that for ya…” His gaze honed in on my feet and he let out a shriek, covering his mouth, “Oh Em Gee!! Those boots are absolutely amazing!”

  Startled by his demeanor and admission, I barely recovered in time to mutter a, “Thank you.”

  As I made my way into the store, my sights instantly were directed towards the numerous cardboard cutout hearts that were dangling from the ceiling. Whoever decorated must be seriously obsessed with the stupid holiday.

  “Aren’t they marvelous?” The same guy who opened the door for me, asked.

  “Uh…what?” I was beginning to feel a bit agitated. I only wanted to pick out a book, not to be accosted by cupid himself.

  “The hearts! Valentine’s Day is a wonderful day, and just around the corner. And today I’m se
nsing that love is in the air.” He twirled around on the balls of his feet like a ballerina. He had discarded his coat and was dressed in red skinny jeans which reminded me of hot pants, and he had a simple white t-shirt underneath a three quarter-length black blazer, he had it all paired off with black loafers.

  Was this guy for real?

  “Sure, whatever,” I said as I turned and began walking in the complete opposite direction of the dancing queen.

  I headed straight to the mystery section, purposely bypassing all aspects of romance and began perusing the new releases. Romance and love just weren’t for me, in my dreams perhaps, but it didn’t fit in with my reality. Go ahead and call me cynical. I wouldn’t know what to do with love let alone with a man if he literally knocked me on my ass. Therein lied my problem, men weren’t attracted to me, my shyness apparently put them off. That and I think that the fact that I was twenty-four and still a virgin was apparently written all over my face. Men liked women who were experienced, not someone like me, who had never even been kissed.

  About that time I was abruptly knocked forward straight into the bookshelves. “Umph,” I groaned as I was luckily able to catch myself with my hands before I did some serious damage to the books.

  “Shit, I’m so sorry,” I heard the deep baritone rumble of a man. Thankfully it wasn’t the same one who had been pestering me since I’d entered the bookstore.

  I turned around to give this guy a serious tongue lashing. Ok, so we all knew that I wouldn’t have said anything. Seemingly in slow motion, he lifted his eyes to where his gaze was set on me.

  I temporarily forgot how to speak and even how to even breathe as I took in the coolness of his luminous gray eyes. My heart slammed against my ribs and butterflies appeared out of now where, going crazy in the recess of my stomach. Observing closely, his eyes were not only gray but had a hint of blue around the outer edges. They were mesmerizing and I felt as if I could get lost in those eyes. In fact I wanted to get lost in those eyes. They were mysterious, yet I think I could detect a hint of sadness.

  I tore my eyes away from his and glimpsed at the rest of him, which was a big mistake.

  As in BIG.

  His black hair was way past the point of needing a haircut. It looked as if he constantly ran his hands through it so it laid every which way, but on him it was sexy as hell. His firm jaw looked well defined but with several days growth. And those lips which were made for kissing, if I had to guess, were slightly upturned with an amused expression. Unaware, I darted my tongue out to lick my own lips. I was feeling things in which I’d never felt before starting in the pit of my stomach. It was completely foreign to me and quite frankly it freaked me the hell out.

  Finally, I came to my senses and realized that I was just standing there, gawking at the man like a crazy nitwit.

  “Uh, it’s ok. No big deal,” I said with a shrug of my shoulder. I turned around carrying on with trying to locate a book, pretending that he didn’t affect me in the slightest, but still very well aware that the handsome stranger was still watching me.

  I chose my book and headed towards the register while my eyes were trained to the ground. This was how I walked around the majority of the time. My philosophy was, if I didn’t make eye contact, then people usually wouldn’t bother me.

  When I first entered the bookstore, before the decorations jumped out at me, I smelled the distinct smell of fresh baked chocolate chip cookies. Approaching the counter, the aroma was more prominent as they were on display in the bakery case. I wasn’t one to stray from my sweets, so I mentally added them to my list.

  “Hey how are you?” The sales clerk behind the counter asked, “Maggie right? I’m Emmy, you were my nurse a little more than a year ago.”

  Forcing my gaze up towards Emmy, I instantly recognized those purple framed glasses and curly auburn hair. She was beat up by a crazed psycho. The only reason I remembered was because things like that didn’t go down here every day. She was also extremely sweet. In my profession, not everyone was always a ray of sunshine.

  She seemed nice and I could stand to branch out and make some friends around here. Things got pretty lonely, always keeping to yourself and living in a place two years and not knowing anyone.

  “Hi Emmy! So nice to see you, I didn’t know you worked here,” I replied while smiling. That was a great start.

