Runaway Love

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Runaway Love Page 16

by Amber Nation

  He pulled back just enough to mutter, “Don’t hold back Maggie just let it go.” He plunged his tongue deep within my core as his thumb worked relentlessly on my clit.

  Before I could comprehend what he said, my orgasm exploded on his tongue. I saw stars before my eyes, and the power of that orgasm was so strong I felt as if I was on the verge of blacking out.

  After several moments, I finally came back down to earth to see the cocky smirk on Charlie’s face. Yeah, he knew he was responsible for that reaction.

  “Maggie, I could just sit here all night and listen to the little mewls and moans you make while you come. You are so sexy, Maggie.”

  Charlie quickly stood and unbuttoned his jeans and drug them along with his boxers down his legs. His arousal jutted out and I felt my eyes widen in response to his massive erection.

  I needed him now more than ever. Him giving me an amazing orgasm was just a preview of what was to come, I hoped.

  He settled on top of me resting his forearms on either side of my head. I leaned forward and captured his lips yet again. I released his mouth and made my way kissing down his neck. I needed to get my feelings out towards him before this went any further. I didn’t want to blurt it out in the throes of ecstasy and let him think that they were just words. I’ve seen in movies that the raw passion can make one say things that they didn’t mean, and in my case I meant the words mind, body, and soul.

  While I was able to find the words and actually able to get them out, I pulled back so I could look into his eyes. “Charlie?”

  “What is it sweetheart?”

  “I…” I was having a harder time saying the words. I felt it deep down within my bones, but feeling it and actually saying it aloud were two very different things. I took a deep breath and whispered, “I love you, Charlie.” Seeing the glimmering hope and relief reflect in his eyes before pure adoration made my internal freak out more than worth it.


  “Absolutely,” I giggled as I choked on a small sob. I couldn’t really believe that we were lying here professing our love to one another while being naked. I never ever in a million years dreamt that it would be like this.

  “Oh Maggie, that makes me so damn happy to hear. I love you so much.” He hitched my leg up around his hip and I immediately wrapped my other leg around him. “Are you ready, baby?”

  Was I ready? I believed I was more than ready. I nodded my head in the affirmative letting him know that I was indeed ready.

  He reached between us lining his erection up with my core and he slowly started pushing himself in. Cautiously he moved in, inch by inch, until he was resting at my barrier. “I’m hoping by my going slow that it won’t hurt you as much. That’s the last thing I want to do is hurt you, but I’m afraid it may be inevitable, so I’ll just go quickly.” He expressed his concern.

  I bit down on my bottom lip and gave him a look that was acknowledging him to go on. He pushed in quickly while clenching his teeth as a searing pain erupted. I squeezed my eyes shut tightly which in turn made my core clench by my reactions. “Maggie, relax sweetheart. I’m all the way in, I’m going to let you get used to my size but you’ve gotta relax. Your pussy is gripping my cock like a vice when you do that, and I’m afraid it’ll end truly before it even began.”

  I forced myself to relax, so I could start getting used to the fullness of Charlie being inside of me. The pain had finally started to subside and wasn’t unbearable just rather a bit on the uncomfortable side. If things didn’t get better, that cake was going to be looking more and more appealing.

  “Do you think it’ll be alright if I start to move, Maggie?” he asked a bit skeptically. I could tell that he didn’t like making me feel uncomfortable. It was hurting him to hurt me, but like he said in the end it was inevitable.

  “Yes, please move Charlie.”

  He started thrusting himself in and out, almost bringing himself completely out of my core before sliding all the way back in to the hilt.

  The pleasure finally began outweighing the discomfort and I actively began to meet him thrust for thrust. I got a bit daring and started roaming and exploring his back with my hands, taking the extra effort to feel out his delectable ass. I couldn’t wait to see it in the daytime sans clothing. I’m sure it would be ever better than I imagined.

