Runaway Love

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Runaway Love Page 15

by Amber Nation

  “What’s to say he doesn’t already? You never know until he comes out and says it. You love him but you haven’t said anything to him yet, I’m assuming?” I nodded my head in affirmative. I’m not putting myself out on a limb with the off chance of being struck down. I’ll keep my feelings bottled up tightly until the right time. “Shit, I’ve even professed my love to Gio, it completely backfired, but I’m just not one to keep my feelings inside. I kept my feelings towards men inside for too long and it didn’t do any bit of good. My parents were still appalled, so I vowed to never sit on my emotions. Hell, I even admitted that I was in love with Grady and I knew he was straight. Of course that was more jokingly than anything but, he is one fine specimen of a man.”

  I couldn’t contain the chuckle that came bubbling out of my mouth. “He is pretty hot, huh. Don’t get me wrong, Charlie is…There are no words for his level of attractiveness, but Grady is up there.” I continued giggling.

  “Charlie is more ruggedly than Grady. But neither of them compare to Gio.” The sadness was back in his eyes, I needed to lighten up the mood a bit and get his mind off of Giovanni.

  I rubbed my hands up and down my jeans and said loudly for everyone to hear, “So…This ”Better than Sex” cake, is it really better than sex?”

  Tessa, Emmalynne, and Toby each looked at each other and burst out laughing. “No doll,” Toby said, through his fit of laughter, “nothing is better than sex, but this comes pretty damn close.”

  “Well, I have nothing to compare it to.” I defended sheepishly, while shrugging my shoulders, “Hopefully that’ll change.” Emmy walked over bringing me a slice of what looked like sin on a plate. This chocolate cake had chocolate and caramel sauce oozing from every nook and cranny. On top, it was lathered with whipped topping and had bits of a toffee candy bar covering the entire surface. I was drooling at the sight of it. This one slice HAD to be several hundred calories, but I could tell that it would be worth every single crumb.

  “Well, don’t just eye the cake, take it, and eat it,” Emmy annunciated slowly as she shoved the plate in my face. I gladly accepted and took an extremely generous bite. My eyes automatically closed as my lips wrapped around the fork. I took my time savoring the flavor as I removed the tines from my mouth.

  I think I had a mini orgasm as a small moan escaped from the back of my throat. Sex really had a lot to live up to if it was better than this cake. But without actually having sex in the first place, I had nothing to compare it to, like I said.

  I finally opened my eyes to see Emmy’s eyes creased and a smile playing on her lips. “Good huh?” she asked once I finally regained my bearings.

  I took yet another bite and nodded my head as I said with a mouthful, “You better flipping believe it.” I finished chewing and swallowed the bite that I had before I continued, “I hope you guys are right and the name of this cake is totally wrong. If sex is better than this cake, I may never ever let Charlie leave my room. And if it isn’t, Emmy you are making me about five more of these cakes, GOD, it is amazing.” I giggled while I licked the tines of the fork to make sure every single morsel was devoured.

  “And to think just a few months ago our Maggie wouldn’t have even made a peep. Now here she is talking about keeping Charlie trapped in her bedroom as her own personal sex slave, and didn’t even blush. Our Maggie is growing up,” Tessa joked as she cradled her joined hands under her chin and batted her lashes.

  “What?” I instantly jerked towards her, “I never said anything about Charlie being my sex slave. Wait who am I kidding? If it is half as good as this cake, it’s on.”

  “Well speaking of it’s on, we’ve got to get moving and getting you transformed into an irresistible siren!” Toby said as he sauntered into my bedroom, do doubt heading straight for my closet.

  “Yes,” Tessa said as she came up to me and sifted her fingers through my hair, “I want to give you lots of curls.”

  Emmy pulled out a barstool and pointed to it and directed me to sit. I eyed her warily wondering what her part would be in all of this.

  “Don’t give me that look. This is where I sit out. You don’t want me doing your hair or makeup. I lack that skill. I brought the dessert that’s the extent of my abilities.”