  “I actually own Turn the Page. I haven’t been here much lately due to me being six months pregnant,” she began rubbing her belly which was obvious to me that she was with child. “And planning a wedding for after the baby is born.” I was truly envious, she had the brightest smile gracing her face. She seemed so happy, that she was lit up like a beam of sunshine.

  Placing my book on the counter, the pestering dancer approached.

  “Em did you check out her boots? They are so friggin’ cute!” He screeched. He was extremely theatrical. It took me aback seeing his in your face approach.

  The handsome stranger also approached and stood beside Mr. Pest, so my cheeks automatically felt flush as I knew they were turning a nice shade of pink.

  Peeking over the counter, Emmy looked at my shoes. They weren’t anything special and they were actually pretty cheap, being I found them in the clearance section.

  “Oooo, those are adorable! Maggie, this is my brother-in-law Toby, and the broody fella is Charlie. I think he has forgotten how to smile.” By making that statement, it didn’t earn her a smile but rather a pointed glare that would’ve even had me shaking in my boots if it was directed towards me.

  “Maggie was my nurse last year when…”

  She didn’t even have to finish that sentence, the entire air in the bookstore shifted and became extremely tense. I saw Charlie and Toby’s stance physically turn stone cold as their backs went ramrod straight.

  Not wanting to bring to the surface scenes of the past, I decided that it was high time I got out of there.

  “I’d also like two of the chocolate chip cookies please.”

  “You are going to love them, these were actually my mother’s recipe. Did your mother ever make you cookies for when you got home from school?”

  Digging into my wallet for a twenty dollar bill, that question caught me off guard and caused me to stop dead in my tracks, money suspended in midair. I had to hurry and cover the look of utter disgust on my face. I wore my emotions on my sleeve, that had always been a weakness, so trying my hardest to hide my reaction, I quietly said, “No.”

  I didn’t offer any further explanation, these people didn’t know me, didn’t know what I grew up with. If my mother ever had the common decency to make me chocolate chip cookies, my first initial thought would be that they were poisonous. My mother didn’t have one motherly instinct or bone in her degenerate body.

  I felt everyone’s eyes on me as the air was still thunderously thick. I slapped down my money, grabbed my book, and fled, leaving my change and cookies in the dust.

  Pushing the door open, the cool air that hit my face was welcomed compared to the uncomfortable heat of the bookstore. My heart was pounding in my ears as I walked as fast as my legs would carry me without running.

  My stupid messed up family was still causing me embarrassment to this day. Why couldn’t I have been born into a family full of love and normalcy? Why did I get singled out on love, why couldn’t anyone love me?

  I was physically jerked away from my thoughts as a hand landed on my arm, precisely in the spot where there was a nice bruise the size of Mason’s fist. I gasped in horror as I flinched away from the person’s grasp.

  Bracing myself for whatever was coming next, I wasn’t expecting it to be who it was.

  “Are you ok, Maggie?” Charlie asked, his voice laced with concern.

  “Yeah, you just startled me.” I said trying to cover up my reaction. “Was there something you wanted?”

  “You forgot your cookies and change. You left pretty abruptly, are you sure you’re ok?”

  Was I sure I was ok? Of course I w
asn’t ok. Nothing in my life had ever been ok. “Of course, I’m fine,” the lie came easily off of my lips, “I just remembered something that I had to do.”

  Taking the bag from his grasp, my hand accidentally brushed his and a jolt of electricity ricocheted throughout my body.

  His piercing eyes were focused solely on mine. My breathing quickened and I visibly flinched back when he slowly raised his hand towards my face. He continued his journey with his hand and gently brushed a strand of hair from my forehead. His fingers lingered on my soft skin longer than what I was comfortable with. He didn’t seem to be concerned with the length of time he spent touching my face as he trailed his fingertips from my temple down to the nape of my neck.

  “Maggie,” he whispered.

  I didn’t know this guy, and already he was invading my personal space. Sure there was a spark there and he was insanely good looking, but that didn’t warrant him to be so forward. His caress was more than I could handle, so I took a step back forcing him to drop his hand down to his side.

  “I need to go.” I spun on my heel and continued on my way home, silently freaking out about what just went on with Charlie and his nearness.

  I didn’t even realize that I forgot the milk, again.


  I stood here rooted in the exact same spot where Maggie was just moments ago, still staring at her retreating form. The way she flinched whenever I grabbed her arm sent up all sorts of red flags. I shouldn’t have approached her like I did, but I called after her several times, she was inside of her own head and completely unaware of her surroundings.

  I didn’t expect to come on so strong, but being that close to her and inhaling her scent, fresh peaches and cream, it was hard to resist. Her voice, so sweet and sultry could’ve brought me to my knees. And don’t even get me started on her lips. Her lips were begging for attention, I could spend hours tracing her lips and the lines of her face with my tongue.


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