  I could feel my orgasm getting closer as Charlie began moving faster. Gritting his teeth he bit out, “Come for me Maggie.”

  That’s all it took as I reached the peak of my orgasm, Charlie following quickly behind me.

  He got up, moving into the bathroom so he could dispose of his condom and quickly came back to the bed and tucked me up close against his side. I heard him whisper, “I love you Maggie,” before he quickly drifted off to sleep.

  I waited until I heard his even breaths and felt the soft rise and fall of his chest before I carefully wiggled myself out from underneath his arms.

  I stood back and admired him as a beam of light was illuminating through my curtains from a street lamp. He looked so beautiful lying there with a sheet covering most of his lower extremities. It was incredible the amount of love I felt for him. I honestly didn’t know what I did to survive before Charlie.

  I tiptoed my way to my bathroom, which was also in my room. I made sure to gently shut the door before I turned on the light. I stood in front of the mirror leaning against the vanity. Seeing my reflection staring back at me I looked more or less the same. Sure my hair was a frumpled, wonky mess and my cheeks were fairly flushed, but other than that I looked like the same Maggie.

  I didn’t know why I thought that losing my virginity would change the features of my face or body. I guess I could chalk it up to naivety.

  I wet a washcloth underneath the tap and began washing my face until I heard a light knock at the bathroom door. Startling me, I dropped the cloth into the sink and turned the lock on the door.

  Charlie turned the knob and came into the bathroom, a wary expression on his face as he hesitantly stopped right in front of me, still in all of his naked glory, “Are you alright baby?” He traced his thumb on my cheek, his voice lacking his normal happiness and enthusiasm.

  I looked up through my lashes and smiled. His concern was written all over his face and it was extremely heartwarming to witness. It made me love him all the more.

  “I’m fine Charlie. Actually, I’m more than fine, I’m truly happy for the first time in my life. I have you to thank for that.”

  His body instantly relaxed as he expelled the breath he was holding.

  “Are you sure? You aren’t sore or experiencing any discomfort?” He was truly worried that he had hurt me.

  My man. He was my man now in every sense of the words.

  He was mine and I was his.

  And if I didn’t just feel like the luckiest woman in the world.

  “Charlie, babe I couldn’t be better.” While I did have some minimal discomfort, which was to be expected, the joy that I felt in my heart outweighed any amount of discomfort I felt.

  He took my hand in his, tangling our fingers together and led me back into my bedroom turning off the light in the process.

  He laid down immediately, clutching my hips in his hands, pulling me towards him.

  I placed my head in the crook of his arm and curled an arm across his abdomen.

  “Is it ok if I stay tonight, Maggie?” he asked somewhat skeptically, which was silly since we were already lying in bed.

  Did he expect me to kick him out?

  He knew I had to get up early so maybe that was his hesitation.

  “Of course it’s ok Charlie. In fact I would prefer it if you never left. Just stay for always.” I said rather bluntly, which even surprised me.

  He briefly kissed my forehead and held me just a bit tighter as he said, “I hope you know that I’m never letting you go. It would absolutely decimate me if I ever had to let you go.”

  My response was simple, before I finally let the exhaustion of our events lull
ed me into the best sleep I recalled ever having, “I never asked you to.”


  Waking up, the first thing I am assaulted with is the sound of birds relentlessly chirping outside of Maggie’s window, singing their songs. I rubbed my eyes until I was able to focus on the room. Leaning over to grab my watch off of the bedside table, I was careful not to wake Maggie, who actually for once isn’t up before me. Looking at my watch as I place it around my wrist I noticed that the time was 8:14 am, which meant I’d have to wake her up soon so she could get ready for her work day.

  Maggie had been working in the Labor and Delivery Unit for about two weeks now, and I could tell that she already loved it.

  She said that she switched departments so that she didn’t have to work such long hours anymore, and although that may be true it isn’t the entire reason. She did it so she would be able to spend more time with me, making her workload go from sixteen-hour shifts to ten-hour shifts. And secretly, she did it for Emmalynne.