  Emmy always sold herself short. She was amazing and seriously one of the sweetest people you ever met. She and Grady couldn’t be more perfect for each other. I made my way to the stool and she propped herself up on the stool next to me and began absentmindedly rubbing her growing belly.

  It got me thinking if I would ever be lucky enough to have a baby, and if I would be a good mother. I would certainly like to think so, but I couldn’t say that I had anywhere near great role models. I would’ve honestly been better off being raised by wolves. At least they didn’t abandon their young.

  Toby came strutting back in from my bedroom with a dress bag thrown over one shoulder and a pair of nude pumps dangling from his other hand. “I found the most fabulous dress hanging in your closet and it still had the tags on it. It would be a crime if you let it sit in your closet unworn any longer.”

  I automatically knew which dress he was referring to. Gio had bought me that dress on a whim. He said the color of the dress against my skin would look brilliantly together. I guess I was a lot like Emmalynne, I didn’t have the skills it took to make myself look glamorous, minimal makeup I could do. And when I went shopping I went straight to the sales and clearance rack. Once I had found out how much Gio spent on that dress, I felt guilty and could never bring myself to wear it. But I guess this was as good of time as any. I deserved to feel beautiful and special for a night.

  I sat as still as I could as Toby tweezed my eyebrows to the point of pain which caused my eyes to water. He then layered on several different shades of eye shadow, traced my lashes with eyeliner, and applied copious amounts of mascara. I felt immediate relief when my eyes opened without my lashes being stuck to one another.

  He was so focused on his work as he finished up my makeup. Meanwhile, Tessa yanked my hair as she curled it and only managed a slight burn on the hairline at the nape of my neck. I supposed it could’ve been worse, so I didn’t see reason to fuss about it too much. All in all I couldn’t wait to see everything finished.

  I had to blot my lipstick on a folded piece of paper towel that Toby was holding, afterwards he tossed it on the counter and said, “Voila and we are done. Go and get that dress on but first put on some sexy underwear.”

  For some reason that comment made me blush. I didn’t own sexy undergarments, I wouldn’t say that I wore granny panties, but they wouldn’t constitute as cutesy panties with silk and bows. So needless to say, I had to make a trip out to purchase some necessities.

  I carefully stepped my feet into the opening and slid the material up the length of my body so I wouldn’t mess up my hair or makeup. This particular dress Toby picked out had a built-in bra since the top portion of it was made to look like a bustier, but it unzipped right in the middle of my breasts right down to the black belt that was cinched at my waist. I almost felt a bit scandalous wearing it sans bra and with the length hitting mid-thigh. I hoped to hell that I didn’t look like a floozy and that Charlie wouldn’t be embarrassed to be seen with me.

  The color of the dress was a deep red and Gio was right, against the paleness of my skin, it looked great. The skirt portion of the dress was sheer with a lace underlay and swayed against my thighs with each and every movement.

  I slid my feet into the sole of my nude pumps one at a time, and I sent up a silent prayer that I wouldn’t trip and make a fool of myself or worse, break my ankle. Knowing me and my luck it would happen.

  I opened my bedroom door and sauntered down the hallway with a little pep in my step, excited to see the end result.

  I halted my steps in the middle of the living room and right in front of where the gang was seated on the couch when Toby whistled the illustrious wolf whistle. He then motioned with his finger twirling it around in the air,
indicating that he wanted me to turn in a circle.

  I slowly turned trying to do my best model impersonation. “Well, how do I look?” I asked, but if Toby’s whistle was anything to go by, then I think he approved.

  “Yowza!” Was all that Emmy could say.

  “Double Yowza,” Tessa immediately agreed.

  “Maggie?” Charlie said from behind me snapping me out of my reminiscence of earlier activities.

  “Uh yeah, I’m sorry,” I apologized, for spacing out on such a pivotal moment.

  He slowly took his hand and slipped my hair over to one side as he brought his lips closer and nipped my bare neck. “Are you ok baby? Because we don’t have to do this?” He expressed with such concern in his voice as he nipped at my neck again.

  I didn’t even realize that I was slightly trembling from my nerves taking over. But his little nips to my neck instantly made the temperature rise within my living room, causing me to quickly forget all about my fears.

  I was here with Charlie, he would take care of me. I didn’t think he would ever do anything to hurt me. I felt safe around him and cared for, for the first time in my life, I was cherished. To Charlie I was the most beautiful woman in the world and he never ever let me forget it.

  I turned towards him, slipping into his awaiting arms and cradled his strong jaw in my hands. “Charlie, I trust you, I want this…with you. Only with you.”

  I felt his jaw tense up for a brief moment before he visibly relaxed and sighed, “Maggie…” He seemed to pause while his brow furrowed a bit almost as if he was second guessing his actions. Finally he spoke so incredibly softly that I almost couldn’t hear him, “Maggie, I love you.”

  Hearing those three little words come past his lips made everything right in the world. How those three words that I have never heard before from anyone besides Gio, filled my heart with such happiness. I never knew that I could feel like this. That this was what it felt like to be loved. I could see the love he felt for me reflected in his eyes and I hoped that he could see mine as well. I wanted to admit that I loved him as well, but I was having a hard time formulating the words. The only thing I managed to say was, “Oh Charlie,” as I jumped into his arms, bringing my lips forcefully against his.

  He walked the entire way to my bedroom blindly, feeling around on the wall with one hand because I wouldn’t let up from my assault on his perfectly formed lips. I kissed him with such passion that I wanted to subliminally send him the message through that kiss that I did indeed love him as well.

  I never thought that loving someone could be so powerful. It made me realize exactly what all I had been missing throughout my entire life. But now I didn’t need anyone else’s love, because I had Charlie’s. Having him in my life now erased all of the bad memories and failures of my parents and brother. I was exactly where I belonged.

  I felt him hit the end of the bed when he backed up a bit so he could set me down on my feet.

  He looked down at my heels, which were so tall they almost made me the same height as him. “One of these days I will fuck you wearing only these heels. It won’t be tonight, but guarantee that it’ll be soon.”

  My cheeks heated up because I had never heard this alpha male side of him before, and I was completely turned on by it. To have him take me wearing only my heels, was putting all sorts of images into my head. And if that didn’t just make me want to jump him right here.

  He looked into my eyes as he cupped a cheek with one hand, “Maggie, I love you so much. I am so insanely happy that you decided to take a chance on me, on us. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before. I completely understand if you don’t feel the same way yet, but I couldn’t take another minute without you knowing just what you mean to me.”

  A stray tear slipped out of the crease of my eye and started rolling down my cheek he quickly leaned forward to kiss it away. Then he took my lips in another sensual kiss, pushing his tongue deep within the recesses of my mouth.

  Charlie brought his hands down, caressing my face down to my neck and at long last trailing one hand down the expanse of my chest stopping at the edge of where my dress began. He fiddled with the slider part of the zipper closure, taking his time toying with it.

  “I feel like I’m getting ready to open the best damn Christmas present I’ve ever received.” He looked up at me before focusing back on teasing me with my zipper. “I want to take my time in exploring my present. I never did understand people who just ripped open their gifts in a mad rush, I always wanted to be able to savor my presents. Give them the time and attention they deserved. When so much time was spent to make the outside package so incredibly enticing.”

  I was getting so anxious for him to just hurry up and get on with the removal of my dress, I would have gladly unzipped it for him. He could sense my anticipation and started dragging the slider down the teeth of the zipper ever so slowly.

  He finally reached the bottom of my breasts and only had a little bit of zipper left to go, when his eyes snapped back up to mine, “You weren’t wearing a bra under this?” He said as the heat flared in his eyes.

  I pulled my bottom lip in between my teeth and I promptly shook my head back and forth. I almost felt as if I was being scolded instead of it being a simple question that he asked. “The back to this dress is partially exposed and it would’ve looked incredibly ridiculous if I had worn a regular bra. The bra was built into the dress hence the bustier part.”