  Emmy begged and was persistent with her begging, for Maggie to be her nurse during delivery. In the end, she just might get her wish.

  Emmy’s due date was May tenth…

  It was currently the fifteenth.

  So to say that she hasn’t been a pleasant person to be around was a serious understatement.

  Her pregnancy hormones have run amuck and she’d been biting people’s heads off left and right.

  Think of the fiercest dragon, breathing fire towards all the townspeople who disturbed her…That was Emmalynne after her due date.

  I know you are thinking, why doesn’t she just get induced?

  No dice. She was adamant on having a natural delivery and refused to be induced.

  We were all praying that their baby came soon, most of all Grady and Tucker.

  Things with Maggie and I were great. Almost perfect actually, you know except for the major hindrance in the way, which would hopefully be resolved soon. That was just semantics.

  This fucking case had continued on for far too long, but it was hard to pursue anything when the accomplice, Mason, wouldn’t say a goddamn word as to the whereabouts of Declan Smith.

  About a week ago, I had to make an emergency trip down to Atlanta for a possible lead on Declan. It ended up being a dead end, but it caused me to be away from Brown County and Maggie for two days.

  I made it abundantly clear to Grady and Sheriff Mitchell to keep an eye on things especially Maggie while I was away.

  The hardest part of it all was coming up with a believable excuse especially because it was such a spur of the moment.

  I hated having to bring Grady into the middle of this whole ordeal, but it was inevitable since he would be the key to my solid alibi.

  So for all intents and purposes, I took Grady’s place at a “bartending conference” in Atlanta to meet with new vendors. Since Grady had to stay close, being on baby watch and all.

  He had to enlist the help of Mac, his uncle, since he was a man down behind the bar.

  Mac used to be sole owner of a then Finnegan’s Bar. He was to the point where he wanted to retire, and it just so happened that Grady was being medically discharged from the Army. Grady was more than willing to buy into the bar and step up to the challenge.

  Maggie was a little apprehensive of the last minute trip, but she didn’t outright say anything to me.

  That to me showed just how much she trusted me. Oh how I wished I deserved that level of trust.

  Even though it was a lie from omission it was still an outright lie. And once that lie was finally revealed, our relationship, as we knew it, would come crumbling down.

  For now it was like a rock teetering on the edge, ready to fall at any moment. And once it fell, which it would, it would be like a massive avalanche.

  I wish I could spare her the pain that will result from my not being forthcoming, but I was in too deep to just back out now.

  So I guess I would just let the cards fall where they may, and hoped and prayed like hell that one day she could forgive me and understand the predicament I was under, that my silence was all due to my job.

  Yeah, hopefully she would understand even if I didn’t fully understand it myself.

  I finally sat up, letting the sheet that was lying around me, pool to my waist. I completely removed it, so I could get an uninterrupted look at Maggie’s mouthwatering backside.

  No matter how she fell asleep, it never failed she would end up on her stomach.

  Take last night for example, she was cuddled up to my side, in the crook of my arm, which had to have been made with her in mind since she fit there so perfectly. And now she was flat on her stomach, her hair fanned across her face.

  It was so incredibly endearing.

  You would always see in movies, how the woman always woke up exactly how she fell asleep, and her hair and makeup be absolutely perfect.

  Not Maggie…

  Half of the time her hair would be stuck to the side of her face because of her drool.

  Oh yeah, she drooled.

  Her hair would be in complete disarray and look as if a weedwacker wouldn’t be able to tame the dishevelment. She was the epitome of a hot mess.

  But she was still the most gorgeous and desirable woman I had ever laid eyes on, no matter the time of day.

  My love for her ran so deep that I couldn’t bear to be away from her.

  The dimples at the base of her spine were begging for my tongue. So I straddled her calves, placed both hands on her hips, leaned forward and dipped my tongue into one of the indentions then focused my attention on doing the same thing on the other side.