  He jerked the zipper down to where it met the top of the black belt, and he took both hands and peeled the material back just a little, to where it uncovered my cleavage and the swell of my breasts.

  I was ready for him to be done with unwrapping his present so I could get to unwrapping mine, I was becoming a little inpatient. He turned me around to where he was able to sit on my bed and he bent to grab my calf and released my foot from the confines of the nude pump and in turn did the same with the other.

  He pulled me forward to where I was settled in between his thighs. With me still standing and without my heels his eyes were leveled with my breasts and he pressed a kiss to the center of my cleavage which caused me to tingle with delight.

  He finally peeled the thin straps of my dress down my arms and dropping the dress which finally exposed every single inch of skin except for the small portion of flesh that my panties covered.

  A small gasp left his lips as I stepped completely out of the dress that was pooled at my feet and kicked it away.

  Charlie grabbed the back of my thighs and hoisted me up and threw me on the bed while he quickly relieved himself of his shoes, socks, and then his shirt.

  I was able to take the first real look at Charlie’s expansive chest. My mouth went completely dry at the sight of him.

  “Like what you see, sweetheart?” he asked in his lighthearted tone.

  “The real question is, do you like what you see?” I thought it would be better to turn the tables on him, since he knew what he was doing and I was just winging it.

  He spread my legs apart and kneeled in between my thighs so he could settle himself on top of me. He still had his jeans on, but I could feel that he definitely liked what he saw.

  Leaning forward he took my earlobe in between his teeth and lightly pulled before he began kissing his way down towards my breasts. My nipples were already erect so he took one in between his teeth and repeated what he did to my ear. He then pulled it deep sucking on my breast while he kneaded the other one. And then showed the exact same amount of attention to the other one.

  “Are you wet for me Maggie?”

  He didn’t even have to ask, because several seconds later his hand went in between my legs and he could feel for himself just how wet I was for him. He peeled my panties down my legs then threw them off to the side before he took a finger and drug it through my slick folds.

  My back bowed off of the bed as I had never experienced such a complete rush of pleasure.

  “Did you like that Maggie?”

  “You kno
w I did, Charlie. Do it again please?” I all but begged. I wanted to feel his finger between my legs once more.

  “Do what again sweetheart? You mean this?” he said as he drug his finger across my clit and plunged it into my heat.

  “Oh yes!” I cried out. I wanted more. Needed More.

  “Since this is your first time Maggie, I’m going to need to make sure that you are good and ready for me ok, this will be all about you.”

  I nodded my head hastily showing that I understood what he said, but it was just so hard to formulate sentences or even words for that matter when he was completely giving me pleasure unlike I had ever experienced before. He added another finger into my tight core and curled his fingers up in a ‘come hither’ motion and started relentlessly rubbing along the inside of my channel.

  I could feel a quickening, which I knew to be my orgasm building since I was no stranger to receiving them from my vibrator, but this one was much more intense.

  Then Charlie promptly pulled his fingers out and stuck them deep within his mouth licking the evidence of my arousal clean from his fingers. Just seeing him savoring my desire from his hand, instantly had my face feeling flushed from embarrassment. I tried to cover my face so he couldn’t see how mortified I was at his actions also while feeling perturbed because he left me hanging on the crest of my orgasm.

  “Don’t hide from me, Maggie. There is nothing to be embarrassed about. If you were flustered by that then you really may feel the heat from this,” he said as he slid his knees towards the floor so his face to be closer to my center. He wasted no time in settling himself in between my legs as he spread open my folds revealing my weeping core. Leaning forward he inhaled right before he took a long swipe with his tongue.

  My back automatically arched off of the bed and I fisted my sheets. The feeling was so indescribable but very much welcomed. I felt him take my throbbing clit in between his teeth before he sucked. I was quickly approaching the threshold of my impending orgasm, and I hoped to God that he wouldn’t pull away and leave me hanging again.


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