  I began placing soft kisses along her spine, trailing up towards her neck.

  A long moan came from her, which was muffled due to her hair being over her face.

  I saw her, out of the corner of my eye, take her hand and push her hair out of her face and barely lift an eye open.

  Another “mmm” came free from her lips as I made my way up to her bare shoulder, licking and nipping during my little adventure.

  Two little moans from Maggie and my good morning assault was all it took for my dick to begin stirring.

  Covering almost every inch of her body with mine I brought my mouth down to her ear, “Good morning sleepyhead. You need to get up now if want to make it to work on time.”

  Groaning she asked, her voice still thick with sleep, which made it even more sultry than normal, “What time is it?”

  “Its 8:30, babe.”

  “8:30?” She lifted her head up off of her pillow and whimpered. “I still have plenty of time.”

  She nuzzled her face back into the warm spot in her pillow and releasing a deep, content sigh.

  Nope, not happening! She wasn’t going to go back to sleep.

  I pushed myself up off of her and off of the bed, and gave her a little swat on her ass before I started heading towards the bathroom.

  I stopped just short of the door and pivoted a little towards her. She needed a little enticing, “Suit yourself, sweetheart, go ahead and go back to sleep. I was in the mood for some fun in the shower, but I can take care of things myself…” I trailed off at the end of my sentence, acting nonchalant about the whole situation. She was the one who told me she wanted sex in the shower, I was just trying to fulfill her every desire.

  I made sure to leave the bathroom door standing wide open so she could hear… Every. Single. Sound. That would float from within.

  But I knew Maggie, she would be following me into the bathroom anytime now.

  I reached into the shower, turning the water on so it could become warm as I quickly brushed my teeth.

  Standing underneath the spray with my eyes closed, I heard the rustling of the shower curtain then a pair of hands splaying across my ass.

  “I do love your ass, Charlie.” Maggie said as she made her way to stand in front of me, caressing my skin in her wake.

  “Hmm…” I said as I took my time gently kissing her freckles along t
he sweep of her cheeks and the bridge of her nose. “I was thinking the exact same thing about yours this morning.”

  I crashed my mouth down on hers, not being able to hold out on the temptation that was standing right before me, kissing her with all that I had.

  Grabbing her ass with both hands, I hoisted her up and her legs immediately wrapped around me, locking at her ankles. She was holding onto me as if she could she would jump inside my body, I was her lifeline.

  I pushed her up against the cool tile, propping her up making it easier for me to access her neck. Dragging my teeth across her collarbone, the mixture of the taste of her skin and the droplets of water made me want to take my time savoring every single delectable inch of her body.

  I didn’t think I could ever get my fill of Maggie.

  But today I couldn’t take my time like I often longed to do, she had to be at work soon and there was absolutely no convincing her to be late.

  “Charlie, I need you,” she panted. The temperature in the shower seemed to raise several degrees. With the steam from the hot shower, the mixture of heat from our bodies mingling together, and the power of her words it was amazing that I was able to stay upright instead of passing out from heat stroke.

  My pelvis was continuously grinding up against her center almost automatically. Every part of my body knew where it wanted to be, where it belonged.

  “Please Charlie. Hurry…” I didn’t think that it was possible to get any hotter, but I was wrong. Just the tone and the desperation in her voice almost brought me to my knees. Not wanting to keep her waiting, I aligned my dick and pressed in deep to her core.

  Taking her this way was deeper than I’d ever experienced. We were connected and joined as one.

  Pumping feverishly into her I began to feel her inner walls start to contract. She was getting close.

  “Babe as much as I don’t want to, we need to stop. I don’t have a condom on.” Being inside her without a barrier was incredible, and such an indescribable feeling and it really didn’t bother me one way or another if I had a condom on or not, it wasn’t that much of a hindrance.


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